View Full Version : Who Or What Killed Kurt Cobain? Case Reopened

20th September 2015, 09:31 AM
I love Nirvana

just stumbled upon it and will listen later today...
Who Or What Killed Kurt Cobain? Case Reopened In Search Of Justice For Him & Others.


midnight rambler
20th September 2015, 09:36 AM
If you haven't seen the movie Soaked in Bleach yet, then if you're curious I suggest you do.


Half Sense
20th September 2015, 09:38 AM
Dat bitch Courtney killed him with a needle.

midnight rambler
20th September 2015, 10:07 AM
Dat bitch Courtney killed him with a needle.

Indeed, she was going to miss out on hundred$ of million$ if he had had a chance to change his will.

20th September 2015, 10:51 AM
Probably died from eating all that cancer when they turned black.

20th September 2015, 11:06 AM
The whole nirvana thing did a lot to make white kids want to emulate non productive losers. Give me 80's metal or hair bands any day, they at least got laid.

20th September 2015, 11:14 AM
The whole nirvana thing did a lot to make white kids want to emulate non productive losers. Give me 80's metal or hair bands any day, they at least got laid.

Because being productive for corporate conformity has worked out so well?

Hair bands of the 80s always came off as a bunch of fags to me. Long hair wearing spandix, maybe they did get laid but was it straight? lol

20th September 2015, 11:23 AM
Because being productive for corporate conformity has worked out so well?

Hair bands of the 80s always came off as a bunch of fags to me. Long hair wearing spandix, maybe they did get laid but was it straight? lol

Agree about the corporate angle and not saying they didnt look ridiculous sometimes, but give it 20 years, all they crap thats "popular" now will look stupid too, already does if you ask me.

These guys were pussies, but seem like they go for women and probably had more than their share.


Not to mention I think the anti corporate angle was really very corporate controlled.

Bet old Curt's pissed I posted a Warrant video in his thread lol

20th September 2015, 11:39 AM
Agree about the corporate angle and not saying they didnt look ridiculous sometimes, but give it 20 years, all they crap thats "popular" now will look stupid too, already does if you ask me.

Smells Like Teen Spirit was released over 20 years ago as was the album Nevermind. Personal opinion I don't think they look or sound stupid even 20+ years later. With that said though I did look back on some of the other bands I liked as a kid and was like WTF?

These guys were pussies, but seem like they go for women and probably had more than their share.


Don't forget White Snake... LOL

Not to mention I think the anti corporate angle was really very corporate controlled.

Most definitely, that was the time before the internet. If your band didn't play by the corporate rules you didn't get published. Now all a band has to do is post a song on YouTube, iHeartRadio, Pandora, Facebook, MySpace etc. Record companies I don't think will be around in 10-15 years if that. They are a dying industry.

Bet old Curt's pissed I posted a Warrant video in his thread lol

LOL Don't think he would care. Kurt didn't really care for his status as a "Rock icon" and I think it played into his own depression /anxiety.

20th September 2015, 11:47 AM
With all the BS music and media propaganda these days I wish there still was a band around named White Snake, would be a slap in the face of the whole black thug shit.

Sorry to have hi jacked the thread I'll cut it out now

20th September 2015, 12:01 PM
If you haven't seen the movie Soaked in Bleach yet, then if you're curious I suggest you do.


Downloaded and watching right now... lol

20th September 2015, 01:07 PM
Interesting... The detective Courtney hired just heard about the "Green house" where Kurt died and went to the scene to talk to the head detective. He comments that the detective was too busy to meet with him. Then he goes on to say that the detective would/should have held him until there was time to talk... especially since we were in the house the night before. How can that be if this was the first he heard of the house? @ about 45 minutes in.

midnight rambler
20th September 2015, 02:28 PM
Interesting... The detective Courtney hired just heard about the "Green house" where Kurt died and went to the scene to talk to the head detective. He comments that the detective was too busy to meet with him. Then he goes on to say that the detective would/should have held him until there was time to talk... especially since we were in the house the night before. How can that be if this was the first he heard of the house? @ about 45 minutes in.

Grant was there the night before but he didn't search the greenhouse behind the main house because it was dark and he didn't see or know that the greenhouse was there he was only looking in the main house to ascertain Cobain's whereabouts. Grant didn't become aware of the greenhouse behind the main house until he saw the cops there investigating.

20th September 2015, 08:07 PM
his bitch was typical monarch slave -- famous with no talent, mental breakdowns, emancipated from parents as a teen (who put her into the program)

21st September 2015, 01:12 AM
The greenhouse was right on top of the garage, you parked right in front to go in the house. It was in plain site. Any good pi would search the garage too because lots of people kill themselves in cars. He is either stupid or lying.

21st September 2015, 04:57 AM

No idea. Probably somebody influential in the music industry.

This picture is from the In utero album. (In route? to 911?)

21st September 2015, 05:18 AM


21st September 2015, 11:24 PM
People are forgetting that courtney could not control the intire SPD there were some heavy hitters involved with this. Courtney had lots of help.

22nd September 2015, 07:17 AM
watched soaked in bleach... the most astounding detail in my view, is how can one use a gun with 3 times the amount of an overdose in one's blood... not to mention the bullet shell that miraculously ricocheted to the other side of the body by itself. Thats enough to reopen the case.

mick silver
22nd September 2015, 02:50 PM
anyway it go's I don't give a fick . right now I am more worry about the living . what he did was a cheap way out

midnight rambler
22nd September 2015, 03:30 PM
anyway it go's I don't give a fick . right now I am more worry about the living . what he did was a cheap way out

His estate at the time was valued in the hundreds of millions (which included future sales) so apparently he was in someone's way (the central character and prime suspect with the most to lose had he cut her out of his will being Courtney Love). He didn't 'take the cheap way out' as you put it. With respect to the living being killed, many are routinely killed for a whole lot less.

mick silver
23rd September 2015, 04:10 AM
was you there . he was a junkie

23rd September 2015, 10:53 AM
was you there . he was a junkie

Mick, watch that movie soaked in bleach. There is much more to it than just heroin.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2015, 11:02 AM
was you there . he was a junkie

How does anyone with three times the lethal dose of heroin in their system commit suicide with a shotgun blast to the face? Virtually impossible - someone with that level of heroin in their body from an IV injection wouldn't have been able to hardly move, much less pick up a shotgun and use it on themself. (the wound from the shotgun blast in this case would not have necessarily been a mortal wound)

23rd September 2015, 01:10 PM
right: who needs a gun after such a massive heroin/methadone lethal dose anyway ???

23rd September 2015, 02:08 PM
Just one question... 3 times the lethal dose of heroin, is that the dose based on someone who has used a lot of heroin, and built up a resistance (like Cobain), or is it the dose required to kill off the average non-heroin user? Someone who built up a resistance through regular and increasing doses of heroin would probably need 10 times as much or even more than that to die than the equivalent non-user. And then you could have large individual differences within users also...

Further, if you had injected a dose which would be certain to kill even a heavy user like Kurt Cobain, then why would you go through the trouble of shooting him with a shotgun after that? Wouldn't it be much safer from a murders point of view, just to shoot up more heroin in him, if he against the odds would continue breathing?

midnight rambler
23rd September 2015, 02:12 PM
would probably need

IIRC this was covered in the movie Soaked in Bleach.

What are your qualifications in rendering an opinion on the habitual use of opiates?

23rd September 2015, 02:12 PM
Just one question... 3 times the lethal dose of heroin, is that the dose based on someone who has used a lot of heroin, and built up a resistance (like Cobain), or is it the dose required to kill off the average non-heroin user? Someone who built up a resistance through regular and increasing doses of heroin would probably need 10 times as much or even more than that to die than the equivalent non-user. And then you could have large individual differences within users also...

IIRC the movie said 15 times as much for a normal person, 3 times as much for a heavy user.

23rd September 2015, 02:17 PM
IIRC this was covered in the movie Soaked in Bleach.

What are your qualifications in rendering an opinion on the habitual use of opiates?
I am not an expert by any means. But I did have a course in pharmacology when I studied Chiropractic... The building up of a resistance to drugs is a well known phenomena.

23rd September 2015, 02:32 PM
IIRC the movie said 15 times as much for a normal person, 3 times as much for a heavy user.
This says that a habitual heavy user can tolerate 100 times the dose of a normal person:

tolerance develops early to the euphoria-producing effects of opioids. There also is tolerance to the respiratory depressant, analgesic, sedative, and emetic properties. Heroin users tend to increase their daily dose, depending on their financial resources and the availability of the drug. If a supply is available, the dose can be increased progressively 100 times. Even in highly tolerant individuals, the possibility of overdose remains if tolerance is exceeded. Overdose is likely to occur when potency of the street sample is unexpectedly high or when the heroin is mixed with a far more potent opioid, such as fentanyl.
[Hardman, J.G., L.E. Limbird, P.B., A.G. Gilman. Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 11th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2006., p. 618] **PEER REVIEWED**

23rd September 2015, 02:42 PM
Heroin users tend to increase their daily dose, depending on their financial resources and the availability of the drug. If a supply is available, the dose can be increased progressively 100 times
It seems Kurt Cobain fulfilled the criteria... 15 times the lethal dose of a normal person may have only been 1/7th of Kurt Cobains lethal dose, he could have been fully able to handle the shot gun...

23rd September 2015, 02:50 PM
he did NOT handle the shot gun , watch the movie, neuro... there are other evidences against him shooting himself. Where landed the bullet shell to start with, courtney's fakery, behavior of forensic inspector, several friends saying he was not suicidal, etc.

I was listening with one ear while editing my book, rewinding when I thought I had to.

23rd September 2015, 02:58 PM
he did NOT handle the shot gun , watch the movie, neuro... there are other evidences against him shooting himself. Where landed the bullet shell to start with, courtney's fakery, behavior of forensic inspector, several friends saying he was not suicidal, etc.

I was listening with one ear while editing my book, rewinding when I thought I had to.
Possible, but if this movie is wrong about such an essential point as not being able to handle a shotgun because he was already in a coma seconds away from death due to respiratory depression (yes that is what happens with 3 times the lethal dose), I wouldn't trust the rest of their "facts" either. But sure Courtney Love is certainly a likely killer too. Having the motive and the psyche for it no doubt.

23rd September 2015, 03:35 PM
why because you think you can assess cobain's level of addiction while the private investigator had direct access to medical reports and the real cobain health state at his death.... ;D

the private investigator goes at length about his findings and unless you listen to them all, your 2 cents based on what is said in this thread cannot outweigh his conclusions

or maybe you were close pal with cobain and knew about his heroin consumption?

I have seen real dead-end junkies in my life and all of them looked much much much worse than cobain, however cobain while not always looking well, still had an appeal.

mick silver
23rd September 2015, 07:05 PM
its a made up movie about 20 years there people out there in jew world looking to make money