View Full Version : Dr. Masaru Emoto Believed that Water is ‘Something Not of This Earth’

2nd October 2015, 06:18 AM
the only way to remove the NWO from office is that we learn to stretch our minds/thinking mode... By the way in the video, the Ice Halo (water in form of crystals) confirms the geometric shape of the universe


‘Human beings are essentially made up of water, and in his pioneering research, Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrated that the molecular structure of water is greatly affected by non-physical events such as thoughts, words, and intention. In a series of ground-breaking studies he applied mental stimulation to water and photographed it with a dark field microscope, taking snapshots of the formation of ice crystals to show how the application of different intentions to water affected it’s physical structure.

The results were nothing short of phenomenal. It turns out that just as tone and intention affect human-to-human communication, he proved that tone and intention are received as communication by water. Just as plants are now understood to be self-conscious and somewhat self-aware, Dr. Emoto’s studies suggest that water also exhibits signs of consciousness and intelligence.’
Dr. Masaru Emoto Believed that Water is ‘Something Not of This Earth’

................... In 2000, a comet carrying enough water to fill a small lake broke apart near the sun potentially validating the theory that comets could have brought the Earth’s supply of water to the planet during its formational stages. It was also recently reported, “…that “a significant fraction” of the water on Earth was inherited from interstellar space, and was there before the Sun was formed some 4.6 billion years ago.” Therefore, the water on this planet was here, or en route, before the planet itself....................


Stunning 'Ice Halo' Captured Above Red River In New Mexico!
Rings and arcs in the sky are formed by light interacting with ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere, Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2904959/Rare-ice-halo-seen-sky-New-Mexico-arctic-blast-continues-sweep-chill-expected-Thursday.html#ixzz3nPrjt4ld


2nd October 2015, 08:35 AM
You got me now talking to my coffee cup, after all my coffee was made with water..... I already talk to the trees......LOL


2nd October 2015, 08:50 AM
The first time life is mentioned by God it is connected with water

Genesis 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

It is ABOVE the heavens as well and forms a SEA of GLASS before the throne of God
Psalms 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Revelation 4:6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

We, on the other hand, are not made FROM water, we are made from the dust of the ground so this guy is clueless, like anyone would be WITHOUT the revelation of God, which, BTW, it one reason WHY he gave it

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

midnight rambler
2nd October 2015, 09:09 AM
so this guy is clueless

Perhaps you are the one who is clueless since not only are man and woman ~65% water, in the Bible water is how one is baptized.

Get a grip.


5th October 2016, 03:54 PM
I check out this Decoding web site regularly. I like the analysis of movies and the break down of the occult symbolism in them. I'd recommend it to anyone looking to see what is put into movies and stories for our subconscious consumption.

This Lady did the Water holds memory and energy experiment and this is the outcome.

Emoto Rice Experiment Decodedhttp://i2.wp.com/rosettedelacroix.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/20161002_093137.jpg?resize=1024%2C576

After doing a bunch of articles and vids on decoding of movies, and covering such diverse topics as serial killers, flat earth and the current political situation, I wanted to do something a little different. I didn’t know what that something was and I patiently waited for it to come to me.
I have a food pantry shelf on one side of my kitchen and just recently while I was contemplating this, as I was closing the door of the fridge and turning around, right at eye level were my energy jars. I hadn’t thought about them for quite some time. I went over to them and looked at them. I opened them and smelled them. And was again astounded at the difference between the two. And I thought, THIS, THIS is important to share with people. Because the controllers DON’T want us to know how important energy is and how it really DOES affect our world.

So I went on YouTube to refresh my memory on the originator of this experiment named Masaru Emoto. I watched a debunking on Emoto’s work and instead of debunking his findings it made me more “towards” his findings. (I’ll put a link to this vid at the bottom.) The debunker said that Emoto wasn’t even a doctor. That he did not consider himself a scientist. How wonderful is that? Because the mainstream scientists are really psyop-tists. So him not being one is good news not bad.
He was asked why he didn’t do the scientific double blind method to prove his theory. He replied, “Why do a double blind when we have two eyes to see?” Exactly! Deferring our own perceptions to men that have a title, thinking they somehow are more knowledgeable is in good part why we are in the mess we are in right now.


Scientists convinced us the Earth is not in the center. That we are one of a billion planets hurling through space. That the sun is 109 times bigger than us, and that with one “out of control” solar flare we are toast! Scientists take our special place of being the HEART~EARTH away from us. They take GOD away from us. So for Emoto to NOT be a scientist is wonderful news!
skipped a bit

Now I initially did this experiment because I was so intrigued to see if it actually works. I honestly didn’t believe it would!
So what I did: I got two similar jars and filled them with a half cup of uncooked rice and a cup of tap water in each. So the two jars were exactly alike. Then I wrote “thank you” on one jar and “you idiot” on the other. Now every morning I would spend about a minute with each jar away from the other jar. The “thank you” jar I would say the words “thank you” and really really mean it. I would feel the words in my heart chakra and send the energy out- to the jar. And would gently put it back on the shelf.

Then I would pick up the “you idiot” jar and say these words with hate. I would let that jar have it! The words felt like they were coming from the mind- third eye chakra. I would do this every morning, or try to, (some days I forgot), for 30 days. I honestly didn’t think I would see any change at all except for maybe the water-logged rice expanding. I didn’t even do it every day like I was supposed to. I half-assed it.

And nothing did happen… for the first couple of weeks.. but, then, something amazing happened. It was like a build up of all that energy, finally affected the jars, or it was all along but I couldn’t see the results with my naked eyes. But after the first two weeks, the “thank you” jar was turning the water into a honey color. The rice in that jar was plumping up and keeping its form.

In the “you idiot” jar, the water turned black! The rice deteriorated and piled up on the bottom like miniature rotting corpses. The visual aspect was astounding but when I opened the jars the smell was even more profound! Upon opening the “thank you” jar, the water actually smelled like vanilla! And upon openly the “you idiot” jar the water smelled sour! The stench permeated the whole room and I had to quickly recap the jar!

So this picture is of MY actual jars so you can see for yourself.

- See top image


Emoto was asked what kills a smoker, the cigarettes or the words on the cigarette box? He suggests the WORDS, and I agree with him wholeheartedly. When you read the words, “Smoking kills, Smoking can lead to lung cancer, Smoking seriously harms you and others around you,” these words are instilled into your subconscious. You think these negative thoughts. They affect your internal energy.

Emoto did further studies on the power of intention and how words come into play by using specific words on water. He did a water crystal experiment where he would use a particular word on a drop of water to see what pattern it crystallized in. Now I would say that the words in themselves would not cause the change in the crystal pattern, but the meaning INFERRED behind the words do.

Here are some examples from his experiment.

You can see “Heavy Metal Music, You Make Me Sick, I Will Kill You, and Adolph Hitler” formed very ugly asymmetrical water crystals.

In contrast, you can see “Thank You, Love and Appreciation, and Mother Teresa,” formed beautiful symmetrical patterns that take on snowflake like appearances.


More images and details here: Rosette Delacroix (http://rosettedelacroix.com/?p=3519)

5th October 2016, 04:43 PM
The first time life is mentioned by God it is connected with water

Genesis 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

It is ABOVE the heavens as well and forms a SEA of GLASS before the throne of God
Psalms 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Revelation 4:6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

We, on the other hand, are not made FROM water, we are made from the dust of the ground so this guy is clueless, like anyone would be WITHOUT the revelation of God, which, BTW, it one reason WHY he gave it

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

We are born of water... "flesh." In Christian conversion we are reborn in spirit.

98% of the amniotic fluid is water.

Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3-)

5th October 2016, 05:34 PM
Water is very special, as is light. Not sure it is not of the same nature as the rest of creation, but it is special.

5th October 2016, 05:47 PM
This is all bullshit. Water cannot have "memory" or be effected by emotions.

There's plenty of sources debunking this.


>Just did some research on Dr. Masaru Emoto after reading the claims, and found that he is a Doctor of Alternative Medicine from Open International University for Alternative Medicine. That institute is in Mumbai and found the requirements to graduate, they are: Duration: One Year.

>Medium of instruction: English.

>Examination: There will be five papers and the student will be asked to answer the same at his place of residence. The answer scripts should be sent to the Institute for evaluation.

>Total Fees : The total fees is Rs.17,500/-. Full fees should be sent with the Form.

>The Rs 17,500 comes out to roughly 290.25


5th October 2016, 05:54 PM

There's a section on 4chan called /x/, which is for paranormal stuff. You may want to check it out if this is your thing.

Post here:
Hot Link and Search here:

Here's a search on the subject I did:

5th October 2016, 06:31 PM
the link I posted includes the "debunking" video for balance.

The test is more about energy from thoughts affecting water than it is water having "memory". I think the test has merit.

Why don't you try it for shits and giggles? Perhaps you can focus some of that energy you are spending at the cesspit on something more "enlightening".

5th October 2016, 06:32 PM
The most important aspect to remember about water is that it is a solvent.

That is to say you (or any info.) dissolve into it.

Unless you are a Dirty Muslim (who avoids regular bathing) you stand a chance at losing yourself. :)

5th October 2016, 06:35 PM

5th October 2016, 07:39 PM
This is all bullshit. Water cannot have "memory" or be effected by emotions.

There's plenty of sources debunking this.


Actually, that video is bullshit. It's a "my science dick is bigger than your dick" type of spew.

His attack on Dean Radin was just cheap shots. Couldn't even get his name right ("Dean Randin"). IONS and SSU are fairly local to me.

I'm not on board with all of Emoto's theories, but there is plenty of evidence that Homeopathy actually works, and Viktor Schauberger demonstrated his theories also worked.

The System does not want to allow ideas outside of the "acceptable" materialism to be considered. Modern so-called "science" is nothing but a faith-based religion. "I have a degree and you don't" is the typical "argument," whether it relates to "global warming," chemtrails, vaccinations & autism, or this topic. It's no different than "I have 'personal revelation' and you don't."

Anyone who asserts modern so-called "science" is the only "legitimate" form of discovering Truth is either a fool and/or a liar. So-called "peer-review" has been demonstrated to be nothing but an academic circle-jerk, with plenty of outright fraudulent "research" put forth as "factual." Most "double-blind studies" are done in such a manner as to "achieve" the desired outcome of whomever is funding the "research."

Tip of the iceberg:


http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2015/04/fake_peer_review_scientific_journals_publish_fraud ulent_plagiarized_or_nonsense.html

Twisted Titan
6th October 2016, 12:35 AM
I will comment a little later on this but its late right now.

I happen to see this man while he was still alive at a one day seminar

Just wanted to tag this page so i dont forget

6th October 2016, 06:21 AM
I generally set water in a Mason jar on the N pole of a strong magnet on the theory that I am 90% water and I might as well replace it with pre-energized water.

Ellis water in the CPAP machine and in a salt water douche removed a slew of nasal polyps. This sort of threw the ENT guys off when they went to check on them. They accused me of having them surgically removed.

I also use the Ellis water twice a day on the eyeballs and then douse my scalp with the water.

Anything is medicinal if you use it with the intent to solve a problem. It is the intent that does the curing and water is the strongest medicine on earth.

6th October 2016, 07:10 AM
there is plenty of evidence that Homeopathy actually works

For anyone who actually gives a shit about what the Truth is, as opposed to what the corporate "medicine"-driven dogma is, start here:





The honest issue is not whether homeopathy works or not, but how often it does work. And why.

And if homeopathy does work, even in some cases, that forces us to address the topic of this thread: how much information does the water molecule retain after direct contact is ended...or never initiated. The principles of preparing a Homeopathic remedy involve transferring information to water molecules, to the point that the active substance is effectively eliminated from the solution.

6th October 2016, 07:33 AM
yes natural and holistic medicine works

but lets not forget the power of the mind that can only address the diseases cause by the latter. Wholesome foods are of course very important

50 Percent of The Effectiveness of All Drugs Is Due To Placebo

but sure, holistic medicine + quality food + a saner society = big pharma would cease to exist

6th October 2016, 09:36 AM
Anything is medicinal if you use it with the intent to solve a problem. It is the intent that does the curing and water is the strongest medicine on earth.

My name is Horn and I approve of this message.

the only question i have is the neccessity of practicing magnetic religions with mason jars?


6th October 2016, 10:04 AM
the neccessity of practicing magnetic religions with mason jars?

Intent and belief are connected. Electrons promote healing. That is a belief. A pH above 7.0 is alkaline and free electrons are available. A pH below 7.0 is acidic and free electrons are sucked up quickly. These are facts. Electrons move in a magnetic field. Thing that spin in magnetic fields produce EMF (voltage). These also are facts. The earth's magnetic field is decreasing (fact) which means less healing (belief).

I could suggest the magnetic water therapy to someone who doesn't believe in it and his/her results will vary. However, it does work for me.

7th October 2016, 04:38 PM
Intent and belief are connected. Electrons promote healing. That is a belief. A pH above 7.0 is alkaline and free electrons are available. A pH below 7.0 is acidic and free electrons are sucked up quickly. These are facts. Electrons move in a magnetic field. Thing that spin in magnetic fields produce EMF (voltage). These also are facts. The earth's magnetic field is decreasing (fact) which means less healing (belief).

I could suggest the magnetic water therapy to someone who doesn't believe in it and his/her results will vary. However, it does work for me.

I would be careful, Palani.

There sounds in your theory the very real possibility the the Earth herself might literally repel you away from her and into outer space... :)

7th October 2016, 05:45 PM
There sounds in your theory the very real possibility the the Earth herself might literally repel you away from her and into outer space... :)
The only thing leading you to the belief that you are on a spinning ball in space is some retained memory in you synapses. Indeed the reality is you are an amoeba like blob on the planet Jupiter just imagining how great it would to be on a rock like Earth.

7th October 2016, 05:46 PM
The most important aspect to remember about water is that it is a solvent.

That is to say you (or any info.) dissolve into it.

Unless you are a Dirty Muslim (who avoids regular bathing) you stand a chance at losing yourself. :)

They are not that Dirty. They regularly wash their feet...

Sometimes fagpope helps them prepare for their prayer...

8th October 2016, 12:41 AM
The only thing leading you to the belief that you are on a spinning ball in space is some retained memory in you synapses. Indeed the reality is you are an amoeba like blob on the planet Jupiter just imagining how great it would to be on a rock like Earth.

I do believe in your statement with regards to health intended.

If you are happy being an amoeba like blob on the planet Jupiter, you will most likely be a healthy blob.