View Full Version : UK economy ranked below Zimbabwe by World Economic Forum

1st October 2015, 06:00 AM
I wished this chart was including the USA since it is worst than which of the UK

UK economy ranked below Zimbabwe by World Economic Forum, thanks Cameron
1st October 2015

‘While UK Prime Minister David Cameron and his chancellor George Osborne claim their austerity policies are making the UK economy stronger, a devastating report by the World Economic Forum argues otherwise. In fact, parts of the UK economy are now performing worse than Haiti and Zimbabwe.

The World Economic Forum releases it’s Global Competitiveness Survey every year, a major report that is read and referenced by decision makers in politics and business the world over. This year, the UK slipped from 9th to 10th overall, out of the 140 countries studied. But if Cameron and Osborne are saying the UK economy is not only in recovery, but the fastest growing economy in the developed world, how can we be slipping down the league tables?

The answer is debt. In the area of the assessment entitled ‘macroeconomic environment’, the UK came 108th, behind Haiti, Senegal, Zimbabwe and even Liberia.’



1st October 2015, 02:49 PM
That is beyond ridiculous!

1st October 2015, 05:25 PM
Cuba must be one of the richest country in the world ........ by having nothing.....including debts to money hungry Jews.

My only income is my SS and I am in the 3% richest group of people in the world.