View Full Version : 10's of 1000s march in Manchester to protest gov's austerity/war policies

5th October 2015, 03:37 AM
chaos is right around the corner....


‘Mass protests are taking place in Manchester as the ruling Conservatives get ready to hold their party conference. People are demonstrating about a number of issues, ranging from PM David Cameron’s austerity measures to his plans to bomb Syria.

Amongst the protesters’ main gripes has been austerity measures introduced by the Tory Party, which has seen cuts in public services and a fall in living standards.’


5th October 2015, 03:43 AM
Japanese Protest New Totalitarian Surveillance System
With the distribution of the controversial My Number identification code only a few weeks away, hundreds of protesters marched through Tokyo’s Shibuya district Saturday in a last-ditch effort to stop a program they say invades people’s privacy.

Chanting “Stop My Number now!” and “No dangerous My Number card!” protesters called for postponement of the 12-digit number slated for mid-October. Organizers put the turnout at 400.

The government will start sending all residents in Japan, including non-Japanese, an identification number it says is intended to spare them the hassle of doing paperwork to handle administrative procedures.’


mick silver
5th October 2015, 12:32 PM
I have to wonder who paying for them to protest could it be g soros again