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30th October 2015, 01:56 PM
Sharp rise in 'designer vagina' surgery fuelled by a desire 'to look good in yoga pants and bikinis'
49% rise in 'designer vagina' surgery in US from 2013 to 2014

Dr Jennifer Walden: Labiaplasty is 'among most popular ops for women'
Desire to look good in yoga pants and swimsuits is fuelling the rise
Women more aware of their genital area because of access to pornographic images and the trend for total pubic hair removal

PUBLISHED: 16:50 EST, 28 October 2015 | UPDATED: 10:20 EST, 29 October 2015

A sharp rise in 'designer vagina' surgeries is being fuelled by a desire to achieve a sleeker look in yoga pants, a leading plastic surgeon has revealed
A desire to look good in yoga pants and swim wear is fuelling a huge rise in the number of women opting to have 'designer vagina' surgery, plastic surgeons have revealed.

From girls as young as 16, to women in their 70s, more women than ever are choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery to alter the appearance of their genitals.

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) has recorded a significant increase in the number of tissue removal and re-structuring operations - a staggering 49 per cent rise in one year, from 2013 to 2014.

Labiaplasty is an operation performed on the labia, or 'lips' surrounding the vagina.
Surgery can be performed on the labia majora - the outer, larger vaginal lips - or the labia minora - the smaller, internal vaginal lips.

The procedure can change the size or shape of a woman's labia.
Typically the surgery is performed to make the labia smaller, or to correct asymmetry.

Meanwhile, vaginoplasty is a procedure that aims to 'tighten up' a vagina that has become slack, often the result of childbirth or ageing.

Dr Jennifer Walden, an aesthetic plastic surgeon and spokeswoman for the ASAPS, based in Austin, Texas, said labiaplasty is 'one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in women'.

Over the last few years, she has noted a huge rise in the number of patients requesting the procedure.
'It is one of the fastest rising procedures, in terms of popularity,' she told Daily Mail Online.

'It can prove life-changing for so many patients.'

Typically Dr Walden performs two to three labiaplasty operations a week.
And, she said, her practice also sees another two to three women each week for a non-invasive procedure, ThermiVa, which aims to tighten the vagina using radio frequency.

'Over the last three to four years, I have seen a large rise in procedures for feminine issues,' she said.

And the trend for women to have all their pubic hair removed, in Brazilian and Hollywood waxes and laser hair removal, has, in part, driven this trend.

Furthermore, a rise in access to pornographic images and those of scantily-clad women online, has also had a resounding impact on women, Dr Walden said.

Dr Jennifer Walden, an aesthetic plastic surgeon and spokeswoman for the ASAPS, said labiaplasty is 'one of the most popular cosmetic operations for women'. She said the trend for total pubic hair removal and greater access to pornographic images is making women more aware of their genital areas

And as a result, women are more self-conscious of their genital area when wearing swim wear, tight jeans and yoga pants.
'There has been a rise in women going bare, down there, having Brazilian waxes and laser hair removal,' she told Daily Mail Online.

'It has become fashionable and as a result women have, all of a sudden, started to see things they may not have taken notice of before.'
The majority of consultations I perform are on women who do have enlarged labia. It is not a made up problem. It can have serious consequences

Dr Jennifer Walden, aesthetic plastic surgeon and ASAPS spokeswoman
But, the rise in requests for labiaplasty is not merely a vain one, Dr Walden said.

'The majority of consultations I perform are on women who do have enlarged labia,' she said.
'This is not a made up problem. It can have serious consequences.'

Enlarged labia can impact on a woman's hygiene, and can cause severe discomfort during sex as well as when wearing tight clothing.
'Some women have a real issue with contouring when wearing tight jeans and yoga pants,' Dr Walden said.

'They want to look and appear sleeker in that area. And enlarged labia can have a real impact on a woman's sex life.
'In mechanical terms the labia can be tugged on constantly, which can cause repeated pressure during sex, which leads to severe discomfort.'

But, rather than suffer in silence, due to a rise in awareness of 'designer vagina' surgery, Dr Walden said women are now aware they have options.

Dr Walden said the increase in demand for 'designer vagina' operations is not just fuelled by vanity, however. Rather, she said the majority of her patients do in fact have enlarged labia, which can cause hygiene issues, as well as extreme discomfort during sex and while wearing tight clothing. The condition can also cause self-esteem issues when it comes to wearing bikinis and swim wear, as well as exercise clothing

'For better or worse, a rise in online images, both pornographic and those of women wearing very little, has made women aware of areas they may not have noticed before,' she added.

In turn, greater discussion of the issues has helped to break down the taboo and make surgery a viable option for women of all ages.

'I have seen girls as young as 16 anxious and concerned about having enlarged labia,' Dr Walden told Daily Mail Online.

'And just recently I saw a 75-year-old woman, who came in with her husband, to discuss their options after issues with vaginal lubrication.

'But, typically I would say most women seek the procedure after childbirth, so it is normally women in their 20s and 30s that come to see me about the surgeries.'

Labiaplasty operations can cost between $6,000 to $8,000, while non-invasive ThermiVa procedures cost $3,000 for a session of three.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3294179/Sharp-rise-designer-vagina-surgery-fuelled-desire-look-good-yoga-pants-bikinis.html#ixzz3q59h5gv5



30th October 2015, 02:13 PM
tnx to porn then

30th October 2015, 02:28 PM
Acckkk! Shudder! I really wish I hadn't watched that second video slicing up a perfectly fine labia.

30th October 2015, 02:42 PM
Acckkk! Shudder! I really wish I hadn't watched that second video slicing up a perfectly fine labia.

I agree, there was nothing wrong with her labias.

Message to the girls,
Just keep the damn thing neatly trimmed and quit being such big whores.
Oh, and leave a little hair on top (stripe/triangle)...some of us don't like it to look like an under-aged girl, or a porn star.

30th October 2015, 02:43 PM
Acckkk! Shudder! I really wish I hadn't watched that second video slicing up a perfectly fine labia.

I knew there is a reason I scan past videos before watching them.

Must insert alcohol first.

30th October 2015, 03:33 PM
I never use my eyes on that part of a woman's body,

is like when dirt blows in your eye it auto-closes.

Well accept my tongue does the opposite. :o

30th October 2015, 07:04 PM
Acckkk! Shudder! I really wish I hadn't watched that second video slicing up a perfectly fine labia.

Thanks for the warning. I'll pass. Somebody I know (VERY well) had this done. Charged it on a fucking credit card. I told her I thought that in the 20+ years I'd known her, that was probably the dumbest decision she ever made.

30th October 2015, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the warning. I'll pass. Somebody I know (VERY well) had this done. Charged it on a fucking credit card. I told her I thought that in the 20+ years I'd known her, that was probably the dumbest decision she ever made.

Default on credit cards. Non security loan. 7 Years.

31st October 2015, 01:34 AM
tnx to feminism then

Fixed that for you.

Women don't go through surgery like this to please men, they do this to compete against other women. Feminism has taught women that they deserve the best men, so they compete with each other for them. The top 10% of men have their choice of 90% of available women. Obviously these percentages may not be exact, but the point is made. Instead of "settling" for a hardworking guy with a normal job, every woman deserves a doctor, lawyer, rich banker, etc.

For guys, rent a porsche for the night. Tell women you are a doctor, if you are decent looking you'll be taking home a hottie for the night.

Disclaimer: I don't recommend that, and I would not do that personally, but I'll tell you, my honesty and morals have never, ever, attracted a woman. It's always been something else.

31st October 2015, 02:32 AM
if we look deeper, the porn industry and feminism are linked and also has affected men. penis enlargement and other cosmetic procedures for males are too skyrocketing nowadays.

but I guess that after the full blown financial collapse many will come back to their senses.

I am moving away from all theories opposing too much A to B or even C, because truth is always somewhere in the middle... and the middle is controlled by the PTBs and so are all sides of any issue. Fighting the consequences is what is tearing the fabric of society apart. But thats the plan... and it is working

blue = where the truth lies but in the hands of the agenda/evil. Norms are myths
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.M 2ab62a750d0f8c924dccdc8a9aa70a00o0%26pid%3D15.1&f=1

the above is valid for consenting adults only of course.

31st October 2015, 01:32 PM
Why are you surgically enhancing this perfect vagina thread into an ISIS thread, singular?


31st October 2015, 01:49 PM
The graph works for almost anything... and yours is mainstream pro-war cartel so it is a correct perspective too...

elements a, b, c are which we wish to include. Maybe in the case of this thread, two circles may be better than 3

mick silver
31st October 2015, 01:52 PM

31st October 2015, 03:25 PM
This is something I can get behind. I'm not a fan of the camel toe or moose knuckle.

31st October 2015, 03:37 PM
This is something I can get behind. I'm not a fan of the camel toe or moose knuckle.

Labia are fullably inflatable flotation devices that should not be discarded.

I will defend their use in all acrobatic performances.

You could drown.

31st October 2015, 04:04 PM
Seems to me the idea that one size fits all when it comes to ANYONE is nothing more than setting the majority up to fail - or want more.
It's the basis behind never ending consumerism. Convince the masses that they don't live up to an ever shifting societal norm, and there's your target market to fleece out of their money.

I like and enjoy the uniqueness of a partner - I feel that it helps create the individual bond.
Not to be a wuss, it's just that I think we're all being sold a BS bill of goods

31st October 2015, 07:35 PM
This is something I can get behind. I'm not a fan of the camel toe or moose knuckle.

i thought all guys liked the ct look. wish it would come in style :cool:


31st October 2015, 10:01 PM
Labia are fullably inflatable flotation devices that should not be discarded.

I will defend their use in all acrobatic performances.

You could drown.

Is that some kind of fucked up poem? Not saying it's bad, just need to know what you meant to do there..

31st October 2015, 10:15 PM
Is that some kind of fucked up poem? Not saying it's bad, just need to know what you meant to do there..

Its a general sturgeon's warning message for labia trimmers and their users of everywhere.

never trim any trim under 1/4 of an inch or risk blunt force trauma injury.

31st October 2015, 10:36 PM
i thought all guys liked the ct look. wish it would come in style :cool:


OK, she's wearing a scarf suggesting it's cold out, but wearing next to nothing. This makes no sense at all. Also, her tight shorts? if you call them that, actually need a belt.

This is the problem. Women are insane.

1st November 2015, 02:17 AM
This is the problem. Women are insane.
most men have always perceived most women insane, nothing new under the sun...

in my view partners in a relationship who can be voluntarily ascetic for 2 or 3 months every now and then will have a better intimacy quality wise, which is more fulfilling.

Thats is why women have been trained to respond to quickly to male's expectations even faster now... and that is where the problem lies. Keeping masses in a permanent state of lust prevents them from paying attention to the rest while increasing the divide between genders and fear from one another as both natures are fundamentally different.

the agenda is that sexuality has become another darwinian application, men and women as sex machines or animals who cannot help themselves. The agenda has always been there, but today it is fully manufactured from a to z

1st November 2015, 05:17 AM
Thats is why women have been trained to respond to quickly to male's expectations even faster now... and that is where the problem lies.

I disagree. I don't think there's a man on the planet who would expect a woman to wear a scarf on a hot summer day. If I ever sank to that level, I would take that scarf and hang myself with it.

I stand by an earlier statement, women don't do the crazy things they do to impress men, they do them, to compete against other women. It's what other women think, that matters.

For example, men don't give a shit about fashion, but women do. In their materialistic minds, it matters, so there is a huge industry that wastes clothes that go out of style because of it. To me, and probably most guys, a woman can look just as good in jeans and flannel shirt, than some expensive stupid fashion outfit.

Regarding keeping the masses in a permanent state of lust...that's not an agenda that's programmed by men, it's the programming of women that causes that. Using sex as bait to achieve a response, it's the oldest game in the book and has been around since the dawn of time. I'm sure there's even quotes in the bible to support this.

1st November 2015, 05:22 AM
as long as A opposes B and otherwise... failing to see the 50-50% = we are stuck

enjoy the fight.

sexuality has ALWAYS been a PTB agenda... keep the sexual energy depleted and people will become obsessed and do many stupid things as a result.

Look at the situation throughout the world... your perception is only a fractal of the BIG picture.

1st November 2015, 05:30 AM
sexuality has ALWAYS been a PTB agenda... keep the sexual energy depleted and people will become obsessed and do many stupid things as a result.

Look at the situation throughout the world...

They want to keep the sexual energy high, and charged up, not depleted. If sexual energy gets depleted, as in a release from a sexual act, focus tends to changed. Keep that energy high and the PTB can manipulate it for their agenda.

1st November 2015, 05:32 AM
I disagree. I don't think there's a man on the planet who would expect a woman to wear a scarf on a hot summer day. If I ever sank to that level, I would take that scarf and hang myself with it.

I stand by an earlier statement, women don't do the crazy things they do to impress men, they do them, to compete against other women. It's what other women think, that matters.

For example, men don't give a shit about fashion, but women do. In their materialistic minds, it matters, so there is a huge industry that wastes clothes that go out of style because of it. To me, and probably most guys, a woman can look just as good in jeans and flannel shirt, than some expensive stupid fashion outfit.

Regarding keeping the masses in a permanent state of lust...that's not an agenda that's programmed by men, it's the programming of women that causes that. Using sex as bait to achieve a response, it's the oldest game in the book and has been around since the dawn of time. I'm sure there's even quotes in the bible to support this.

Hitch, you are correct. Women dress, style their hair, makeup etc. to impress other women, not us men.

Keeping the masses in a permanent state of lust is perpetuated by the Jews.

1st November 2015, 05:38 AM
They want to keep the sexual energy high, and charged up, not depleted. If sexual energy gets depleted, as in a release from a sexual act, focus tends to changed. Keep that energy high and the PTB can manipulate it for their agenda.

partially true, there are no highs without lows... the tricks is to regulate them so it goes back and forth. However such tensions cannot be sustained and result in low self esteem always seeking for new highs.

self control = high and is paramount

I explain this dynamics in my book: the goal is keeping the body within LOW level vibrations... an emotional rollercoaster... hence depletion.

1st November 2015, 05:42 AM
They want to keep the sexual energy high, and charged up, not depleted. If sexual energy gets depleted, as in a release from a sexual act, focus tends to changed. Keep that energy high and the PTB can manipulate it for their agenda.

The purpose of this was/is to destroy the family unit. That has pretty much been accomplished. Refer to jerrylynnb's post on no fault divorce.


1st November 2015, 05:58 AM
no blame games as ALL religions and mythologies have attempted to control sexual energy, and to find our way out of the Maze, we ought to ask ourselves: what IS sexuality.. the biggest Force in the entire Universe and the Principle of Creation... God as a Mind (the Aether) in a perpetual orgasmic state...

sounds crazy? It is all about grasping Electromagnetism 101

The sex matings of the elements exactly coincide in effect with the sex matings of humans. Violent explosions in the elements have the same basic cause as such violent explosions as murder in humans. Terrific electric unbalance is the cause of both. Likewise, stability in the elements and in humans has the same cause in equality of balance -- Walter Russell

Merging of science and spirituality is needed more than ever. And sexual energy (aka electromagnetism) is the bridge between the two... the shabby secret of power.

4000+ years that we have been had... and PTBs have always known this... where did they get this knowledge? Not from the bronze age IQs, thats for sure.

edit: no peace as long as people struggle with their own emotions and keep ignoring their origins..

The purpose of this was/is to destroy the family unit. That has pretty much been accomplished. Refer to jerrylynnb's post on no fault divorce.


1st November 2015, 10:35 PM
most men have always perceived most women insane, nothing new under the sun...

in my view partners in a relationship who can be voluntarily ascetic for 2 or 3 months every now and then will have a better intimacy quality wise, which is more fulfilling.

Thats is why women have been trained to respond to quickly to male's expectations even faster now... and that is where the problem lies. Keeping masses in a permanent state of lust prevents them from paying attention to the rest while increasing the divide between genders and fear from one another as both natures are fundamentally different.

the agenda is that sexuality has become another darwinian application, men and women as sex machines or animals who cannot help themselves. The agenda has always been there, but today it is fully manufactured from a to z

Women are Batshit Crazy! You are the one in 10 million who can hold an intelligent conversation with men and not cry when the argument gets heated. You are the exception to the rule, so please understand the majority of women are petty little babies with penis envy who can not be trusted.

1st November 2015, 11:34 PM

Western Women are Batshit Crazy! You are the one in 10 million who can hold an intelligent conversation with men and not cry when the argument gets heated. You are the exception to the rule, so please understand the majority of western women are petty little babies with penis envy who can not be trusted.

2nd November 2015, 12:18 AM
I like to think that women across the globe at least share in a small part of their whole, batshit craziness.

or they are somehow other worldly tuned into one another and act in consort against their man victims, some just have longer fangs.

Maybe I am watching too many vampire Halloween movies?

2nd November 2015, 12:45 AM
the majority of men are petty little babies with penis envy who can not be trusted.Unfortunately this statement is equally true today!

2nd November 2015, 06:07 AM
thank you for the compliment, although the lesson was harsh, it did turn me into a proponent of the "half empty/full" theory.

Women are Batshit Crazy! You are the one in 10 million who can hold an intelligent conversation with men and not cry when the argument gets heated. You are the exception to the rule, so please understand the majority of women are petty little babies with penis envy who can not be trusted.

2nd November 2015, 07:17 AM
Women are Batshit Crazy! You are the one in 10 million who can hold an intelligent conversation with men and not cry when the argument gets heated. You are the exception to the rule, so please understand the majority of women are petty little babies with penis envy who can not be trusted.

Yeah, but that's never stopped men from hunting for the perfect vagina.

As for me, Ive never even snagged a perfect morel mushroom.

2nd November 2015, 10:11 PM
thank you for the compliment, although the lesson was harsh, it did turn me into a proponent of the "half empty/full" theory.

Your welcome, we dont always agree but you got a good head on your shoulders. Wish more women did.