View Full Version : 400,000 cancer UK patients in ‘dire money situation’ facing further welfare cut

2nd October 2015, 05:20 AM
aeon's life's expectancy charts is needed here to debunk 'death by doctors/big pharma' ;D
01 Oct 2015
Family doctors are being offered bonuses of thousands of pounds to reduce the number of cancer patients sent to hospital, an investigation has found.

GPs are being paid up to £11,000 to stay within targets for outpatient referrals and follow-ups, which can include two-week cancer waits and emergency admissions.

Critics last night called the payments “highly unethical” and “very concerning”. The General Medical Council (GMC) suggested they could be regarded as an inducement and warned doctors it could constitute a conflict of interest. The schemes are at odds with the recently announced NHS cancer strategy, which promised an 80 per cent increase in tests for cancers.

The UK has the worst survival rates for cancer in Western Europe, largely due to late diagnosis.

http://www.davidicke.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/11313012_10153031502603842_6250792744632962139_o.j pg

400,000 cancer patients in ‘dire money situation’ facing further welfare cuts
2nd October 2015
‘Hundreds of thousands of cancer patients in the UK are struggling to pay their bills each month. Government cuts to welfare will make matters worse, according to Macmillan Cancer Support.

A survey found almost 400,000 people living with cancer – nearly half of all people diagnosed with the disease – are being forced into debt in order to survive during treatment.

A third of people within this group said their illness is directly affecting their money situation, as many patients cannot work during treatment.’


2nd October 2015, 06:14 AM
But, but ... the single-payer healthcare system is wonderful in comparison to the USA!