View Full Version : What's the difference between a sovereign citizen and an illegal alien?

2nd October 2015, 07:29 PM
Maybe the best question would be does common law apply to illegal aliens?

So, for an example. Say I'm a sovereign citizen. I don't have a driver's license, I don't have vehicle insurance, I don't have a SSN, I pay no taxes, I do live under common law.

Now, take an illegal alien. He doesn't have a driver's license, nor vehicle insurance, nor a SSN, nor does this man pay taxes. Should common law apply to him? Does common law apply to this man?

2nd October 2015, 07:32 PM

The government is anti-White. Accept it.

midnight rambler
2nd October 2015, 07:40 PM
Only retards use the term 'sovereign citizen'. Don't be a retard.

2nd October 2015, 07:45 PM
Only retards use the term 'sovereign citizen'. Don't be a retard.

What term should I use then?

Bottom line, don't the same common laws apply to people regardless of their race, or place of birth? Can't any man grab a copy of Black's Law, study it, and go from there. There's no need for any ID after all, as long as you speak the language, you should be good...

2nd October 2015, 07:47 PM
There hasn't been any sovereign citizens in the U.S. since 1913 when the Republic was converted into a democracy making everyone the government. The government's well being is our well being because we are the government. Democracy.

As for illegal aliens, they are protected by common law only to the extent of being treated humanely while they are being processed and deported, they have no other legal rights.

2nd October 2015, 07:49 PM
Only retards use the term 'sovereign citizen'. Don't be a retard.

A sovereign citizen is a master of his government, the government is but a servant of its master.

2nd October 2015, 07:55 PM
A sovereign citizen is born in place and a illegal alien comes from elsewhere........


2nd October 2015, 07:58 PM
A sovereign citizen is born in place and a illegal alien comes from elsewhere........


How is there any proof? A smart illegal alien would simply just claim to be a sovereign citizen.

2nd October 2015, 08:03 PM
Do you mean like me? hahahahahahah, damn gringo Cuban.........

3rd October 2015, 04:39 AM
does common law apply to illegal aliens?
In Law (aka 'common law') there are no illegal aliens. The two classes of aliens are friends or enemies. Friends you assist on their journey. Enemies you capture or kill. You identify enemies by a congressional act called an ACT OF WAR. The currently active wars are against aliens who do drugs (drug war) or the class of people with no acceptable money (poverty war).

I do live under common law. Law requires substance in its' contracts. I doubt if you have ever paid for anything in your life. Don't take offense ... I have paid for nothing either. But it is a fact that you have no access to provisions of Law if all your actions don't comply with all provisions required by Law. Only the pure get to proceed in Law and there are very very few of those.

Should common law apply to him? Does common law apply to this man? Law applies to everyone but at the same time it can equally apply to NO ONE . When you fall through the NO ONE slot EQUITY will be there to catch you before you hit anything hard. And then if too many people start catching on the the scam the LAW OF NECESSITY takes care of them (war ... the act of establishing who is an alien unfrendly).

3rd October 2015, 04:59 AM
The government's well being is our well being because we are the government.

This is partially true. Things join with like things and real things never join with imaginary things. You might have some political power and you are free to contract that political power in favor of a particular government depending upon your political view. But governments come and go all the time. They might become bankrupt and lose their existence because they cannot fulfill their obligations. The country on the other hand stays and deals with the situation by forming a new government to replace the old one. Governments might also choose to go to war and when they lose that war they reform or vanish.

When a government starts to form virtually everyone is alien to it. As people get on board with the new concepts they expend their political power as a currency in order to become domestic.

Democracy A particularly nasty form of government which dictates that wolves dine upon sheep

midnight rambler
3rd October 2015, 12:41 PM
The word 'citizen' is derived from 'civitas' -


7th trump
3rd October 2015, 02:22 PM
Depends because there isnt enough information. Are you under the belief that sovereign citizens are "We the People"?
If so, then theres enough information to conclude an accurate analysis.
The difference is illegal aliens arent recognized as "state citizens" by any one of the 50 union states where the Bill of Rights have jurisdiction.
Think about it for a minute...the US Constitution is mainly about how the federal government is set up and ran.....the only part that is not is basically the Bill of Rights. The courts have ruled and cited many times that the Bill of Rights are attained only by state citizens (We the People). Therefore the only way to decipher the two is to know what Rights they have or dont have.

Illegals dont have any rights and when they do damage to property they are usually deported and nothing happens, but when they murder a citizen then laws regarding murder apply and they are then prosecuted. They really cant be prosecuted much.
But (Us citizens) are prosecuted under the color of law (statutes) because they are under the jurisdiction of the federal government.
We the People only have the common law and the US Constitution...nothing more and nothing less.

The biggest secret is keeping the white man stupid about how to return to being "We the People" over federal "US citizens". That secret is understanding Rights (Bill of Rights) vs privileges (civil rights).....anything else is just blowing bullshit.

midnight rambler
3rd October 2015, 02:29 PM
There are those who've been hornswoggled into accepting the privilege of 'limited liability' and there are those who wish to be full liability men and women (i.e. take responsibility for their own actions as the Creator intended).

7th trump
3rd October 2015, 03:01 PM
There are those who've been hornswoggled into accepting the privilege of 'limited liability' and there are those who wish to be full liability men and women (i.e. take responsibility for their own actions as the Creator intended).

I agree whole heartedly. Social Security is the main piece of law that allows the limited liability. It allows for many things that strip you of being full liability.
Limited liability is just government protection just as being incorporated is. I asked a business owner once if his businees was incorporated and he said yes it is and I then asked "do you know what you are incorporating into?"
He didnt know.....I told him the federal government is who you are incorporated with...its you partner who is a thug asking for protection money.

3rd October 2015, 03:18 PM
its you partner who is a thug asking for protection money.
The government outlawed money. They KNOW they outlawed money. They KNOW you cannot pay your bills because you have nothing to pay those bills with. So how is it possible for them to demand protection money when you have no money?

Nope. Instead they ask for a RETURN accounting of THEIR MONEY. Sort of a FEE FOR SERVICES kind of relationship. They just don't bother to let you now this is what is going on because then you might decide you would rather have PRIVATE PROPERTY instead of COLOR OF MONEY.

7th trump
3rd October 2015, 05:27 PM
The government outlawed money. They KNOW they outlawed money. They KNOW you cannot pay your bills because you have nothing to pay those bills with. So how is it possible for them to demand protection money when you have no money?

Nope. Instead they ask for a RETURN accounting of THEIR MONEY. Sort of a FEE FOR SERVICES kind of relationship. They just don't bother to let you now this is what is going on because then you might decide you would rather have PRIVATE PROPERTY instead of COLOR OF MONEY.

Seriously....the government outlawed money huh?
When and can you show documentation?

I disagree. The only reason is because the Constitution gives them authority and they have collected since the beginning of this country....not because of "their money". You do not file a return to the federal reserve...you file a return to the US Treasury.
The US government has collected taxes before the US Constitution was ever thought of under the Articles of Confederacy.
And the only reason a "wage" earner files a 1040 is because they participate in Social Security where the definition of "wage" is found.

Yeah....when ever I hear some boozoo say
"They just don't bother to let you now this is what is going on because then you might decide you " it translates to an idiot who doesnt have a damn clue about the laws surrounding and then will tell he doesnt research those law to get a damn clue.....just an idiot spreading lies and ignorance.

3rd October 2015, 07:01 PM
Seriously....the government outlawed money huh?
When and can you show documentation?

I guess it IS true. You really are that dense.


Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6102 - Requiring Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates to Be Delivered to the Government
April 5, 1933
Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt<br>1933
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 5 (b) of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended by Section 2 of the Act of March 9, 1933, entitled "An Act to provide relief in the existing national emergency in banking, and for other purposes," in which amendatory Act Congress declared that a serious emergency exists, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, do declare that said national emergency still continues to exist and pursuant to said section do hereby prohibit the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States by individuals, partnerships, associations and corporations

3rd October 2015, 09:53 PM
I agree whole heartedly. Social Security is the main piece of law that allows the limited liability. It allows for many things that strip you of being full liability. Limited liability is just government protection just as being incorporated is. I asked a business owner once if his businees was incorporated and he said yes it is and I then asked "do you know what you are incorporating into?" He didnt know.....I told him the federal government is who you are incorporated with...its you partner who is a thug asking for protection money.

..I told him the federal government is who you are incorporated with...its you partner who is a thug asking for protection money.

If I incorporate under the laws of Deleware and Deleware charters my corporation, I pay my anual fees to Deleware and The First National Bank incorporates under the laws of the United States and pay its annual fees to the United States you are saying we are both partners with the federal government? I don't understand how this can be.

7th trump
4th October 2015, 07:33 AM
I guess it IS true. You really are that dense.


No, you are the conspiracy dense nutcase. That executive order didnt outlaw money at all.....just gold coin, gold bullion (not money) and gold certificates (paper money). There was still silver coins (money) being printed decades beyond that gate

The Treasury still coins and always has coined-
The penny
The nickel
The dime (silver)
The quarter (silver)
They even coin $1 (silver)

These are coins not coined by the federal reserve.

So now what do you have to say? I just confirmed your theory is just a conspiracy believed only by idiots who would rather believe a lie than the truth because they have an agenda to make everyone believe in a lie just like you do. (It's like you must bring everyone down to your idiotic intelligent level so you can think you are smarter than they are)
You're not honest palani...but rather a fool.

7th trump
4th October 2015, 07:39 AM
If I incorporate under the laws of Deleware and Deleware charters my corporation, I pay my anual fees to Deleware and The First National Bank incorporates under the laws of the United States and pay its annual fees to the United States you are saying we are both partners with the federal government? I don't understand how this can be.

Doesnt matter where or who you pay your annual fee to. You said it right here...........
and pay its annual fees to the United States......you're paying the United States government for protection of law suits that could wipe you out completely...home, vehicles property not associated with your commercial business. You're basically getting protection from the government who will step in and stop any lawsuits from taking too much.
Your partner is the government in helping you not to lose everything.

4th October 2015, 11:38 AM
That executive order didnt outlaw money at all.....just gold coin, gold bullion (not money) and gold certificates (paper money).
I suppose nobody should be surprised that you don't know what money is ... you've never seen it your entire lifetime. It would be like a mole describing what it feels like to fly.

7th trump
4th October 2015, 11:55 AM
I suppose nobody should be surprised that you don't know what money is ... you've never seen it your entire lifetime. It would be like a mole describing what it feels like to fly.

Show us then what money is because theres no provisions in the US Constitution that says money must ONLY be gold and silver.

All you keep saying is this thingy about a dollar has so many grams of metal in it. Sorry but for us logical nonconspirative mindset people that doesnt constitute nor does it even come close as evidence that money, as far as Americans are concerned, must be made of gold and silver metal. And since theres no provisions stating such a requirement then this thingy about gold and silver grams only apply's when the dollar is made of gold and or silver but when it is not then the thingy about grams doesnt apply to the dollar.
(I dont suspect you will ever reply because I just sunk your premise and turned you into a fool that you are. I do suspect that I'll get the usual bullshit nonanswer word salad reply where you attempt to turn it around...hasnt ever worked with me and never will....I'm too intelligent to be fooled that way)

You have a job ahead of you palani....use your resources wisely and convincingly. I wont be convinced without proper evidence....I'm wise that way.

4th October 2015, 12:14 PM
theres no provisions in the US Constitution that says money must ONLY be gold and silver

Does the constitution include a map to the mess hall? Without a map how you have the sense to find your next meal?

7th trump
4th October 2015, 12:22 PM
Does the constitution include a map to the mess hall? Without a map how you have the sense to find your next meal?

There you go folks...when confronted to prove his premise and shown he cannot win without any proof.......this is all you get from this fool.

Thanks for showing everyone you failed once again Palani....this is easier than taking candy from a baby...seriously it is!

I mean does Palani actually take any of his own bullshit serious enough to put up a good argument...he hasnt yet!

7th trump
4th October 2015, 12:24 PM
Does the constitution include a map to the mess hall? Without a map how you have the sense to find your next meal?
At least you can point out where your premise fails palani.

4th October 2015, 12:37 PM
There you go folks

Is that what you are about? Posing for an AUDIENCE? Says a lot about your lack of character.

4th October 2015, 12:38 PM
At least you can point out where your premise fails
I believe I already have. Your lack of comprehension skills are glaring.

7th trump
4th October 2015, 02:55 PM
I believe I already have. Your lack of comprehension skills are glaring.

You havent done anything to prove any of your premises.

1. You havent defined what money is on the legal plain. (thats why I put in there about the US constitution doesnt say the US dollar has to be gold or silver). You lack the necessary logic to conclude your premise.....which is just you yapping bullshit.
2. You havent proven money was outlawed.

All you have shown was that act where the government confiscated the gold. Confiscation of gold isnt outlawing money unless you are under the presumption that gold is money (which you'll never admit to). But then you have to provide the necessary proof that gold is money in order to believe it was outlawed by confiscation (which again you'll never admit to).
Then there the problem that silver was not confiscated and was used to coin money all the way up to 1964. So even if you were correct in your premise that gold is money...there was still money (by your definition which you'll never admit to) being coined in silver.

Like I said you're a conspiracy nutcase that doesnt want, and refuses to, thoroughly investigate to conclude a fair assessment....you're biased and dishonest and rather make a fool of yourself...which I'm happy to help you do.

4th October 2015, 03:19 PM
Show us then what money is because theres no provisions in the US Constitution that says money must ONLY be gold and silver.

It's in the Bible, 7th. God wants gold and silver to be money, nothing else.


4th October 2015, 03:38 PM
You havent done anything to prove any of your premises.

See if you can find some logic here ... only a preview but provides significant clues


7th trump
4th October 2015, 03:58 PM
Hmmm..yeah real cute, but it isnt a definition that the US uses for money.

Try again grasshopper. Maybe this time you use something that doesnt apply from the middle ages and isnt a theory like your link says.
Its best if you find some US law having the definition of money as it is used under US law. A Canadian coin is not US money like wise what ever they used in the middle ages isnt US money either.

See I'm not fooled by your bullshit.
Give a defintion that the US uses to define its money as used in US commerce and then provide any proof that the US government outlawed ITS money.
Thats what you claimed and therefore back it up with US documentation and not this foreign ancient bullshit from the middle ages about money theory.
Or just shut the fuck up!

4th October 2015, 04:24 PM
just shut the fuck up!
After you.

4th October 2015, 04:28 PM
Give a defintion that the US uses to define its money as used in US commerce

If you are in the US then by all means follow the rules of the US.

Let the rest of us alone though.

7th trump
4th October 2015, 05:45 PM
If you are in the US then by all means follow the rules of the US.

Let the rest of us alone though.

Hahahaha....and the toad speaks to avoid answering.

4th October 2015, 05:53 PM
Hahahaha....and the toad speaks to avoid answering.

Why should I let the toad work
Squat on my life?
Can't I use my wit as a pitchfork
and drive the brute off?

"Toads," by Philip Larkin

5th October 2015, 05:48 PM
A sovereign is someone who decides for himself. A citizen doesn't...