View Full Version : Breaking news – world leader accuses obama of treason

2nd November 2015, 01:05 PM
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UPDATED 10/2/15

The President of Argentina – Christina Fernandez de Kirchener announced before the United Nations that her nation had been approached by an Obama administration official, Gary Samore, former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, requesting them to provide enriched nuclear fuel to the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2010. (Samore did not dispute this claim).

The request fell short when Kirchener asked for the deal in writing and Samore was never heard from again.

Samore did release a statement admitting that he made the request in 2010 and Argentina balked at the deal. He also admitted that he had approached France and Russia with a similar proposal. That deal fell through as well. The deal was supposedly to allow Iran to send their low enriched uranium to Russia to enrich further, then send it to France to finish converting it into nuclear reactor fuel then send it back to Iran for its own use. Supposedly in an effort to prevent Iran from weaponizing its uranium stockpiles. That deal also fell through.

These deals lead to a new U.N. resolution that increased economic sanctions on Iran. And eventually to the bargaining table for the horrible deal Obama has worked out with them this year.

Obama’s White House administration has not responded to these potentially treasonous allegations as of yet.
The real hard question that needs to be asked is this- what is the Obama administration’s real goal?

2nd November 2015, 01:23 PM
directly from HER lips

We were aware of these negotiations. We harbored hopes that this agreement would eventually see the light of day. You will wonder how we knew. Easy: in 2010 we were visited in Argentina by Gary Samore, at that time the White House’s top advisor in nuclear issues. He came to see us in Argentina with a mission, with an objective: under the control of IAEA, the international organization in the field of weapons control and nuclear regulation, Argentina had supplied in the year 1987, during the first democratic government, the nuclear fuel for the reactor known as “Teheran”. Gary Samore had explained to our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Héctor Timerman, that negotiations were underway for the Islamic Republic of Iran to cease with its uranium enrichment activities or to do it to a lesser extent but Iran claimed that it needed to enrich this Teheran nuclear reactor and this was hindering negotiations. They came to ask us, Argentines, to provide the Islamic Republic of Iran with nuclear fuel. Rohani was not in office yet. It was Ahmadinejad’s administration and negotiations had already started.

I remember that the Minister of Foreign Affairs came to see me and relayed the proposal that Samore had brought to me. Timerman had already warned the White House’s envoy that his request would be hard to satisfy in the light of the difficult situation between Argentina and the Islamic Republic of Iran because of the terrorist attack against AMIA in the Argentine Republic occurred on July 18, 1994 and the decision made by the judge in the case to press charges against five Iranian citizens and summon them to appear in court. Against this backdrop, Argentina’s contribution to this negotiation process which, let me repeat, had already reached the year 2010, was impossible. The Minister of Foreign Affairs came to see me in my office, and I remember this very clearly, and I said that if this request were made in writing and signed, we could, after all, cooperate, because we believed that the attainment of the non-nuclear proliferation objective was of the utmost importance.


2nd November 2015, 01:30 PM
Search terms:

UPDATED 10/2/15

The President of Argentina – Christina Fernandez de Kirchener announced before the United Nations that her nation had been approached by an Obama administration official, Gary Samore, former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, requesting them to provide enriched nuclear fuel to the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2010. (Samore did not dispute this claim).

The request fell short when Kirchener asked for the deal in writing and Samore was never heard from again.

Samore did release a statement admitting that he made the request in 2010 and Argentina balked at the deal. He also admitted that he had approached France and Russia with a similar proposal. That deal fell through as well. The deal was supposedly to allow Iran to send their low enriched uranium to Russia to enrich further, then send it to France to finish converting it into nuclear reactor fuel then send it back to Iran for its own use. Supposedly in an effort to prevent Iran from weaponizing its uranium stockpiles. That deal also fell through.

These deals lead to a new U.N. resolution that increased economic sanctions on Iran. And eventually to the bargaining table for the horrible deal Obama has worked out with them this year.

Obama’s White House administration has not responded to these potentially treasonous allegations as of yet.
The real hard question that needs to be asked is this- what is the Obama administration’s real goal?

mutual assured destruction works. somebody needs to balance things in the ME. having one blood thirsty nuclear state isn't going so well

mick silver
2nd November 2015, 03:48 PM
The real hard question that needs to be asked is this- what is the Obama administration’s real goal?
could it be called starting world war 3

3rd November 2015, 07:07 AM
Treason or entrapment?