View Full Version : Norway YES! - Tracking Thread

2nd November 2015, 06:35 PM
Muslims threatening revolution in Norway if they aren't given their own sovereign state


"We will not be part of the Norwegian society. And we see it not as a necessity to move out of Norway when we are born and raised here. And Allah's Earth belongs to everyone. But let Greenland become ours. Dam district and let us control the way we want. This is to the benefit of both parties. We do not live together with dirty beast that you, the letter, according to AP"


2nd November 2015, 06:38 PM


Muslims of Norway are now demanding a separate Islamic state and threaten terrorist actions if their demands are not met.

Norway has already completed phase 3 of Islamization. The following explains the three phases.

Phase 1: When muslims constitute 1-3% of the population. Their behavior in society is decent and non intrusive.

Phase 2: When Muslims constitute 4-20% of the population, political demands begin, such as building of mosques, minarets, bans on Christian ceremonies and events and celebrations Muslim holidays like Ramadan.

Phase 3: When muslims constitute over 20% of the population a holy war begins (jihad). Muslim areas of the city (ghettos) now become inaccessible to non-Muslims. Full implementation of ghetto Sharia laws begin, along with conducting terrorist attacks for secession and the creation of an Islamic state.

Norway, is already in phase 3. The terrorist organization Ansar al-Sunna threatens that if the capital Oslo is not recognized by the Norwegian State as a Muslim city and a Muslim nation they will declare a holy war, with all that this entails. The announcement of the Islamic terrorist organization states:

“We do not want to be part of the Norwegian society. We also do not want to leave Norway because we were born and raised here. The land of Allah we belong. “

The traitorous politicians teamed with Turkish like Erdogan and the Zionists have brought our country already into phase 2 and in a very short time Greece will be found in phase 3 and experience events such as those in Norway.

The Golden Dawn is the only political force that can save Greece from the upcoming Islamization of our cities and the jihad terrorists.

2nd November 2015, 06:55 PM
Pay no attention to the Jew behind the curtain.

"Scholars have stated that those who enter non-Muslim countries have to adhere to their respective laws and regulations even if they entered those countries illegally, and they have no excuse for breaking those laws, since they were entrusted to abide by those laws upon entry into those countries. "


2nd November 2015, 07:00 PM
pbuh, Whitey?

2nd November 2015, 07:05 PM
Yes, immigration is getting out of control. The other day i went to send some packages and there were some "refugees" sitting on a bench there, young men in maybe their early 20s with brand new clothes, iphones and all that. People who have no reason to be here at all.. welfare immigrants not speaking a single word Norwegian.. different nationalities, guessing Eritreans and afghans. As they went out i heard one of them say something like "sex is no problem". Of course they were not the only immigrants there, I'm sure the majority of the customers were immigrants at the time i was there. I don't live in the capital either, but a rather small town in the middle of Norway.

What is becoming more and more clear is that the authorities have no idea what they are doing, it's starting to get totally out of control. The other day the largest news outlet reported in the middle of the night that the ministry of foreign affairs are looking for 2000 buildings that are capable of housing immigrants as asylum centers. That is of course not all, they have also lowered the building standards required to make asylum centers to now not requiring sprinklers to avoid fires even though asylum centers are 8 times more likely to have fires in them, and that is not because people set these places on fire rather it is because the immigrants have limited respect and understanding for kitchen appliances.

What can i do about all this? Pretty much nothing apart from ranting to people who have no understanding and instead focus on symptoms instead of the cure.

Best case scenario is that we get a economic collapse to the point that pensions get frozen so that the bureaucrats and other parasites realize that it will affect their own lifestyle and health.

All this talk about Muslims this, Muslims that is what the eternal Jew wants us to do. Bottom line is that the Muslims are not Marxist social democrats that bow to international Jewry, rather they are pawns in a game where the Jews want to first replace the Nordic people with other races and second to cause an uproar against an innocent part of this whole mess... because it is beneficial for Israel. Israel needs the west to be skeptical of Muslims.

Kosher-nationalism will not work.

3rd November 2015, 05:24 PM
Yes, immigration is getting out of control. The other day i went to send some packages and there were some "refugees" sitting on a bench there, young men in maybe their early 20s with brand new clothes, iphones and all that. People who have no reason to be here at all.. welfare immigrants not speaking a single word Norwegian.. different nationalities, guessing Eritreans and afghans. As they went out i heard one of them say something like "sex is no problem". Of course they were not the only immigrants there, I'm sure the majority of the customers were immigrants at the time i was there. I don't live in the capital either, but a rather small town in the middle of Norway.

What is becoming more and more clear is that the authorities have no idea what they are doing, it's starting to get totally out of control. The other day the largest news outlet reported in the middle of the night that the ministry of foreign affairs are looking for 2000 buildings that are capable of housing immigrants as asylum centers. That is of course not all, they have also lowered the building standards required to make asylum centers to now not requiring sprinklers to avoid fires even though asylum centers are 8 times more likely to have fires in them, and that is not because people set these places on fire rather it is because the immigrants have limited respect and understanding for kitchen appliances.

What can i do about all this? Pretty much nothing apart from ranting to people who have no understanding and instead focus on symptoms instead of the cure.

Best case scenario is that we get a economic collapse to the point that pensions get frozen so that the bureaucrats and other parasites realize that it will affect their own lifestyle and health.

All this talk about Muslims this, Muslims that is what the eternal Jew wants us to do. Bottom line is that the Muslims are not Marxist social democrats that bow to international Jewry, rather they are pawns in a game where the Jews want to first replace the Nordic people with other races and second to cause an uproar against an innocent part of this whole mess... because it is beneficial for Israel. Israel needs the west to be skeptical of Muslims.

Kosher-nationalism will not work.

No, the Jews are using the Muslims to destroy white civilization and peoples. Pretty simple.

3rd November 2015, 09:23 PM
No, the Jews are using the Muslims to destroy white civilization and peoples. Pretty simple.

The Jews are using whatever they can get to change the population. Doesn't matter if its Muslim or not, but it is preferred from their perspective that Muslims are to be blamed for all the chaos we are facing.

Do you believe the Jews used real hijackers on 911?

3rd November 2015, 09:34 PM
No, the Jews are using the Muslims to destroy white civilization and peoples. Pretty simple.

The Jews are playing off the Muslims and the Christians off another to destroy another. They've done this for over a thousand years already.

Ten years ago it was Politically Incorrect to tolerate and sympathize with Muslims.

Today it's Politically Incorrect to be intolerant and condom Muslims.

Jews ran the media then, and now. They are stirring shit up to kill off their enemies, gain power, and money. Same old trick. New generation.

The West has grown very weak and stupid. Weak people are paid rewarded for breathing, while strong people are taxed and punished for breathing.

3rd November 2015, 10:46 PM
The Jews are playing off the Muslims and the Christians off another to destroy another.



Get real. Turn-thy-other-cheek love-thy enemy so-called "Christians" are not resisting. Practically begging the Muslim invaders to rape their do-gooder daughters:


Please fuck my daughter!


4th November 2015, 12:34 AM
Get real. Turn-thy-other-cheek love-thy enemy so-called "Christians" are not resisting.

You're right. Most of the problems that are going on since most White people WANT it to happen. They'd slit their own childrens' throats if they can post a giddy one liner on Facebook, and get 4 thumbs up for what good people they are.

It's all about signalling what a big cuckold you are.


4th November 2015, 05:19 AM
You're right. Most of the problems that are going on since most White people WANT it to happen. They'd slit their own childrens' throats if they can post a giddy one liner on Facebook, and get 4 thumbs up for what good people they are.

It's all about signalling who a big cuckold you are.

I don't know if it is most Whites.
It is too many Whites though.

I believe most Whites are a "Silent Majority" too afraid to come here or Dailystormer and just hopeful everything will work out they don't have to make a stand.

4th November 2015, 01:19 PM
I don't know if it is most Whites.
It is too many Whites though.

I believe most Whites are a "Silent Majority" too afraid to come here or Dailystormer and just hopeful everything will work out they don't have to make a stand.

Most Whites have stockholm syndrome. They subconsciously adopt Leftist narratives to conform to the "moral" standards of the Jew.

You have to openly embrace Hate in order to see though this shit.

Mitt: "See Jews, I'm not a Racist™!

Typical Republican: "The Democrats are the REAL Racist™!"

Typical Republican: "The Democrats are the REAL Racist™!"