View Full Version : Gee, if caught on the ground in the states and they only speak Pashto...

midnight rambler
5th October 2015, 01:37 PM
...do ya think they may be terrorists?? ??? I just dunno, perhaps they're here to do jobs Americans won't...


5th October 2015, 02:23 PM
Look in your own house first before you look in other places...... You already have many so called "terrorist" living right here...You look at them every day.....You give them work, money, education, cash, medical and anything else that they may want.....am I talking about people from other countries?........HELL NO.......I am talking about REAL AMERICANS that some day will rebel against the injustice being committed against them by their own government and that someday they will yell HELL NO, WE WONT TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Let's take a chance with Trump..........Let Trump blow his trumpet.