View Full Version : The Eco-Apocalypse in Indonesia That No One is Talking About
1st November 2015, 03:36 AM
since my previous thread about the issue didnt get much attention, I started a new one with a different thread title. Trying to profit from earth brings about the Act of Destruction
Warships ready in Indonesia to evacuate ACRID haze victims
The Eco-Apocalypse in Indonesia That No One is Talking About
1st November 2015
Some of the most devastating fires the world has ever seen are happening right now in Indonesia, and this unfolding disaster is getting little attention. Annual fires during the dry season have become typical in the last 20 years or so as slash and burn rainforest farming techniques have ravaged this once pristine part of the world, but now this year they are catastrophic. Some 5000 fires have burned in Borneo alone in just the last 2 months.
“A great tract of Earth is on fire. It looks as you might imagine hell to be. The air has turned ochre: visibility in some cities has been reduced to 30 metres. Children are being prepared for evacuation in warships; already some have choked to death. Species are going up in smoke at an untold rate. It is almost certainly the greatest environmental disaster of the 21st century – so far.” – George Monbiot
This year’s fires are shaping up to be some of the worst fires on record, as a stretch of some 5000 km of land is burning, casting a deadly cloud of particulate haze over millions of people. These types of fires are unique because it is not just the trees and vegetation that burn, as most of the fires are occurring in the vast tropical peatlands of the rainforest.
Here, the land itself actually catches fire, not just trees and vegetation, because great swaths of the forest sit on enormous eat domes that act as fuel under such dry conditions that have been exacerbated this year by the El Nino weather phenomenon. When the layers of peat are penetrated by fire, then they can smolder for weeks or even months continually releasing toxic gasses which extend for hundreds of miles.
“Peat is formed under very wet conditions, when dead plant material is unable to decay in the flooded environment. This leads to a build-up of partially decomposed organic matter, which over time accumulates in peat domes, like the Sabangau Forest… Here, the peat is around 26,000 years old and measures more than 12 metres deep in the centre. ” [Source]
Why are the fires so intense this year as compared to previous years? Journalist George Monbiot, author of Poisoned Arrows, writes, for the Guardian:
Indonesia’s forests have been fragmented for decades by timber and farming companies. Canals have been cut through the peat to drain and dry it. Plantation companies move in to destroy what remains of the forest to plant monocultures of pulpwood, timber and palm oil. The easiest way to clear the land is to torch it. Every year, this causes disasters. But in an extreme El Niño year like this one, we have a perfect formula for environmental catastrophe. – George Monbiot
The burning of land by both corporations and by small land holders has become a serious social and political issue, but the greatest damage may be inflicted upon wildlife and other invaluable treasures.
Tragically, the fires are devastating Indonesian Borneo and places like Gunung Palung National Park, home to some of the largest populations of orangutans on the planet. Several organizations are working tirelessly to evacuate trapped animals, but the toll on wildlife in Indonesia is already staggering. Some estimate that as many as 20,000 orangutans may be wiped out.
“The situation is dire and deteriorating by the day.” – Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project
......... The effect on cities and surrounding urban areas from the haze and particulate from the smoke is causing an extreme emergency, affecting millions of people. In the city of Palangkaraya, visibility has dropped to as low as 2o meters, and fatalities from respiratory problems are rising.
This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time
Once you’ve visualized this and you feel that sensation of fear coursing through your veins, your mind will instantaneously grasp hold of what’s important in your life. The visions of those that you love most will appear vividly. Your passions will speak loudly. Those plans to travel across the world to the destination that you’ve always dreamed about will take shape. The masterpiece that you have a craving to create will start to manifest its outward expression.
1st November 2015, 11:08 AM
watch the abc video... IMHO
GLOBE&MAIL: Indonesia does have a hopeful new president: Joko Widodo, known as a non-corrupt former businessman .... (sure almost no intervention for 2 months surely proves it)
when cheap work force prompts the endless chase for profit (my emphasis)
hell on earth
As Indonesia's Annual Fires Rage, Plenty Of Blame But No Responsibility
November 01, 2015
Indonesia's peat fires make it the 4th-largest carbon emitter in the world
biggest climate polluter
How Indonesia's fires became one of the world's biggest climate disasters
Orangutans Rescued From Forest Fires in Indonesia (video)
Presidents Obama and Widodo Meet as Indonesia Fires Continue to Burn
Why Indonesia’s fires rage out of control
1st November 2015, 11:34 AM
How much carbon tax do these guys have to pay?
1st November 2015, 12:38 PM
Not even, climate change approves and makes concessions for raping deforestation and polluting the planet, you cant record that stuff.
It ignores those topics completely by focusing solely on a nations carbon output and footprint.
i try to get that point across to some of the flakes, but they think i am manipulating them.
1st November 2015, 12:54 PM
yes in this doc the propaganda is beyond belief, that is why it is a must watch... how far can they go?
however, most articles covering the disaster are pro-climate change.
Not even, climate change approves and makes concessions for raping deforestation and polluting the planet, you cant record that stuff.
It ignores those topics completely by focusing solely on a nations carbon output and footprint.
i try to get that point across to some of the flakes, but they think i am manipulating them.
1st November 2015, 01:09 PM
I remember in the '70s the awareness push was all about the deforestation in the Amazon Jungles.
1st November 2015, 01:11 PM
If any of them were truly concerned about the planet
the topic would be what are you doing that benefits the planet, not how much are you doing that has been proven to make no difference.
Is comparable to the same debt (bad money) first equation.
Windmills the size of the Eiffel tower are not a plus imo.
1st November 2015, 01:22 PM
I dont know if greenpeace numbers are reliable... even cut by half, thats many lives
this happening yearly is another blow for the so-called alarmist$.
Indonesia’s haze from forest fires kills 110,000 people per year
28th May 2014
Haze caused by burning peat forests in Indonesia kills an average of 110,000 people per year and up to 300,000 during el Niño events, while releasing hundreds of millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, warns a new report from Greenpeace. Sumatra: Going up in smoke argues that peatland and forest protection are the best way to protect the region from the effects of haze.
1st November 2015, 02:51 PM
I remember in the '70s the awareness push was all about the deforestation in the Amazon Jungles.
Have you ever flown over the Pacific Northwest? The mountains that were covered in lush green forests look like desert.
During the crash of the late 1970's I shuttled repossessed trucks from Reno, Nevada to Seattle, Washington. The company flew me back to Reno. I could not believe how barren the deforested mountains between Seattle and Reno were.
1st November 2015, 03:08 PM
How much carbon tax do these guys have to pay?
That's for Whitey only.
1st November 2015, 03:25 PM
They have to think of more creative ways to place a slavery leash on an uncontrolled Indonesia and Malaysia.
The organized Islam resistance excuse is not as much a seller or in an over purchased market currently.
1st November 2015, 05:18 PM
Think nobody might never be prosecuted because it would expose all the pro alarmist shenanigans, in case of a huge media event about it, people would hear that it has been going on for decades and start questioning the carbon tax on the principle... and realize that the tax itself is a deception.
1st November 2015, 08:07 PM
Do they actually think countries are going to allow carbon checkers and auditors into their country, the way Iran allows nuclear inspections?
I think they do expect that.
2nd November 2015, 08:05 AM
Do they actually think countries are going to allow carbon checkers and auditors into their country, the way Iran allows nuclear inspections?
I think they do expect that.
it will never work out -- unless "the slap on the wrist" prolongs the current trend
2nd November 2015, 08:39 AM
It should be about what can you do that's great for the Environment, not how little can you do. Climate Change religion and laws are all about how little you can do of the same. The playing field would be level if it was based in such a way.
How these little underdeveloped nations sign on to it is only through a bribe.
3rd November 2015, 05:44 AM
How these little underdeveloped nations sign on to it is only through a bribe.
I agree... Indonesia is a top 10 example... ongoing for decades and nobody jailed. What is more disturbing is the destruction of nature as for the CO2, we all know it is a farce
Bill Gates Says Only Carbon Taxes Will Stop the Dreaded Climate Change
3rd November 2015
ooh and by the way:
Illegal Deforestation of Peru’s Amazon, 5000 Hectares for Palm Oil: Peruvian Indigenous Leader
3rd November 2015
‘Robert Guimaraes Vasquez, a leader of the Shipibo-Konibo indigenous people in Peru’s Amazon has traveled to a global forum in London on business, deforestation and human rights to highlight the destruction of his people’s traditional lands by an international agribusiness group and member of the RSPO (Round Table for Sustainable Palm oil), a global body that certifies that the production and trade of palm oil is sustainable and respects human rights.
“We don’t understand how it’s possible that a member of the RSPO can be violating its own environmental rules and human rights commitments. The community is preparing a formal complaint” said Mr Guimaraes.’
3rd November 2015, 07:10 AM
Turns out that they are demanding money's to sign ...they setup a fund to bribe nations onto it, but it has fallen well short of the mark.
Divisions over money between rich and poor countries re-emerged as nations submitted their plans for tackling climate change to the UN.
India, the last big emitter to publish its contribution, said it would need $2.5 trillion to meet its targets (
The Philippines said that without adequate climate compensation, their cuts in emissions wouldn't happen.
The UN says the plans increase the likelihood of a strong global treaty.
148 countries, out of a total of 196, have met a UN deadline ( for submitting a plan, termed an Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).
1st December 2016, 02:11 PM
just to let you know that they were at it again THIS year
Big palm oil, paper firms, join efforts to douse Indonesia fires
The Straits Times-Aug 17, 2016
Firefighters in Indonesia helping to put out forest fires as the number of hot ... Big palm oil and pulp-and-paper firms, which had been partly ...
Indonesian clerics issue fatwa against forest fires
Bangkok Post-Sep 13, 2016
Indonesian clerics issue fatwa against forest fires ... welcomed the fatwa and said she hoped Islamic preachers would spread news of it to local ...
Indonesia declares emergency due to forest fires
The Star Online-Aug 30, 2016
2nd December 2016, 04:24 PM
I think one major reason for these fires is biodiesel demand/taxation of "fossil" fuel. A lot of the biodiesel sold in the west is made out of palm oil, and because the demand for biodiesel is so great because it is not taxed as normal diesel, you don't have enough palms to produce enough and thus you burn rainforest to plant palms. Someone calculated that palmoil biodiesel produces about 3 times as much CO2 as normal diesel
2nd December 2016, 04:37 PM
I think one major reason for these fires is biodiesel demand/taxation of "fossil" fuel. A lot of the biodiesel sold in the west is made out of palm oil, and because the demand for biodiesel is so great because it is not taxed as normal diesel, you don't have enough palms to produce enough and thus you burn rainforest to plant palms. Someone calculated that palmoil biodiesel produces about 3 times as much CO2 as normal diesel
That and u dont want to drive thru 2.5 hours of palmoil farms as there is a stretch of it here that is spookier than hell in paradise.
3rd December 2016, 02:26 AM
That and u dont want to drive thru 2.5 hours of palmoil farms as there is a stretch of it here that is spookier than hell in paradise.
Is it even possible to drive 2.5 hours in Costa Rica without repeating yourself?
Yep, just looked it up it is bigger than Denmark...
3rd December 2016, 02:40 AM
That and u dont want to drive thru 2.5 hours of palmoil farms as there is a stretch of it here that is spookier than hell in paradise.
EU just voted to ban Biofuels, so hopefully this folly will be a thing of the past. It is pure insanity to grow food and then burn it up. They should start making diesel and gasoline from coal using the Nazi Fischer-Tropf process. It will green the planet, and help nature restore biodiversity quicker after these insane monoculture food for fuel schemes are abandoned.
3rd December 2016, 07:40 AM
EU just voted to ban Biofuels, so hopefully this folly will be a thing of the past. It is pure insanity to grow food and then burn it up. They should start making diesel and gasoline from coal using the Nazi Fischer-Tropf process. It will green the planet, and help nature restore biodiversity quicker after these insane monoculture food for fuel schemes are abandoned.
We have to get rid of the brainiac (criminals) in the Un and who are currently fouling the WH and smash this climate change shit right into the ground
3rd December 2016, 08:27 AM
We have to get rid of the brainiac (criminals) in the Un and who are currently fouling the WH and smash this climate change shit right into the ground
A better solution would be to get rid of the UN in its entirety.
3rd December 2016, 08:35 AM
A better solution would be to get rid of the UN in its entirety.
24th March 2017, 04:05 AM
more about the psychopathic rush for palm oil profits.... and people getting fat at the expense of nature
Pepsi, McDonalds, Nestlé, Other Major Brands Implicated in Illegal Destruction of Critical Elephant Habitat
24 March 2017 GMT
‘A Rainforest Action Network field investigation team has documented new evidence of large-scale, illegal rainforest destruction within habitat critical to the survival of the Sumatran elephant, tiger and orangutan. RAN’s research has uncovered supply chain connections that link the rogue palm oil company responsible for the deforestation to major global brands through their shared supplier, Wilmar. The companies implicated include PepsiCo, McDonalds, Nestle, Unilever and Procter and Gamble.
This forest clearance is taking place in direct breach of the Indonesian government moratorium on the clearance of rainforests for palm oil plantations announced last April, as well as the no-deforestation policies announced by palm oil giant Wilmar and other brands that commit the companies to eliminate conflict palm oil such as this from their products.’
24th March 2017, 05:52 PM
overconsumption and endless profit seeking is a chicken-egg dilemma inherent to monetarism.
where the developed nations dump their trash.... the notion of "savages" is getting more blurred by the day..... ooops, got it: that are the f%$#@g zionists ???
How about taking the matter in our own hands instead of waiting for answers from our so-called leaders?
Ooh by the way, considering the planetary state of affairs, PMs do have a nefarious karma attached.
ToxiCity: life at Agbobloshie, the world's largest e-waste dump in Ghana
RT Documentary
Published on Jun 1, 2016
E-waste, the term given to discarded electronic appliances, is often shipped by developed nations to poorer countries such as Ghana. RTD visits the country's most infamous dumping ground, Agbogbloshie. Locals call it “Sodom and Gomorrah” after the infamous Biblical sin cities. Its air and soil are polluted with toxic chemicals, while extreme poverty, child labour and criminal gangs are also rife.
Published on Sep 19, 2016
Gold Dust: Under Blaise Compaore's leadership, Burkina Faso's unregulated gold rush has had a devastating effect on mining conditions. This report digs deep into the industry, exposing the corruption beneath Compaore's ruling.
Millions of people - including children as young as fourteen - mine in an unregulated industry for a few golden grams of hope. Marcel toils underground to support his family - but without the glittering rewards promised. “We all have hope, we hope to earn” he says, but "they rob us here...They treat the miner like an animal." 17-year old Soumaele has been mining for two years. His thin body can go to even deeper than the older men, to places where the air is impossible to breathe and the tunnels are likely to collapse. Gold promises a great deal, but in an anarchic industry, teacher Soungalo Hema fears for the future of children like Soumaele: "You try and save them", she says, "but a lot of the time it’s in vain. I ask myself 'what will happen to all of us?'"
For similar stories, see:
The Children Working On Indian Coal Mines
Dangerous 'Rat-Hole' Mining Destroying India's Environment
In Nicaragua Children Work in Quarries Instead of Going to School
The Children Risking Their Lives In Underwater Gold Mines
The Slavery Behind Supermarket Prawns (2014)
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