View Full Version : US draws a line on protecting CIA-backed rebels in Syria

mick silver
13th October 2015, 02:47 PM
US draws a line on protecting CIA-backed rebels in Syriahttps://media.zenfs.com/creatr-images/GLB/2015-04-20/94e89b90-e7b0-11e4-9ea9-23e8763fec68_Associated-Press.png (http://www.ap.org/) By KEN DILANIAN 1 hour ago

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FILE - In this June 17, 2015 file photo, smoke and explosions from fighting between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad and rebels in the Quneitra area of Syria are seen from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The Russian military intervention to prop up the Syrian government has put new scrutiny on the CIA’s secret support to Syrian rebels fighting Bashar Assad, raising questions about how far the U.S. is willing to go in empowering its proxies to take on Vladimir Putin’s allies. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Russian military intervention to prop up Syria's government has brought new scrutiny of the CIA's secret support to Syrian rebels fighting President Bashar Assad. But how far is the U.S. willing to go to empower its proxies to take on Vladimir Putin's allies?
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The answer seems to be: Not very far.
"Countering Russia's involvement in Syria doesn't rate nearly as high on the scale" as battling the Islamic State, which has declared a caliphate across parts of Syria and Iraq, White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday.
After the CIA spent more than two years secretly working with Arab allies to arm, train and fund thousands of so-called moderate rebels to oppose Assad, American officials have watched in recent days as Russian bombs and missiles have targeted those groups.
U.S. officials and outside experts say the Obama administration is unlikely to protect CIA-backed rebels from Russian air strikes — by providing them with surface-to-air missiles, for example — for fear they could fall into the wrong hands and be used against passenger jets in a terrorist attack. There is also little appetite in the White House for a U.S.-enforced no-fly zone in Syria, officials say.
Instead, the U.S. has been continuing its delivery to rebels of American-made TOW anti-tank missiles. Rebels have deployed the missiles to great effect over the last six months, and even more so in the last week, destroying dozens of Russian-made Syrian armored vehicles.
The CIA requires the vetted rebel groups it supports to take a video of every use of a TOW missile and to send the empty canisters back to American operatives in Turkey, according to Charles Lister, a Syrian expert at the Brookings Doha Center, a U.S. think tank branch in Qatar. A U.S. official confirmed the arrangement, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
The TOWs have "some potential if they can put enough in and the rebels are clever," said Jeffrey White, a former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
"They can cause the regime forces to either fail or have a difficult time making advances. That's at least indirect pressure on the Russians to either stop or do more."
But TOW missiles aren't designed to shoot down Russian jets and helicopters. And if Russian air power continues to blast away at CIA-trained rebels, a chilling message will be sent, White said.
"We've aligned ourselves to these guys, we trained them and paid them and sent them off to battle, and when the going gets tough, we're not there."
President Barack Obama has not spoken about the CIA program publicly, but he has said that Russia risks slipping into a quagmire in Syria and is operating from a position of weakness.
Obama also faces a vexing dilemma. On the one hand, the chief American goal in Syria is to destroy the Islamic State, an extremist army with billions of dollars at its disposal. Yet American officials also believe that getting Assad out of Syria is a key precursor to defeating the Islamic State movement, which is driven in part by Sunni disaffection with the Alawite governing class. And the Russians are working to keep Assad in power.
The CIA effort, which has trained and funded as many as 10,000 Syrian rebels over the last two years, is separate from the failed Defense Department training program that the Pentagon ended last week. The Pentagon program required fighters to promise to take on only the Islamic State, not the Syrian government, and managed to put into action fewer than 80 men.
More than 550 TOW missiles have been provided to the rebels, Lister said, citing rebel sources who track the shipments. But only four are known to have gotten into the hands of al Qaida fighters, he added.

Politics & Government
Unrest, Conflicts & War
Bashar Assad
Islamic State
Syrian rebels

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mick silver
13th October 2015, 02:49 PM
Syrian rebel says Russia air raids mean longer war, seeks anti-aircraft missileshttp://l.yimg.com/a/p/us/news/editorial/d/0c/d0c3eb8ca18907492a4b337b5cec5193.jpeg (http://www.reuters.com/) By Tom Perry October 1, 2015 2:38 PM

By Tom Perry
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BEIRUT (Reuters) - A prominent Syrian rebel leader said on Thursday that Russian air strikes in support of President Bashar al-Assad meant the war would go on longer, fuel extremism, and draw more foreign fighters to Syria.
Bashar al-Zoubi, who heads one of the largest rebel groups in southern Syria, called on Assad's Arab foes to meet the rebels' long-standing demand for anti-aircraft missiles so they could defend themselves from the newly arrived Russian jets.
He also said that even Russian air power could not settle the four-year-long war on Assad's terms, and said Moscow ran the risk of another Afghanistan in Syria - a reference to the Soviet Union's defeat there in the 1980s.
"These air strikes will extend the life of the war as a first step," said Zoubi, whose Yarmouk Army fights under the banner of the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA).
"As a second step, they will spread extremism, because when the war becomes a global one against the Syrian people, it will not retreat from its goals, and there will be fertile ground to attract foreign fighters to fight the Russians," Zoubi said.
"As Russia lost in Afghanistan, it will not win in Syria. There will be more killing and more bloodshed," said Zoubi, whose group is seen by the West as part of the moderate opposition to Assad.
While Russia says it is targeting Islamic State, areas hit by its warplanes since Wednesday in northwestern Syria are held mostly by other rebels battling Assad, including groups that count themselves part of the FSA.
Al-Mayadeen TV, a pro-Syrian government channel based in Lebanon, said areas targeted by Russian war planes on Thursday included Islamic State-held regions in northern and eastern Syria.
Zoubi's Yarmouk Army, part of the Southern Front rebel alliance that controls areas of southwestern Syria, has been a recipient of what rebels describe as small amounts of military aid from states that want to see Assad gone from power.
Assad's foreign foes include Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.
Zoubi and his rebel allies have long complained that military support from their backers has been insignificant compared to the support Assad has received from Iran and Russia.
Their demands for anti-aircraft weapons have gone unanswered.
With the rebels now facing more sophisticated Russian jets flying at higher altitudes than the older Syrian air force, Zoubi reiterated the demand for anti-aircraft weapons, notably from Arab states that are vying for regional sway with Iran.
"We hope that the Arab states provide us with anti-aircraft weapons to halt these barbaric attacks," he said.
Southwestern Syria is widely seen as one of the last major footholds of rebels with a Syrian nationalist rather than jihadist ideology. Foreign support to the rebels has been channeled via an operations room in U.S.-allied Jordan.
Zoubi was speaking to Reuters in a phone interview from Istanbul, where he said he was attending a Syrian opposition meeting aimed at drawing up a position on the latest U.N.-led diplomacy towards ending the Syria war.
The diplomacy led by U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura was already struggling before Russia began its air strikes.
"We have said more than once that we support a political solution leading to the demands of the Syrian revolution. But after this Iranian aggression, and now the Russian aggression, what political solution are you talking about?" Zoubi said.
"It destroyed all the initiatives of the international community. This is the most important point: we have lost confidence in the world, even in the (the concept of) a political initiative," he said.
(Editing by Samia Nakhoul and Ralph Boulton)

Unrest, Conflicts & War
Politics & Government
President Bashar al-Assad

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13th October 2015, 03:56 PM
We openly admit now that we are engaging in war against Syria by arming terrorists.

I hope Russia shuts off supply lines from Saud and Turkey... and Jordan. If they blast anything that moves in those areas, we will see an attempt at air drops. And may the Russians shoot them all down. Any Amerikan playing along with this war deserves to get his ass shot up.

7th trump
13th October 2015, 04:47 PM
We openly admit now that we are engaging in war against Syria by arming terrorists.

I hope Russia shuts off supply lines from Saud and Turkey... and Jordan. If they blast anything that moves in those areas, we will see an attempt at air drops. And may the Russians shoot them all down. Any Amerikan playing along with this war deserves to get his ass shot up.


13th October 2015, 04:54 PM
Israel, Russia and China are not concerned with Assad's Syrian Army or the rebels attacking it. They are only on call by global powers to prevent a muslim caliphate from occuring in turkey.

Or timing of gog and magog to their liking.

20th October 2015, 06:47 PM
I can't understand what he is saying but I did get that there is a million US dollars in that pile. Plus 2 very nice shiny gold bars. they would be what? 40 oz bars? What size is next after 20 oz. I think they are bigger than 20. A 20 oz Silver bar looks about that size.

Those notes look all nice and tidy. As if Fresh bundled right from the bank. Not like a drug operation would store them IMO.

So, where did the money come from?

21st October 2015, 01:23 AM
I can't understand what he is saying but I did get that there is a million US dollars in that pile. Plus 2 very nice shiny gold bars. they would be what? 40 oz bars? What size is next after 20 oz. I think they are bigger than 20. A 20 oz Silver bar looks about that size.

Those notes look all nice and tidy. As if Fresh bundled right from the bank. Not like a drug operation would store them IMO.

So, where did the money come from?
He said Allah about 50 times during 2 minutes, so it must be one of those moderates CIA trained in Saudi. It is two 1 Kilo gold bars, it was written on it, so about 31 ounces of gold!

21st October 2015, 11:31 AM
He's gonna launder all that dough into the indigenous syrian market for Assad to pay Putin with.

$20 to have your loincloth cleaned at the local laundry.