View Full Version : Wyatt Mann - Table of Contents

10th November 2015, 09:25 PM

Beaners (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46594)

Faggots (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46596)

Gooks (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46597)

Kikes (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46598)

Mud Sharks (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46600)

Niggers (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46595)

White (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46601)

ZOG (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46602)

Misc (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46599)

10th November 2015, 10:08 PM
Rits been hacked....keeps trying to change pages on me to some addclick bs.....joos strike again!

9th August 2016, 08:12 PM
For the last few months, he's been posting on 8ch.net. He's updating old drawings as well as sharing new material. I know most of you don't have time to read multiple threads with 750 replies, but simply browsing the cartoons is entertaining. The cartoons by him should be pretty obvious ...


archive thread 1 (https://archive.is/U2JoO)

archive thread 2 (https://archive.is/uiDg3)

archive thread 3 (https://archive.is/ck3hl)

current thread (https://8ch.net/pol/res/6874254.html)

If you want to avoid the discussion threads, you can jump here for an archive of updated/new material:

awyattmann board (https://8ch.net/awyattmann/index.html)

archive of old material (https://web.archive.org/web/20080717195253/http://www.resist.com/CARTOON%20GALLERY/CartoonIndex.htm)

9th August 2016, 11:47 PM

Followed Rubicon's links and found this:

"...Besides, if you were to spread out my decades of artwork in a shopping center parking lot, you'd immediately realize that I've already delivered the equivalent of a series of books, an epic movie and a two hour TV Christmas special, to boot. In other words, I've served my time in the trenches … back when such efforts were decidedly low tech analog affairs … back when a lone wolf was also a lonely wolf. there was no ready, receptive network that came on with a button press … just endless hours spent in toxic smelling print shops and standing in crowded post office lines, waiting patiently to pay those ever rising shipping fees. I'm not complaining, mind ya … just trying to convey how utterly different things are in this age of instant access and gratification. The chief reason my "big project" days are over is an inevitable one that you will all eventually come to fully understand… the creakiness and failing eyesight that accompany old age are rapidly descending on this old Mann. I'm now just looking to tinker a bit in the old familiar manner and peter out gracefully … and believe me, I'm delighted to have found a spot where that's possible. It’s been a real kick sharing some classic old works with you kids … as many of you know, my initial mission was just to dump some upgraded color Shlomo images to replace the shoddy ones that have circulated for years. Frankly, I had no intention of creating any original content for this board but with the outpouring of great ideas and kind sentiments from you guys, it happened very naturally and I’m quite amazed at how much new, high quality material we managed to build together. I’m so greatly heartened by your spirit, determination and committed defiance of that dreaded (((traditional enemy))). I intend to spend some time away from the confines of the cyber-realm in the coming weeks, so you may not hear from me as much. I’ll try to look in from time to time and perhaps drop off an occasional goodie that I feel may be helpful or relevant. By the way, I provided some pretty vivid examples of how easy it is to bring the old Manntoons up to date and breathe new life into them … I'd love to see some of you folks give that enterprise a whirl … the average time I spent reworking those pieces I shared was just 15 - 20 minutes. And the results were pretty seamless. Many Thanks guys, AWM "