View Full Version : Smart TV

7th October 2015, 02:41 PM
Know a bunch here do not do TV and rely on the web to keep up with what is going on.

I am not one, I use both to entertain and also keep up with what is happening around the world, and sadly my old Toshiba 32' CRT 20 year old set that has burned 24/7/365 for at least the last 10 years ,is starting to die!

The pincushion circuit is giving up the ghost and the picture is starting to do the hourglass thingy!

I have the test equipment to trouble shoot and repair it, which I may do someday but it being a analog set and todays signals are digital, what the hay !

I have kept this one working for me because I have had satellite DTV for the last 15 years or better and the tv was used as a monitor/display.

Bit the bullet and decided to get another tv but this time I went with a smart one, without camera and such, but web capable with ton's of different streaming choices/apps.

I get my Internet from the local cable co. which is a 50mbps service at 250 gig a month for abt $50 a month.

My satellite service runs near $80 a month..


Called my Internet provider and hashed things over with them, and have decided to drop my satellite service and hard line phone service at $ 35 per month and combine my Internet/tv and phone and save near $60 per month. With no loss of any programming that I like and gained some channels that I also liked.

Which for me is not a bad thing at all !

The TV is a smart one with ton's of streaming options when it is web connected that what I pay for now using only my computers/tablets to see now I can see it all on a bigger screen. Kewl !

Low level, as far as price goes but is the same screen size of my old dieing crt set, (which will be repaired someday, I probably have the parts needed in my shop, I suspect a capacitor or so drying out that takes two men and a boy to move because of the weight and bulk (no handhold's) I will add it to my 55" flat screen of things to repair that I suspect something in the power supply went out, that due to a bad case of "I do not give a crap" have not even thought of repairing. Tho I can repair it. ;D (Home theater is not high on my list anymore these days)

For one that weighs less than 15 lbs..

Will get it tomorrow and will make the swap out, and then switch services if I like what I see.

I like being web streaming connected, and the ton's of streams available.

I like the weight, compared to my old one.

New toy !


The only major bitch by some is the wifi connectivity with some sets, but the fix is easy to do or have the set replaced by the mfg, which also seems to care about their products..

The specs are good enough for me these days, seeing that they are better than my old set.

And a good $60 bucks per month savings, does add up, that can do one of my yearly tax bills !

More later!

7th October 2015, 03:31 PM

TV is not there to benefit you. It is a weapon used against you. To each their own, I look at all sides and then decide. The rest is pure unadulterated entertainment !

They that limit them selfs in their info sources to one side of a argument/belief and not looking at both sides of all arguments along with checking sources and then deciding which is more true, well..

The only true weapons we need to truly fear are the ones created within our selfs, by being closed minded or just looking at one side of a two sided mirror.

I suspect I will drop all network programming if the streaming choices this box can keep me entertained and SORTA informed.

I am past worrying about what I can not do a dam thing about nor change anymore, politically I am sick of it all !

But intellectually I am interested in dam near everything and looking forward to see what is offered from around the world, unlike what tv here in the states offers!

A fresh way to explore the info on the Internet !

The streams that this new box may take me to new places and thoughts , and non of it from any major networks.

Besides that with my ringing ears I have to have something playing at all times or making some kind of noise 24/7.

Hope you never have to suffer with this kind of problem, but if you do maybe you can understand.

7th October 2015, 07:48 PM


I do understand your and others point!

I just refuse to put blinders on in my thinking, by totally ignoring what the world's media says and only getting my news or information from sites that have only one or two agenda's!

The saying 'Trust but verify' is and always will be my guide !

The major agenda's I see here are nationalists which I do not totally disagree with! I do disagree with the scapegoating that most do here and elsewhere on the net!

Greed and striving for power has no race , color, nor creed!

All races, colors and creeds are guilty!!

It is the human way!

Which is what will doom us all!

Old fart in training been there and done that viewpoint! And now just does not give a flying crap anymore!

Because the other day I did not feel good and went to the doctor and found I just had a minor heart attack!

Always a first time for everything, and dammit I intend to enjoy new toys!


Sent from my Nexus 7

7th October 2015, 08:14 PM
Geez Dog, there are tons of heath remedies in this forum... somewhere. You're just a bit off balance, need a tune up.

7th October 2015, 08:39 PM
Geez Dog, there are tons of heath remedies in this forum... somewhere. You're just a bit off balance, need a tune up.

All the males in my family were taken out by the same thing, I have done and researched and it is what it is!

I have no fear of the other side!

My soul is clean, no hate, can you and others here say and truly believe the same?

This my last post abt my problem, just because it is my way!

I just wish I could bring my grandfather back so he can see the technology today!

He got me started in electronics in his TV and radio repair shop and we had roaring arguments in the late 1970's abt computers when I built my first one from a kit!

He could not see any use for them!

He he he!

Hell I am amazed , I started with tubes and ended with microprocessors!

And can repair them all, talk abt a mind stretch!


Nuff said other than what the new toy can do!


Sent from my Nexus 7

7th October 2015, 08:42 PM
I would never get a "smart TV" -- they should call it a "spy TV". I still don't have a TV, but do watch on kodi every now and then

7th October 2015, 09:00 PM
I would never get a "smart TV" -- they should call it a "spy TV". I still don't have a TV, but do watch on kodi every now and then

This one does not have a camera and when I get it I will take a look at the guts!

I know what smt microphones look like and will report my findings!

Fairly sure this one is clean and only web enabled for streaming, it has no browser!

Its called a TV but it is more a video web streaming box that has a TV tuner built in that can also take HDMI inputs for three devices!

Check the specs!

I do plan to take a look at the guts and believe me I plan to see if any cameras or microphones are in it!

I do have a electronic test and repair bench and the equipment to check it out!



Look me up in ham call




Sent from my Nexus 7

7th October 2015, 09:34 PM
Every dog must have his bone......his is a square magic box.


7th October 2015, 09:44 PM
Every dog must have his bone......his is a square magic box.


Bite me amigo!


Tho I do have a thing abt tech when I can afford it!

Seeing I started with tubes and now compared to them is pure magic!


A man without toys is a sad mandog

Sent from my Nexus 7

8th October 2015, 12:16 AM
I get something like 72 channels here for free

half of them are either 50s thru 80s Colombian or Mexican soaps, and the other half The Gong Show.

8th October 2015, 02:46 AM
Dogman, I used to build my own PC's up until about 10 years ago, and, then I just got my belly full of it (trying to keep up with all the protocols and drivers and all) and now I doubt I can even install windows anymore.

I had three stents put in my heart four years ago, BEFORE I had a heart attack and its been fine every since (knock on wood).

I finally quit mainstream TV because it was no longer entertaining to me. I couldn't help but see an agenda, where the characters we are watching are nothing more than puppets and a script has been prepared by hidden puppeteers behind the scenes, and, I was sure these puppeteers weren't any friends of mine.

Even movies lost their zeal after I started noticing their "agenda" getting slipped in here and there (where they would put something in a scene that has nothing to do with the script, but, gives them their "SAY" over the audience - like showing folks in the toilet, or giving us a glimpse of something scatological, or a glimpse of nudity, or anything vulgar and offensive). I just decided I ain't gonna' listen to anything the jews say, or put our for us to read, listen to, or watch.

So, I get my "input" from websites like this one, and, I am on the read list for some great minds like John Kaminski (his latest article is earth shaking).

Good luck with your new smart TV. They are making new ones now with 4K displays - I've seen them in Best Buy and I can see how they are a real gem, provided there was some non-offensive programming worth sitting still for (which I haven't found yet).