View Full Version : You Can't Have Solar Without Silver

22nd September 2015, 11:28 AM
You Can't Have Solar Without Silver (http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2014/08/29/no-silver-no-solar/14756397/)

From USA Today, August 2014.

"The average solar panel actually uses about two-thirds of an ounce of silver, which is about 20 grams."

So, what does a typical solar panel cost? I'm wondering about price elasticity. Retail price of silver is about $18, so this says a panel needs $12 of silver at today's price. What fraction of the total panel price is $12? What silver price could it absorb and remain cost effective?

22nd September 2015, 12:24 PM
I doubt my A3 size 20 Watt solar panel uses 2/3 of an ounce of silver, it costed me about $35, 2 years ago the raw silver would have costed about $15 alone. Why the fuck can't they state what size the average solar panel is when they write?

22nd September 2015, 05:48 PM
Nowadays the average PV panel sold is 200 watts or more. My new ones are 280 watt.

22nd September 2015, 07:17 PM
I doubt my A3 size 20 Watt solar panel uses 2/3 of an ounce of silver, it costed me about $35, 2 years ago the raw silver would have costed about $15 alone. Why the fuck can't they state what size the average solar panel is when they write?

Yeah, it would have been helpful for them to have answered my question, i.e. what portion of the cost is silver. More shoddy journalism.

22nd September 2015, 07:47 PM
This guy uses a plastic bottle.


22nd September 2015, 07:55 PM
Light pipes!

Neat ideal but only good when the sun shines

The same can apply to solar panels, but..... !



Best I can find is silver use is close to 0.01 cent per watt!

And 0.10 grams per Watt ( 1 tenth of a gram) ?

Hope that answers your question!

Or at least in the ballpark!

Sent from my Nexus 7

22nd September 2015, 10:42 PM
Light pipes!

Neat ideal but only good when the sun shines

The same can apply to solar panels, but..... !



Best I can find is silver use is close to 0.01 cent per watt!

And 0.10 grams per Watt ( 1 tenth of a gram) ?

Hope that answers your question!

Or at least in the ballpark!

Sent from my Nexus 7
So about 2 grams of silver in my 20 watt panel or $0.2? But a gram of silver would be $0.5 so if it is 2 grams it should cost $1 aproximately