View Full Version : In Los Angeles, the 60,000 homeless are everywhere, ‘state of emergency’ declared

25th September 2015, 01:54 PM
sounds and reads like a very bad zombie movie
The third world side of the American dream: In Los Angeles, the 60,000 homeless are everywhere as municipal officials declare a ‘state of emergency’
By David Icke on 25th September 2015


On Tuesday, after acknowledging their failure in stemming the surge of homelessness in the city, municipal officials in Los Angeles, California took the drastic step of announcing they were declaring a "state of emergency."
In Los Angeles, the homeless are everywhere.

From encampments in freeway underpasses, to the high-value streets of Venice, they live in clusters of tents, or under tarpaulins spread over shopping carts, in parking lots and neighborhoods from downtown's skid row to Studio City and beyond, this is where the homeless live.

The announcement from Mayor Eric Garcetti and seven members of the City Council was powerful in that it resonated loudly in a city that has seen an 85 percent increase in the homeless in just two years.

Besides opting to declare a state of emergency over the crisis, the Mayor also wants to "free up" $100 million to devote to the problem.
The announcement comes after the mayor's directive made Monday evening that the city free up an additional $13 million over the next few months to help those people living in the streets.

Fox News reported the mayor said, "These are our fellow Angelinos.
They are those who have no other place to go, and they are literally here where we work, a symbol of our city's intense crisis."

Councilman Jose Huizar, who co-chairs the City Council's homelessness and poverty committee told Fox News that six blocks away from City Hall is the largest concentration of homeless people in the country.

"There are about 4,000 of them living in Skid Row," he said.
"Unfortunately, that is just a small percentage of the city's homeless population," he continued.

"Yes, 85 percent of the city's homeless population lives outside of Skid Row, throughout the city." Councilman Mike Bonin was quoted by the LA Times:
"It's time to get real, because this is literally a matter of life and death."
He spoke of the failure at every government level in dealing with a homeless problem that has been going on for years.

To give you an idea what 60,000 people look like, the Arsenal football stadium in England holds 60,000
He added, now it had grown into an explosive issue.
But not all is well with the Mayor's plan.



25th September 2015, 02:04 PM
chasing money at every level of society eventually leads to t this
Civilised country? London Homeless sleeping on buses as crisis deepens
25th September 2015
,].......... Some 55,090 households were designated as homeless by councils between July 2014 and June this year, compared to 39,480 during the same period in 2009/2010.

Fears have mounted that the number of families living in emergency bed and breakfast accommodation will continue to rise unsustainably. Their number rose 25 percent in the past year, from 2,130 in 2014 to 2,660 this year.

Shelter chief executive Campbell Robb blamed cuts to welfare for the rise.

“Deeper cuts to welfare will do no more than add fuel to the fire of this growing crisis,” he said.

“The only way for the government to break the cycle of homelessness, is to invest in building homes that people on lower incomes can actually afford.”...
Some 55,090 households were designated as homeless by councils between July 2014 and June this year, compared to 39,480 during the same period in 2009/2010.

Fears have mounted that the number of families living in emergency bed and breakfast accommodation will continue to rise unsustainably. Their number rose 25 percent in the past year, from 2,130 in 2014 to 2,660 this year.

Shelter chief executive Campbell Robb blamed cuts to welfare for the rise.

“Deeper cuts to welfare will do no more than add fuel to the fire of this growing crisis,” he said.

“The only way for the government to break the cycle of homelessness, is to invest in building homes that people on lower incomes can actually affo


25th September 2015, 02:12 PM
Seems like this song fits very well with what is happening now..

Funny about wheels turning and for every wheel that rolls 360 degrees are covered , so the start becomes the finish and then repeats!



25th September 2015, 02:36 PM
12 million people in the middle of the desert with a 3 day supply of food and water.

real good planning.

with Shabbas Goyim - Saudi Princes - tearing up the pavement in Beverly Hills in their million dollar cars.

And of course, there's Malibu.

what could possibly go wrong ?

in some way those homeless folks have got to be like the 'canary in the coal mine'.

actually, it could be an emergency with them needing to use the restroom, every day.
bit of a logistical situation.

25th September 2015, 02:50 PM
A lot of those people would be employable if minimum wage laws didn't exist.

25th September 2015, 02:54 PM
If only we had more Diversity™ this wouldn't be happening. There's simply too many White people.

mick silver
25th September 2015, 05:41 PM

25th September 2015, 05:59 PM
What Los Angeles needs are a few thousands Syrian war refugees from Somalia and Libya. :cool:

25th September 2015, 06:39 PM
Hopefully they'll be putting out a pooh map for Los Angeles too, soon...

Poop map shows scale of San Francisco's human tragedy

So this is where all the public pooping in San Francisco happens...

http://rack.0.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDE0LzExLzIyLzA0L3Bvb3AuNjMwNTcuanBnCnAJdGh1bW IJOTUweDUzNCMKZQlqcGc/4e50a38e/f03/poop.jpg

It's common knowledge that San Francisco has a serious homelessness problem. Estimates of the size of the city's streetbound population vary between 6,000 and 10,000, depending on the source. But that population, largely confined to a few nonresidential downtown neighborhoods, can too easily become invisible to most residents.

One thing isn't invisible, however: the problem of human poop on sidewalks. Since the city slashed funding for Parks and Recreation in 2009, there's a distinct shortage of working public bathrooms. And that led to a spike in reports of public pooping to the city's 311 help line.

Web developer Jennifer Wong (a.k.a. mochimachine) created the Human Wasteland map out of that public data. The project, which won Zillow's SF office Fall 2014 Hack Week contest, offers monthly maps from January to June 2013 — but that's enough to give you a sense of where the problem is.

"It's easy for people to place blame on the homeless themselves," Wong tells Mashable. "But they need to take a look at the bigger picture and see that they have nowhere to go, to sleep, use the toilet, to shower ... the obvious solution is to provide more public facilities throughout the city. Just six months of data is enough to show where there is the greatest need."

Some entrepreneurs and nonprofits are attempting to address the problem by novel means — such as the Google-funded Lava Mae, which converts old buses into mobile shower and toilet stations.

"The city is making some moves in the right direction," Wong says. "But there has been and is still a long, long way to go."

The map was first reported by The Bold Italic, which also published this excellent backgrounder on the city by the Bay's big poop problem last year.


26th September 2015, 11:25 AM
chasing money at every level of society eventually leads to t this

So, it is evil capitalism to you?

26th September 2015, 12:30 PM
spectrism, look at my sig... it is all about electromagnetism... negative and positive must even out. Profits are thus an illusion. The shabby secret of the NWO, they took over because they know HOW Nature/Cosmos works

infamous mason francis bacon: to command Nature one must obey Her first.

my judgement now goes along with the Natural Laws. The real Laws. Man's laws are all a scam/deception therefore

26th September 2015, 01:06 PM
Hopefully they'll be putting out a pooh map for Los Angeles too, soon...

The map was first reported by The Bold Italic, which also published this excellent backgrounder on the city by the Bay's big poop problem last year.



26th September 2015, 01:36 PM
A lot of those people would be employable if minimum wage laws didn't exist.

WTF? That sounds very Cuckservative.

26th September 2015, 02:01 PM
spectrism, look at my sig... it is all about electromagnetism... negative and positive must even out. Profits are thus an illusion. The shabby secret of the NWO, they took over because they know HOW Nature/Cosmos works

infamous mason francis bacon: to command Nature one must obey Her first.

my judgement now goes along with the Natural Laws. The real Laws. Man's laws are all a scam/deception therefore

I know this is a dumb question, but are you batshit crazy?

26th September 2015, 02:09 PM
Hopefully they'll be putting out a pooh map for Los Angeles too, soon...

Poop map shows scale of San Francisco's human tragedy

So this is where all the public pooping in San Francisco happens...

EE. Did you really have to include the picture of the guy wiping his ass in your post? People actually look at and read posts on this forum.

Most of the poop on that poop map is in the Tenderloin area of San Francisco. Lot's of homeless there, and not so nice of an area. I work with a guy who lives there. He rents a 500 square foot one room apartment for $2100 a month. I'll have to ask him if it's really that bad, poop wise.

26th September 2015, 02:12 PM
This is sounding like Liberia. Oh, and for singularity- they are not real big on free market capitalists there.


26th September 2015, 02:25 PM
EE. Did you really have to include the picture of the guy wiping his ass in your post? People actually look at and read posts on this forum.

Yes. This is a family website !

I have the solution - let the Yuppies adopt the Homeless. Like Dogs, but different.

Then they will legally be required to pick up after their Homeless.

Or - since it's San Francisco - couldn't they have a big Homo-Owner's Association ?

Let the HOA take care of it.

Or - hire the homeless to pick up the homeless poop. Pay them in Obama-dollars.

26th September 2015, 04:06 PM
chasing money at every level of society eventually leads to t this

No, usury does.

26th September 2015, 04:10 PM
Yes. This is a family website !

I have the solution - let the Yuppies adopt the Homeless. Like Dogs, but different.

Then they will legally be required to pick up after their Homeless.

Or - since it's San Francisco - couldn't they have a big Homo-Owner's Association ?

Let the HOA take care of it.

Or - hire the homeless to pick up the homeless poop. Pay them in Obama-dollars.

I reckon in the not too distant future, anyone with a spare room will be required to adopt a homeless.
It'll begin in the cities and spread to the suburbs. Of course there will be exceptions. For instance those with diplomatic immunity.

It'll be fun. You'll be issued at least one homeless, and if you're lucky you'll get a nice little mutt that doesn't shit on the rug. Of course, there
will be the proper protocols and screening procedures designed by the army of UN social technocrats already being trained in education facilities world wide, to weed out the scary violent currently privileged white ones, who we all know are sort of like the pit bulls of the homeless realm. :)

28th September 2015, 11:12 AM
and they all thought that gov jobs are safe
Hundreds of full-time New York City workers are homeless

Published: Sept 21, 2015

It’s a grueling job, says the veteran Parks Department maintenance worker, but also a welcome escape from the uncertainty of living on the streets as one of the city’s more than 300 full-time workers who are homeless.


28th September 2015, 03:04 PM
WTF? That sounds very Cuckservative.

Cuckservative? I believe that some of those people are homeless because they aren't worth $15/hr or whatever the current minimum wage in LA is. A group of 4 or 5 people making $7-10 or so an hour can afford to live in an apartment together. I think that would be a better solution than welfare.

28th September 2015, 11:45 PM
Cuckservative? I believe that some of those people are homeless because they aren't worth $15/hr or whatever the current minimum wage in LA is. A group of 4 or 5 people making $7-10 or so an hour can afford to live in an apartment together. I think that would be a better solution than welfare.

Its the "minimum wage" for a reason. No it should not be 15 bucks but once we start trying to pay people less its a slippery slope that will lead to 10 cents a day China wages. And all the cuckservatives would just love that.

29th September 2015, 07:20 AM
Its the "minimum wage" for a reason. No it should not be 15 bucks but once we start trying to pay people less its a slippery slope that will lead to 10 cents a day China wages. And all the cuckservatives would just love that.

So government price controls on labor is the solution? Unemployment as a mass phenomenon didn't exist until modern minimum wage laws.

mick silver
29th September 2015, 10:38 AM
some of you guys are younger then some of us here but in your life time you and your kids will work for the same wages that are being paid in china

mick silver
29th September 2015, 10:41 AM
Columbia, South Carolina Criminalizes Homelessness In Unanimous Vote

mick silver
29th September 2015, 10:43 AM
FEMA Camp has begun: Homeless First! http://www.trueactivist.com/fema-camp-has-begun-homeless-first/

29th September 2015, 12:48 PM
So government price controls on labor is the solution? Unemployment as a mass phenomenon didn't exist until modern minimum wage laws.

Sounds like Lars larson or Micheal Berry, those two have pre-cum leaking out of their dicks at the mere thought of overturning the minimum wage. This country was built on slave labor and low wages. Lets not inslave our childrens future so a few Cucks can make a little extra money for their banker masters.

11th October 2015, 09:22 AM
i am upgrading this thread to "the great west's homelessness"


UK Charity says youth homelessness is eight times higher than government figures
11th October 2015
136,000 people between the ages of 16 and 24 in England and Wales sought emergency housing from local authorities in the last 12 months, a figure eight times higher than government statistics claims the centrepoint charity.


18th October 2015, 04:27 AM
critical homeless situation in SF
These City Buses Are Now Showers For The Homeless In San Francisco


mick silver
18th October 2015, 10:01 AM
Hawaii governor signs emergency proclamation to address homelessnesshttps://s.yimg.com/lq/p/us/news/editorial/d/0c/d0c3eb8ca18907492a4b337b5cec5193.jpeg (http://www.reuters.com/) By Alex Dobuzinskis 15 hours ago

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By Alex Dobuzinskis

(Reuters) - Hawaii's governor has signed an emergency proclamation to deal with the problem of homelessness, saying the state faces the country's highest per capita rate of homelessness and more needs to be done to house the indigent.
Democratic Governor David Ige said in a statement on Friday that homelessness is particularly acute on the island of Oahu, the state's most populous island, and that it has increased at an alarming rate over the last two years.
The governor and community groups have in the past said homelessness in Hawaii, which at last count had more than 7,600 people living unsheltered, stems in large part from its high cost of housing. The tourist haven has long been a destination for wealthy people from the mainland United States to buy homes.
Ige said under the emergency proclamation, $1.3 million has been earmarked to deal with homelessness and the money would be used to provide increased funding for programs to place unsheltered families and the chronically homeless into permanent homes.
The effort will include a transitional housing facility that will exist on a temporary basis to help the indigent.
"There's still much work to do," Ige said, adding that Hawaii has the highest rate of homelessness per capita among the 50 U.S. states, with an estimated 465 homeless individuals per 100,000 people.
Earlier this week, authorities in Honolulu cleared a large homeless encampment in the Kakaako district, concluding a month-long effort that displaced dozens of people who had been living on the streets, according to local media.
Some of those people moved to shelters while others went to live on other streets, according to broadcaster Hawaii News Now. Honolulu officials have recently been converting shipping containers to house homeless people on state land.
Ige's signing of an emergency proclamation to deal with homelessness, while unusual, has a precedent. In 2006, then governor Linda Lingle, a Republican, signed a similar proclamation.
Last month, officials in Los Angeles moved to declare homelessness a problem in the nation's second largest city, which has an estimated 18,000 people living on the streets, and they announced plans to spend $100 million to combat it.
The $1.3 million in funds that Hawaii's governor has identified to spend on homeless relief is from his office's own budget. The state legislature, which opens its next session in January, could vote to provide more funds for the effort.
(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis in Los Angeles, editing by G Crosse)

Society & Culture
Homelessness & Housing
Governor David Ige

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View Comments (89)

18th October 2015, 10:52 AM
tnx mick, was just about to post it...


27th October 2015, 03:01 AM
New York City homeless population nears 60,000, over 40% are children
27th October 2015

A tangle of skyrocketing rents, stagnant wages, evictions and a lack of affordable housing has led to a boom in homelessness in New York City. The latest figures show 57,448 people sleeping in shelters, and approximately 40 percent are children.

