View Full Version : Canadian Political Candidate James Sears Calls Out Zionism in TV Debate

14th October 2015, 05:12 PM

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdWzLwNOlaA

14th October 2015, 08:52 PM

if i had any friends or spacebook pages i would share

14th October 2015, 10:52 PM
He just forgot his hair brush, other than that he seems legit.

14th October 2015, 10:56 PM
James Sears, might be able to take my 1969 chainsaw back for a tune up.

15th October 2015, 07:43 AM
gee, they should've left the missing parts in that clip, their reactions must've been epic.

15th October 2015, 09:31 AM
"...the Green and Marxist guy will agree with me..."


15th October 2015, 05:18 PM
What office this guy running for anyways?

I get this on him but it don't open


15th October 2015, 07:46 PM
that whole ncparty site is dead.

15th October 2015, 07:50 PM
Sears turned to politics in recent years, running in last fall’s municipal election in Ward 32. He received 800 votes, but was beaten by incumbent Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon. He’s now planning to run as an independent candidate in the federal election expected in October.

15th October 2015, 07:57 PM
Hahaha, the banned animation is great!


15th October 2015, 11:43 PM

15th June 2016, 04:37 AM
Red ice, free hour 1 inside: https://redice.tv/red-ice-radio/your-ward-news-battling-canadian-marxism-with-humor

Your Ward News: Battling Canadian Marxism with Humor
Jun 13, 2016
Tags: Canada Cultural Marxism free speech humor internet censorship trolls

Dr. James Sears is the leader of the New Constitution Party of Canada, a medical doctor by training, and Editor-In-Chief of “Your Ward News.” He is an advocate for male masculinity and provides one-to-one coaching for men looking to hone their skills in the taming of the FemiMarxist shrew, and James is also a top Canadian medical fraud and malpractice investigator.

More at link

5th July 2016, 02:29 AM
mostly J.Sears, 29m:

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBWvJyA2nOE) 29:01
Brian Ruhe & Dr. James Sears at Canadian Association of Freedom of Expression in Toronto - 2 of 3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBWvJyA2nOE)

4 hours ago

28th October 2016, 11:27 AM
A.C.Hitchcock show 1 hr

Top Menu
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (197) Dr. James Sears – YourWardNews.com
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock October 28, 2016 The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (197) Dr. James Sears – YourWardNews.com2016-10-28T17:05:13+00:00 ANDREW CARRINGTON HITCHCOCK SHOW No Comment


On today’s show I was joined by Dr. James Sears from Canada.

James has run for political office and most recently taken over a Canadian newspaper, “Your Ward News.”

We had a lively and engaging discussion in which we covered: how James is banned from using the Canadian Postal Service (he cannot even send a Christmas card to his Aunt unless he fancies 5 years in jail!); how the marxist political system operates a soft-kill method against morality and the family unit; the promotion of pornography, feminism, and putting men down; and much more.

Audio & links: http://eurofolkradio.com/2016/10/28/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-197-dr-james-sears-yourwardnews-com/

23rd August 2019, 07:08 PM
Savage Sentence Handed Out to Dr. James Sears for Satire (http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=3168)

Posted on August 23, 2019 (http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=3168)

Savage Sentence Handed Out to Dr. James Sears for Satire

TORONTO. August 22, 2019. Today Provincial Court Judge Richard Blouin blew it. He had the chance to declare a mistrial for outrageously ineffective representation but instead chose to sentence Dr. James Sears, editor of the satirical YOUR WARD NEWS to the maximum — a year in prison, six months each consecutive on two counts of wilfully promoting hate against privileged minorities — Jews and Women.

Despite evidence in e-mail exchanges that lawyer Dean Embry had refused Dr. Sears instruction to call expert witnesses and to make certain submissions, the judge, sticking by a fellow lawyer declared: ” “Mr. Embry approached the case tactically and professionally. This was not incompetence or worse. This was a lawyer doing his job. It just didn’t work.”

The judge then got down to sentencing. He declared that Dr. Sears deserved at least 18 months. A conviction attracts only a maximum of six months. Agreeing to the Crown’s demands for the maximum sentence of six months on each count to be served concurrently, the judge gave Dr. Sears a year.

The judge faithfully echoed a line spread by Canada’s Jewish lobby that criticism of Jews leads to violence: ” “Mr. Sears promoted hate to a vast audience in an era where online exposure to this material inexorably leads to extremism and the potential of mass casualties.” Oddly, in press reports, Noah Shack of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs said much the same thing: “Those who promote hatred must be held accountable. What starts with words can often lead to violence.” At an earlier sentencing hearing, Dr. Sears had submitted evidence that YOUR WARD NEWS‘s satire serves as a safety valve and offers a voice to many people marginalized by political correctness. he cited two examples of people who had threatened violence but who had calmed down once their stories appeared in YOUR WARD NEWS.

Dr, Sears wife Colette and his four year old son attended the sentencing. The boy saw his father handcuffed and led away. Dr. Sears gave his wife his car keys and cellphone and insisted on keeping his chain and crucifix as he headed to the cells.

A woman supported called out: “This is not right.” The judge threatened to have her removed. The woman, who grew up in communist Eastern Europe, left the court in tears with memories of exactly the same things in her homeland.

In a press scrum afterwards, Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, warned an extremely hostile reporter: “This is a sad day for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. This is North Korea lite. CAFE has supported YOUR WARD NEWS all along in its fight for freedom. Neither the Crown nor the judge could see that this paper was satirical. My parents if alive today would have wondered what they risked their youth for. My father served three and a half years in the Royal Canadian Navy; my mother six years as a nurse in the Canadian Army. They thought they were fighting for freedom and against people who jailed writers and threw people in prison for the non-violent expression of their religious or political views.”

“Dr. Sears is a Christian martyr,” another supporter said.

Publisher Leroy St. Germaine will be sentenced August 29. A proud Metis, he was entitled to the Aboriginal discount, or special reduction of sentences in view of his ethnicity. At a previous hearing the judge urged him to accept mediation — a sitdown with Jews and women who had complained against YOUR WARD NEWS. “Fuck that,” he told his lawyer.

So, August 29 will show whether our cultural Marxist courts will send a proud, ailing 77-year old Metis to prison for the non-violent publication of his political and religious views.

A notice of appeal against the conviction was filed earlier this week. Another lawyer will appear in Provincial Court on Friday to seek Dr. Sears release on bail pending appeal.

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24th August 2019, 03:26 AM

Savage Sentence Handed Out to Dr. James Sears for Satire

A year in prison for THIS (http://www.yourwardnews.com/ywn_winter_2019.pdf)


24th August 2019, 04:18 AM
A year in prison for THIS (http://www.yourwardnews.com/ywn_winter_2019.pdf)


This is the first time I've seen this thread. This is a travesty. Call it what it is. He is a political prisoner.

24th August 2019, 05:55 AM
My initial thought was here we go again, a couple of Jews behaving outrageously an over the top performance sure to draw fire from the establishment court system.

Now the courts have a precedent and can proceed with impunity against any goys who stick their heads up to talk about free speech.

24th August 2019, 07:19 AM
This is the first time I've seen this thread. This is a travesty. Call it what it is. He is a political prisoner.

Is he a willing participant so that JQP fears and does not allow us to post pictures at this website?

24th August 2019, 09:20 AM
...JQP fears and does not allow us to post pictures at this website?

:rolleyes: ask him

24th August 2019, 09:57 AM

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdWzLwNOlaA

also consider jootube memoryholed above vid.

YT search "James Sears debate zionism" (no quotes):


^ if the televised candidate debate of this thread's OP is in those results eventually, it's not at/near the top as it should be!

here's one pub'd 8/22 though, 3m 17s:



27th October 2019, 11:30 PM
I'm 20-some mins into this 49m interview - so far it's been all James Sears' story:

Jim Rizoli Interview With Paul Fromm (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/10/jim-rizoli-interview-with-paul-fromm.html)

Jim Rizoli and Diane King were in Toronto meeting with fellow Patriots - Jim interviewed Paul Fromm to get the latest updates. (uploaded on the 26th so guess when that was recorded)

BitChute Link (https://www.bitchute.com/video/On9IDg2H3LQK/)