View Full Version : 3rd Grand Old Party Debate 8:00pm EST

28th October 2015, 03:56 PM
Now all I need is a link. The cnbc page is not allowing it... Optional links?

T minus 64 minutes.

28th October 2015, 04:06 PM
Been trying to get a link but I found this interesting comment:

CNBC, you are a dinosaur of the ridiculous cable "news" system. Restricting this debate to only those with cable subscriptions shows that you do not deserve to host a debate. Democracy should be not for profit. You are asshats.

28th October 2015, 04:31 PM
Looks to be completely blocked from viewing unless you pay cnbc $29.99... This is real?

28th October 2015, 04:43 PM

mick silver
28th October 2015, 04:44 PM
so your having a party at your place tonight

28th October 2015, 04:46 PM
Looks to be completely blocked from viewing unless you pay cnbc $29.99... This is real?

Pay to play... Same as it ever was.

Not having a TV solves the problem preemptively.

28th October 2015, 04:46 PM

We noticed you are attempting to use our site in a private or incognito browsing mode which interferes with cookies. To utilize this site you must be in a normal browser mode with cookies enabled.

28th October 2015, 04:49 PM
According to the Denver Post it is real.

28th October 2015, 04:58 PM
CNBC Limits Livestream of the Third GOP Debate to Cable Subscribers; CNN Didn’t
There is one way to legally watch Wednesday's debate online for free, but it's tricky. Fox News also blocked out non-cable subscribers, but then CNN livestreamed the next two to everyone.
By Brady Dale • 10/26/15 10:59pm
Guests watch Republican presidential candidates speak during the first Republican presidential debate hosted by Fox News and Facebook at the Quicken Loans Arena on August 6, 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)Guests watch Republican presidential candidates speak during the first Republican presidential debate hosted by Fox News and Facebook at the Quicken Loans Arena on August 6, 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

With the fate of our nation in the balance, it’s better if we watch Presidential debates together. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

CNBC is showing the third Republican Presidential debate on Wednesday night at 8PM ET, for two hours, from the University of Colorado at Boulder. A 6 PM ET debate will match up the the Republican candidates polling between one and three percent.

The lineup for Wednesday’s debate will feature 10 candidates, according to a release from last week, all of which will be familiar to viewers of the two prior debates.

Without a cable subscription, however, voters will be blocked from tuning in online, as Bustle previously reported. CNBC will show the debate on cable and stream it on its site only to users who can authenticate as cable or CNBC Pro subscribers, as if it were any other night, not one of a limited number of national civic rituals leading up to the first open election of the free world’s leader since 2008.

The last two debates (the first Democratic and the second Republican) have been livestreamed without a login for anyone with an Internet connection, on CNN.com. Presumably, the channel did so in part out of a democratic impulse, but also because (as this reporter can attest) it was able to sell ads against its online stream as well.

Some of the challenges livestreaming for everyone presented for the network were detailed by Fortune.

CNBC’s “Your Money, Your Vote: The Republican Presidential Debate” marks the fourth nationally televised conversation of Presidential candidates (with the election still more than a year way). CNBC joins Fox News in limiting viewership to cable subscribers.

The Observer asked CNBC why it was opting to follow Fox News’ livestreaming example rather than that of CNN. A CNBC spokesperson wrote via email, “CNBC is fully distributed.”

Translation of “fully distributed”: the channel reaches the homes of pretty much everyone subscribed to cable.

We followed up with a reformulated version of the same question. Why is CNBC blocking out non-cable subscribers from its livestream? The spokesperson replied, “No comment.”

Every age group from 49 on down is watching less traditional television every year. The people who are watching more TV, people over 65, are also 30 percent more likely to vote than the people leaving television the most quickly, people under the age of 24 (based on the last several Presidential elections).

It’s a missed opportunity to give more members of that demographic some tiny sense of ownership over this election.

CNBC Pro costs $29.99 per month, but it comes with a seven-day free trial. That appears to be the only online option without a cable subscription. Just be sure to set a reminder to unsubscribe before the week is up (and don’t be surprised if it isn’t easy).

This reporter recalls a time when all Presidential debates were broadcast over the public airwaves, free to all. It seems like such an important conversation should be available to all, live, particularly now that social media makes it possible to join in the conversation with people across the country.

YouTube users will undoubtedly post this debate on the site like they have the three debates before, but watching them after the fact is a poor substitute for listening and discussing them at one time with millions of your fellow Americans

28th October 2015, 05:01 PM
I don't think this is going to go well for CNBC in the long run. It's like a closed debate. Trump and Carson should have just boycotted after all since you have to pay 29 a month or 299 a year to see the specticle.

28th October 2015, 05:16 PM
You know, it takes a LOT to get me really pissed off, I mean really. Not taking stabs at my friend Pete, those are not even close to pissing me off, just play. This CNBC crap will haunt them, hopefully forever. They have blocked a GOP Debate, which by my standards is completely illegal. Unless there was some stipulation of the Trump/Carson deal on limiting the debate I see a LOT of room for lawsutes.

Why even bother at all? I have been hounding the Trump and Carson pages and so far zero replies.

What sucks worse is that I looked foreward to this circuis crap.

28th October 2015, 05:27 PM
Really, from a business stand point it has got to come back and bite them in the ass. They are doing a disservice to the country on the political front.

Yes, it sucks not to be able to see the comedy.

28th October 2015, 05:59 PM
Really, from a business stand point it has got to come back and bite them in the ass. They are doing a disservice to the country on the political front.

Yes, it sucks not to be able to see the comedy.
I live to see the Donald smack the establishment up, but now we cant.

Watch CNBC drop like a rock. Hope their commercials that no one can see paid off...

Bet no one will pay to air the crap happens again.

I think they cut their own balls off on this one.

midnight rambler
28th October 2015, 06:57 PM
Patience, it's on jootube now -

1st 38 minutes -


28th October 2015, 07:29 PM
If I had ptients I would be a fuckig jew doctor, I have no patiebts so I can't tolerate this BS.

29th October 2015, 12:37 AM
Pretty strong debate, republicans need to get rid of some 3 or 4 of the weaker candidates or they risk a washout.

29th October 2015, 01:30 AM
Patience, it's on jootube now -

1st 38 minutes -

The missing 42 minuts?

29th October 2015, 02:08 AM
John sure has some perdy lipstick on...

29th October 2015, 06:09 AM
Pretty funny hearing the Fox news commentators bash the CNBC moderators for being biased, when Fox's Chris Wallace and Kelly Megyn did the same thing in their debate.
Hypocrites! At least you'd expect it of the CNBC liberals...Fox news attacked their own party, which was more disgusting imo. I guess they were hoping people forgot about that...I didn't!


29th October 2015, 10:03 PM
Did anyone know her name was Becky Quick?


That's gotta be an under the table stage name...or something