View Full Version : Israelis and Palestinians Killed in the Current Violence

5th October 2015, 07:30 PM
Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

Link: http://www.ifamericansknew.org/stat/deaths.html

At least 1,198 Israelis and 9,139 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000.

Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
Number of People Killed Per Year
Year Israelis Palestinians
2000 41 282
2001 192 469
2002 419 1032
2003 185 588
2004 108 832
2005 51 190
2006 23 665
2007 13 385
2008 35 887
2009 9 1034
2010 9 82
2011 11 118
2012 7 254
2013 6 38
2014 86 2262
2015 3 13
American news reports repeatedly describe Israeli military attacks against the Palestinian population as “retaliation.” However, when one looks into the chronology of death in this conflict, the reality turns out to be quite different.

Source: B'Tselem, The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. (Visit their statistics page, last updated June 30, 2015.) See also the Palestinian Center for Human Rights' table that records the 2,191 victims (76% of them civilians) of Israel's recent massacre in Gaza that began on July 8th that are not yet included in B'Tselem's charts. 71 Israelis were killed during the same period (9% of them civilians).

The numbers in this chart include civilians and combatants killed by members of the opposing nationality (and therefore, do not include Palestinians killed by an explosive device that they set or was on their person, Israelis killed in 'friendly fire' incidents, etc.). The numbers also do not include the sizable number of Palestinians who died as a result of inability to reach medical care due to Israeli road closures, curfews, the Israeli closure of border crossing from Gaza, etc.

The figure for Palestinian deaths is extremely conservative, since it is difficult for B'Tselem to report on deaths in the Palestinian territories. The Palestine Red Crescent Society, internationally respected for its statistical rigor, reports significantly higher numbers of Palestinian deaths. We do not doubt the reliability of their data, and only use B'Tselem's more conservative numbers because they collect data on both populations.

In the past we used the statistics provided by Israel’s military for the number of Israelis killed, but they have not updated their statistics page since early in 2006. In addition, there is reason to believe that their numbers may have been somewhat inflated.

Breakdown of Deaths

Children Killed
(More on the impact on children.) 129
Remember These Children 1,523
Remember These Children
Civilians* Killed 731
B'Tselem 3,535 - 4,226
People killed in the course of a targeted killing 1 408 or more
People who were the object of a targeted killing 1 238
People killed on own land 596 (53.8%)
B'Tselem 6,756 (98.9%)
People killed on others' land 508 (46.2%)
B'Tselem 73 (1.1%)
* The Palestinian people do not have a military, so the usual classification of civilian is not being used. Instead B'Tselem provides data on the number of Palestinians who did not participate in hostilities, a significantly more stringent qualification than the one used to identify Israeli civilians. We do not know how many of the Israelis listed as civilians participated in the hostilities. Many settlers who illegally have taken over parts of the West Bank (and used to live in parts of the Gaza Strip) are heavily armed and there have been numerous reports of their brutal attacks on their Palestinian neighbors.

Causes of Deaths of Israeli Soldiers

Committed Suicide 30
Illness 14
Accidents 26
Terror Incidents 6
Source: Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv, Oct. 10, 2005, p. 6.
Note: The paper also reported that since 1992, 459 Israeli soldiers have committed suicide.

5th October 2015, 07:32 PM
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict stats


5th October 2015, 08:10 PM
02:47 05.10.2015(updated 03:08 05.10.2015)
Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel is in an “all-out war” against “Palestinian terror” and promised to wage a "fight to the death" in the wake of killing of four Israelis in Jerusalem.

Tzipi Hotovely sits in the Knesset, Israel's parliament, in Jerusalem.
Israel’s Top Diplomat: Palestinian Children Dream of Blowing Up Jews
Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that he’d ordered strict measures aimed to prevent acts of terror and restrain and punish terrorists, pledging a “harsh offensive on Palestinian Islamic terror.”
As soon as Netanyahu came back to Israel from the UN General Assembly in New York, he held a meeting with the heads of the country’s power structures in the wake of the death of four Israelis who had been killed in two separate attacks within just one week.

"We're running an all-out war against Palestinian terrorism," Haartez quoted Netanyahu as saying. "I've instructed further measures to prevent terror and deter and punish the terrorists."

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, addresses the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly September 29, 2014 at the United Nations in New York

World to Heed Israeli Warning About Iran Soon - Israeli Vice Prime Minister
According to media reports, the package of new counter-terrorism measures will include the deployment of additional military forces and police on the Western bank of Jordan River as well as in Eastern Jerusalem, restricting Palestinians from central Jerusalem, including holy sites for Muslims like mosques on the Temple Mount.
"These steps include, among others, speeded up demolition of terrorists' homes," Netanyahu claimed in a video address distributed by his office.

On Thursday, Palestinian militants attacked a car in the West bank, killing an Israeli couple right in front of their children’s eyes. Two days later another instance occurred when a Palestinian armed with a knife attacked a group of Israelis in the Old City of Jerusalem, stabbing two of them to death. Three other persons were injured.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20151005/1028019266.html#ixzz3nkmrJ500

5th October 2015, 08:18 PM
didn't see this special event of the special people on the tv news


Video: Activists & Hasidic Jews Face Off At Ritual Chicken Slaughter

The stench of death, of hot entrails, feces, and blood, pulled at the nostrils of the hundreds crowded along on a closed-off half-block of President Street in Crown Heights on Monday evening. The source of the odor was the chickens that men wearing aprons and shower caps were slaughtering by the dozen under bare bulbs on a makeshift stage taking up 50 feet of sidewalk for the ritual offering of kapparot.

Organized by Eshel Hachnosas Orchim, a group that hosts many of the thousands of Hasidic Jews who travel to Brooklyn from around the world to celebrate the High Holy Days in the home of the late Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, the event offered participants the opportunity to buy the chickens for $12 each—roosters for men and hens for women. Chicken in hand, the purchaser would read a prayer as the bird is waved over his head three times, then hand it off to have its throat slit as a reminder that death could be nigh and he should repent.

To an outsider, the slaughter is grim, but in the crowd, amid a chorus of cheeping chickens, the mood was upbeat.