View Full Version : Germany invasion update

midnight rambler
9th November 2015, 02:36 PM
How long before Germany implodes at this rate? 6 months? A year? More? Less?

These are violent invaders bent on destruction.


9th November 2015, 03:36 PM
Residents in the German town of Ellwangen are reporting that thousands of migrants who recently arrived are defecating on people’s gardens, staging riots in church and stealing from local stores, while police in the area struggle to cope with the disorder.

Ellwangen, which has a population of around 23,500 and a strong Catholic community, was recently inundated with 4,500 asylum seekers who are staying in the old army barracks on the edge of town.

The original plan was to house just 500 immigrants, but this quickly ballooned to ten times that figure, at which point “serious mass brawls and conflicts” began, prompting the police to be called out routinely. The state government is set to fork out €5.1 million euros of taxpayer money to renovate and expand the barracks.

A friend of a local reports that store owners are struggling to do any business since people are afraid to go into town because of the migrants.

“I read about serious theft problems in stores where ‘refugees’ walk in, take what they want or need, and walk out again without paying,” writes the individual. “In the beginning, grocery stores called the police, but stopped doing so after they were told to write up the losses and contact someone at the local municipality to reimburse them. (I had a verbal confirmation from a wife of a German police officer).”

Women are also afraid to walk into town alone, with reports of a woman being raped and a 10-year-old girl being sexually harassed.

“The most disturbing news he informed me about, however, was that the so called refugees go into churches to disrupt service. They would simply walk in and start to riot. ‘These people want to destroy us’, is what he said, literally. He is a very well educated business man; not someone inciting hatred against refugees. Most of the people living in that town and neighboring villages are honest, hard working people, trying to do good and be good, and now are forced to watch how their town and livelihoods are destroyed by the decision of the government to take in people that are violently opposed and opposite to the German and Christian culture.”

The report also states that residents have been forced to put up signs asking migrants not to defecate in their gardens, a common practice, and to use toilets instead.

According to the individual, anyone who criticizes the behavior of the migrants is immediately labeled a “Nazi”. Locals are so enraged that a dead cat was placed on the doorstep of the Mayor.

While Austrians are purchasing shotguns, the individual also adds that many Germans are buying pepper spray as a means of self-defense.

Similar stories are also emerging from all over Germany as small villages and towns begin to feel the impact of the migrant influx. In the post below, a woman relates how rapes, theft, the killing of pets and drug dealing all shot up after the arrival of asylum seekers.

9th November 2015, 04:01 PM
The Mariel boatlift comes to mind ... 125,000 Cubans (including ex-prisoners) descending on Florida.

As far as I know Florida survived.

9th November 2015, 05:38 PM
This is a very frightening video


midnight rambler
9th November 2015, 05:40 PM
The Mariel boatlift comes to mind ... 125,000 Cubans (including ex-prisoners) descending on Florida.

As far as I know Florida survived.

Apples and oranges.

I doubt the population of Florida was only 625,000 at the time of the Mariel boatlift, plus there was already Cuban culture in Florida, plus Cubans tend to be Christian (Catholic) and not goatfucking muzzies.

midnight rambler
9th November 2015, 05:48 PM
This is a very frightening video


Reminds me of World War Z.

9th November 2015, 05:51 PM
TPTB are laughing their asses off... The disarmed Europeans cannot defend themselves... Coming to the US after they get your guns.

9th November 2015, 05:52 PM
this vid is freaking unbelievable... World War Z sounds correct.

would like to see a vid about all the smuggling networks behind this

I think I'd plan the escape of my son out of EU...

midnight rambler
9th November 2015, 06:01 PM
this vid is freaking unbelievable... World War Z sounds correct.

would like to see a vid about all the Soros funded smuggling networks behind this


midnight rambler
9th November 2015, 06:13 PM
Reminds me of World War Z.

I watched the entire video. Holy shit. Germany is done, let there be no doubt.

7th trump
9th November 2015, 06:15 PM
Lets just face this for what it is...those are just niggers using the koran as an excuse to pillage, plunder and rape.
What you are witnessing is muhammed reincarnated into thousands.

9th November 2015, 06:16 PM

yes I read that too but I just have difficulties to wrap my mind around the grand scale of such an organized smuggling network...

midnight rambler
9th November 2015, 06:39 PM
I just can't seem to wrap my mind around the grand scale of such an organized smuggling network...

How long do you think they've had to put this network into place and get it operational? How much time do you think they would need?

Their billionaire uncle George makes sure all the young men refugees have plenty of resources to make it to their new life in style.

Anyone on this forum have a selfie stick? (rhetorical question)


9th November 2015, 07:34 PM
Apples and oranges.

I doubt the population of Florida was only 625,000 at the time of the Mariel boatlift, plus there was already Cuban culture in Florida, plus Cubans tend to be Christian (Catholic) and not goatfucking muzzies.

Castro cleaned out the prisons and mental hospitals.

Actually the Puerto Ricans had more of a problem with the influx of Cubans following Castro's taking control of the government. All the employers in PR wanted to hire the Cubans because they would actually work for a living whereas .....

But then the pending bankruptcy of PR is an entirely different issue. Maybe a few Muslims would help them out?

mick silver
10th November 2015, 11:22 AM
all I will say is ................ this shit coming here also . wait and see

10th November 2015, 07:26 PM
African countries to be offered CASH if they take back illegal immigrants who have reached Europe

The European Union is to offer money and visas to African countries which agree to take back thousands of illegal immigrants.
Plans have been drawn up for Brussels to bankroll a package of support for which will encourage the ‘return and sustainable reintegration of irregular migrants’.

But in return some countries will agree to let thousands of well-qualified African doctors, students and entrepreneurs into the EU, in a move branded ‘madness’.

EU leaders have struggled to find a way to deal with the hundreds of thousands of extra people who have arrived on the continent’s shores this year, with many more expected over the next two years.

Germany sparked outrage when it agreed to open its doors to Syria refugees feeling the war in their home country, which critics said would encourage many more to try to make the perilous sea crossing which has seen many people drown.

Now a plan has been drawn up to encourage African countries to take back their citizens who have reached the EU illegally, the Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/eureferendum/11981847/Migration-crisis-EU-gambles-on-sweeteners-for-Africa.html)reported.
Those returned would have to be treated with ‘human dignity’ and not sent back to a country where they face persecution.

As part of the deal, the EU would set up a trust fund worth £1.3billion for countries like Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda and Kenya.
The draft plan has circulated ahead of a summit on migration this week in Valletta, Malta.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...ed-Europe.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3309022/African-countries-offered-CASH-illegal-immigrants-reached-Europe.html)

10th November 2015, 09:36 PM
yes I read that too but I just have difficulties to wrap my mind around the grand scale of such an organized smuggling network...
Think of it as a tiny part of a hologram!