View Full Version : detroit: stopping 'teen' drivers for driving good, give them reward

29th September 2015, 12:32 PM
$5 gift cards...lmao!



Teens driving in Macomb County could be rewarded with gift cards for their good driving habits.

The Macomb County Sheriff's Department are looking for teen drivers this fall, and pulling them over to reward them.

The teens can receive five dollar gift cards to Taco Bell, Subway and McDonalds.

29th September 2015, 12:38 PM
Just another way for them to justify a fishing trip.

29th September 2015, 01:03 PM
So, you have the biggest crime ridden shithole in our nation, a police and fire dept so completely broken at this point, and they are wasting time giving kids gift cards?

Nothing makes sense with this story. First, cops can't pull over people who are driving responsibly. You HAVE to break a VC for traffic stop to occur. Cops can't pull people over for driving well. There is a lot of gray area, weaving, not a complete stop, etc. But, they have to have a reason for the stop, and it IS documented, the reason for the stop...

Secondly, it's not the job of cops to be warm and giving (while being paid on the clock). Their time, and training, should be focused on fighting crime. Which, Detroit has no shortage of. Fix the effing city. Let Church groups give kids gift cards.

29th September 2015, 01:12 PM
So, you have the biggest crime ridden shithole in our nation, a police and fire dept so completely broken at this point, and they are wasting time giving kids gift cards?

Nothing makes sense with this story. First, cops can't pull over people who are driving responsibly. You HAVE to break a VC for traffic stop to occur. Cops can't pull people over for driving well. There is a lot of gray area, weaving, not a complete stop, etc. But, they have to have a reason for the stop, and it IS documented, the reason for the stop...

Secondly, it's not the job of cops to be warm and giving (while being paid on the clock). Their time, and training, should be focused on fighting crime. Which, Detroit has no shortage of. Fix the effing city. Let Church groups give kids gift cards.

Read cebu's post...that's the reason.

29th September 2015, 01:52 PM
The story is misleading, they are talking north of Detroit, Macomb Township which is mostly white. I have to agree that they can't just pull you over for no reason, if they do you can sue them. I have been pulled over for the stupidest reasons just for that fishing trip. One guy said my brake light wasn't working which I couldn't prove because I couldn't press the brake and see the lights at the same time.... warning after asking about alcohol, drugs, weed, what's in the trunk etc.

midnight rambler
29th September 2015, 02:35 PM
Cops can't pull people over for driving well.

Secondly, it's not the job of cops to be warm and giving (while being paid on the clock).

Every year here locally the cops pull over 'good drivers' and hand out gift cards or vouchers for either $50 or $100 (don't recall exactly).

29th September 2015, 02:50 PM
Every year here locally the cops pull over 'good drivers' and hand out gift cards or vouchers for either $50 or $100 (don't recall exactly).

How exactly are they allowed to do that? What VC are they stating is justified for a stop?

It sounds like a nice gesture, but the big picture is cops shouldn't be able to stop anyone without a valid vehicle code violation. I don't care what that violation is, cracked windshield, whatever. Trust me on this one. Allowing cops to stop someone without a code violation is a very bad idea. It should not be accepted, regardless.

My conspiracy mind is that they are buttering up the public. Get the public used to getting pulled over randomly, without cause. Give them a gift cart, spread the word! Cops look like nice guys, the public gets trained....this really stinks, badly.

29th September 2015, 02:50 PM
Just another way for them to justify a fishing trip.

first thing I thought too - eliminated probable cause for the stop. Cost is $5 and the taxpayer pays it - also has that "feel good" feeling, shouldn't be any problem adding it to the fiscal budget

29th September 2015, 03:00 PM
first thing I thought too - eliminated reasonable suspicion for the stop. Cost is $5 and the taxpayer pays it - also has that "feel good" feeling, shouldn't be any problem adding it to the fiscal budget

I'm getting technical on the law, but corrected this post.


29th September 2015, 03:03 PM
Read cebu's post...that's the reason.

Cebu's post finally clicked and I got it. Damn, I can be a dense prick sometimes.

29th September 2015, 03:04 PM
I'm getting technical on the law, but corrected this post.


Nothing there in regards to pulling people over.

midnight rambler
29th September 2015, 03:05 PM
Every year here locally the cops pull over 'good drivers' and hand out gift cards or vouchers for either $50 or $100 (don't recall exactly).

How exactly are they allowed to do that? What VC are they stating is justified for a stop?

It sounds like a nice gesture, but the big picture is cops shouldn't be able to stop anyone without a valid vehicle code violation. I don't care what that violation is, cracked windshield, whatever. Trust me on this one. Allowing cops to stop someone without a code violation is a very bad idea. It should not be accepted, regardless.

My conspiracy mind is that they are buttering up the public. Get the public used to getting pulled over randomly, without cause. Give them a gift cart, spread the word! Cops look like nice guys, the public gets trained....this really stinks, badly.

Failed to mention that this is done during the holiday season between Thanksgiving and Christmas. They've been doing it for several years now, it's viewed as no big deal, gets media splash coverage and all that.

29th September 2015, 03:50 PM
And of course if the cop "happens" to smell marijuana or see a gun in the car he can either arrest or shoot the good driver.

In CA they were giving a coupon to good driver for a turkey, one cop almost got shot.

Today I put in a deposit for a "Eliot" three wheel car.


29th September 2015, 04:07 PM
Nothing there in regards to pulling people over.

Probable cause is needed to make an arrest. Reasonable suspicion is need to make a stop, vehicle or a walking stop. That includes pulling someone over while driving.

3rd November 2015, 05:05 PM
never forget, it's the teachers' fault :confused:


In the Detroit public school district, 96 percent of eighth graders are not proficient in mathematics and 93 percent are not proficient in reading.

That is according to the results of the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress tests published by the Department of Education’s National Center for Educational Statistics.

Only 4 percent of Detroit public school eighth graders are proficient or better in math and only 7 percent in reading. This is despite the fact that in the 2011-2012 school year—the latest for which the Department of Education has reported the financial data—the Detroit public schools had “total expenditures” of $18,361 per student and “current expenditures” of $13,330 per student.

According to data published by the Detroit Public Schools, the school district’s operating expenses in the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2014 amounted to approximately $14,743 per student.

3rd November 2015, 05:31 PM
They used to do this here. About 20 year ago. Back then I thought it was a good idea. It was usually given for courteous driving. I cannot recall the amount but I believe it was $50 or $100. Something like that.

Then suddenly they stopped. These days I would agree with you guys, No Authority to Stop.

Despite the fact we have road blocks here all the time. Nearly every night they run road blocks here fishing for drugs and DUI. All unlawful stops. But people are waking up.

4th November 2015, 04:59 AM
$5 bones? I think the heart racing, bewilderment, etc when the strobe lights appear in the rear view mirror; the looking around to ensure nothing incriminating in plain view, I mean, none of that's worth $5.

And heaven forbid I were "racing the clock", albeit obeying all laws, coz job interview/work, a date, a meeting, xyz market closes in 10 minutes, blah blah... $5 ?? no way. I think most "teens" would agree! And how's a cop to know who's a "teen" from a quick glance through a moving car window? If he makes the stop, and the driver is 20+ yo, do they just get the once over but no "reward"?? This could also be discriminatory against older-looking teens! :(

$50-100 does begin to get compensatory, at least.

And agree; fishing expedition. Copper prolly has a checklist form with items to "check out" during the stop; items in plain view inside the car, does he ask for your DL & insurance? Hope you don't have warrants! & your license plate tabs better be current! He's surely got the dash cam recording; body worn audio & perhaps video... pfff. It's camel's nose in the tent, more warming us up for random "YOUR PAPERS PLEASE!" :(

23rd January 2016, 08:53 AM
Cebu's post finally clicked and I got it. Damn, I can be a dense prick sometimes.

:rolleyes: sometimes?

23rd January 2016, 10:22 AM
good boys become bankers


The 15 JPMorgan Chase bank accounts had a few things in common: They had high balances, there was little activity on them and they belonged to elderly clients — indeed, at least eight were dead.

And all 15 of the accounts got regular cash infusions, thanks to direct deposits from the Social Security Administration.

That caught the eye of two private bankers who worked at a Bedford-Stuyvesant branch of JPMorgan Chase, Jonathan Francis and Dion Allison, according to an indictment filed this month in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn. Creating cards for automated teller machines and forged documents, the men and their accomplices withdrew about $400,000 from the accounts over two years, according to the indictment.

With two friends, Gregory Desrameaux, 24, and Kery Phillips, 40, the men then withdrew most of the stolen money, about $300,000, by using A.T.M.s around New York City, according to the indictment. Some withdrawals were as small as $200; some were up to $2,000, the daily limit for A.T.M. withdrawals for some Chase accounts.

In April 2013 alone, members of the group made withdrawals on 26 of 30 days, according to the indictment. One night at a Chase branch at Nostrand and Church Avenues, they withdrew $1,000 from one account; 49 seconds later, group members took out $1,000 from a different account.

By May of that year, people in the group had created fake power of attorney documents. That gave Mr. Phillips control of four of the dormant accounts, Adam Zion, an assistant district attorney, said in court on Monday. This allowed Mr. Phillips to withdraw much more money than the daily A.T.M. limit, up to $9,500 at a time, through a teller.

In another example of the scheme, in February 2013, according to the indictment, Mr. Allison created a bank card for one account. That May, at a Chase branch on Flatbush Avenue, Mr. Phillips turned in fake power of attorney documents giving him control of the account. The same day, prosecutors said, Mr. Phillips withdrew through a teller $49,929.91 — everything that remained — from the account.

23rd January 2016, 12:10 PM
:rolleyes: sometimes?

LOL, how much time are you wasting digging up my old posts and threads? I can log on this forum for five minutes, make a post in a recent discussion, then go out and do something productive.

You are searching my old threads like a madman, looking for some way to insult me, and probably wasting hours of your life doing it.

Have fun with that....TROLL. LOL.

23rd January 2016, 12:44 PM
LOL, how much time are you wasting digging up my old posts and threads? I can log on this forum for five minutes, make a post in a recent discussion, then go out and do something productive.

You are searching my old threads like a madman, looking for some way to insult me, and probably wasting hours of your life doing it.

Have fun with that....TROLL. LOL.

I think he has them 'Book' marked.