View Full Version : Liberals vs. Conservatives

2nd November 2015, 08:52 AM
I was thinking about the war between liberal's and conservatives...that it will never end.
Here's my plan to create a liberal utopia and give both what they want.
Split the government into three governing bodies, 'Liberal', 'Conservative' and a 'Central Government' that only provides national security.

New Liberal laws

Under the new rules/laws, liberals will get everything they want...but only liberals will be responsible to support their system.
Also qualifying as liberals: LGBT's, illegal aliens.

Abortion will be legal for liberals and promoted as a healthy way to get rid of unwanted liberal babies.
Free in home abortions will be available.
a) Abortion will be illegal for conservatives. Any conservative that does get an abortion, will then be place under liberal law.
Only liberals will taxed to pay for all abortions.

Health care
Obama care will only be for liberals and only liberals can be taxed for it. Free birth control for liberals.

All firearms will be illegal for liberals to own. Gun confiscation will only be necessary for liberals.

Liberals will only attend government run Karl Marx socialist schools.
These schools will be run and paid for by liberals taxes. All religion other the 'Atheism' will be banned from these schools.
Abortions will be performed and be free at school clinics without parents consent.
Gay Sex-Ed and gender reassignment classes will be taught beginning with 1st grade.

Carbon Tax
A carbon tax will be assessed from only liberals. Liberals should be happy to know they are doing their part to fix climate change/global warming.

All liberals will be treated equally under their liberal laws...they will be considered equally the same in gender. The words "Male and Female" will be banned.

Amnesty will be given to all illegal's under the new liberal laws.
All amnesty recipients will be under liberal law and be located in liberal communities/cities in the US. Only liberals will pay to support them.

Income/wages will be controlled by the liberal branch of government. Those deemed earning too much, will be taxed to pay for all liberal social welfare needs.
Warren Buffett, Wall Street Liberals, Hollywood, Mark Zuckerburg, Michael Moore and liberal run corporations will have income confiscated and distributed equally to those liberals earning little, or nothing by not working.

Same Sex Marriage
Under new liberal laws, liberals can marry anyone and anything. Their offspring will fall under liberal law at birth, but will get to identify with either liberal, or conservative at age 16.

All liberal property will be under direct liberal government control...homes, cars, pets, etc.

All un-aborted children of liberals will be under direct control of the liberal government. Children not being reared to government standards will be taken and made ward of the liberal state government.

Political Correctness
Free speech will be banned regarding anything that does not apply to Liberal standards. Those found to disregard PC laws will pay a penalty tax, or on subsequent charges, may be fined and jailed.

Did I miss anything?


2nd November 2015, 10:04 AM
First off u need to specify them as communists as when there is $0 left nobody can be liberal.

Secondly communists are only jealous unless the entire society under their hand is included.

2nd November 2015, 10:13 AM
Liberals (communists) are those with nothing who want to share it with everyone else.

2nd November 2015, 10:51 AM
Liberals (communists) are those with nothing who want to share it with everyone else.

No communist can afford to be liberal.

Its the thesis of EE_'s work.

Conservatives is also a misnomer cause if everyone were,

there'd still be more liberal spending Conservatives than less liberal spending Conservatives.

2nd November 2015, 04:22 PM
Thank God for liberals. Without them we would be kneeling to some king. The conservatives were the Tories.

2nd November 2015, 06:14 PM
Thank God for liberals. Without them we would be kneeling to some king. The conservatives were the Tories.

I'd rather kneel to a king than pay Tyrone a monthly check to rob, rape, and murder for a living.

Democracy is a fucking disaster.

Democracy = Ineptocracy.

At least there is SOME meritocracy in monarchy.

2nd November 2015, 06:36 PM
I'd rather kneel to a king
You DO kneel to a king ... COMMERCE. Does that make you a liberal or a conservative? Early on your parent chose to pass you through the fires of Molach. That does not mean you must have a lifetime obsession with crass commercialism.

Democracy is a fucking disaster.
Does dislike of democracy make one liberal or conservative? Personally my own belief is that dislike of democracy simply makes one INTELLIGENT.

Democracy = Ineptocracy.
Ah, preying upon my known fascination with unknown words. These are the best sort ... you can make them mean whatever you choose. But then things that are similar (per the equals sign) are never the same.

At least there is SOME meritocracy in monarchy.
Only if you might somehow rationalize the difference between casual incompetence and intentional deceit. It seems the end result is the same although the journey follows a different route.

2nd November 2015, 08:37 PM
Does dislike of democracy make one liberal or conservative?

This is where the entire vs. mentality derives itself from,

The Great Deceiver has made it the entirety of his system when it was only intended as a lever part. To thwart the Anakin Skywalker administrative order was instituted, even Caesar would be envious.

Young people in U.S. have no idea how a Republic operates.

Well that's the best part of a republic, .gov rarely does operate.