View Full Version : Hundreds of angry customers pull ‘smart’ meters

3rd October 2015, 01:20 AM
maybe is there something to learn about mixed races living in poorer countries

‘Last week, hundreds of Edenorte customers in the Dominican Republic removed so-called ‘smart’ meters from their homes and businesses.

While ‘smart’ meters facilitate unlawful surveillance, cause fires and emit strong pulsed microwave radiation, it appears that these organized customers were most irate about the unjustifiable increases in their utility bills.’


3rd October 2015, 03:55 PM
I wonder how much the bills increased, didn't find anything about that aspect.

3rd October 2015, 08:14 PM
I've heard accounts of higher bills; but also another racket: Utility co calls you asking if you'd like a "free energy savings evaluation." Goon visits ur home, checks appliances, water heater, windows etc and makes recommendations. But it turns out these reco's are binding, in that you can't sell your home until perhaps $1000s in "upgrades" are made. Agenda 21 related thing, I think.