View Full Version : Connecting the dots: the Annunaki, money, enslavement, law, hidden technologies, etc.

midnight rambler
17th October 2015, 07:18 AM
Some call Michael Tellinger the real Indiana Jones, he identifies the international banksters as the problem in this video.

"Everything to do with aid, charities...are all set up by the banking elite...are just fronts for money laundrying." --Michael Tellinger

To get a feel as to whether you care to view the whole video listen for 7-8 minutes starting at 6:30, it's extremely fascinating, I think you'll find it well worth your time -


17th October 2015, 08:07 AM
Tellinger is a fav of mine.... we are in this mess because ancient history is hidden to us and in the hands or the masonic-zionists