View Full Version : Mans Court case may have cracked open Fraud of D.C. Federal Jurisdiction

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30th September 2017, 02:46 AM
Yes, all of the courts are kangaroo courts which many have known for some time. Numerous people have gone to jail because of these courts. As you can see you can spend years researching and fighting but in the end they win because they own the judges and prosecutors. Its wrong, it sucks but short of a revolution there will be no remedy.

People make the mistake the justice system is about justice... It is about the system!

1st October 2017, 09:38 AM

* Are you one of the 300,000,000+ IDP's in America or the millions around the world? What are internally displaced people?


Note: This entire site is under construction. Refresh your browser often. Until this notice disappears documents are a continual work in progress. Please forgive errors while we work on the site.

Three hundred million plus Americans alive today, and generations of Americans preceding have unknowingly lived from cradle to grave under a Babylonian debt slavery system. Americans were betrayed and robbed of their private American national - private state national - non Incorporated birthright status and natural law form. The Corporate de facto UNITED STATES Couped mostly foreign agents banned from Government because of TONA (explained below) operate in office KNOWING that each American has been illegally made a debt SLAVE soon after birth through a deceit that involves the crimes of indentured servitude, personage and barratry. A Talmudic Babylonian debt slavery scheme where an individuals future labor over a lifetime is pledged to the foreign UNITED STATES Corporation which is a creation of the UNITED STATES shadow government of Rothschild Zionists, Talmudists and other Black Nobility Satanist crime cartels that couped the fifty Nation states and the Great Union in the 1860's. The coup was orchestrated at the misnamed civil war - a war in which NO WAR was ever declared - yet EMERGENCY WAR POWERS were declared illegally as explained herein. European so called High Contracting Powers couped the Great Republic and the fifty Natinoal states between 1812 and the 1970's with an all out push to take down America on 9/11 which is still on going and accelerating and now includes Weather Warfare technologies directed at the American people who have no idea that such TESLA Weapons exist.

America has been operated as a private little thief-dom to an expanding Family dynasty crime cartel ever since the 1860's as recent events in DC reveal as we watch untouchable families from the Dynasty prove that they are above the so called law. While the crime cartel uses Americans wealth, labor, ingenuity to wage war on the world, Americans - Not the ZIONIST - JESUITICAL criminals behind the illegal wars are legislatively placed on the hook to pay their WAR and GENOCIDE tab and pick up the blame for these crimes orchestrated in America's and Americans name!

While America builds up negative karma for these global atrocities, dumbed down Americans are recruited to staff the JESUIT FOREIGN private military called UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, UNITED STATES ARMY (CROWN CORPORATIONS registered in England as shown below) (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/#USAF) and they are the ones being illegally SENT OFF to genocide OTHER sovereign nations unlawfully set upon and mallgned by ZIONIST lies and propoganda told to young Americans that fall for the lies and disinformation re-inforced by Hollywood lies and disinformation. Propaganda manufactured by ZIONIST corporations which are part of the enter-trainment, edu-trainmen divisions of the JESUIT - ZIONIST controlled US Corps. Military Industrial Complex. Other investigators have identified this crime cartel and captioned them under one appropriate title, the Khazarian mafia (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/131-km-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia).

This coup of the American Nation was enabled by a private foreign corporation called UNITED STATES that has been masquerading as the lawful we the people National government since 1868. It has been operating for foreign criminal interests EVER SINCE. Foreign trans-national parasitic family crime cartels have been waging war on humanity since before the time of the Roman cult. Since the overthrow of the great American Union by this crime cartel in the 1860's, Billions have been robbed of their life, liberty, property, estates, unalienable rights by a deeply evil parasite class that move among us - pretending to be our friends. The criminal parasites behind this coup self identified themselves and confessed to their plan in the Secret Treaty of Verona - yet none were arrested and their Institutions remain fully operational to this day and operating as a front for these criminals that plan the next phase of their global coup for their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

The coup of the United States of America Organic National Government was enabled by foreign agents BANNED FROM TAKING OFFICE IN AMERICA at the time they enabled the overthrow of our legitimate government. This law remains in force today and is called the Titles of Nobility Act XIII and its existence proves UNITED STATES is NOT an American we the people government. BOUGHT and PAID FOR de facto congress in the 1860's - no different to what we find in DC today over-through The United States of America Union of Great Republics and in later years the Organic physical states.

Agents of the Crown, Holy See and the ROTHSCHILDS ZIONIST JESUIT foreign banking Interests aka the High Contracting powers (CROWN - VATICAN HOLY SEE) that self confessed to their plot to Overthrow America in the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 were exposed in the House by Senator Curtis in 1916 who validated the coup some fifty years after the fact. Despite this proof the Un-Holy Roman Cult and the associated Jesuitical Secret Societies couped our lawful governments and knowingly converted every American in to an Internally-Displaced-People, they continue to operate among us in the light of day - stealing for us - caging our people - stealing our children - even though their crimes have never been answered for!

The couped Corporate congress in the 1860's moved to UNLAWFULLY define Americans as UNITED STATES CITIZEN’s deliberately to enable their enslavement using legal sophistry. They deceptively changed the meaning of words to enslave Americans. Today this parasite criminal class operate ABOVE THE LAW of the land and enjoy every benefit of society as if they were Royalty even while they continue to perform acts of depravity that includes molesting children, sacrificing children, stealing children, caging people for no lawful crimes, peonage, bondage, indentured servitude, canibalism and every crime known to humanity including waging war on sovereign nations. They now have North Korea, Syria, Yemen, iran, Venezuela in their cross hairs each who at this time is without a Rothschild Bank and that like Libya, Iraq, Iran defied the Rothschilds and announced they will no longer sell Gold denominated in US Dollars.

The parasites among us manufactured the couped congress that sanctioned the developed of a Zionist Talmudic banking slavery system operating in America in violation of Organic constitution, the Titles of Nobility Act enacted in 1810 and that became law in 1819. Those violating the laws of this nation included Lincoln who HAD NO AUTHORITY to become President due to his TONA violation. Lincoln was illegally in office when he caused the Southern states to walk out of congress voiding the national government that no longer had a quorum to govern! The Union government operated without delegated authority and it later created the UNITED STATES Corporation to then RULE AMERICA through FIAT. All acts by this imposter national government SINCE are for these reasons in fact legally invalid because the people that enacted a litany of illegal laws were in office illegally due to TONA - i.e. NO DELEGATED WE THE PEOPLE AUTHORITY. This fact corresponds to EVERY ACT since to this present day. This UNITED STATES relies on the people believing its acts are laws when an investigation of this history immediately confronts one with the fact it is a Corporation of NO AUTHORITY!

Agents of this foreign imposter UNITED STATES Corp. e.1871 have been asset stripping America and the people since the 1860’s. Imposters running this CROWN Corporation deceitfully called UNITED STATES may have as well called the corporation Pinky and Perky Corporation for it would of had the same legitimacy to do what it has done since the 1860's - which is NONE. These same criminal cartel in 1933 STOLE all the Gold from the original Organic Government and the American people using color of office, color of law.

UNITED STATES used an unlawfully created National Emergency in 1933 that it created through FRAUD and made the American people debt slaves to the UNITED STATES DC Corporation ILLEGALLY created and illegally acting as a National Government, created in (e.1868-1871) and that did deliberately bankrupt itself in 1933 to enslave Americans in a pre-planned plot against the American people that it has since perpetuated across the planet, placing all nationals of a nation as property of a Corporation named after each company. This made shareholders of a nation as chattel of a nation! Sovereigns as as owners to debts slaves! The fact of the matter is that the American people or the physicals states were never a party to the Bankruptcy, yet they were UNLAWFULLY made legally liable for the so called National debt to this day since March 9th 1933. The American people are in fact the Priority creditors to this fraud as explained by annavonreitz.com (http://www.annavonreitz.com/).

Foreign CROWN - Un-Holy Roman cult agents - Jesuits have used America for its criminal activities and ran up debts for the foreign controlled DC UNITED STATES Corporation successors that have been funding the creation of a parallel ONE WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT - SLAVE PLANET that is intended to be ran by satanic freaks. Those now OPENLY engaged in actively genociding the global population through Quiet War - silent Weapon techniques.

As of the time of this writing, it is well known that those behind this global coup are confirmed Satanists and have been running the DC UNITED STATES Corporation RICO (Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization) unlawfully over the American people since 1933 and using every EVIL means to keep this FRAUD a secret from the American people. The controllers have relied Psychological warfare machine to operate as if it were a FREE PRESS.

There is considerable evidence that those foisting this fraud over America have relied on blackmail of so called officials, who appear to have been ensnared using evidence of officials caught participating in pedophile rings, child sacrifices and even canibalism. Those at the core of this fraud are the Black Nobility behind the un-Holy Roman Cult and its church have been engaging in these crimes for millennia. The Vatican proclamations called BULLS were written on the sacrificed Skin or children and heretics.
Those at the core of this cult believe that for them to bring forward their savior they must do the opposite of the commandments and practice ever ill known to man which is why they take the most innocent among us and sacrifice them, drink their blood and eat of them as was exposed in the Pizzagate expose that was quietly buried by the criminal powers that are in DC.

One third of the DC Cesspool behind this un-holy Roman cult has since been reported to be Satanists, pedophiles and MUCH WORSE as exposed in the Piza-gate investigation further exposed below. These parasites have funded global death and slavery through thieving life, liberty, property and children from Americans since the 1860's lives. They have deceived Americans in to giving their lives to fight endless unlawful ZJONIST Bankster wars for ZIONIST interests now known to be enabling the Greater Israel Project!
It is time for America to unlearn, to leave ZION and go back to the physical states and re-institute lawful we the people governance. UNITED STATES and all similar Rothschilds Country corporations created across the world are as you will see governments of no lawful authority! Turn off the TV - everything you are being fed is a lie! Unlearn, re-educate - go to the memu on the left and read through the documents there that validate this introduction.

http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/images/Screen-Shot-2017-01-30-at-6.03.31-PM.png (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/definitions/142-jurisdiction)
and what is the true meaning of
"in this state", "in the state" (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/definitions/134-definitions-in-this-state-in-the-state)?

For the sake of you and yours, America, the world, all life on earth - turn off the TV, un-learn - re-educate and pass forward. Your life may depend on it!

Everything you have been told your entire life by government, media IS A LIE! We do mean everything!

~more at link (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/)~

27th November 2017, 07:34 PM
New post on supremecourtcase

http://2.gravatar.com/avatar/2fcf362de50d4411e213b250511fb285?s=50&d=identicon&r=G (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)
Motion denied; summons enforced; audit conducted; motion for immunity; no response, then lies; busted (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/?p=1948)

by supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)

Please note: For the sake of consistency, in this website, John Parks Trowbridge, Jr. is always the “Petitioner” (capital “P”), a practice first adopted when this webpage was opened after Petitioner’s filing of a petition in the Supreme Court in 2014. In the current IRS summons case, however, John Parks Trowbridge, Jr. is the “respondent” (lower-case “r”) and IRS is the “petitioner” (lower-case “p”).
After the judge on September 13, 2017, enters his Order Order Compelling Compliance with Summons (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/order-compelling-compliance-with-summons.pdf), Petitioner on September 25, 2017, files a Rule 60(b)(4) motion for relief from said Order as void (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/petitioner_s-rule-60b4-motion-for-relief-from-order.pdf) for the issuer’s (the judge’s) lack of constitutional authority to discharge or perform the duties of a judge anywhere in the Union, in places like Harris County, Texas, for failure to take an oath or affirmation that conforms to the provisions of Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Despite no lawful authority to continue the charade, the judge the next day, September 26, 2017, declares the usual false generalities in his denial of the Rule 60(b)(4) motion and subsequent Order (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/denial-of-the-rule-60b4-motion-and-subsequent-order.pdf) compelling Petitioner’s appearance at the October 2, 2017, examination (the “Examination”).

Petitioner appears as appointed at the Examination accompanied by a Certified Shorthand Reporter (C.S.R.) (who produces a transcript of the Examination (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/transcript-of-the-examination.pdf)) and submits to questioning.

At the Examination, the United States Department of Justice attorney representing the IRS notifies Petitioner that if Petitioner does not cooperate and answer questions and produce documents that he will file a motion with the Court to have Petitioner held in contempt.

Petitioner answers certain of the IRS’s questions, but declines to answer others or produce any documents.

Knowing that the USDOJ attorney representing the (private-sector) IRS was not pleased with Petitioner’s aforementioned abstentions, Petitioner the following day, October 3, 2017, files in the Court Respondent’s Notice of Readiness to Comply with the Orders of the Court (Documents 11 and 13) and Request for Grant of Immunity against Potential Self-Incrimination (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/respondent_s-notice-of-readiness-to-comply-with-the-orders-of-the-court.pdf) (the “Notice and Request”).

Local Rule 7.4 gives the USDOJ attorney 21 days to file a response in opposition to the Notice and Request, but he neither files a response in opposition nor a motion to have Petitioner held in contempt; instead: Silence

What this means is that the USDOJ attorney did not know what to do.
Why would the USDOJ attorney not know what to do?

It is a simple motion to oppose the Notice and Request or for an order holding Petitioner in contempt.

The reason Petitioner’s October 3, 2017, Notice and Request (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/october-3-2017-notice-and-request.pdf) stultifies the USDOJ attorney is that the USDOJ attorney ultimately is not interested in answers to questions and production of documents which would allow the IRS to calculate Petitioner’s alleged tax liability (as falsely propounded by the USDOJ attorney at the Examination).

The USDOJ attorney wants to set the stage so Petitioner can be charged with “willful failure to file” and tried, convicted, and imprisoned—and a response in opposition or a motion to have Petitioner held in contempt would throw a wrinkle in that process (the USDOJ attorney wants Petitioner to volunteer testimony and records without a grant of immunity).

So, upon receipt of the October 3, 2017, Notice and Request the USDOJ attorney goes deer-in-the-headlights, freezes in his tracks, and misses the opportunity for a timely filing of a response in opposition.

Evidently, the next move comes from above (as does the intent to bring criminal charges against Petitioner), because the USDOJ attorney evidently is not crafty enough to figure out how to orchestrate the witch hunt within 21 days of the filing of the Notice and Request.

On the tenth day after lapse of the deadline, the USDOJ attorney files in the Court a motion to file, out of time, a response to Petitioner's Notice and Request (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/motion-to-file-out-of-time-a-response-to-petitioner_s-notice-and-request.pdf).

The reason, says the USDOJ attorney, as to why he failed to file a response within the 21 days, is that he was “confused” by the title of Petitioner’s Notice and Request: He thought it was only a “notice” and not a motion—even though a request and a motion are the same thing (a legal fact which is taught the first day of law school) and the clerk labeled the filing on the docket as a motion—and wants, therefore, to be granted relief, based on “excusable neglect,” to file, out-of-time (late), a response.

A sworn declaration as to the veracity of such factual contentions is an essential element of such filing, but the USDOJ attorney omits to include such evidence (declaration) or even an explanation as to an alleged sequence of events that would support his factual contentions and, apparently, just wants the Court to take his (unsworn) word for it and rubber-stamp his motion.

The language of the USDOJ attorney’s motion to file a response out-of-time is all “sweetness and light,” i.e., exudes utter innocence as to any wrongdoing and seemingly is written by a babe-in-the-woods attorney.

Accompanying the USDOJ attorney’s out-of-time motion is the object thereof, his proposed response to Petitioner's Notice and Request (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/proposed-response-to-petitioner_s-notice-and-request.pdf), which is couched in terms, however, that are anything but innocent and evidently written by a seasoned government attorney, experienced in bringing down his prey.

To the USDOJ attorney’s two aforementioned filings, Petitioner responds with an exposé of the USDOJ attorney’s guile:

A Response to IRS's motion (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/a-response-to-irs_s-motion.pdf) to be allowed to file, out of time, a response to the Notice and Request; and
A Reply to IRS's proposed response (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/a-reply-to-irs_s-proposed-responsepdf) to the Notice and Request.

supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/) | November 27, 2017 at 21:16 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-data-detectors://8) | Categories: Uncategorized (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) | URL: https://wp.me/p6epB3-vq

Comment (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/?p=1948#respond)
See all comments (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/?p=1948#comments)

26th December 2017, 09:24 PM
Federal Court Constitutional Tyranny Exposed ~ Tom Lacovara Stewart RTR Truth Media



26th December 2017, 11:05 PM
Federal Court Constitutional Tyranny Exposed ~ Tom Lacovara Stewart RTR Truth Media



The Lighthouse Liberty Law Club video and comment regarding the Constitutional oath



Gary Crawford (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCjVEoA_Oy2hku3i7-fvN94g)
The information in this video is simply incomplete. There are, in fact, two different oaths taken by Federal judges. The creator of this video seems to be unaware of this fact and he completely omits any mention of the actual Constitutional Oath that federal judges take.

The first oath that federal judges take is known as the Constitutional Oath. Article VI of the constitution requires that all federal officials must take an oath in support of the Constitution. This is the text from Article VI of the constitution:

“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

Not that this article from the constitution does not specify the wording of the required oath. It leaves that for the Congress to determine. Until 1861 this oath was,

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.” During the 1860s, however, the oath was altered several times until Congress eventually settled on the text we use today. It is set out at 5 U. S. C. § 3331 as follows:

“I, _______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

This oath is now taken by all federal employees (including federal judges), other than the President. This is the oath required by the constitution and a you can plainly see it requires the taker to swear to support and defend the constitution. This oath is NOT the oath changed by the act of Congress mentioned in the video and it has remained unchanged since the 1860s.

The second oath taken by federal judges is known as the Judicial Oath. It is NOT required by the constitution. Its origin is an act of Congress, the Judiciary Act of 1789, which requires the justices of the Supreme Court and the district judges, before they proceed to execute the duties of their respective offices, to take a second oath or affirmation. This is the oath to which this video refers. As the video correctly states, until 1990, the original text used for this oath was this:

“I, _______, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _______, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
As correctly stated by the video, in the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990, Congress replaced the phrase “according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the Constitution" with the phrase "under the Constitution.”

With that change, the revised Judicial Oath (which you can find at 28 U. S. C. § 453), now reads as follows:

“I, _______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _______ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

Somehow the creator of this video seems to think that this change to the second oath somehow “severs the connection between the federal judiciary and the constitution”. That is just plainly wrong. The second oath (the Judicial Oath), which is the one that was changed in 1990, is NOT required by the constitution. In fact, it isn’t even mentioned in the constitution. It was created entirely by an act of Congress (the Judiciary Act of 1789) and amended by another act of Congress (the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990). The Constitution Oath, which is the oath actually required by the constitution has remained unchanged since the 1860s, is still taken by all federal judges, and still requires that the oath taker

“will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” and “will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”.

This seems to completely undermine the basic premise of this video. Federal judges still take the same oath to support the constitution as they have been taking since the 1860s, and the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990 does not change that.

5 months ago4

27th December 2017, 08:23 AM
The Lighthouse Liberty Law Club video and comment regarding the Constitutional oath



Gary Crawford (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCjVEoA_Oy2hku3i7-fvN94g)
The information in this video is simply incomplete. There are, in fact, two different oaths taken by Federal judges. The creator of this video seems to be unaware of this fact and he completely omits any mention of the actual Constitutional Oath that federal judges take.

The first oath that federal judges take is known as the Constitutional Oath. Article VI of the constitution requires that all federal officials must take an oath in support of the Constitution. This is the text from Article VI of the constitution:

“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

Not that this article from the constitution does not specify the wording of the required oath. It leaves that for the Congress to determine. Until 1861 this oath was,

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.” During the 1860s, however, the oath was altered several times until Congress eventually settled on the text we use today. It is set out at 5 U. S. C. § 3331 as follows:

“I, _______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

This oath is now taken by all federal employees (including federal judges), other than the President. This is the oath required by the constitution and a you can plainly see it requires the taker to swear to support and defend the constitution. This oath is NOT the oath changed by the act of Congress mentioned in the video and it has remained unchanged since the 1860s.

The second oath taken by federal judges is known as the Judicial Oath. It is NOT required by the constitution. Its origin is an act of Congress, the Judiciary Act of 1789, which requires the justices of the Supreme Court and the district judges, before they proceed to execute the duties of their respective offices, to take a second oath or affirmation. This is the oath to which this video refers. As the video correctly states, until 1990, the original text used for this oath was this:

“I, _______, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _______, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
As correctly stated by the video, in the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990, Congress replaced the phrase “according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the Constitution" with the phrase "under the Constitution.”

With that change, the revised Judicial Oath (which you can find at 28 U. S. C. § 453), now reads as follows:

“I, _______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _______ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

Somehow the creator of this video seems to think that this change to the second oath somehow “severs the connection between the federal judiciary and the constitution”. That is just plainly wrong. The second oath (the Judicial Oath), which is the one that was changed in 1990, is NOT required by the constitution. In fact, it isn’t even mentioned in the constitution. It was created entirely by an act of Congress (the Judiciary Act of 1789) and amended by another act of Congress (the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990). The Constitution Oath, which is the oath actually required by the constitution has remained unchanged since the 1860s, is still taken by all federal judges, and still requires that the oath taker

“will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” and “will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”.

This seems to completely undermine the basic premise of this video. Federal judges still take the same oath to support the constitution as they have been taking since the 1860s, and the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990 does not change that.

5 months ago4

Question, what is a Constitution?
It is curious that The Constitution always refers to itself as "this" Constitution.

There can be many Constitutions. Which one is "the" Constitution?

When any officer swears an oath to the Constitution is a copy of that constitution included with the oath?

27th December 2017, 09:29 AM
Question, what is a Constitution?
It is curious that The Constitution always refers to itself as "this" Constitution.

There can be many Constitutions. Which one is "the" Constitution?

When any officer swears an oath to the Constitution is a copy of that constitution included with the oath?

Still, if the judges do take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, the Constitution does not grant them authority to take jurisdiction in a Union state.

27th December 2017, 06:39 PM
Still, if the judges do take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, the Constitution does not grant them authority to take jurisdiction in a Union state.

My point is if the oath is not attached to a specific constitution, we can't know which constitution the oath pertains to.

The specific words in the Constitution of 1787 call for an oath to support this Constitution. Why do they not use those specific words? Why do they change the word "this" for the word "the"? It makes me suspect more of their usual chicanery.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

27th December 2017, 06:47 PM
My point is if the oath is not attached to a specific constitution, we can't know which constitution the oath pertains to.

The specific words in the Constitution of 1787 call for an oath to support this Constitution. Why do they not use those specific words? Why do they change the word "this" for the word "the"? It makes me suspect more of their usual chicanery.

In legalese I think you are dead on a non discussed subject. Very interesting observation BJ.

7th January 2018, 11:02 AM
New update from Dr. John Parks Trowbridge Jr.

New post on supremecourtcase


http://2.gravatar.com/avatar/2fcf362de50d4411e213b250511fb285?s=50&d=identicon&r=G (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)
Judge okays lies, denies motion; Petitioner shows that IRS’s evil practice deprives it of the right to relief in a court of equity (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/01/07/judge-okays-lies-denies-motion-petitioner-shows-that-irss-evil-practice-deprives-it-of-the-right-to-relief-in-a-court-of-equity/)

by supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)

As expected, the judge on November 22, 2017, entered his Memorandum & Order (https://supremecourtcasefiles.wordpress.com/2018/01/memorandum-and-order.pdf)denying Petitioner’s October 3, 2017, motion for a grant of immunity for testimony (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/respondent_s-notice-of-readiness-to-comply-with-the-orders-of-the-court.pdf).

Notwithstanding that the USDOJ attorney is the point man in this proceeding, as in virtually every other so-called “federal” (municipal) case, the judge is running the show and in this one intends to see that Petitioner ends up behind bars; the USDOJ attorney is just along for the ride to provide what the judge needs to accomplish his objective.

When the USDOJ attorney failed to respond to Petitioner’s motion for a grant of immunity and give the judge the tool he needed to rule against and deny Petitioner’s motion for immunity, he threw a monkey wrench in the judge’s plans and—having demonstrated insufficient intellect to pull it off on his own—had to be bypassed and an alternative plan devised to reopen the matter, so the judge would have the justification he needed to deny Petitioner’s motion for immunity.

The process was effectuated by the judge who, by way of proxy, caused the USDOJ attorney to sign and file certain documents which opened the door for the judge to get involved again—based on a point so lame it would not support the weight of a dust mote: that the USDOJ attorney was unaware that a request is a motion, even though the clerk knew it and docketed it as the same (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/docketed-it-as-the-same.pdf) (Document 24) and evidently knows more about the law than the USDOJ attorney, and “motion” is defined as a request and taught as such on the first day of law school.

The USDOJ attorney’s failure to respond to Petitioner’s motion for immunity is a major black mark on his record as a government lackey and he did exactly as he was told and filed the documents that were given to him; the judge thereafter, in his Memorandum & Order, denied Petitioner’s motion for immunity.

Following the judge’s November 22, 2017, denial of Petitioner’s motion for grant of immunity, Petitioner on November 29, 2017, filed Petitioner’s amended motion demanding disclosure of the taxing statute that makes Petitioner liable to tax, or dismissal with prejudice of the case (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/amended-motion-demanding-disclosure-of-the-taxing-statute.pdf).

Twenty-one days later, on December 20, 2017, the very last day in which to file a response to said motion, the USDOJ attorney filed his feeble Response in Opposition (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/usdoj-attorney-filed-his-feeble-response-in-opposition.pdf) to the new demand (motion) for taxing statute (the USDOJ attorney is not doing so well since his flub).

A week later, on December 28, 2017, Petitioner filed his Reply to Response in Opposition to Motion (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/reply-to-response-in-opposition-to-motion.pdf), easily crushing the two points raised by the USDOJ attorney in his Response in Opposition.

More importantly, however, said Reply shows that no matter what statutes may authorize Internal Revenue Service to sue Petitioner, based on its own evil practice and wrongdoing in this case, it is disqualified from using the Court any further; specifically: It is deprived of any right to relief in a court of equity to which it previously may have been entitled—meaning the case is essentially done.

Petitioner is unaware of any previous case where the Internal Revenue Service was barred from using the court as a consequence of its evil practice toward its target.
This development does not fit into the judge’s plans.

We shall see what he decides to do about it.

supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/) | January 7, 2018 at 13:41 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-data-detectors://6) | Categories: Uncategorized (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) | URL: https://wp.me/p6epB3-vH

Comment (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/01/07/judge-okays-lies-denies-motion-petitioner-shows-that-irss-evil-practice-deprives-it-of-the-right-to-relief-in-a-court-of-equity/#respond)
See all comments (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/01/07/judge-okays-lies-denies-motion-petitioner-shows-that-irss-evil-practice-deprives-it-of-the-right-to-relief-in-a-court-of-equity/#comments)

8th February 2018, 03:12 PM
After five weeks of silence, the judge makes a move . . . Update

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After five weeks of silence, the judge makes a move (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/02/08/after-five-weeks-of-silence-the-judge-makes-a-move/)

by supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)

Petitioner on December 28, 2017, filed Petitioner’s reply to the USDOJ attorney’s response (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/usdoj-attorney-filed-his-feeble-response-in-opposition.pdf) to Petitioner’s amended motion demanding the taxing statute to which Petitioner allegedly is liable (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/amended-motion-demanding-disclosure-of-the-taxing-statute.pdf).

Because the judge’s deputy clerk removed three essential pages from Petitioner’s reply before entering it on the docket, if Petitioner wanted the complete document to appear on the record of the case Petitioner had to file another, “amended” version of the reply (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/amended-reply-to-response-in-opposition-to-motion.pdf), which Petitioner did 11 days later on January 8, 2018 (the only difference in Petitioner’s original and amended reply is that the word “Amended” appears in the title of the latter version).

Both Petitioner’s reply and amended reply demonstrate that the Internal Revenue Service is engaged in evil practice against Petitioner in this equity action and not entitled to relief in any court of equity.

Upon the filing of Petitioner’s reply (December 28, 2017) the USDOJ attorney went silent and has remained so since then.

Because the USDOJ attorney does not know what to do to overcome the substance of Petitioner’s amended reply (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/amended-reply-to-response-in-opposition-to-motion.pdf) (showing that the Internal Revenue Service is engaged in evil practice against Petitioner) and the judge needed another participant to carry out his wishes for the case.

Five weeks after the initial filing, the judge on February, 5, 2018, broke silence by entering an Order bringing in the magistrate (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/order-bringing-in-the-magistrate.pdf) to make determinations on the matters pending in the case.

The judge knows everything and does not need the magistrate, Dena Hanovice Palermo, for anything and can disregard or supersede anything the magistrate may recommend (28 U.S.C. § 636(b)(1)(C) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/636)).

The judge’s purpose in introducing the magistrate is to draw attention away from the failures of the USDOJ attorney and, as an “unbiased” figure, make recommendations as to how to solve “all the issues” before the Court.

In a previous such instance where Petitioner checkmated the USDOJ attorney, Petitioner had demanded the constitutional authority that gives the judge the capacity to take jurisdiction and enter an order in Tyler County, Texas (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/demanded-the-constitutional-authority-that-gives-the-judge-the-capacity-to-take-jurisdiction-and-enter-an-order-in-tyler-county-texas.pdf) and thereafter moved the court to dismiss (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/moved-the-court-to-dismiss.pdf), the USDOJ attorney went silent and remained so for the next five and half months until the judge appointed a magistrate to step in and make “recommendations” (dictated by the judge) that the judge could use to salvage the case for the government.

In that case, the magistrate (carrying out the dictates of the judge) ignored material facts on the record and material failures of the USDOJ attorney that were fatal to the government’s case (which should have caused the judge to dismiss the case for the government’s failure to object to Petitioner’s motion to dismiss) and cherry-picked from the record certain facts and pieced them together so as to support the false picture he contrived and upon which his recommendations were based.

The Internal Revenue Service is not entitled to relief in a court of equity (because it comes with unclean hands) and judge and magistrate and USDOJ attorney all know it.

What will the magistrate recommend?

We will have to wait to find out.

supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/) | February 8, 2018 at 17:44 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-data-detectors://4) | Categories: Uncategorized (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) | URL:

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29th March 2018, 03:09 PM
Dr. John Parks Trowbridge Jr. has filed three new motions in the U.S. District Court to dismiss with prejudice for lack of constitutional authority in Harris County Texas, IRS is a private business, IRS not part of United States of America . .

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Petitioner files three new motions to dismiss for other fatal defects; US attorney silent for last three months (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/petitioner-files-three-new-motions-to-dismiss-for-other-fatal-defects-us-attorney-silent-for-last-three-months/)

by supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)

Following the judge’s February 5, 2018, Order referring the case to the magistrate to conduct all pretrial proceedings (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/order-bringing-in-the-magistrate.pdf), Petitioner filed the following three separate motions to dismiss with prejudice (i.e., dismissal barring prosecution of any later suit based on the same claim), each with its own particular reason:


Every act of every government officer, state or federal, must be authorized by at least one provision of the Constitution; see Finley v. United States, 490 U.S. 545, 109 S.Ct. 2003, 104 L.Ed.2d 593 (1989); Christianson v. Colt Industries Operating Co., 486 U.S. 800, 818, 108 S.Ct. 2166, 2179, 100 L.Ed.2d 811 (1988); Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Risjord, 449 U.S. 368, 379-380, 101 S.Ct. 669, 676-677, 66 L.Ed.2d 571 (1981); Kline v. Burke Construction Co., 260 U.S. 226, 233-234, 43 S.Ct. 79, 82-83, 67 L.Ed. 226 (1922); Case of th [sic] Sewing Machine Companies, 18 Wall. 553, 577-578, 586-587, 21 L.Ed. 914 (1874); Sheldon v. Sill, 8 How. 441, 449, 12 L.Ed. 1147 (1850); Cary v. Curtis, 3 How. 236, 245, 11 L.Ed. 576 (1845); McIntire v. Wood, 7 Cranch 504, 506, 3 L.Ed. 420 (1813).

Petitioner on February 14, 2018, filed a motion to dismiss with prejudice for lack of constitutional authority that gives the Court the capacity to take jurisdiction or enter an order against Petitioner in Harris County, Texas (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/motion-to-dismiss-with-prejudice-for-lack-of-constitutional-authority-that-gives-the-court.pdf).

The US attorney had 21 days from date of filing of said motion, i.e., till March 7, 2018, to file a response in opposition, but remained silent.

The reason the US attorney failed to oppose the above case-dispositive motion (i.e., a motion that is divestitive in nature and brings about the extinction of rights and disposes of the case) is that there is no provision of the Constitution that gives the Court the capacity to take jurisdiction or enter an order against Petitioner in Harris County, Texas.

The Court (and United States Department of Justice) is operating in Harris County, Texas, without constitutional authority.

The US attorney’s failure to respond to said motion is the US attorney’s representation to the Court that he does not oppose it—is sufficient ground for the judge to grant Petitioner’s motion and dismiss with prejudice the case.

Upon the US attorney’s failure to respond to said motion, Petitioner on March 8, 2018, filed a notice of United States of America’s failure to oppose respondent’s case-dispositive motion to dismiss and request for dismissal with prejudice of the case (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/notice-of-united-states-of-america_s-failure-to-oppose-respondent_s-case-dispositive-motion.pdf).

Whereas, the judge has no capacity to take jurisdiction or enter an order against Petitioner in Harris County, Texas, there is nothing that the US attorney could have said in opposition without incriminating himself.

In this alleged equity proceeding, the “United States” district court is an instrumentality of the District of Columbia, a Federal municipal corporation (see 28 U.S.C. Chapter 176, § 3002(15) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/3002) for definition of “United States” in every civil or criminal proceeding regarding an alleged debt, such as alleged taxes, allegedly owed to the United States), and the judge is usurping exercise of jurisdiction beyond the boundaries fixed by the corporate charter of said municipal corporation, 16 Stat 419 (http://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=16&page=419#), which is limited to the territory within the exterior limits of the District of Columbia.


Petitioner on February 27, 2018, filed an amended motion to dismiss with prejudice (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/petitioner-on-february-27-2018-filed-an-amended-motion-to-dismiss-with-prejudice.pdf) which asserts that, because neither the so-called Secretary of the Treasury nor his underling, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, is a commissioned officer of the United States:
(a) Neither is a government officer,
(b) both are private-sector workers,
(c) the organization over which each administers and which issued the subject IRS administrative summons, i.e., IRS, is not part of the government,
(d) IRS is a private-sector organization (business),
(e) the only cause of action a private-sector business such as IRS could bring against Petitioner is for breach of contract,
(e) there is no evidence of any contract between IRS and Petitioner, and, therefore (f) the government’s case must be dismissed under Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.

The US attorney had until March 20, 2018, to file a response in opposition to this motion, but remained silent, whereupon Petitioner on March 21, 2018, filed a notice of the US attorney’s failure to oppose said motion and request for dismissal with prejudice of the case (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/notice-of-the-us-attorney_s-failure-to-oppose-said-motion-and-request-for-dismissal-with-prejudice-of-the-case.pdf).

The US attorney’s failure to respond to this case-dispositive motion is his representation that he does not oppose it and sufficient ground for dismissal with prejudice of the case.

Every justice and judge of the United States and every United States attorney knows that the Internal Revenue Service is part of the private Federal Reserve.

To provide evidence that IRS is not part of government, Petitioner on March 1, 2018, served United States Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson (custodian of the Great Seal of the United States) with two subpoenas commanding his production, at 10:00 A.M. on March 22, 2018, of the commission as an Officer of the United States, in effect as of May 30, 2017 (date IRS administrative summons was served on Petitioner)—bearing the signature of the President of the United States and Great Seal of the United States—of
(1) current Secretary of the Treasury Steven Terner Mnuchin (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/current-secretary-of-the-treasury-steven-terner-mnuchin.pdf), and
(2) former Commissioner of Internal Revenue John Andrew Koskinen (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/former-commissioner-of-internal-revenue-john-andrew-koskinen.pdf).

The 10:00 A.M. March 22, 2018, deadline came and went, with no word from Secretary of State Tillerson.

No commission, as an officer of the United States, exists for either man because each is a private-sector businessman.

Because Secretary of State Tillerson failed to obey the subpoenas for production of documents, Petitioner on the afternoon of the same day, March 22, 2018, filed a motion to compel compliance with Subpoenas for the production of documents, and request for an order to show cause why non-party Rex W. Tillerson should not be held in contempt and submitted a proposed Order for the judge to sign (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/motion-to-compel-compliance-with-subpoenas-for-the-production-of-documents-and-request-for.pdf).

Secretary of State Tillerson can avoid a contempt citation simply by providing Petitioner with written certification that there is no document in his custody responsive to either of the subpoenas.


“Fraud on the court” is defined as follows:
“fraud on the court. A lawyer’s or party’s misconduct in a judicial proceeding so serious that it undermines or is intended to undermine the integrity of the proceeding, ● Examples are bribery of a juror and introduction of fabricated evidence.” Black’s Law Dictionary, Bryan A. Garner, ed. in chief (St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1999), p. 671.

The instant petition represents by inference that Internal Revenue Service is part of alleged “United States of America.”

Being an organization whose senior executive is a non-governmental private-sector businessman, IRS cannot be part of any government—either the alleged “United States of America” (moribund since June 30, 1864, 13 Stat. 223, 306, sec. 182 (http://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=13&page=306#)) or District of Columbia, a municipal corporation (16 Stat 419 (http://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=16&page=419#)).

Whereas, only a duly commissioned officer of the United States can administer over a government organization, Internal Revenue Service cannot be part of government and alleged “United States of America” has made a false representation and committed fraud on the court.

Because alleged “United States of America” has no right to title or ownership of any alleged claim of a private business (IRS), alleged “United States of America” has failed to state a claim (of its own) upon which relief can be granted.

All the above monkey business is evidence of unclean hands on the part of alleged “United States of America,” a factor which, according to the rules of equity, deprives alleged “United States of America” of relief in this or any other such forum.

In respect of the foregoing, Petitioner on March 12, 2018, filed a motion to dismiss with prejudice (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/petitioner-on-march-12-2018-filed-a-motion-to-dismiss-with-prejudice.pdf), to which the US attorney has until April 2, 2018 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-data-detectors://17), to file a response in opposition or concede by omission that he does not oppose it.

Whereas, the last time we heard anything from the US attorney was December 20, 2017 (three months ago), and the likely reason for his failure to respond to either of the first two above motions to dismiss is fear of self-incrimination, it is not likely we will hear from him on the third.

The judge is an impartial referee whose job it is to help the litigants resolve their dispute.

When one litigant files a case-dispositive motion and the other fails to oppose it, the equitable thing for the judge to do is dismiss the case as requested by the movant.
Further, he who brings suit (in this instance alleged “United States of America”) has the responsibility to prosecute it, and failure to prosecute (called non prosequitur) is ground for judgment against him (and the US attorney seems to have disappeared).

Shortly after Petitioner provided evidence that IRS is engaging in evil practice against Petitioner in this case (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/amended-reply-to-response-in-opposition-to-motion.pdf), the judge on February 5, 2018, brought in the magistrate for the purpose of producing reports and recommendations regarding all pending matters—and thereafter Petitioner filed the above three case-dispositive motions.

Whether the US attorney responds to the third above motion by April 2, 2018 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-data-detectors://20), or not, the magistrate will have at multiple sufficient reasons to recommend that alleged “United States of America” be denied relief in this court of equity for unclean hands and evil practice against Petitioner or that any one of Petitioner’s unresolved motions be granted and the case dismissed with prejudice.

Conversely, there appears to be no equitable reason why this case should be allowed to continue.

supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/) | March 29, 2018 at 10:20 | Categories: Uncategorized (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) | URL: https://wp.me/p6epB3-w2

Comment (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/petitioner-files-three-new-motions-to-dismiss-for-other-fatal-defects-us-attorney-silent-for-last-three-months/#respond)
See all comments (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/petitioner-files-three-new-motions-to-dismiss-for-other-fatal-defects-us-attorney-silent-for-last-three-months/#comments)

29th March 2018, 05:03 PM
Gee, unclean hands is one thing, but evil too?

5th May 2018, 08:53 PM
May 4 update:

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IRS attacks non-judicially; Petitioner punctures purported authority for said attack, issues warning to IRS (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/05/05/irs-attacks-non-judicially-petitioner-punctures-purported-authority-for-said-attack-issues-warning-to-irs/)

by supremecourtcase (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)

When IRS makes an assessment of tax allegedly due, such tax may be collected by levy or court proceeding, but only if the levy is made or the proceeding begun within 10 years after assessment of said tax liability, 26 U.S.C. § 6502 (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/6502).

If, however, a timely proceeding in court for the collection of said tax is commenced, the period during which such tax may be collected by levy is extended and does not expire until the liability for the tax—or judgment against the taxpayer arising from such liability—is satisfied, id (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/6502).

Should an alleged taxpayer petition the U.S. Tax Court to challenge an assessment, all collection activity is suspended while the court proceeding is underway.

Should an alleged taxpayer lose in U.S. Tax Court, a new assessment is made and IRS and U.S. Department of Justice get a fresh 10-year period to levy or begin a court proceeding to collect.
Petitioner petitioned U.S. Tax Court re alleged tax liability for tax years 1994-1997, but shortly thereafter withdrew the petition; the USDOJ attorneys and judge, however, continued without Petitioner’s consent and spent some 18 months “holding a trial” with Petitioner in absentia, ultimately ruling for IRS (Commissioner of Internal Revenue).

After time was tacked on to the 26 U.S.C. § 6502 10-year collection period for “time spent” in U.S. Tax Court, the collection period was extended to January 16, 2014.

Nine days before expiration of said 10-year collection period, United States Department of Justice on January 7, 2014, began a court proceeding to enforce collection of the taxes allegedly due for tax years 1994-1997 in United States District Court, Southern District of Texas, Houston Division Civil Action 4:14-cv-0027 (the “Houston Division Civil Action”).

The judge in the Houston Division Civil Action, United States District Judge Lynn Nettleton Hughes, on May 23, 2014, entered an amended judgment against Petitioner (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/the-judge-in-the-houston-division-civil-action-united-states-district-judge-lynn-nettleton.pdf).

Because the collection lawsuit was begun within the 10-year collection period, and plaintiff United States of America prevailed, the period during which said alleged tax liability may be collected by levy does not expire until the judgment is satisfied.

This story, however, is not over.

Recent events.
Petitioner recently received in the mail four IRS Forms CP504, “Notice of Intent to seize (levy) your property or rights to property,” dated April 2, 2018 (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/four-irs-forms-cp504-e2809cnotice-of-intent-to-seize-levy-your-property-or-rights-to-propertye2809d-dated-april-2-2018.pdf) (the “CP504s”), for alleged tax periods ending December 31, 1994-1997. (Correct hyperlink to the CP504s. The above link gives a 404 error. https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/four-irs-forms-cp504-e2809cnotice-of-intent-to-seize-levy-your-property-or-rights-to-propertye2809d-dated-april-2-20181.pdf)

The CP504s give Petitioner till May 1, 2018, to pay the amount demanded, make arrangements to pay in installments, or submit an IRS Form 9423 Collection Appeal Request or face immediate seizure of property or rights to property.

The alleged authority for the CP504s, upon which they ultimately depend for their authority, legitimacy, and enforceability, is the aforementioned judgment in the Houston Division Civil Action.
As shown in Petitioner’s IRS Form 9423 Collection Appeal Request (hyperlinked below), however, the alleged judge in the Houston Division Civil Action, Lynn Nettleton Hughes, had no authority to take jurisdiction, exercise “The judicial Power of the United States” (Constitution, Art. III, § 1), or enter a judgment in Harris County, Texas.

The foregoing is not an insignificant statement.

If true, it also means that every judgment in every civil or criminal proceeding in every United States district court throughout the Union is void for the respective judge’s lack of authority to take cognizance of the matter in question, a condition known as coram non judice; to wit:
"coram non judice . . . [Latin 'not before a judge'] 1. Outside the presence of a judge. 2. Before a judge or court that is not the proper one or that cannot take legal cognizance of the matter." Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th ed., Bryan A. Garner, ed. in chief (St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1999), p. 338.

Petitioner’s Response to CP504s.
Petitioner followed the instructions provided in the CP504s and on April 26, 2018, sent an IRS Form 9423 Collection Appeal Request and attached to it a Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace and Affidavit of Mailing.

Petitioner subsequently revised said IRS Form 9423 and Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace and on April 30, 2018, sent IRS a replacement response (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/petitioner_s-revised-irs-form-9423-and-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace.pdf).

The Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace educates IRS as to the invalidity of the alleged judgment upon which the alleged CP504s depend and tells IRS what Petitioner will do if IRS undertakes any act in respect of the CP504s that results in damage to Petitioner or Petitioner’s property or rights to property.

Because neither the Secretary of the Treasury nor Commissioner of Internal Revenue is a commissioned officer of the United States but a private-sector businessman: (a) Neither of the organizations over which they administer, i.e., Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service, respectively, is part of government but a private-sector business, (b) every employee thereof a private-sector worker, and (c) any criminal offense committed in Texas by any such private-sector employee properly a Texas, and not a Federal, matter

Petitioner's revised IRS Form 9423 and Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/petitioner_s-revised-irs-form-9423-and-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace1.pdf) spell out the penalties should IRS damage Petitioner via the alleged CP504s, as well as penalties for any retaliatory acts (e.g., criminal charges) taken against Petitioner should Petitioner enforce the penalties set forth therein against private-sector Department of the Treasury or Internal Revenue Service or their respective employees.

IRS summons-case update.

New motion to dismiss

Petitioner on April 11, 2018, filed a motion to dismiss for United States of America's lack of constitutional (Article III) standing to (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/motion-to-dismiss-for-united-states-of-america_s-lack-of-constitutional-article-iii-standing-to.pdf).

The US attorney had until May 2, 2018, to respond, but stood mute.

Petitioner on May 3, 2018, filed with the Court a Notice of United States of America’s representation of no opposition to respondent’s April 11, 2018, case-dispositive motion to dismiss with prejudice and Request for dismissal with prejudice of the case (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/notice-of-united-states-of-america_s-representation-of-no-opposition-to-respondent_s-april-11.pdf).

The US attorney failed to respond to any of Petitioner’s last four motions to dismiss—a representation that he does not oppose what is requested in any of said motions (dismissal with prejudice).

The last time the US attorney filed anything in the Court was December 20, 2017—four and half months ago.

Under the rules of equity, the US attorney’s failure to prosecute or participate in the suit operates to imply that the IRS summons case should be dismissed with prejudice immediately, as requested by Petitioner.

“United States Treasury”

As you may know, the payee listed in every IRS request or demand for payment is “United States Treasury.”

Although Congress mention “United States Treasury” 14 times in Title 12 U.S.C. Banks and Banking, three times in Title 26 U.S.C. Internal Revenue Code, and six times in Title 31 U.S.C. Money and Finance, there is no statute that expressly creates, establishes, or defines “United States Treasury.”

The closest thing to identifying how “United States Treasury” was created or what it is or means, is found in regulations written by non-officer of the United States, private-sector worker Secretary of the Treasury at 31 C.F.R. Money and Finance, Part 203 Payment of Federal Taxes and the Treasury Tax and Loan Program, Subpart A General Information, § 203.2 Definitions:
“Treasury General Account (TGA) means an account maintained in the name of the United States (https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/index.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=3351bb7cd9c1970aa1adbfb111b468ba&term_occur=1&term_src=Title:31:Subtitle:B:Chapter:II:Subchapter :A:Part:203:Subpart:A:203.2) Treasury at an FRB (https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/index.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=59ffcf837006e263fee243f5e641f905&term_occur=11&term_src=Title:31:Subtitle:B:Chapter:II:Subchapter :A:Part:203:Subpart:A:203.2) [Federal Reserve Bank].”

There being no congressional statute that creates, establishes, or defines it, “United States Treasury” appears to be a fictitious name created by Secretary of the Treasury, in which certain private business bank accounts are maintained for his personal use, either directly as a signatory or by proxy (junior employee in private-sector Department of the Treasury)

If this is true, it means that ultimately every penny collected in so-called income tax goes not to anyone in government but rather the exclusive, unilateral control of non-governmental, non-officer of the United States, private-sector worker Secretary of the Treasury (see 31 U.S.C. § 321(d)(1) and (2) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/31/321) for verification of this point).[1]

It also would mean that governmental United States of America would have no constitutional standing to sue any alleged taxpayer in any United States District Court for alleged unpaid taxes for lack of a case or controversy between the litigants—because the actual party in interest is not governmental United States of America but private-sector businessman Secretary of the Treasury, via his DBA and alter ego “United States Treasury.”

And also that the instant civil action to compel Petitioner to produce books and records for the ultimate benefit of private-sector businessman Secretary of the Treasury, would have to be dismissed for United States of America’s lack of Article III standing (no case or controversy between the parties) to bring suit against Petitioner.

Presently, Petitioner is waiting for the Court to grant Petitioner’s motion for an order compelling the U.S. Secretary of State to produce for Petitioner’s inspection and copying, the commission, as an officer of the United States, of current Secretary of the Treasury Steven Terner Mnuchin (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/motion-to-compel-compliance-with-subpoenas-for-the-production-of-documents-and-request-for.pdf) (and former Commissioner of Internal Revenue John Andrew Koskinen).

When the U.S. Secretary of State is forced to comply with the subpoena (whether in the current IRS summons case or some other civil or criminal proceeding in the future) and has to produce the commission, as an officer of the United States, of the Secretary of the Treasury or, in the alternative, certify that there is no document in his custody responsive to the subpoena, there will be sufficient evidence on the table to resolve all disputes and rectify any discrepancy.

[1] This aligns with a previous official statement as to the nature of income tax; to wit:
“100 percent of what is collected [in income tax] is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt . . . . In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government.” J. Peter Grace, “President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control: A Report to the President,” dated and approved January 12 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-data-detectors://18) and 15, 1984, p. 3.

Comment (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/05/05/irs-attacks-non-judicially-petitioner-punctures-purported-authority-for-said-attack-issues-warning-to-irs/#respond)
See all comments (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/05/05/irs-attacks-non-judicially-petitioner-punctures-purported-authority-for-said-attack-issues-warning-to-irs/#comments)

6th May 2018, 07:43 AM
If true, it also means that every judgment in every civil or criminal proceeding in every United States district court throughout the Union is void for the respective judge’s lack of authority to take cognizance of the matter in question, a condition known as coram non judice

Which is why he will not be allowed to win.

6th May 2018, 09:00 AM
Which is why he will not be allowed to win.

Of course not. They won’t allow one of us peons to upset their apple cart. I am wondering, what is the status of the commercial liens he filed against all the actors in the other case? He never said.

8th June 2018, 12:12 PM
Update from Dr. John Parks Trowbridge, Jr.. I am curious about the status of the commercial liens he filed against all the judges and attorneys. He has never offered any information to keep us updated.

US attorney ignores all his material failures and asks for a contempt Order; Petitioner responds

JUNE 8, 2018 (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/us-attorney-ignores-all-his-material-failures-and-asks-for-a-contempt-order-petitioner-responds/) SUPREMECOU (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)RTCASE LEAVE A COMMENT (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/us-attorney-ignores-all-his-material-failures-and-asks-for-a-contempt-order-petitioner-responds/#respond)

Until his recent May 17, 2018, motion for an order to show cause why Petitioner should not be held in contempt for alleged violation of the Court’s September 13, 2017, Order (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/may-17-2018-motion-for-an-order-to-show-cause-why-petitioner-should-not-be-held-in-contempt.pdf), the last time the US attorney made an appearance was December 20, 2017—a span of 148 days.

During that period the US attorney failed to respond to any of Petitioner’s four case-dispositive (tending to dispose of) motions to dismiss with prejudice: a representation to the Court that United States of America does not oppose Petitioner’s requests for dismissal with prejudice of this alleged action in equity.

The respective essence of Petitioner’s four unopposed motions to dismiss with prejudice is as follows:

no constitutional authority that gives the Court the capacity to take jurisdiction, exercise “The judicial Power of the United States” (Constitution, Art. III, § 1), or enter an Order against Petitioner in Harris County Texas (Document 30 (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/motion-to-dismiss-with-prejudice-for-lack-of-constitutional-authority-that-gives-the-court.pdf));

failure to allege a contractual duty of Petitioner or damage (actual or threatened) to non-governmental private-sector Internal Revenue Service, and therefore failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted (Document 32 (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/petitioner-on-february-27-2018-filed-an-amended-motion-to-dismiss-with-prejudice.pdf));

United States of America’s fraud on the Court (misrepresentation that non-governmental private-sector Internal Revenue Service is part of United States of America) and failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted (Document 36 (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/petitioner-on-march-12-2018-filed-a-motion-to-dismiss-with-prejudice.pdf)); and

United States of America’s lack of Article III-standing (no injury to United States of America, actual or threatened) to bring this alleged suit in equity (Document 41 (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/document-41.pdf)).

Petitioner on June 5, 2018, filed Petitioner’s response in opposition to United States of America’s motion for contempt of court (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/response-in-opposition-to-united-states-of-america_s-motion-for-contempt-of-court.pdf).

The next day, June 6, 2018, Petitioner filed an objection for substitution of the real party in interest—private-sector businessman Secretary of the Treasury, a.k.a. and DBA “United States Treasury”—for alleged petitioner United States of America (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/objection-for-substitution-of-the-real-party-in-intereste28094private-sector-businessman-secretary-of-the-treasury1.pdf).

The day after that, June 7, 2018, Petitioner demanded disclosure of whether real-party-in-interest Secretary of the Treasury is (a) a government officer seeking to enforce government laws, or (b) a private-sector businessman seeking to enforce the terms of some private contract (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/petitioner-demanded-disclosure-of-whether-real-party-in-interest-secretary-of-the-treasury-is-a-a-government-officer.pdf); the motion docket date (date by which any response from United States of America is due) of which is June 28, 2018.

The US attorney has previously demonstrated his inability to manage this case (see Document 16 (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/motion-to-file-out-of-time-a-response-to-petitioner_s-notice-and-request.pdf)) and now to deal with any of Petitioner’s several motions to dismiss with prejudice without unfair (inequitable) assistance from the magistrate or judge or both.

The magistrate will make her recommendation/s to the judge regarding all the pending motions before the Court sometime after each party has had the opportunity to respond to each motion submitted by the other.

Whether the US attorney responds to the June 7 motion (demand for disclosure) by June 28 or not, Petitioner will be posting here again prior to that time.

6th July 2018, 04:38 PM
July 6,2018 update. This update is quite long


Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CDOC-110hdoc50/pdf/CDOC-110hdoc50.pdf) provides, in pertinent part, that “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.”

Notwithstanding this guarantee, the current form of government found in “every State in this Union,” id., though seemingly republican in form, is ultimately municipal—because, as shown herein below, every such State (i.e., body politic, not geographic area) has been transmuted into a political subdivision of the District of Columbia, a municipal corporation, 16 Stat. 419 (http://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=16&page=419#), whose municipal law is Roman Civil Law.[1] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn1)

Roman Civil Law equates to absolute, exclusive territorial, personal, and subject-matter legislative power (and executive and judicial jurisdiction) over residents of municipal territory.

The best symbol of Roman Civil Law is the badge of authority borne before Roman magistrates in ancient Rome, the fasces (Lat., from plural of fascis bundle)—a bundle of rods with an ax bound up in the middle and the blade projecting—as displayed on the Seal of the United States Senate, the wall behind the podium in the House of Representatives, reverse of the Mercury dime, National Guard Bureau insignia, Seal of the United States Tax Court, etc.

Americans who do not physically reside in the District of Columbia today nevertheless are treated as residents of that municipality for legal purposes based on certain unconstitutional stealth legislation.
Infliction of Roman Civil Law on the American People has given us the status quo.

The most important strategic aim is creation of a social climate that will tolerate eradication of the Second Article of Amendment to the Constitution (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CDOC-110hdoc50/pdf/CDOC-110hdoc50.pdf), i.e., the right to keep and bear arms,[2] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn2)and after that the Constitution as a whole (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/27/richard-posner-no-value-in-studying-us-constitutio/).[3] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn3)

Two sovereign authorities in the American Republic.
The American People, via the Constitution at Articles I, Section 8, Clause 17 and IV, Section 3, Clause 2 (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CDOC-110hdoc50/pdf/CDOC-110hdoc50.pdf), confer on Congress exclusive legislative power, but only over what would become the District of Columbia and other federal territory and property belonging to the United States; to wit:

It is clear that Congress, as a legislative body, exercise two species of legislative power: the one, limited as to its objects, but extending all over the Union: the other, an absolute, exclusive legislative power over the District of Columbia. . . . Cohens v Virginia, 19 U.S. 264, 434 (1821).

The laws of congress in respect to those matters [preservation of the peace and the protection of person and property] do not extend into the territorial limits of the states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, and other places that are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the national goverment [sic]. . . . Caha v. U.S., 152 U.S. 211, 215 (1894).

Those who actually reside in the District of Columbia—or are construed to be a resident of the District of Columbia for legal purposes—are treated as political subjects of Congress.

If you, as a constituent member of one of the 50 bodies politic of the Union, have come to believe that you personally are subject to the statutes of Congress, then it is a certainty that you are being treated as a legal resident of the District of Columbia and political subject of Congress—a notion which is at odds with the nature of the unique political authority in these freely associated compact states of the Union; to wit:

The same feudal ideas [like those in European countries, particularly in England, where the Prince is the sovereign and the people his subjects] run through all their jurisprudence, and constantly remind us of the distinction between the Prince and the subject. No such ideas obtain here; at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people, and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects . . . and have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty. Chisholm v Georgia, 2 U.S. 419, 471-472 (1793).

Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but, in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts. . . . Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 370 (1886).

There is no provision of the Constitution that confers on Congress legislative power (or executive or judicial jurisdiction) over any American residing or property located anywhere in the Union; e.g.:

It [the legislative power of Congress in the District of Columbia] exists independently, and the legislative powers of the States can never conflict with it, because it can never operate within the States. . . . Cohens v Virginia, 19 U.S. 264, 436 (1821).

[T]here is no such thing as a power of inherent sovereignty in the government of the United States. It is a government of delegated powers, supreme within its prescribed sphere [federal territory] but powerless outside of it [the Union]. In this country, sovereignty resides in the people, and Congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their Constitution, entrusted to it; all else is withheld. Julliard v. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421, 467 (1884).

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America of July 4, 1776, at the Preamble thereof, provides, among other things, that all men (not just Americans) are endowed with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,” the constitutional equivalents of which are, respectively, life, liberty, and property (Slaughterhouse Cases, 83 U.S. 36, 116 (1872)).

Notwithstanding that each man’s labor is his most sacred and inviolable personal property, under the Roman Civil Law of the District of Columbia,[4] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn4) a municipal corporation[5] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn5) (inc. February 21, 1871, 16 Stat. 419 (http://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=16&page=419#)), occupations of common right are nonexistent, citizens / residents are political subjects of the legislative power (Congress), and those who wish to pursue a particular profession or calling in order to earn a living are required to pay a fee or tax for a license (Lat. licere to be permitted) for the “privilege”[6] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn6) of doing so.

Likely you are one of the “joint tenants in the sovereignty,” Chisholm, supra, who, in order to avoid becoming the subject of a legal attack from government, erroneously believes he either has to join a certain political movement (Social Security) in order to be permitted to work or, alternatively, pay a fee or tax in order to obtain a license (government permission) to pursue his profession or calling and thereby earn the means to stay alive and support a family.

Because of the limited legislative power conferred on Congress by the Constitution (Cohens, Caha, Julliard, supra), territorial legislative power is the exclusive domain of each respective member of the Union; to wit:

The several States of the Union are not, it is true, in every respect independent, many of the right and powers which originally belonged to them being now vested in the government created by the Constitution. But, except as restrained and limited by that instrument, they possess and exercise the authority of independent States, and the principles of public law to which we have referred are applicable to them. One of these principles is that every State possesses exclusive jurisdiction and sovereignty over persons and property within its territory. . . . Pennoyer v. Neff, 95 U.S. 714, 722 (1878).

Congress and the United States Department of Justice and judiciary of the United States now usurp exercise of territorial legislative power and executive and judicial jurisdiction over Americans residing and property located in “every State in this Union,” Constitution, Art. IV, § 4; one need only read a newspaper or watch the evening news to confirm this.

[U]An infinity of absurdities.
A maxim of law tells us “Uno absurdo dato, infinita sequuntur. One absurdity being allowed, an infinity follow”[7] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn7)—and anyone who has ever evoked the ire of a government officer or employee can tell you that something is not right.

The Act of June 30, 1864 (13 Stat. 223, 306), at section 182 (http://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=13&page=306#) (infra) introduces the original absurdity—wherein Congress, via stealth legislation that violates literally dozens of legal principles and Supreme Court decisions, knowingly and willfully declare that the word “state” is now a statutory term with a constitutionally opposite definition and meaning that comprehends only the District of Columbia and the territories (i.e., no longer a common noun with a definition whose ordinary and popular meaning, as found in the dictionary and used in the Constitution, comprehends any of the several commonwealths united by and under authority of the Constitution and admitted into the Union); to wit:

Sec. 182. And be it further enacted, That wherever the word state is used in this act it shall be construed to include the territories and the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.

Since June 30, 1864, in all congressional statutes and constitutional amendments, such as the Fourteenth, Sixteenth, and Eighteenth Articles of Amendment to the Constitution, “state,” “State,” and “United States” are defined or construed to mean, ultimately, the District of Columbia (if you do not believe this, just check any set of codes of any member of the Union).

Examples of current congressional legislative fraud and treachery:(1) Social Security payroll and Medicare taxes.

The controlling definition of “State” in the chapter of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC” or “26 U.S.C.”) relating to Social Security payroll and Medicare taxes, Chapter 21 Federal Insurance Contributions Act(FICA), is Section 3121(e)(1); to wit:

(e). . . For purposes of this chapter—
. . . (1) State

The term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.

Because “includes” is also an IRC term and appears in the above definition of “State,” we first must account for its definition and meaning before we can determine the full extent of the meaning of “State.”

The controlling definition of the IRC term “includes” is found at 26 U.S.C. § 7701(c); to wit:

The terms “includes”and “including” when used in a definition contained in this title shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined.

Another way of saying the same thing in fewer words is “The terms ‘includes’ and ‘including’ do not exclude things not enumerated which are in the same general class,” (27 C.F.R. § 72.11).

This means that other things, though not expressed in a particular definition, nevertheless are included in its meaning if they are of the same general class as those listed.

In the above definition of the IRC term “State,” what the District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa have in common is that they are all bodies politic (a) subject to the exclusive legislative power of Congress,[8] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn8) and (b) whose respective government imposes its own income taxes and withholding taxes on its own residents.[9] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn9)

There is one and only one other body politic of this same general class: the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Wherefore, the 26 U.S.C. § 3121(e)(1) “States” are the District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands [U]and no other body politic.

This means that for purposes of Social Security payroll and Medicare taxes, only residents of the “State” of District of Columbia are liable (the five other so-called States have their own withholding taxes); residents of Union-members (e.g., Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, etc.) are excluded.

If you do not reside in the District of Columbia but are paying Social Security payroll and Medicare taxes, you are being treated (and conducting yourself) as a resident, for legal purposes, of the “State” of District of Columbia.

(2) Certain proceedings in courts of the United States.

Every civil or criminal proceeding in every court of the United States regarding an alleged debt allegedly owed to the United States is administered in accordance with the provisions of 28 U.S.C. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, Chapter 176, Federal Debt Collection Procedure, which provides its own exclusive definition of “State” and “United States”; to wit:

§ 3002. Definitions
As used in this chapter:

. . . (14) “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.

(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

Continued. . . .

6th July 2018, 05:01 PM
Rules and principles of statutory interpretation.

To interpret the meaning of a particular statute or statutory definition, one must use the same rules and principles of statutory interpretation which were used to compose such statute or definition.

There are eight basic rules and principles of statutory interpretation (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/eight-basic-rules-and-principles-of-statutory-interpretation.pdf)/ construction (from “construe,” not “construct”), the following three of which are usually sufficient to interpret the meaning of any statute (Underline emphasis added.):

(5) The rule ejusdem generis (of the same kind): when a list of specific items belonging to the same class is followed by general words (as in ‘cats, dogs, and other animals’), the general words are to be treated as confined to other items of the same class (in this example, to other domestic animals).

(6) The rule expressio unius est exclusio alterius (the inclusion of the one is the exclusion of the other): when a list of specific items is not followed by general words it is to be taken as exhaustive. For example, ‘weekends and public holidays’ excludes ordinary weekdays.

. . . (8) The rule noscitur a sociis (known by its associates): when a word or phrase is of uncertain meaning, it should be construed in the light of the surrounding words . . . A Dictionary of Law, 7thed., Jonathan Law and Elizabeth Martin, eds. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 295.

Interpreting the meaning of the definition of the 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15) term “State”.

We cannot know the exact meaning of the above definition of “State” until we account for the following things: (a) there is a phrase of uncertain meaning in the definition, “the several States,” and (b) there is another 28U.S.C. § 3002 term in the definition, “United States.”

Regarding (a): Whereas, it is not possible to know the meaning of the phrase “the several States” until the meaning of “State” is determined, the rule that allows us to interpret the meaning of this phrase correctly is Rule 8, noscitur a sociis (known by its associates).

Applying noscitur a sociis, the surrounding words in the statute, i.e., “any of . . . the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States, ”tell us that the phrase “the several States” means the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and each respective territory and possession of the United States and no other body politic.

Regarding (b): Inspecting subsections (A), (B), and (C) of the above controlling definition of the statutory term “United States” at 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15),we see that the controlling subsection is(A): “a Federal corporation.”

Whereas, the only Federal corporation possessed of agencies, departments, commissions, boards, instrumentalities, and other entities, as those things are expressly listed in subsections (B) and (C) of the definition, is the District of Columbia, a Federal municipal corporation (see fn. 4):

The meaning of the 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15) term “United States” equates to the District of Columbia; and
The District of Columbia (a Federal municipal corporation) is also known as and doing business as “United States.”

Correct interpretation of the meaning of the 28 U.S.C. § 3002(14) term “State”.

The 28 U.S.C. § 3002(14) term “State” means any of the following: the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Palmyra Atoll, Wake Atoll, Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Midway Atoll, Sand Island, Kingman Reef, or Navassa Island[10] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn10) and no other body politic.

Notice that none of the members of the Union (e.g., New Mexico, Vermont, Oregon) are included in the meaning of the definition of the 28 U.S.C. § 3002(14) term “State.”

Correct interpretation of the meaning of the 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15) term “United States”.

Congress have created a special “United States” for use in all civil or criminal proceedings in all courts of the United States regarding an alleged debt allegedly owed to the “United States” (District of Columbia)—and each and every mention of “United States” in any such civil or criminal proceeding (as in United States District Judge, United States District Court, United States Marshal, United States Attorney, etc.) literally and legally means “a Federal corporation” and equates to the District of Columbia, a Federal municipal corporation.


With origins in ancient Rome, a citizen is a species of person (Latin, persona, mask for actors > per through, + sonus, sound), i.e., one who is the subject of certain rights and duties and has no unalienable rights, only entitlement to civil rights; citizens are inferior political subjects, not sovereigns; e.g.:

The term “citizen” has come to us derived from antiquity. It appears to have been used in the Roman government to designate a person who had the freedom of the city, and the right to exercise all political and civil privileges of the government. . . . Henry Campbell Black, A Dictionary of Law (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1891), 206.

Based, however, on the unique political character of the sovereign authority in the American Republic, prior to introduction June 30, 1864, of the new statutory definition and meaning of “state” (and, by extension, “State” and United “States”) and advent of the purported Fourteenth Article of Amendment[11] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn11) to the Constitution (passed June 13, 1866, ratified July 9, 1868), “citizen” has a different and unique connotation in American law; to wit (Underline emphasis added.):

CITIZEN. . . .
In American law. One who, under the constitution and laws of the United States, has a right to vote for civil officers, and himself is qualified to fill elective offices.

One of the sovereign people. A constituent member of the sovereignty, synonymous with the people. 19 How. 404.[12] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn12)

“[J]oint tenants in the sovereignty” shanghaied politically to the District of Columbia.
Following the June 30, 1864, congressional conversion of the word “state” into a statutory term and July 9, 1868, adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment:

The legislature of each member of the Union without voter approval introduces voter-registration legislation that, in addition to the requirement of residence within its borders, also arbitrarily requires that all such residents be a “citizen of the United States,” a stratagem perpetrated for the purpose of duping unsuspecting Americans into unwittingly constructively “agreeing” or “declaring” that they are a resident of the District of Columbia (see fn. 11);
The constitution of each respective Union-member is revised and expanded, so as to include inordinate use of the common noun “State” instead of the proper noun that denotes each respective member of the Union (e.g., use of “in this State” rather than “in New Hampshire”; or “the State” instead of “North Carolina”); and
Congress, for political purposes (see fn. 5), incorporate the District of Columbia (16 Stat. 419 (http://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=16&page=419#)).

The reason the label “citizen of the United States” is bogus as regards Americans domiciled and residing without federal territory, is that the United States has no territorial legislative power anywhere in the Union, only the District of Columbia and other federal territory (Cohens, Caha, supra); the Union members themselves enjoy exclusive territorial legislative power over persons[13] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn13) and property within their respective borders (Pennoyer, supra).

Under the Roman Civil Law of the District of Columbia (“United States”), there is no substantial difference between a citizen and a resident.

Every “citizen of the United States” is either an actual resident of the District of Columbia or, though residing elsewhere, fraudulently construed to be a resident of the District of Columbia for legal purposes—and every time you claimed to be a citizen of the United States on any government application, e.g., Social Security, driver’s license, passport, voter-registration, etc., you unwittingly gave them further justification to abuse, defraud, and extort you.

Actual or legal residents of the District of Columbia are not entitled to engage in occupations of common right and are subject to the absolute, exclusive legislative power of Congress, i.e., all legislation within the District of Columbia.

If you neither physically reside nor own a business or real property within the exterior limits of the District of Columbia, the reason you are construed to be a legal resident of the District of Columbia is because (a) Congress transmuted “State” and “United States” into statutory terms whose ultimate meaning is the District of Columbia, and (b) you are ignorant of the fact that Congress, the United States Department of Justice, and all judicial officers of the United States construe all use of “United States” in all legislation (United States Statutes at Large, United States Code, amendments to the Constitution, etc.) to mean, ultimately, the District of Columbia: territory over which Congress enjoy absolute, exclusive legislative power (as conferred by the American People at Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution).

Authority for all bona fide legislative, executive, and judicial power: the Constitution.

Notwithstanding the degree of deceit and treachery of Congress, who, as evidenced by their legislative history,[14] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn14) are kept whores of the private Federal Reserve,[15] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn15) and before that its parent bank, the private Bank of England,[16] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn16) what will be hardest to understand for most people is that (a) the so-called U.S. Government is not the one implemented by the Constitution March 4, 1789, but the one incorporated by Congress February 21, 1871—the District of Columbia, a municipal corporation, and (b) with the exception of the president (explained in footnote 17, infra), all officers, employees, and elected officials of the “United States” are the personnel of said municipal corporation.

This is easily proved.

It is well settled that executive and judicial jurisdiction is co-extensive with the legislative power; to wit:
The Judicial power is of a peculiar kind. It is indeed commensurate with the ordinary legislative and executive powers of the General Government . . . Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 419, 435 (1793).

Those who framed the constitution, intended to establish a government complete for its own purposes, supreme within its sphere, and capable of acting by its own proper powers. They intended it to consist of three co-ordinate branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. In the construction of such a government, it is an obvious maxim, ‘that the judicial power should be competent to give efficacy to the constitutional laws of the Legislature.’[16] The judicial authority, therefore, must be co-extensive with the legislative power.[17] . . . Osborn v. Bank of United States, 22 U.S. 738, 808 (1824).

[16] Cohens v. Virginia, 6 Wheat. Rep. 414.

[17] The Federalist, No. 80. Cohens v. Virginia, 6 Wheat. Rep. 384.

Every legislative, executive, and judicial officer of that certain government established by the Constitution must have constitutional authority for every official act he undertakes; to wit (Underline emphasis added.):

As regards all courts of the United States inferior to this tribunal, two things are necessary to create jurisdiction, whether original or appellate. The Constitution must have given to the court the capacity to take it, and an act of Congress must have supplied it. Their concurrence is necessary to vest it. . . . It can be brought into activity in no other way. . . . The Mayor v. Cooper, 73 U.S. 247, 252 (1867).” [Other cases that accord with this decision: Finley v. United States, 490 U.S. 545, 109 (1989). Christianson v. Colt Industries Operating Co.,486 U.S. 800, 818 (1988); Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Risjord,449 U.S. 368, 379-380 (1981); Kline v. Burke Construction Co.,260 U.S. 226, 233-234 (1922); Case of the Sewing Machine Companies,18 Wall. 553, 577-578, 586-587 (1874); Sheldon v. Sill,8 How. 441, 449 (1850); Cary v. Curtis,3 How. 236, 245 (1845); McIntire v. Wood,7 Cranch 504, 506 (1813).]

There being no provision of the Constitution that gives officers of a municipal corporation the capacity to take jurisdiction anywhere outside the territory occupied by the body politic of the subject municipality, no act of Congress can supply anything that creates jurisdiction for such officers anywhere else.

E.g., modernly, all counties are municipal corporations incorporated under the authority of the “state” / “State” / “STATE,” each of which is a statutory term the ultimate meaning of which in all American bodies of law is the District of Columbia, and the geographic area over which officers of each respective county (such as the sheriff and his deputies) legally have jurisdiction is the same as officers of the District of Columbia municipal corporation (such as the U.S. marshal and his deputies): all that territory lying within the limits of the District of Columbia and no other.

This is why Congress have decreed in stealth legislation at 28 U.S.C. § 564 that U.S. marshals (whose jurisdiction is restricted to the District of Columbia) may exercise the same powers as those a sheriff of the “State” (District of Columbia) may exercise in executing the laws of said “State” (District of Columbia); to wit:

United States marshals, deputy marshals and such other officials of the Service as may be designated by the Director, in executing the laws of the United States within a State, may exercise the same powers which a sheriff of the State may exercise in executing the laws thereof.

Congress populate a mirror-image government local to the seat of the national government established by the Constitution: Religious test oaths.

Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution provides (Underline emphasis added.):

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

The government’s position toward religion, as required by First Article of Amendment to the Constitution, is supposed to be one of strict neutrality; to wit:

The place of religion in our society is an exalted one, achieved through a long tradition of reliance on the home, the church and the inviolable citadel of the individual heart and mind. We have come to recognize through bitter experience that it is not within the power of government to invade that citadel, whether its purpose or effect be to aid or oppose, to advance or retard. In the relationship between man and religion, the State is firmly committed to a position of neutrality. . . .” Abington School Dist. v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 226 (1963).

This point was reiterated by the Supreme Court as recently as June 4, 2018, in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 584 U. S. ___ (2018) (Kennedy, J., delivering the opinion of the court); to wit (in pertinent parts, without page numbers, prior to the case going to press):

When the Colorado Civil Rights

Commission considered this case, it did not do so with the religious neutrality that the Constitution requires.

The State’s interest could have been weighed against Phillips’ sincere religious objections in a way consistent with the requisite religious neutrality that must be strictly observed.

[T]he law must be applied in a manner that is neutral toward religion. . . .
The words “So help me God” are religious in nature; to wit (Underline emphasis added.):

The fact that religious words are common to many faiths — or are used repeatedly — does not diminish their religious meaning. Neither the numbing effect of repetition nor the brevity of a prayer extinguishes the religious nature of words such as “help me God.” Newdow v. Roberts, 603 F. 3d 1002 (D.C. Cir. 2010). (Kavanaugh, Cir. J., concurring.)

With the exception of the president, the congressionally mandated oath of office of every other individual who purports to hold an “Office or public Trust under the United States,” Constitution, Art. VI, § 3, [U]requires a religious test—“So help me God”—as a qualification thereto and thereby automatically debars every such individual from holding any such office or public trust or exercising any form of power under the Constitution.

It neither comports with the First Article of Amendment to the Constitution nor is it in keeping with the doctrine of separation of church and state to (a) dictate over individuals who do not believe in God that such must swear an oath invoking the help of God in order to hold public office, or (b) make any law affecting any establishment of religion that professes a belief in God, vis-à-vis other establishments of religion which are founded on different beliefs—matters the Supreme Court has repeatedly struck down as violations of the First Article of Amendment to the Constitution; e.g. (Bold and underline emphasis added):

The appellant Torcaso was appointed to the office of Notary Public by the Governor of Maryland but was refused a commission to serve because he would not declare his belief in God. He then brought this action in a Maryland Circuit Court to compel issuance of his commission, charging that the State’s requirement that he declare this belief violated “the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States . . .” . . .

[T]he Maryland Declaration of Rights requirement before us . . . sets up a religious test which was designed to and, if valid, does bar every person who refuses to declare a belief in God from holding a public “office of profit or trust” in Maryland. The power and authority of the State of Maryland thus is put on the side of one particular sort of believers—those who are willing to say they believe in “the existence of God.”. . . Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488, 489-490 (1961).

[367 U.S. 488, 492] Since prior cases in this Court have thoroughly explored and documented the history behind the First Amendment, the reasons for it, and the scope of the religious freedom it protects, we need not cover that ground again. What was said in our prior cases we think controls our decision here.

[367 U.S. 488, 494-495] Nothing decided or written in Zorach lends support to the idea that the Court there intended to open up the way for government, state or federal, to restore the historically and constitutionally discredited policy of probing religious beliefs by test oaths or limiting public offices to persons who have, or perhaps more properly profess to have, a belief in some particular kind of religious concept.

. . . We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally . . . aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs.[11]

[367 U.S. 488, 495-496] The fact . . . that a person is not compelled to hold public office cannot possibly be an excuse for barring him from office by state-imposed criteria forbidden by the Constitution. This was settled by our holding in Wieman v. Updegraff, 344 U. S. 183. . . .

This Maryland religious test for public office unconstitutionally invades the appellant’s freedom of belief and religion and . . . cannot be enforced against him.
. . . Reversed and remanded.

. . .[11] Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism and others. . . .[18] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn18)

Juramentum est indivisibile, et non est admittendum in parte verum et in parte falsam. An oath is indivisible, it cannot be in part true and in part false,” Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 3rdrev. (8thed.), rev. by Francis Rawle (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1914) (hereinafter [I]“Bouvier’s Law Dictionary”), 2141, and the unconstitutional portion of government oaths (“So help me God.”) renders the entire oath unconstitutional.

Unless an aspirant to legislative, executive, or judicial “Office or public Trust under the United States,” Constitution, Art. VI, § 3, take the oath of office required of him by Congress, however, he will be barred from the office sought; to wit:

Clearly the Constitution permits the requirement of oaths by officeholders to uphold the Constitution itself. The obvious implication is that those unwilling to take such an oath are to be barred from public office. American Communications Assn. v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 414-415 (1950).

By deliberately installing a religious test in the oath of office of every prospective legislative, executive, and judicial officer, Congress have ensured that none holds a constitutional “Office or public Trust under the United States” (Constitution, Art. VI,§ 3) or is authorized to exercise “legislative Powers” (id. at Art. I, § 1), “The executive Power” (id. at Art. II, § 1), or “The judicial Power of the United States” (id. at Art. III, § 1), respectively, anywhere in the Union.[19] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn19)

No legislative, executive, or judicial officer of the United States (except the president) can or will cite any provision of the Constitution that gives him authority to do anything he does anywhere in the Union—because it does not exist.

Continued . . . .

6th July 2018, 05:43 PM
The “States”.

In the dictionary, the primary definition of the word “state” equates to a body politic, not a geographic area.

The words “state,” “State,” and “STATE” having been transmuted into statutory terms which mean, ultimately, the District of Columbia (a particular body politic), the title “State of Kentucky” literally is code for District of Columbia of Kentucky, i.e., that certain body politic of legal residents of the District of Columbia who physically reside in Kentucky.

Because all so-called state / State/ STATE officers have the same fatal religious-test defect in their respective oath of office (or as a “prerequisite for eligibility” to take an oath of office) and likewise are, wittingly or unwittingly, officers of a purported political subdivision of the District of Columbia, i.e., a “state” or “STATE”: None have taken a constitutional oath of office, Torcaso, supra, nor do any have constitutional authority for anything they do.

Because of the fact that the District of Columbia is a municipal corporation (public corporation, created by government for political purposes; see fn. 5) and all its political subdivisions (e.g., State of Nebraska, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, etc.) sub-corporations thereof—Petitioner on May 17, 2018, filed a motion for the Court to take judicial notice of (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/a-motion-for-the-court-to-take-judicial-notice-of.pdf):

Dun & Bradstreet file number 956858625 for the corporate entity known as “Judicial Branch of US (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/a-motion-for-the-court-to-take-judicial-notice-of.pdf)
Delaware Secretary of State, Department of State, Division of Corporations file number 3383789, for the corporation known as “U.S. GOV’T LAW COURT ADMIN SUPREME & U.S. DISTRICT, APPELLATE, VETERANS PROBATE, BANKRUPTCY, STATE(S) COURTS INC” (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/a-motion-for-the-court-to-take-judicial-notice-of.pdf); and
a certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of the for-profit U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/a-motion-for-the-court-to-take-judicial-notice-of.pdf).

Notice in the second above-bulleted item that among the incorporated courts listed under “U.S. GOV’T LAW COURT . . .” we have “STATE(S)” courts.

This is conclusive proof that all so-called “state” / “State” / “STATE” courts and other entities are for-profit corporations of the so-called U.S. Government, a.k.a. Government of the District of Columbia, a municipal corporation.

Because all modern governments (city, county, state, and federal) are incorporated: All alleged government entities are political subdivisions of the District of Columbia; all (except the president) alleged government personnel are employees of the District of Columbia; all alleged Social Security enrollees (whose name appears in ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS) are alleged individuals, 5 U.S.C. § 552a(a)(2) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/552a), Federal personnel, 5 U.S.C. § 552a(a)(13) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/552a), and residents, for legal purposes, of the District of Columbia; and the entire country is being run not under a republican but a municipal form of government as found in the District of Columbia, a municipal corporation administered under Roman Civil Law.

Dealing with attacks from government officers.

In America, unalienable rights, with which all men (not just Americans) are presumed to be endowed by their Creator (The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America of July 4, 1776, Preamble) have been replaced with civil rights, which are conferred on residents of the District of Columbia by Congress under Roman Civil Law.

“Cujusque rei potissima pars principium est. The principal part of everything is the beginning,” Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 2130—and the best time to handle any attack from a municipal officer of the District of Columbia who would deprive you of your life, liberty, or property, is at the beginning.

Should any legislative, executive, or judicial officer of the District of Columbia (United States) or one of its 50 political subdivisions (the “50 States”) seek to destroy the peace and dignity of your life, the very first thing to do (even if he purports to be enforcing an alleged warrant) is issue a Demand for the specific provision of the Constitution that gives him the authority to do whatever it is that he wants to do.

There is no such provision—and he cannot and will not cite one.

Accompanying your Demand would be Notice that should said officer proceed absent constitutional authority and deprive you of any of your unalienable / constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property or damage you in any other way,[20] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn20) any such act is willful and signifies that he will have committed, without constitutional authority, in violation of the Fourth or Fifth Article of Amendment to the Constitution and numerous provisions of the pertinent penal code, a positive act of trespass for which he is personally liable to you.[21] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn21)

In the instant alleged IRS summons case against Petitioner, Demand was made more than four months ago for the US attorney to present the constitutional authority that gives the Court the capacity to take jurisdiction and enter orders against Petitioner in Harris County, Texas, and the US attorney went and has remained silent and failed to respond because he cannot do so without incriminating himself; instead he is relying on his corporate co-workers, the judge and magistrate, who likewise are without constitutional authority in Harris County, Texas, to bail him out and prosecute the case in his behalf.

Please know that, based on the facts revealed herein, it will be exceedingly simpler for you to handle attacks from government officers at inception than it has been for Petitioner to deal with extortionate usurpations of jurisdiction over the last 25 years by executive and judicial officers of the so-called United States (District of Columbia) under color of law, office, and authority.

There are an infinity of absurdities that are foisted on the American People by government on a daily basis—but all can be overcome by demanding a would-be attacker’s constitutional authority and never relenting until the District of Columbia officer throws in the towel or you prevail via subsequent measures, such as presentment to the grand jury of an Affidavit of Information (criminal complaint) sworn to (or affirmed) before competent witnesses (not a notary public) as true, correct, and complete, and documenting and making known any and all offenses committed.


If you want to enjoy the unalienable and constitutional right to life, liberty, and property, but do not wish to resort to measures such as those taken by our forebears some 242 years ago, there is no other way to protect it against governmental usurper-proxies of the private Federal Reserve than to wield pertinent provisions of the Constitution against them.

It took roughly only one percent of the American People in the colonies to defeat the British army and navy and horde of Hessian mercenaries hired by the debtor-slave tool of the private Bank of England, King George III.

Should a mere one percent of the American People today withdraw cooperation with the usurpers and cease volunteering to conduct their affairs as a legal resident of the District of Columbia, likely a similar result would come to pass against the same evil.

FYI, there are two ways one can “volunteer” to be a taxpayer and liable to tax; here is one of them:

Accordingly, when returns were filed in Mrs. Morse’s name declaring income to her for 1944 and 1945, and making her potentially liable for the tax due on that income,[22] she became a taxpayer within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code. . . .” Morse v. U.S., 494 F.2d 876, 879 (1974).

The other is to volunteer one’s Social Security Account Number to a payor(one who pays; e.g., an employer) upon request therefor,[23] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftn23)in order to receive money.

The content of this webpage over the last four years reveals a path like no other before it, and can aid anyone seeking to understand how and why government does the things it does and what one can do about it.

Update on non-judicial IRS Notice of Intent to Levy (in previous post).

The previous post hereto (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/us-attorney-ignores-all-his-material-failures-and-asks-for-a-contempt-order-petitioner-responds/) laid out the details of an April 2, 2018, non-judicial attack from private-sector business Internal Revenue Service and provided Petitioner’s April 30, 2018, response thereto, an IRS Form 9423 Collection Appeal Request and a Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/petitioner_s-revised-irs-form-9423-and-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace.pdf).

Despite the exuberance displayed by private-sector Internal Revenue Service workers at the time of service on Petitioner of the IRS Forms CP504 “Notice of intent to seize (levy) your property or rights to property” for alleged Taxable Years 1994-1997, there has been no attempt to enforce the measures outlined in said Forms CP504.

[1] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref1) In the community of nations, under international law, the District of Columbia, a.k.a. Washington or Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States of America. The District of Columbia is the seat of the government established by the Constitution and a city the municipal law of which is Roman Civil Law:

CIVIL LAW. The “Roman Law” and the “Civil law” are convertible phrases, meaning the same system of jurisprudence; it is not frequently denominated the “Roman Civil Law.”

. . . 1. The system of jurisprudence held and administered in the Roman empire, particularly as set forth in the compilation of Justinian and his successors . . . as distinguished from the common law of England and the canon law.

2. That rule of action which every particular nation, commonwealth, or city has established peculiarly for itself ; more properly called “municipal” law, to distinguish it from the “law of nature” and from international law. Henry Campbell Black, A Dictionary of Law (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1891), 207.

[2] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref2) The Second Article of Amendment to the Constitution provides:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Noah Webster, in his An American Dictionary of the English Language, vols. I & II (New York: S. Converse, 1828)—the publication of which is coeval with implementation of the Constitution and Second Amendment—provides, among others, the following definitions:

ARMS, n. plu. . . . Weapons of offense, or armor for defense and protection of the body.

WEAPON, n. wep′n . . . Any instrument of offense ; any thing used or designed to be used in destroying or annoying an enemy. . . . An instrument of defense.

INFRINGE, v. t. infrinj′. . . . To break ; to violate ; to transgress ; to neglect to fulfill or obey ; as, to infringe a law.

Any degree of encroachment that can be considered a clear breach of the express prohibition in the Second Amendment constitutes an infringement of the constitutional right of the American People to keep and bear arms and is unconstitutional and can be resisted lawfully.

[3] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref1) “I see absolutely no value to a judge of spending decades, years, months, weeks, day [sic], hours, minutes, or seconds studying the Constitution, the history of its enactment, its amendments, and its implementation (across the centuries — well, just a little more than two centuries, and of course less for many of the amendments),” he wrote. . . . The Washington Times, “Judge Richard Posner: ‘No value’ in studying the U.S. Constitution,” June 27, 2016, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/27/richard-posner-no-value-in-studying-us-constitutio/(accessed August 4, 2016).

The reason the late United States Circuit Judge Richard Posner could get away with such patently treasonous statements without risking impeachment is revealed herein.

[4] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref4) “An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, February 21, 1871 (http://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=16&page=419#); later legislated in “An Act Providing a Permanent Form of Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 180, sec. 1, 20 Stat. 102, June 11, 1878, to remain and continue as a municipal corporation (brought forward from the Act of 1871, as provided in the Act of March 2, 1877, amended and approved March 9, 1878, Revised Statutes of the United States Relating to the District of Columbia. . .1873–’74 (in force as of December 1, 1873), sec. 2, p. 2); as amended by the Act of June 28, 1935, 49 Stat. 430, ch. 332, sec. 1 (Title 1, Section 102, District of Columbia Code (1940)).

[5] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref5) MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. A public corporation, created by government for political purposes, and having subordinate and local powers of legislation ; e.g., a county, town, city, etc. Henry Campbell Black, A Dictionary of Law (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1891), 794.

[6] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref6) The most common example of a District of Columbia municipal privilege is the driving privilege, exercised by obtaining a driver’s license (legally and technically a certificate), which allows the holder to pursue his calling as a professional driver and use a so-called motor vehicle, 18 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedure, § 31(a)(6), (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/31)for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo.

It is unlikely that you knew that the so-called driving privilege and driver’s license are District of Columbia, municipal, and commercial in nature or that, as a driver, you are presumed to be a menace to the public safety, making your living by constantly driving up and down the highways transporting passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo in exchange for money (there is a legal alternative to this trap—without opening the door to legal liability—where one need not have a driver’s license, insurance, or registration in order to use a car, but that would have to be the subject of its own article).

[7] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref7) Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 3rdrev. (8thed.), rev. by Francis Rawle (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1914) (hereinafter “Bouvier’s Law Dictionary”), 2166.

[8] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref8) Constitution, Articles I, sec. 8, cl. 17 and IV, sec. 3, cl. 2.

[9] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref9) IRS.gov, “Persons Employed In a U.S. Possession / Territory – FIT,” https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/persons-employed-in-us-possessions(accessed June 12, 2018).

[10] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref10) See U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs, “Islands We Serve,” http://www.doi.gov/oia/islands/index.cfm (https://www.doi.gov/oia/islands), and “Puerto Rico,” https://www.doi.gov/oia/islands/puertorico; and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, “Navassa Island,” https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Navassa_Island (https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Navassa_Island/), and “Pacific Remote Islands: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Pacific_Remote_Islands_Marine_National_Monument (https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Pacific_Remote_Islands_Marine_National_Monument/);

[11] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref11) The Fourteenth Amendment of July 9, 1868, has numerous defects and is easily debunked, the most significant flaw being found in the first portion of Section 1 defining who exactly is a citizen of the United States:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States . . .”

First of all, Americans are People (The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, Preamble; Constitution, Preamble), not persons (political subjects with certain rights and duties).

Secondly and most importantly, “persons born or naturalized in the United States” are not “citizens of the United States” strictly by birth or naturalization: They also must be “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States.

This is why residents of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, etc. are legally classified as citizens of the United States: The United States has jurisdiction over the territory in which those bodies politic reside.

There is no geographic area anywhere in the Union that is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, Cohens, Caha, Julliard, supra; the American People are the sovereign author and source of all law in America, Yick Wo, supra; and no American domiciled and residing without federal territory is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

Not being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, Americans domiciled and residing throughout the Union do not qualify as 14thAmendment “citizens of the United States.”

[12] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref12) Howard’s United States Supreme Court Reports, published between 1843 and 1860 (vols. 1-24), vol. 19, p. 404, by Benjamin Chew Howard (1791-1872), U.S. Congressman (D-Md.).

[13] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref13) Persons per se are political subjects created by operation of law and have certain rights and duties. Under the Roman Civil Law of the District of Columbia, every citizen-resident is a person with certain rights and duties. One person’s duty is another person’s right, and vice versa; an example of which is the alleged duty of one man to pay Social Security payroll taxes and another man’s alleged right to receive Social Security retirement benefits (which are paid out of Social Security payroll taxes collected).

Among the “joint tenants in the sovereignty,” Chisholm, supra, that comprise the American People, none is a so-called person. The American People are the supreme political authority in the Republic, Yick Wo, supra.

Also, FYI, there is no provision in the rules of English grammar for the writing of a proper noun in ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS. Display of names in ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS is a legal construct for artificial persons, like corporations. Your True Full Name (or any derivative or variation in the spelling thereof) in ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS is the corporately colored name of a person created by government, usually upon application for enrollment in the Social Security Program, known as an individual, 5 U.S.C. § 552a(a)(2) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/552a), and defined as “a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, i.e., a resident, actual or legal, of the District of Columbia.

“Individuals”—i.e., persons designated by the ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS version of the name of one of the “joint tenants in the sovereignty” (Chisholm, supra)—entitled to receive retirement benefits under the so-called Social Security Retirement Program of the Government of the United States, are alleged Federal personnel, 5 U.S.C. § 552a(a)(13) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/552a), and therefore alleged residents, for legal purposes, of the District of Columbia and subject to the statutes of Congress.

[14] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref14) Examination of the import of all “state” and federal legislation reveals that the ultimate beneficiary thereof is the private Federal Reserve—not the least significant aspect of which is the pernicious charade that the so-called Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service are part of government. Said organizations are private-sector businesses of the Federal Reserve; proof of which is the absence of any congressional statutory requirement that any executive or employee of either take an oath of office and the fact that all collections of income tax go toward payment of alleged interest allegedly owed to the Federal Reserve on the so-called national debt; to wit:

Resistance to additional income taxes would be even more widespread if people were aware that . . . 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt . . . In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government.”J. Peter Grace, “President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control: A Report to the President,” Vol. I, dated and approved January 12 and 15, 1984, p. 3.

The non-governmental, non-officer of the United States Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of Internal Revenue are private-sector businessmen.

[15] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref15) “The Federal Reserve is not an agency of government. It is a private banking monopoly.” Rep. John R. Rarick, “Deficit Financing,” Congressional Record (House of Representatives), 92ndCongress, First Session, Vol. 117—Part 1, February 1, 1971, p. 1260.

Federal Reserve Banks . . . are not federal instrumentalities . . . but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations. Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (9th Cir. 1982).

[16] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref16) The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913, is the creation of Baron Alfred Charles de Rothschild (1842–1918), director of the Bank of England (Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers, Second Edition, 1992 Election Edition (Staunton, Va.: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992), 102), implemented via his straw author, Paul Moritz Warburg (id. at 128), a German banker and Rothschild confederate awarded United States citizenship in 1911 specifically for this purpose. Warburg was later dubbed “Father of the Federal Reserve” by the New York Times. The private Federal Reserve, incorporated under aegis of the District of Columbia, a municipal corporation, is modeled by its architect, Baron Rothschild, after the private Bank of England.

[17] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref17) The president’s oath of office is found at Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The above is the only governmental oath / affirmation prescribed by the Constitution; all others are legislated by Congress.

It is common knowledge that after reciting the above words, the newly sworn-in president also says “So help me God,” which could be construed as a religious test. The instant in time the president-elect utters the last word in the above oath of office, i.e., “States,” however, he accedes to the office of president of the government established by the Constitution and anything he may say afterwards is irrelevant because it is not part of his constitutionally mandated oath of office (Congress cannot supersede the Constitution unilaterally or require of the president-elect any other oath of office).

This is exemplary of the level of deceit and treachery of Congress and all other officers of the “United States” (District of Columbia). None but the president is an officer of the government established by the Constitution.

[18] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref18) See also Bridges v. California, 314 U.S. 252, 265 (1941); Girouard v. United States, 328 U. S. 61, 68-69 (1946); American Communications Assn. v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 447 (1950) (Black, J., dissenting.); Wieman v. Updegraff, 344 U.S. 183, 192-193 (1952) (Black, J. concurring.); and Abington School Dist. v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 220 and 226 (1963).

Continued . . . .

6th July 2018, 05:47 PM
[19] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref19) This is why the late “United States” Circuit Judge Richard Posner could make statements like those referenced above in Footnote 3 with impunity: He was not a judicial officer of the government established by the Constitution.

[20] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref20) “Ubicunque est injuria, ibi damnum sequitur. Wherever there is a wrong, there damage follows.” Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 2166.

[21] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref21) “Nemo damnum facit, nisi qui id fecit quod facere jus non habet. No one is considered as doing damage, unless he who is doing what he has no right to do.” Id. at 2146.
“Nemo est supra leges. No one is above the law.” Id. at 2147.

[22] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref22) “Income” means gains or profits, not“what comes in,” and in law all three words are synonymous and interchangeable; e.g.:
[S]ubject only to such exemptions and deductions as are hereinafter allowed, the net income of a taxable person shall include gains, profits, and income derived from . . . Gould v. Gould,245 U.S. 151, 152-153 (1917), quoting 38 Stat. 114, 166, ch. 16, October 3, 1913.

When one exchanges his life-diminishing labor for money he makes no profit or gain; it is an even exchange. Government allows people to act on the false belief that whatever “comes in” is income and preys on their general ignorance of the true import of the word.

[23] (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/#_ftnref23) Congress say that a citizen of the United States (resident of the District of Columbia) who employs another citizen of the United States (resident of the District of Columbia) must request of said person (citizen of the United States) an identifying number; to wit (Bold and underline emphasis added in all citations in this Footnote 23.):

Any person required under the authority of this title to make a return, statement or other document with respect to another person shall request from such other person, and shall include in any return, statement, or other document, such identifying number as may be prescribed for securing proper identification of such other person. 26 U.S.C. § 6109(a)(3).

Internal Revenue regulations—which are written by non-governmental, non-officer of the United States, private-sector businessman Secretary of the Treasury (no congressional statutory requirement to take an oath of office), and whom no one but a resident of the District of Columbia has a legal duty to follow—provides the procedure for an employer who does not know, after having requested it, a new worker’s Social Security Account Number (“SSAN”) (i.e., the new worker did not volunteer one); to wit (Bold and underline and emphasis added.):

If the person making the return, statement, or other document does not know the taxpayer identifying number of the other person…such person must request the other person’s number. The request should state that the identifying number is required to be furnished under authority of law. When the person making the return, statement, or other document does not know the number of the other person, and has complied with the request provision of this paragraph (c), such person must sign an affidavit on the transmittal document forwarding such returns, statements, or other documents to the Internal Revenue Service so stating. A person required to file a taxpayer identifying number shall correct any errors in such filing when such person’s attention has been drawn to them.” 26 C.F.R. § 301.6109-1(c).

Congress prescribe the alleged penalty for an employer who first fails to obtain from a new worker a SSAN and thereafter fails to sign and send an affidavit to the IRS:

In the case of a failure by any person to comply with a specified information reporting requirement on or before the time prescribed therefor, such person shall pay a penalty of $50 for each such failure. . . . 26 U.S.C. § 6723.

Wherefore, the total alleged potential liability to an employer for failure as aforesaid, if discovered by IRS, is $50 per new worker per Tax Year.

6th July 2018, 06:46 PM
CITIZEN. . . .
In American law. One who, under the constitution and laws of the United States, has a right to vote for civil officers, and himself is qualified to fill elective offices.

Note that you have no right to vote until you have REGISTERED to vote. Therefore a citizen is a result of the action of registration.

19th November 2019, 01:55 PM
After several months of silence Dr. Trowbridge has updated his SupremeCourtCase blog

D.A. presents Petitioner’s criminal complaint on U.S. district judge to grand jury; IRS personnel retreat

NOVEMBER 19, 2019 (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2019/11/19/d-a-presents-petitioners-criminal-complaint-on-u-s-district-judge-to-grand-jury-irs-personnel-retreat/)SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)LEAVE A COMMENT (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2019/11/19/d-a-presents-petitioners-criminal-complaint-on-u-s-district-judge-to-grand-jury-irs-personnel-retreat/#respond)
Since the last post, some significant things have occurred regarding (1) United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division Civil Action No. 17-mc-1557 Petition to Enforce Internal Revenue Summons (“Civil Action No. 17-mc-1557”), and (2) IRS collection activities.

Regarding Civil Action No. 17-mc-1557:

August 6, 2018 (15 months ago): Petitioner files into the record this Objection and Demand for a Constitutional Judge or Immediate Dissolution of this Kangaroo Court,(1) the Oath of Office of whose Alleged Judges is expressly Prohibited by the Constitution and the Unconstitutionality of which Is Blackletter Law(2) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/objection-and-demand-for-a-constitutional-judge-or-immediate-dissolution-of-this-kangaroo-court.pdf) (the “Demand for Dissolution of this Kangaroo Court”);

August 8, 2018 (15 months ago): Based on the contents of the Demand for Dissolution of this Kangaroo Court and Petitioner’s knowledge of felonious acts, Petitioner swears to a criminal complaint against the U.S. district judge and U.S. magistrate judge in the case, as well as their employer, the District of Columbia(3) and begins the process of getting it accepted by Texas authorities (but does not file it into the case);

August 30, 2018 (15 months ago): The judge in Civil Action No. 17-mc-1557 ignores the accuracy and appositeness4 of the contents of the Demand for Dissolution of this Kangaroo Court and unlawfully enters an Order concluding the case (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/order-concluding-the-case.pdf);

February 21, 2019 (nine months ago): After spending six months submitting, unsuccessfully, the criminal complaint to four different Texas authorities, Petitioner uses the “Official Sworn Complaint of Criminal Misconduct” form provided by the Public Corruption Division (“PCD”) of the Harris County, Texas, District Attorney’s Office, and submits to PCD the criminal complaint for the District Attorney to present to the grand jury;

March 5, 2019 (eight months ago): PCD sends Petitioner this letter, declining to present Petitioner’s criminal complaint to the grand jury (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/this-letter-declining-to-present-petitionere28099s-criminal-complaint-to-the-grand-jury.pdf);

April 2, 2019 (seven months ago): Petitioner does an “Amended Official Sworn Complaint of Criminal Misconduct” (the “Amended PCD Form”) and amends the criminal complaint (the “Amended Criminal Complaint”) so as to include only the subject U.S. district judge as a defendant and submits the Amended PCD Form and Amended Criminal Complaint (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/amended-pcd-form-and-amended-criminal-complaint.pdf) to the PCD for presentment to the grand jury; and

October 16, 2019 (one month ago): PCD sends Petitioner this response informing Petitioner that the Division Chief of the PCD of the Harris County District Attorney’s Office will present the Amended Criminal Complaint to the grand jury (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/this-response-informing-petitioner-that-pcd-will-present-the-amended-criminal-complaint-to-the-grand-jury.pdf).

Regarding IRS collection activities:

April 2, 2018 (19 months ago): An IRS Revenue Officer personally delivers to Petitioner these IRS Forms CP504 “Notice of Intent to seize (levy) your property or rights to property” (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/these-irs-forms-cp504-e2809cnotice-of-intent-to-seize-levy-your-property-or-rights-to-propertye2809d.pdf);

April 30, 2018 (19 months ago): In response the above IRS Forms CP504, Petitioner sends IRS this IRS Form 9423 Collection Appeal Request and attached Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/this-irs-form-9423-collection-appeal-request-and-attached-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace.pdf)—the subject matter of which is the (a) unlawfulness (for the same reasons delineated in the above criminal complaint) of the judge’s order which purportedly warrants seizure of Petitioner’s property, and (b) commercial, civil, and criminal penalties which will be enforced against any IRS personnel who seeks to levy / seize Petitioner’s property—the result of which is that no levy / seizure of Petitioner’s property occurs;

September 25, 2018 (14 months ago): Numerous exchanges between Petitioner and an IRS Revenue Agent and two IRS Revenue Officers culminate in this IRS Letter 950 from the Acting Director, Examination – Gulf States Area (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/this-irs-letter-950-from-the-acting-director-examination-for-the-gulf-states-area.pdf); and

October 24, 2018 (13 months ago): Petitioner responds to the above September 25, 2018, letter (as prescribed therein in the second bulleted item at the top of page 2) from the IRS executive with this devastating October 24, 2018, Formal Protest (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/this-devastating-october-24-2018-formal-protest.pdf) and receives no further communication from IRS on the matter.

kangaroo court. 1. A self-appointed tribunal or mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded, perverted, or parodied. . . . 2. A court or tribunal characterized by unauthorized or irregular procedures, esp. so as to render a fair proceeding impossible. 3. A sham legal proceeding.” Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th ed., Bryan A. Garner, ed. in chief (West Group: St. Paul, Minn., 1999), 359 (s.v. “Court”).NOTE: The greatest insult to a justice or judge is that his court is a kangaroo court.
blackletter law. One or more legal principles that are old, fundamental, and well settled. ● The term refers to the law printed in books set in Gothic type, which is very bold and black. — Also termed hornbook law. Id. at 163.
The District of Columbia is a municipal corporation (incorporated February 21, 1871), also known as and doing business as United States, in turn also known as and doing business as United States of America.
appositeness: the quality or state of being highly pertinent or appropriate.


Twitter (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2019/11/19/d-a-presents-petitioners-criminal-complaint-on-u-s-district-judge-to-grand-jury-irs-personnel-retreat/?share=twitter&nb=1)
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IRS attacks non-judicially; Petitioner punctures purported authority for said attack, issues warning to IRS (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/05/05/irs-attacks-non-judicially-petitioner-punctures-purported-authority-for-said-attack-issues-warning-to-irs/)Reblogged by 2 people
Fatal defect in every federal case since March 1, 1991; all such decisions and judgments void (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2017/01/16/fatal-defect-in-every-federal-case-since-march-1-1991-all-such-decisions-and-judgments-void/)
Docket and record, Houston and Lufkin Division Federal tax cases. (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2015/11/05/docket-and-record-houston-and-lufkin-division-federal-tax-cases-2/)Reblogged by 2 people

Post navigation

BONUS: HOW GOVERNMENT JUSTIFIES TREATING YOU AS A SUBJECT AND EXTORTING YOU AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2018/07/06/bonus-how-government-justifies-treating-you-as-a-subject-and-extorting-you-and-what-you-can-do-about-it/)

20th November 2019, 06:41 AM
This letter rebuts thoroughly the IRS agent’s demands


17th February 2020, 08:31 AM
Dr. John Parks Trowbridge Jr. has set up a mirror site as insurance should Wordpress memory hole his original site.

SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/)

Alternate website for this blog

FEBRUARY 12, 2020 (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/02/12/alternate-website-for-this-blog/)SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)LEAVE A COMME (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/02/12/alternate-website-for-this-blog/#respond)NTS

Should this WordPress.com blog ever become unavailable, you can access the exact same posts at this mirrored website: https://supremecourtcase.net (https://supremecourtcase.net/).

Please visit this alternate website and bookmark it.


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Facebook (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/02/12/alternate-website-for-this-blog/?share=facebook&nb=1)

18th February 2020, 01:21 PM
Dr. John Parks Trowbridge Jr. has set up a mirror site as insurance should Wordpress memory hole his original site.

SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/)

Alternate website for this blog

FEBRUARY 12, 2020 (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/02/12/alternate-website-for-this-blog/)SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)LEAVE A COMME (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/02/12/alternate-website-for-this-blog/#respond)NTS

Should this WordPress.com blog ever become unavailable, you can access the exact same posts at this mirrored website: https://supremecourtcase.net (https://supremecourtcase.net/).

Please visit this alternate website and bookmark it.


Twitter (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/02/12/alternate-website-for-this-blog/?share=twitter&nb=1)
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That was something I was actually worried about due to all of the De-platforming here lately for views and facts outside of the controlled narrative.

12th April 2020, 03:58 PM
Update from Dr. Trowbridge April 12 Easter Sunday

SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/)

Remedy for any assault / attack from any government officer

APRIL 12, 2020 (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/remedy-for-any-assault-attack-from-any-government-officer/)SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)LEAVE A COMMENT (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/remedy-for-any-assault-attack-from-any-government-officer/#respond)
you have not done so already, please immediately bookmark this alternate, mirrored website:
https://www.supremecourtcase.net (https://www.supremecourtcase.net/)

Authority for the posting of the within Remedy:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof . . . shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Section 2.
No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; . . . Fifth Article of Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Click here for a copy of the Constitution (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/constitution.pdf).

This post introduces a Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace for your personal use against unconstitutional assault / attack from government officers.

There are two hyperlinked PDF versions of the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace below: one with blank lines, to be filled in with your information, and another that shows exactly what information goes on which blank lines.

You can print out and sign and present the below instrument to any government officer who confronts you and seeks to (1) deprive you of your unalienable Right Liberty without due process of law (constitutional authority), or (2) direct the disposition of your body or the body of your child / children without your consent or against your will (please note that your initials need to go in the footer of the instrument).

Ideally one would retype the instrument and fill in all his personal information before printing, signing, and transmitting, but this is not a requirement.

The Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace is a very sobering instrument that can get a government officer to come to his senses and decide to abandon his assault / attack on you or your family.

This instrument is a last-measure of protection before you must either submit and comply with any and all demands made of you or decide to apply force in self-defense.

It is recommended that you give out these links to your friends and family verbally over the phone (rather than by text or email): https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/) and https://www.supremecourtcase.net (https://www.supremecourtcase.net/).

Click on the hyperlinks below to open the PDFs of the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace.

Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace (with blank lines to be filled in) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/demand-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace-with-blank-lines-to-be-filled-in.pdf)

Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace (with blank lines filled in) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/demand-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace-with-blank-lines-filled-in.pdf)

NOTE: A second instrument—directed at the issuer of the Order (governor of your state or mayor of your city)—upon which alleged authority all state / county / city officers are acting, will be added to this post later today, April 12, 2020. Instructions for that second instrument will be provided at that time.

12th April 2020, 04:02 PM
Update from Dr. Trowbridge April 12 Easter Sunday

SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/)

Remedy for any assault / attack from any government officer

APRIL 12, 2020 (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/remedy-for-any-assault-attack-from-any-government-officer/)SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)LEAVE A COMMENT (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/remedy-for-any-assault-attack-from-any-government-officer/#respond)
you have not done so already, please immediately bookmark this alternate, mirrored website:
https://www.supremecourtcase.net (https://www.supremecourtcase.net/)

Authority for the posting of the within Remedy:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof . . . shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Section 2.
No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; . . . Fifth Article of Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Click here for a copy of the Constitution (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/constitution.pdf).

This post introduces a Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace for your personal use against unconstitutional assault / attack from government officers.

There are two hyperlinked PDF versions of the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace below: one with blank lines, to be filled in with your information, and another that shows exactly what information goes on which blank lines.

You can print out and sign and present the below instrument to any government officer who confronts you and seeks to (1) deprive you of your unalienable Right Liberty without due process of law (constitutional authority), or (2) direct the disposition of your body or the body of your child / children without your consent or against your will (please note that your initials need to go in the footer of the instrument).

Ideally one would retype the instrument and fill in all his personal information before printing, signing, and transmitting, but this is not a requirement.

The Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace is a very sobering instrument that can get a government officer to come to his senses and decide to abandon his assault / attack on you or your family.

This instrument is a last-measure of protection before you must either submit and comply with any and all demands made of you or decide to apply force in self-defense.

It is recommended that you give out these links to your friends and family verbally over the phone (rather than by text or email): https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/) and https://www.supremecourtcase.net (https://www.supremecourtcase.net/).

Click on the hyperlinks below to open the PDFs of the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace.

Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace (with blank lines to be filled in) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/demand-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace-with-blank-lines-to-be-filled-in.pdf)

Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace (with blank lines filled in) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/demand-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace-with-blank-lines-filled-in.pdf)

NOTE: A second instrument—directed at the issuer of the Order (governor of your state or mayor of your city)—upon which alleged authority all state / county / city officers are acting, will be added to this post later today, April 12, 2020. Instructions for that second instrument will be provided at that time.

If the asset forfeiture road pirates are served with the Demand, Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace under the UCC I suppose they will gladly return the loot once they realize their bond, hime and pension plan may all be seized if they fail to comply.

12th April 2020, 04:17 PM
Generally these folks don't see the need for a bond. And they work for the guy with the oath. They typically avoid all oaths themselves. As to seizing pensions and homes they have neither. Instead they have uses and USUFRUCTS rather than ownership. They don't believe ownership has any value and if questioned they would be astounded if you thought you owned anything. If they misbehave the state that allows them to operate in their de facto capacity can be billed through their liability insurance carrier where the claim may (will) be subjected to insurance fraud review.

12th April 2020, 05:05 PM
Generally these folks don't see the need for a bond. And they work for the guy with the oath. They typically avoid all oaths themselves. As to seizing pensions and homes they have neither. Instead they have uses and USUFRUCTS rather than ownership. They don't believe ownership has any value and if questioned they would be astounded if you thought you owned anything. If they misbehave the state that allows them to operate in their de facto capacity can be billed through their liability insurance carrier where the claim may (will) be subjected to insurance fraud review.

I was waiting for you to respond. Thanks

12th April 2020, 05:29 PM
I was waiting for you to respond. Thanks. Ziero0's 2nd law: It's not actually a remedy if all you get is an apology.

12th April 2020, 05:57 PM
. Ziero0's 2nd law: It's not actually a remedy if all you get is an apology.
I guess an apology and a check might make a partial remedy. It is just a shame that individual enforcers are not held pesonally liable for their actions. Somehow, we the people seem to pay the bill.

12th April 2020, 06:35 PM
Somehow, we the people seem to pay the bill.

That happens to the principal when the agent is a loose cannon. That is why I appoint my agent(s) rather than vote for them.

12th April 2020, 10:13 PM
S (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/)econd April 12, 2020 update

SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/)

Lawful Remedy for any alleged shelter-at-home order issued because of COVID-19

APRIL 12, 2020 (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/lawful-remedy-for-any-alleged-shelter-at-home-order-issued-because-of-covid-19/)SUPREMECOURTCASE (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/author/supremecourtcase/)LEAVE A COMMENT (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/lawful-remedy-for-any-alleged-shelter-at-home-order-issued-because-of-covid-19/#respond)

If you have not done so already, please bookmark this alternate, mirrored website:
https://www.supremecourtcase.net (https://www.supremecourtcase.net/)

There are three sections in this blog:

Remedy for assault / attack from a government officer seeking to enforce an alleged executive order because of COVID-19 and deprive you of your unalienable and constitutional Right to Liberty without due process of law, i.e., law according to the Constitution;

Remedy for any government official, such as a governor or mayor, issuing an alleged executive order commanding you to stay at home because of COVID-19; and

A conclusion.

Authority for the posting of the above Remedies is:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof . . . shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Section 2.
No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; . . . Fifth Article of Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Click here for a copy of the Constitution (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/constitution.pdf).

Remedy 1.Assault / attack from a government officer.
Below is (1) a hyperlinked PDF of a Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace with blank lines, to be filled in with your information, and (2) a second that shows exactly what information goes in the blank lines in the former.

You can print out and sign and present the below instrument to any government officer who seeks to (1) enforce any alleged executive order, or (2) direct the disposition of your body or the body of your child / children without your consent or against your will, and thereby deprive you of your unalienable Right Liberty, without due process of law, i.e., law according to the Constitution.

Ideally one would retype the instrument and fill in all his personal information before printing, signing, and transmitting, but this is not a requirement.

The Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace is a very sobering instrument that can get a government officer to come to his senses and decide to abandon his unlawful, unconstitutional assault / attack on you or your family.

This instrument is a last-measure of protection before you must decide either to submit and comply with the demands made of you or apply force in self-defense.

The United States Supreme Court decisions cited in Footnote 1 all echo the same thing:
The Constitution must have given an executive or judicial officer the capacity to take jurisdiction before he can do so and perform any act related to his office.

With respect to the aforementioned well-established principle of American jurisprudence: There is no provision of the Constitution that gives any executive officer the capacity to take jurisdiction anywhere in the Union and deprive any American of the unalienable and constitutional Right to Liberty without due process of law, i.e., law according to the Constitution.

All alleged executive orders purporting to take personal jurisdiction over you or your body or that of any family member of yours without due process of law is void for lack of constitutional authority.

What to do.
Should a government officer threaten to impose his will on you or any member of your family and enforce an alleged executive order issued because of COVID-19, simply hand him the signed Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace, inform him that he has been given Legal Notice, and note the time and date and his name and the name of any witnesses to you giving the officer Legal Notice.

Following this, if the government officer does not withdraw and cease his assault / attack on you, you have a choice to make: Whether to submit to the unlawful, unconstitutional order or defend yourself. These are personal choices only you can make.

Notwithstanding whatever choice you may make, however: If the government officer attempts to enforce an unlawful, unconstitutional alleged executive order against you, he and any accomplice and his principal (the governor or mayor) is liable for life-changing penalties as set forth in the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace.

You are encouraged to give out these links to everyone you know—but please do so verbally over the phone (and not by text or email):

https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/)

https://www.supremecourtcase.net (https://www.supremecourtcase.net/)

Click on the below-hyperlinked documents to open each PDF version of the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace:
Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace (blank lines to be filled in) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/demand-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace-blank-lines-to-be-filled-in.pdf)

Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace (blank lines filled in) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/demand-notice-and-warning-of-commercial-grace-blank-lines-filled-in.pdf)

A good idea would be to keep several signed originals of the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace with you and in your car, for quick access.

Remedy 2.
Formal demand of governor / mayor for unlawful, unconstitutional order.
The Remedy for any unlawful, unconstitutional alleged executive order issued by a governor or mayor because of COVID-19 is also a Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace.

As with the previous Remedy, there are two PDFs of the same Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace: one with blank lines to be filled in by you and the other with the needed information customized for the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

1 – Governor’s Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commerical Grace (lines needed to be filled in) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/1-governors-demand-notice-and-warnign-of-commerical-grace-lines-needed-to-be-filled-in.pdf)

1 – Governor’s Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commerical Grace (lines filled in) (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/1-governors-demand-notice-and-warnign-of-commerical-grace-lines-filled-in.pdf)

Click here for the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s alleged Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s alleged executive order of April 1, 2020 (https://supremecourtcase.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/governor-of-the-commonwealth-of-pennsylvanias-alleged-executive-order-of-april-1-2020.pdf).

Just customize your Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace to your circumstances

Download and print the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace and either (1) customize it to your address, county, and state and Full True Name and sign, or (2) type out the whole thing on your computer and customize and personalize it to yourself and print and sign.

Go online and find a PDF version of the alleged COVID-19 executive order applicable to your city or state, download it, and print it out and include it with your Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace.

Once you have printed and signed your Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace going to the governor / mayor: Immediately Fax both it and the copy of the alleged executive order issued by the governor or mayor to the Fax number listed online for the governor / mayor’s office and retain proof of transmission of the Fax.

Thereafter, at your earliest opportunity, go to the Post Office and mail your Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace and copy of the alleged executive order by USPS Priority Mail to the appropriate governor or mayor or both and get a receipt and USPS Tracking Number from the postal clerk.

Keep your original receipt in a safe place, if ever needed.

In a couple of days, go to USPS.gov and download Proof of Delivery of your USPS Priority Mail envelope and make several copies of the Proof of Delivery.

It would be wise to keep several originals of your Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Graceto the governor / mayor and proof that you mailed it.

The only law protecting your unalienable Rights to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”[1]is the Constitution and the only thing holding the Constitution in place is the Second Article of Amendment thereto and your willingness to support and defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or, ideally, millions of Americans need to make this Demand of their respective governor or mayor.

There is no penalty listed in the Demand, Notice, and Warning of Commercial Grace that is not enforceable against any governor, mayor, or other government officer; all are liable.

Bookmark and check back with one or both of the below webpages from time to time for developments:
https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com (https://supremecourtcase.wordpress.com/)

https://www.supremecourtcase.net (https://www.supremecourtcase.net/).

[1]Rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are equivalent to the rights of life, liberty, and property. . . . Slaughterhouse Cases, 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 36, 116 (1872).

13th April 2020, 09:44 AM
Good info, thanks for posting it Monty.

25th April 2021, 09:51 AM
Dr. Trowbridge managed to get the DOJ out of his life. But this Texas family wasn’t so lucky

If the family has owned the property since 1760 title might have been granted to them from Spain.
More historical Texas information here: ​https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/spanish-texas
Other significant legacies can be found in language and law. Spanish is a second language for millions of Texans; for an increasing number it is their first. Although much of the linguistic makeup of the state is the result of Mexican influence, Spanish—not English, German, French, or Dutch—was the first European language spoken there. The lasting impact of Spanish jurisprudence is likewise of vital importance. Significant colonial practices survived to become a permanent part of Texas’s body of law, particularly in rules of judicial procedure, land ownership and water rights, family relations, and women’s rights. As examples, modern Texans owe Spanish precedent for the practice of adoption, protection of essential personal property from creditors, and the concept of community property.

Texas land patents are probably different than those of the rest of the USA because first Texas was a Spanish colony then later part of Mexico and much of the land was granted to Mexican Citizens by the Mexican government like they did in California (some grants were huge like Rancho San Rafael) then being an independent republic and later voluntarily joining the union of United States.

If this case is appealed and eventually gets Supreme Court and if SCOTUS takes it will they honor the patents?

I don’t believe that U.S.A. Inc. needed to consficate the entire ranch to put a border fence when an easement on the border would have been sufficient.

Biden DOJ Wins Lawsuit to Seize 260-Year-Old Texas Ranch Along Border
Bob Price (http://gold-silver.us/forum/safari-reader://www.breitbart.com/author/bob-price/)15 Apr 2021

File Photo: Bob Price/Breitbart Texas 2:57

The Biden Administration took control of a Texas rancher’s border land on Wednesday. The action followed a victory by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas against the family which has owned the land since 1760.

Texas rancher Fred Cavazon has been fighting to keep control of his 6.584 acre ranch along the Texas-Mexico border since the administration of then-President George W. Bush. The fight continued during the Trump administration, Law & Crime reported (https://lawandcrime.com/immigration/despite-campaign-promise-biden-admin-seizes-familys-property-in-court-to-build-trumps-border-wall/).

That fight came to an abrupt conclusion on April 12 with U.S. District Court Judge Micaela Alvarez awarded the federal government control of the land. Two days later, the Biden Administration took possession of the acreage.

In August 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden told reporters he would end all lawsuits seeking control of land along the Mexican border to be used to build border walls, the legal blog reported.

“End it,” Biden said in an interview with NPR’s Lula Garcia-Navarro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd05p-bHos4). “End it. End. End. Stop. Done. Over. Not gonna do it. Withdraw the lawsuits. We’re out. We’re not gonna confiscate the land.”

The Biden Department of Justice took over the lawsuit in January 2021.
Law & Crime reported:
The government still wanted that land condemned. The Cavazos family and their attorneys had hoped the 46th president would stand by his August 2020 words and stop fighting in court for Trump’s border wall. But Biden didn’t do that. The lawsuits were not withdrawn.

Citing the government’s need for “urgency of possession,” the district court held that the Biden administration “is entitled to immediate possession of the Subject Property.”

“All pending border wall cases should have immediately been put on hold and not left open for judges to follow through on requests made months earlier,” American Immigration Council Aaron Reichlin-Melnick tweeted (https://twitter.com/ReichlinMelnick/status/1382126728294895624?s=20).

“We took him at his word,” family member Reynaldo Anzaldua Cavazos told (https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/04/15/biden-border-wall-texas-property/) The Washington Post. “He is not keeping that word.”

The family’s claim on the land is older than the United States of America. The property claim dates back to 1760, the Post stated.

The Biden Administration appears to have no comment on the legal victory and seizure of the Texas rancher’s land.

Case number 7:20-cv-00244 completed in the U.S. Southern District Court of Texas, McAllen Division.

Bob Price (https://www.breitbart.com/author/bob-price/) serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team (https://www.breitbart.com/border/).
He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team.
Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? (https://www.fox26houston.com/shows/whats-your-point) Sunday-morning talk show.
Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX (https://twitter.com/BobPriceBBTX) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Bob.Price.Texas/).

25th April 2021, 02:58 PM
Was the land taken within the EXTERIOR boundary of the State or the INTERIOR boundary? If a Spanish land grant then the land was never within Texas or the U.S. of A. In this condition neither Texas nor the Supreme Court has any say. Best complain to the Spanish crown.

25th April 2021, 04:15 PM
Was the land taken within the EXTERIOR boundary of the State or the INTERIOR boundary? If a Spanish land grant then the land was never within Texas or the U.S. of A. In this condition neither Texas nor the Supreme Court has any say. Best complain to the Spanish crown.

I had thought about that and considered perhaps the Spanish titles passed on to Mexico and then to Texas by way of treaties.

There was, maybe sitll there, a lady lawyer in Texas who was in the business of researching the old land grants from the Mexican government to Mexican citizens living in what is now Texas. She was assisting her clientele in verification of chain of title.

25th April 2021, 04:28 PM
Was the land taken within the EXTERIOR boundary of the State or the INTERIOR boundary? If a Spanish land grant then the land was never within Texas or the U.S. of A. In this condition neither Texas nor the Supreme Court has any say. Best complain to the Spanish crown.

If that family has had title to that land since before Mexico, The Republic of Texas or the U.S. of A. existed you may be correct. How can the Southern District of Texas take a way private property from a citizen of the State of Texas? Their jurisdiction is supposedly coexistent with that of Congress. Eminent domain an international border?

25th April 2021, 04:42 PM
If that family has had title to that land since before Mexico, The Republic of Texas or the U.S. of A. existed you may be correct. How can the Southern District of Texas take a way private property from a citizen of the State of Texas? Their jurisdiction is supposedly coexistent with that of Congress. Eminent domain an international border?

Duty is derived from oath or contract. Pull up the guys voter registration card and everything he thought he owns attaches to the State of Texas and/or the U.S. of A.

Believe it or not the government never takes something that doesn't belong to them. However frequently people don't realize what they sacrifice for a worthless benefit (or $24 in beads or baubles).