View Full Version : Man Solves Tesla’s Secret To Amplifying Power By Nearly 5000%

11th November 2015, 05:43 AM
watching the video right now, see for yourself
too bad that he believes in patents though
(Electro)magnetism holds all the secrets of the Universe... and even governs human thinking
Man Solves Tesla’s Secret To Amplifying Power By Nearly 5000%
11th November 2015


‘Jim Murray has been electrifying the world for over 50 years. His lifetime of experience has produced dozens of patents, inventions and now a truly remarkable discovery that can fundamentally change the way that human beings use energy forever.

When he was just five years old, Jim tells the Free Thought Project that he had already developed an affinity for motors and electricity. This curiosity was piqued by his father’s model train sets which Jim spent hours tinkering with. His natural gift and childhood passion fostered the creation of his first electromagnet when he was only six years old.’

Over the next several years, Jim allowed his intellectual curiosity to carry him into multiple fields. He studied and built rockets and radios when he was in grade school, and by the time he entered high school had developed an interest in nuclear physics. This led Jim to the construction of a linear electron accelerator, which was entered in the New England Science Talent Search of 1964. This entry won young Murray first place in school, city and state science competitions. Additionally, his project was displayed in the Boston Museum of Science.



11th November 2015, 08:00 AM
Efficiency becoming a standard engineering practice?

There are so many regulations designed from a base of exponential consuming in debt creation that you'd have to scrap everything back to the start.

11th November 2015, 08:54 AM
kind of off topic

but nyc/dc hid tesla from the general public for as long as they could. he broke out of the blackout at the same time the internet did

the reason? his published views on the duals

7th trump
11th November 2015, 10:33 AM
This isn't anything new. I read a document about one of tesla's inventions and in it it said it required high voltage. Most of Tesla's inventions that made any impact were high voltage.

Theres already stuff on youtube on high voltage and its prperties.
Palani and I went round and round on something I made and it never accrued to him I was using high voltage.

11th November 2015, 01:13 PM
it never accrued to him I was using high voltage.

I recently purchased 5 feet of #18 awg wire rated 10 kv. Now that doesn't sound impressive but when used with an amateur KW amplifier at 3 kv how big does the plate wire actually need to be? 18 awg is rated 2.3 amps so at full current carrying capacity of the wire at 3 kv this little wire is capable of passing 6.9 kw.

Now what was it you wanted to know about HV?

Additionally I will state for the record: PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES DON'T EXIST ... accrued or not.

11th November 2015, 02:41 PM
I recently purchased 5 feet of #18 awg wire rated 10 kv. Now that doesn't sound impressive but when used with an amateur KW amplifier at 3 kv how big does the plate wire actually need to be? 18 awg is rated 2.3 amps so at full current carrying capacity of the wire at 3 kv this little wire is capable of passing 6.9 kw.

Now what was it you wanted to know about HV?

Additionally I will state for the record: PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES DON'T EXIST ... accrued or not.

We don't need perpetual motion machines as long as ocean currents & waves flow.
It is sort of already built into the world. Don't tell anyone though... It's a secret.






11th November 2015, 03:43 PM
Last I heard Neuro was gonna pick one of these up, just add no water...


11th November 2015, 04:59 PM
ocean waves is probably the best example. everything that exists in nature can be imitated... cavemen once imagined flying like birds.... the problem is the difficulty to imagine what we cannot see or are not aware of.

I have watched this presentation 2 times and feel like the jargon is too technical. Think animated drawings to support explanations would have been better. Conceptualizing is difficult when one has no practical/laboratory experience, especially since he featured as another tesla.

11th November 2015, 05:16 PM
I've been following the Paul Babcock, Jim Murray story for 3 to 4 years now. I sure hope they bring out something we can use. I gave him $100.00 frn's for his cause.

Published on Oct 30, 2015
This technology and information can and will quite literally change the world overnight. Jim Murray needs your help to get his energy paradigm shifting information out to the public.

Jim has been a student of Nikola Tesla's work for decades and he's solved Tesla's secrets to amplifying power by nearly 5000%.

Sound crazy? That's what we thought - until we saw it work.

Jim has already secured funding from investors on the technology side, but he needs your help to write a book which explains to everyone how it's done. Your donation will help spread the information that will transform energy use as we know it.

Please help Jim ensure that 'Genius never dies.'

DONATE HERE: https://www.gofundme.com/799k6m3w (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gofundme.com%2F799k6m 3w&redir_token=B45vLbsgk2ebg-uapo4jyRb6tId8MTQ0NzM3Mzg1NkAxNDQ3Mjg3NDU2)

Full Story by The Free Thought Project HERE: http://bit.ly/1NHQqvR (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F1NHQqvR&redir_token=B45vLbsgk2ebg-uapo4jyRb6tId8MTQ0NzM3Mzg1NkAxNDQ3Mjg3NDU2)

Follow The Free Thought Project on FB: www.fb.com/thefreethoughtprojectcom

Follow The Free Thought Project on Twitter:

Check out the website: http://thefreethoughtproject.com (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/)

11th November 2015, 06:24 PM
I've been following the Paul Babcock, Jim Murray story for 3 to 4 years now. I sure hope they bring out something we can use. I gave him $100.00 frn's for his cause.

Published on Oct 30, 2015
This technology and information can and will quite literally change the world overnight. Jim Murray needs your help to get his energy paradigm shifting information out to the public.

Jim has been a student of Nikola Tesla's work for decades and he's solved Tesla's secrets to amplifying power by nearly 5000%.

Sound crazy? That's what we thought - until we saw it work.

Jim has already secured funding from investors on the technology side, but he needs your help to write a book which explains to everyone how it's done. Your donation will help spread the information that will transform energy use as we know it.

Please help Jim ensure that 'Genius never dies.'

DONATE HERE: https://www.gofundme.com/799k6m3w (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gofundme.com%2F799k6m 3w&redir_token=B45vLbsgk2ebg-uapo4jyRb6tId8MTQ0NzM3Mzg1NkAxNDQ3Mjg3NDU2)

Full Story by The Free Thought Project HERE: http://bit.ly/1NHQqvR (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F1NHQqvR&redir_token=B45vLbsgk2ebg-uapo4jyRb6tId8MTQ0NzM3Mzg1NkAxNDQ3Mjg3NDU2)

Follow The Free Thought Project on FB: www.fb.com/thefreethoughtprojectcom (http://www.fb.com/thefreethoughtprojectcom)

Follow The Free Thought Project on Twitter:

Check out the website: http://thefreethoughtproject.com (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/)

Know a person that paid 5K for a perpetual generator that was wiped off the planet by the EPA.

11th November 2015, 07:09 PM
ocean waves is probably the best example. everything that exists in nature can be imitated... cavemen once imagined flying like birds.... the problem is the difficulty to imagine what we cannot see or are not aware of.

the entire country i live runs off of hydro-electric, its mostly all state owned land and pay their pensions with it.

well the end user does.

11th November 2015, 07:27 PM
Hydroelectric, wind, solar, nuclear, wave action .... none of these are perpetual motion. They are all examples of some form of energy being converted to another ... and with less than 100% efficiency.

A process truly perpetual might be said to create a sum of energy albeit in another form greater than the energy that was initially used to start the process. Say you had some form of perpetual motion generator with a crank. All you would have to do would be to give it a twist to start it and it not only would provide the energy to keep the generator turning but you could draw off additional energy to light a bulb, pump water or some other useful purpose.

Say you had a series of dams. Each dam would generate hydroelectric power and that power would be transferred to the grid except for the lowest dam. That dam would pump all the water passing over it or thru it back to the top reservoir of the first dam. Nice concept. Never work because there is no way without violating the conservation of energy for all that water to be pumped back to the source.

7th trump
11th November 2015, 07:29 PM
I recently purchased 5 feet of #18 awg wire rated 10 kv. Now that doesn't sound impressive but when used with an amateur KW amplifier at 3 kv how big does the plate wire actually need to be? 18 awg is rated 2.3 amps so at full current carrying capacity of the wire at 3 kv this little wire is capable of passing 6.9 kw.

Now what was it you wanted to know about HV?

Additionally I will state for the record: PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES DON'T EXIST ... accrued or not.

Who said anything about perpetual machines anyway?

Know anything about gravity, a cam and a three bladed prop (trinity)?
Of course you dont...you think what your taught.

Why are conventional generators inefficient?
And why cant they design them to be efficient.
My DC generator is very efficient (dont need AC, AC was meant for electrical transmission over long distances)...doesnt take much to spin it and keep it spinning. I use a magnetic piston to keep it spinning...two opposing coils produces high opposition forces. Using high voltage is very efficient and powerful....spins the efficient genset I built that uses neomags to produce voltage in one set of coils and high current in the other set and then added together to achieve a high current and higher voltage output.
You know what a voltage divider is right?....think about it before you open your yap.
Its all basic electronic and yet they forget about the basics.

11th November 2015, 09:12 PM
A process truly perpetual might be said to create a sum of energy albeit in another form greater than the energy that was initially used to start the process.

like a filamentry space tether?


or a nuclear reaction?

12th November 2015, 12:28 AM
I dont see why perpetual motion cannot be obtained using magnets... as long as there is no friction it shouldnt be a problem. But more realistically, we have to define perpetual motion first. It doesnt exist in Nature either. A rupture of balance must exist to rebalance. Everything goes to Rest at some point otherwise equilibrium/motion cannot be achieved. Life is an unbalanced condition to start with. Walter Russell explains this pretty well in the Universal One and the Secret of Light, which I recommend highly.

not going to start a new thread since we talk of energy..... biggest magnet project in the world at Iter... in france will cost 20BN, but knowing our elites what are they really up to again ???

CERN and The Star Creator at Iter:
ITER: the world's largest Tokamak
ITER is based on the 'tokamak' concept of magnetic confinement, in which the plasma is contained in a doughnut-shaped vacuum vessel. The fuel—a mixture of deuterium and tritium, two isotopes of hydrogen—is heated to temperatures in excess of 150 million°C, forming a hot plasma. Strong magnetic fields are used to keep the plasma away from the walls; these are produced by superconducting coils surrounding the vessel, and by an electrical current driven through the plasma. Scroll over the machine with your cursor to identify the different parts of the machine.http://www.iter.org/mach


reminds me of atlantis legend, maybe there is some truth in there... the site it is build on called Iter... or Aether.

Hydroelectric, wind, solar, nuclear, wave action .... none of these are perpetual motion. They are all examples of some form of energy being converted to another ... and with less than 100% efficiency.

A process truly perpetual might be said to create a sum of energy albeit in another form greater than the energy that was initially used to start the process.

12th November 2015, 01:41 AM
I remember reading many years ago that what they wanted to do was find and capture the God Particle.

They were expecting that just 1 God particle would hold unlimited energy making the holder the most powerful thing/one in the universe.

It was some story about how they were building a containment vessel with phenomenal electromagnetic power to capture and hold this particle. That's really the whole point behind it. I think they are trying to capture God, the creator and bind/imprison it/the/what. Kind of a payback for the binding and imprisonment of satan.

12th November 2015, 02:01 AM
dont get it.... doesnt seem to be related to perpetual motion

like a filamentry space tether?


or a nuclear reaction?

12th November 2015, 03:15 AM
I remember reading many years ago that what they wanted to do was find and capture the God Particle.

They were expecting that just 1 God particle would hold unlimited energy making the holder the most powerful thing/one in the universe.

It was some story about how they were building a containment vessel with phenomenal electromagnetic power to capture and hold this particle. That's really the whole point behind it. I think they are trying to capture God, the creator and bind/imprison it/the/what. Kind of a payback for the binding and imprisonment of satan.
Sounds rational...

12th November 2015, 03:36 AM
like a filamentry space tether?


or a nuclear reaction?
Pacman is real..

12th November 2015, 05:10 AM
You know what a voltage divider is right?
You know what a norton or thevenin equivalent is right?

12th November 2015, 05:18 AM
as long as there is no friction it shouldnt be a problem.

Perpetual motion means you can produce more of the primary source of energy than was originally used to start the process yet somehow harness the energy produced to do something.

Should such a process exist then it would proceed to consume the universe once started.

A nuclear blast comes close to the concept. I understand physicists were concerned with the first couple of them that they would start a chain reaction that would totally consume the earth.

12th November 2015, 07:17 AM
dont get it.... doesnt seem to be related to perpetual motion

The Earth is a perpetual motion machine "the tether" tried to harvest that energy.

satellites are perpetual too, at least until the moon collapses onto the face of the planet.

A perpetual machine is one that taps into a much larger energy cycle thru minimal reaction or interaction.

though any machine is only good or lesser than its maker never greater than.

12th November 2015, 07:20 AM
The Earth is a perpetual motion machine

The Common Law does not recognize perpetuities. The rule is nothing in Law survives 99 years. This includes the Federal Reserve. The only exception is charitable trusts. These are (by fiction .. which they are) allowed perpetual existence.

12th November 2015, 07:29 AM
palani as the central scrutinizer :)


7th trump
12th November 2015, 07:29 AM
Perpetual motion means you can produce more of the primary source of energy than was originally used to start the process yet somehow harness the energy produced to do something.

Should such a process exist then it would proceed to consume the universe once started.

A nuclear blast comes close to the concept. I understand physicists were concerned with the first couple of them that they would start a chain reaction that would totally consume the earth.

Not exactly grasshopper
Perpetual motion means what it says:
Perpetual motion...where in those two words "perpetual" and "motion" do you get more energy than what is put into it?
Motion can be just that ...motion and gravity can be the means to keep something in continual motion.

Like I say you think what you are taught.

12th November 2015, 07:34 AM

12th November 2015, 07:35 AM
where in those two words "perpetual" and "motion" do you get more energy than what is put into it?
Any time you discuss efficiency > 100% you are directing your thoughts to the Land of Fiction.

That is not to say that a small force cannot direct a larger one.

7th trump
12th November 2015, 07:47 AM
Any time you discuss efficiency > 100% you are directing your thoughts to the Land of Fiction.

That is not to say that a small force cannot direct a larger one.

You're not grasping the concept here.
How does a compound bow work?
Do you understand what a cam is?
A compound bow is somewhat an example of over unity. You can hold a 100lbs force with just 20lbs.

Understand that concept and then apply it to mechanics that utilizes the biggest and most powerful force known to man..........gravity.
Everything we need is right in front of us. Just need to see recognize them and piece them together to make something extraordinary that goes around what you're taught in physics.
Really its all in how you look at it. And its all very simple.

12th November 2015, 08:18 AM
A compound bow is somewhat an example of over unity. You can hold a 100lbs force with just 20lbs.

And a magamp is a gadget that lets you control a much larger amount of power with just a little power. So what?

You going to fill me in on the mechanical advantage of PULLEYs next? Or LEVERs and FULCRUMs? These are also very SIMPLE.

7th trump
12th November 2015, 08:38 AM
And a magamp is a gadget that lets you control a much larger amount of power with just a little power. So what?

You going to fill me in on the mechanical advantage of PULLEYs next? Or LEVERs and FULCRUMs? These are also very SIMPLE.

Lol....................I guess you're a doubter.
Its no skin off my back with you thinking what you're taught.

12th November 2015, 08:46 AM
Its no skin off my back with you thinking what you're taught.


Do you have back skin to spare?

7th trump
12th November 2015, 10:06 AM

Do you have back skin to spare?

Really just believe what you want to believe in. Mean while idea's are proving you think in a channel.
Sure over unity is hard to accomplish using one venue, but couple different venues together to achieve the goal.
As long as there's gravity there will always be the possibility of "perpetual". Harness gravity to your advantage. Cams, levers and fulcrums manipulates gravity to make objects weight less and weight more.
The most efficient generator is taught in basic electronics and yet they don't design one generator that way...there is no magnetic field to overcome to complete one cycle....it'll practically free wheel on its own...very little opposition....and yet give maximum current flow (the magnets are at 90 degrees of the windings at all times). So with that said you get maximum voltage and current with little work....(over unity).

Wow....I'm giving out my secrets.

God is awesome if you just pay Him some attention He deserves .......and ask for intelligence and understanding.

12th November 2015, 10:12 AM
God is awesome
If you choose to obey the Law

Zeroth law of thermodynamics: If two systems are in thermal equilibrium respectively with a third system, they must be in thermal equilibrium with each other. This law helps define the notion of temperature.

First law of thermodynamics: When energy passes, as work, as heat, or with matter, into or out from a system, its internal energy changes in accord with the law of conservation of energy. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the first kind are impossible.

Second law of thermodynamics: In a natural thermodynamic process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems increases. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the second kind are impossible.

Third law of thermodynamics: The entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero.[2] With the exception of non-crystalline solids (glasses) the entropy of a system at absolute zero is typically close to zero, and is equal to the log of the multiplicity of the quantum ground states.

12th November 2015, 10:27 AM
Palani, I told you a few days ago that I trust what you post, but here you are kinda wrong... OR a digressing a LOT.

even the mainstream definition is twisted since everything is cause and effect
Perpetual motion is motion that continues indefinitely without any external source of energy.... (wiki)

so, I'd rather side with ximmy and horn on this one.

12th November 2015, 10:41 AM
We do not necessarily need perpetual motion. We just need motion to be around long enough to take practical advantage of it. As long as there is relative motion between the earth and the rest of the universe, we could potentially (pun intended or not?) make use of that motion, and for quite a long time into the future.

7th trump
12th November 2015, 10:49 AM
If you choose to obey the Law

There you go again...demonstrating you only believe in what you're taught.

Thermodynamics has nothing on this.......You must learn simplicity in design. What I mean is I can make a wheel spin using gravity. The torque of this wheel is determined by the amount of weight. Problem was overcoming the force to push the magnetic coils through the magnet fields...problem solved by going back to how they teach you a generator works...you know the old hand using finger to point in the direction of spin, current flow, coil position. Why they don't design a generator using this I don't know (you really have to think about this one). The current design is not very efficient at all when over coming the magnetic field so why not design it where the coils magnet field is not interacting with the magnets field? makes for a very efficient generator that is basically used as the fly wheel (design simplified and reduced)

By your thermodynamic reason we shouldn't be able to send the Apollo rocket into space.....but we did!
How is it we can send a rocket into space?
We have pumps {one mechanical device) to send the fuel (another device) to the combustion chamber (yet another device) that ignites the fuel producing expelled gas (another device) thrust.
A rocket....devices come together to achieve a goal (an object going into space). Sure there's thermodynamics involved with this scenario but you don't need thermodynamics when dealing with gravity. Gravity is unseen, cant smell or touch it....invisible, but yet very powerful.
All you need is just three cams, a Geneva wheel, some weight and a fly wheel arranged in a certain way to manipulate gravity to make motion....and I designed this with it being all mechanical (hence the Geneva wheel)...no electronics. Ohh and you need a 6 sided Geneva wheel to make this work...a 3 sided one will not work.
Its basically no different than the 200 year old water wheels where water fills up sections offsetting one side of the wheel causing it to turn towards the direction of the weight.
Simple isn't it palani and yet no thermodynamics involved to make perpetual motion......as long as theres gravity....which of course is perpetual.

Palani....God has given me wisdom, intelligence and understanding. Patience may not be one of the gifts, but intelligence and understanding surely is....but then again that's all I ever asked for anyway.
And it helps to be of German descent when it comes to ingenuity.

Growing up we were into archery (the cam, "compound bow"). My passion is flying....the three bladed prop, cant use a 4 or 2 bladed prop as they are equally balanced, three blades are not.) Went to technical school (electronics). Only took about a year to figure this out.
See everything we need is right in front of us....we just need to be more intelligent to combine them all together.

12th November 2015, 10:53 AM
We do not necessarily need perpetual motion. We just need motion to be around long enough to take practical advantage of it. As long as there is relative motion between the earth and the rest of the universe, we could potentially (pun intended or not?) make use of that motion, and for quite a long time into the future.
The momentum of the Universe rotating around the earth every 24h is just mindboggingly ginormous!

12th November 2015, 11:19 AM
Perpetual motion is motion that continues indefinitely without any external source of energy....

Anything set in motion will stay in motion until something acts to change that motion, be it friction, radiation, gravity, windage or anything else not mentioned. Yet there will always be something to keep motion from becoming perpetual. That is law.

7th talks of magnets being perpendicular to windings yet it is not the magnet but the flux from the magnet that cuts the electrical conductor in such a way to induce a current. In the process the vector cross product of the current produced and the flux causes the rotor to either slow down or to draw more energy from the prime mover that rotates the rotor to maintain the rotational velocity. 7th states he is able to induce a current in a winding yet there is no vector cross product producing a resisting force on the moving conductor and therefore his generator works with no prime mover. This is nonsense.

12th November 2015, 11:25 AM
Topic for next week:

How a Chevy Volt is a perpetual motion machine (until you don't pay the electric bill).

12th November 2015, 11:27 AM
long time in the future, indeed... our solar system will end when the sun becomes a red dwarf

everything dies and transforms then rebirths.

12th November 2015, 11:33 AM
but our solar system will end when the sun becomes a red dwarf

@John public
No it won't it will just be slightly colder, but on earth it will still be warmer due to cow farts and other emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities!

7th trump
12th November 2015, 12:00 PM
Anything set in motion will stay in motion until something acts to change that motion, be it friction, radiation, gravity, windage or anything else not mentioned. Yet there will always be something to keep motion from becoming perpetual. That is law.

7th talks of magnets being perpendicular to windings yet it is not the magnet but the flux from the magnet that cuts the electrical conductor in such a way to induce a current. In the process the vector cross product of the current produced and the flux causes the rotor to either slow down or to draw more energy from the prime mover that rotates the rotor to maintain the rotational velocity. 7th states he is able to induce a current in a winding yet there is no vector cross product producing a resisting force on the moving conductor and therefore his generator works with no prime mover. This is nonsense.

Hahaha......that's not what I said Palani.
Its the magnets and the wheel they are attached to that's the prime mover....not the coils as in the conventional generator. Coils are stationary and at 90 degrees from the magnets to get maximum flux lines cutting through the coil. As the magnets cross the coils the magnetic force produced in the coils (current flow) is perpendicular with the prime mover. That's not the case in a conventional generator. In a conventional generator the coils rotate within the flux lines of the magnetic field. Positive poles oppose each other as do the negative poles and there needs to be enough energy to overcome this opposition...hence why they are not efficient.

12th November 2015, 12:12 PM
Hahaha......that's not what I said Palani.
Its the magnets and the wheel they are attached to that's the prime mover....not the coils as in the conventional generator. Coils are stationary and at 90 degrees from the magnets to get maximum flux lines cutting through the coil. As the magnets cross the coils the magnetic force produced in the coils (current flow) is perpendicular with the prime mover. That's not the case in a conventional generator. In a conventional generator the coils rotate within the flux lines of the magnetic field. Positive poles oppose each other as do the negative poles and there needs to be enough energy to overcome this opposition...hence why they are not efficient.
So why don't you construct a generator like that to power your induction coils, you will heat up your house for nothing?

12th November 2015, 12:40 PM
The momentum of the Universe rotating around the earth every 24h is just mindboggingly ginormous!

Don't forget how it twists in the summer, its exponential.


12th November 2015, 02:04 PM
you will heat up your house for nothing?
Because he would be successful in maintaining his indoor house temperature the same as the outdoor temperature. Another miracle of non-science.


7th trump
12th November 2015, 02:40 PM
So why don't you construct a generator like that to power your induction coils, you will heat up your house for nothing?

Theres a lot things in my garage as I type this.

If only I had about 20 grand for patents.

7th trump
12th November 2015, 02:46 PM
Because he would be successful in maintaining his indoor house temperature the same as the outdoor temperature. Another miracle of non-science.

This coming from a guy who dabbles in electronics, but yet argued with me about RMS of DC.
Hahaha...whats hillarious about that is there is no RMS of DC.
RMS is an equation to equate the same amount of power of AC as DC since AC goes from zero to a positive back to a zero then to a negative then back to a zero. So they came up with an equation to find the power equivalent of DC (since its constant) for AC since AC is a variable.

Yep that same Palani guy who believes in conspiracies and refuses to study the law, but knows all about the law and yet cant answer a straight up forward question in his own thread relating to his own topic.
Makes you wonder doesnt it?
It should if you have any moral intelligence.

12th November 2015, 03:04 PM
argued with me about RMS of DC

I maintain that even lunatics occasionally have teachable moments.

RMS stands for ROOT MEAN SQUARE and applies to even a flat waveform (you might call this DC).

The process is
1. Square the waveform (whatever it is) ... this makes negative excursions positve
2. Average the squared waveform (hence the MEAN) ... this results in a number
3. Take the square root of the MEAN value.

The end result is a numerical value that is the equivalent of DC that would be required for that waveform to obtain the same heating effect. If your waveform is DC you obtain the same value as the DC level.

Are you suggesting the DC has no effective heating value?

7th trump
12th November 2015, 03:16 PM
I maintain that even lunatics occasionally have teachable moments.

RMS stands for ROOT MEAN SQUARE and applies to even a flat waveform (you might call this DC).

The process is
1. Square the waveform (whatever it is) ... this makes negative excursions positve
2. Average the squared waveform (hence the MEAN) ... this results in a number
3. Take the square root of the MEAN value.

The end result is a numerical value that is the equivalent of DC that would be required for that waveform to obtain the same heating effect. If your waveform is DC you obtain the same value as the DC level.

Are you suggesting the DC has no effective heating value?
Speaking of lunatic...now hes trying to change the subject of RMS to DC has no heating properties.
The arguement then was my DC source to make an AC wave 60hz wave form had to be calculated for RMS first.

Lunatics huh!

12th November 2015, 03:27 PM
now hes trying to change the subject of RMS to DC has no heating properties
Did I state that? Where?

Sure am sorry to hear that your lack of 20g's is keeping you from becoming a billionaire. Many of them start with far less.

12th November 2015, 07:32 PM
I maintain that even lunatics occasionally have teachable moments.

I second and amplify your emotions 5000%

12th November 2015, 09:09 PM
Did I state that? Where?

Sure am sorry to hear that your lack of 20g's is keeping you from becoming a billionaire. Many of them start with far less.
5000% of no money is still no money.

12th November 2015, 09:14 PM
Theres a lot things in my garage as I type this.

If only I had about 20 grand for patents.
There are probably some other lunatics you can crowd source it from. Or you can install your free heating device (currently in the garage?) and save it on your electric bill over time... ;D

7th trump
13th November 2015, 05:33 AM
There are probably some other lunatics you can crowd source it from. Or you can install your free heating device (currently in the garage?) and save it on your electric bill over time... ;D

Like I told you....some of us are at a higher level of understanding than you.

Most unfortunate people do call the intelligent people lunatics....they are just jealous, but I wont hold that against you.

7th trump
13th November 2015, 05:34 AM
Did I state that? Where?

Sure am sorry to hear that your lack of 20g's is keeping you from becoming a billionaire. Many of them start with far less.

Don't have to state it.........but we all know what you are trying to do.....you do it so well and you're known for it.

13th November 2015, 05:40 AM
don't want to interrupt you girls but this is the way it's done.


13th November 2015, 05:54 AM
Don't have to state it
Please state it.


13th November 2015, 07:15 AM
5000% of no money is still no money.
Didn't JP Morgan say something like "own nothing control everything"?

Paper money isn't capable of private ownership and when it comes to control in theory one ounce of silver can dominate every negotiable paper instrument ever placed into circulation.

Metals is all about control. Barbaric isn't it?

7th trump
13th November 2015, 07:16 AM
Please state it.


Pretty much sums up all your conspiracy theories don't you think?

I wouldn't answer any straight up questions regarding any conspiracy theory I spewed either....if that kind of drivel ever came out of my mouth to begin with.

13th November 2015, 07:24 AM
Pretty much sums up all your conspiracy theories

I have concluded that you have made a lifestyle choice to live with the fairies.

7th trump
13th November 2015, 09:40 AM
I have concluded that you have made a lifestyle choice to live with the fairies.

I don't have a doubt in my mind that's what you've concluded.................you believing in fairies says it all.

13th November 2015, 11:06 AM
you believing in fairies says it all.

I believe in 398.2 but rarely visit. And so must you since you have chosen to live your life in FAIRYLAND.

13th November 2015, 12:09 PM
Like I told you....some of us are at a higher level of understanding than you.

Most unfortunate people do call the intelligent people lunatics....they are just jealous, but I wont hold that against you.
So you don't think bringing your practically free heating device from your garage to your house over time will save you enough to patent your 'inventions'? ;D

7th trump
13th November 2015, 12:21 PM
So you don't think bringing your practically free heating device from your garage to your house over time will save you enough to patent your 'inventions'? ;D

how stupid are you?\uu\

14th November 2015, 05:19 AM
how stupid are you?\uu\Did you install it?

7th trump
14th November 2015, 05:50 AM
Did you install it?

Awesome....just another stupid reply.
You related to palani?

Besides, I'm using solar vacuum tubes to supplement heating the house. The 98% efficient furnace rarely comes on during the day. 278 degrees coming out of the tubes at peak daylight. Peak daylight with cloud cover its 89-101 degrees. A plc controlling the fan and baffle. These can boils water in -20 degree weather in under 40 minutes.
Plan on adding more units and then maybe marketing this idea. Neighbors thought I was crazy......until I told them what my utility bill is.
Ordered more solar cells...should be arriving next Thursday.

14th November 2015, 09:32 AM
Neighbors thought I was crazy

And they know you better than anyone here.

14th November 2015, 09:40 AM
Awesome....just another stupid reply. Plan on adding more units and then maybe marketing this idea.

Marketing advice, don't call potential clientele stupid.

7th trump
14th November 2015, 09:50 AM
Marketing advice, don't call potential clientele stupid.

You wouldn't know if you were buying from me anyway.

Neuro thinks hes pushing my buttons....hes not!
I respond to him as he deserves.

If he wants to play stupid douche games then I'll call him that........pretty simple isn't it?

7th trump
14th November 2015, 09:51 AM
And they know you better than anyone here.

They know I'm not like you.........I don't believe in fairy tales or tinkerbell.

15th November 2015, 08:34 AM
They know I'm not like you.........I don't believe in fairy tales or tinkerbell.
But you believe power can be amplified 50 times? ;D

15th November 2015, 08:42 AM
Awesome....just another stupid reply.
You related to palani?

Besides, I'm using solar vacuum tubes to supplement heating the house. The 98% efficient furnace rarely comes on during the day. 278 degrees coming out of the tubes at peak daylight. Peak daylight with cloud cover its 89-101 degrees. A plc controlling the fan and baffle. These can boils water in -20 degree weather in under 40 minutes.
Plan on adding more units and then maybe marketing this idea. Neighbors thought I was crazy......until I told them what my utility bill is.
Ordered more solar cells...should be arriving next Thursday.
I wonder why you only use technology that is commonly accepted to work to heat your house, while you keep the technologies that you claim work even better in your garage waiting for $20k in investor money? LOL

7th trump
15th November 2015, 09:56 AM
I wonder why you only use technology that is commonly accepted to work to heat your house, while you keep the technologies that you claim work even better in your garage waiting for $20k in investor money? LOL

There you go lying again.
Where did I say it was better?
All I ever said about the convection technology is it takes about as much energy to light a light bulb to heat a pipe to white hot....thats technology working for you.

But I suspected you're an idiot from the get go.....guess I was right after all.

7th trump
15th November 2015, 09:56 AM
But you believe power can be amplified 50 times? ;D

There again you demonstrate you're a fool.

15th November 2015, 10:25 AM
There you go lying again.
Where did I say it was better?
All I ever said about the convection technology is it takes about as much energy to light a light bulb to heat a pipe to white hot....thats technology working for you.

But I suspected you're an idiot from the get go.....guess I was right after all.
White hot now? It used to be red hot... Do you still believe you get more heat energy out of those coils than electric energy you put in? In a light bulb about 95% of the electric energy input is directly transferred into heat energy. What is the thermal efficiency of your induction coils?

7th trump
15th November 2015, 11:29 AM
White hot now? It used to be red hot... Do you still believe you get more heat energy out of those coils than electric energy you put in? In a light bulb about 95% of the electric energy input is directly transferred into heat energy. What is the thermal efficiency of your induction coils?

Go figure it out your damn self.
All I know is the power it takes to light a light bulb heats a rod, pipe or what ever white hot.

You another one of those douche bags who believes in thermodynamics where thermodynamics doesnt apply to magnetic fields?

7th trump
15th November 2015, 11:31 AM
White hot now? It used to be red hot... Do you still believe you get more heat energy out of those coils than electric energy you put in? In a light bulb about 95% of the electric energy input is directly transferred into heat energy. What is the thermal efficiency of your induction coils?

Tell me asshole how does thermodynamics incorporate into fluctuating magnetic fields?
It doesnt dip stick. And the coils in the induction circuit dont produce the heat...the magnetic field does douche bag.
Dont you ever think about what your saying before you say it?.......apparently not!
Just a toad arent you.

You're like Palani.....only think inside the box your taught.
Go eat your hotdog...you deserve it!

You're not as intelligent as you think or portray yourself to be....just an idiot trying to stir the pot.

16th November 2015, 01:59 PM
Tell me asshole how does thermodynamics incorporate into fluctuating magnetic fields?
It doesnt dip stick. And the coils in the induction circuit dont produce the heat...the magnetic field does douche bag.
Dont you ever think about what your saying before you say it?.......apparently not!
Just a toad arent you.

You're like Palani.....only think inside the box your taught.
Go eat your hotdog...you deserve it!

You're not as intelligent as you think or portray yourself to be....just an idiot trying to stir the pot.
Asshole, dipstick, toad and idiot, you called me in just this post alone. Not to mention the others in this thread... You are banned!

16th November 2015, 02:17 PM
Asshole, dipstick, toad and idiot, you called me in just this post alone. Not to mention the others in this thread... You are banned!

Isn't there a story somewhere about the idiot toad who pushed a dipstick in his asshole to see if he needed a douche bag?

16th November 2015, 02:18 PM
You are banned!

Forgot one thing didn't you?

7th trump
16th November 2015, 02:35 PM
Asshole, dipstick, toad and idiot, you called me in just this post alone. Not to mention the others in this thread... You are banned!

Cry me a river........dont like the treatment do you?
You started the name throwing...not me. I dont start that until you cast the first stone....now you're bitching about being called names.
Heres some advice for you clown......dont jump in a post you're not a part of and start casting stones.
If you never would have called me a name first place I wouldn't have treated you the same...................clown!

So when are you going to answer my question of "what does thermodynamics have to do with gravity"?
Betcha dont even answer because you have no answer.....caught you playing games.

16th November 2015, 02:41 PM


midnight rambler
16th November 2015, 02:53 PM
Asshole, dipstick, toad and idiot, you called me in just this post alone. Not to mention the others in this thread... You are banned!

You're addressing the know-it-all clueless numbskull who bought rifles chambered in .223 'cause he knew it all and didn't need to research the matter of .223 vs. 5.56. lol

He's also a Communist sympathizer who loves the Russian 7.62x39 so much he's got two rifles chambered in the Russian 7.62x39 round, one of which is a Russian* designed Simonov SKS.

*CLEARLY a fucking hypocrite, like that comes as a surprise to anyone

16th November 2015, 03:06 PM
Forgot one thing didn't you?
You mean banning him? No I can't do that.... But Madfranks should!

mick silver
16th November 2015, 03:08 PM
it fun watching you boys kicking the sand out of the box ..............

16th November 2015, 03:09 PM
Cry me a river........dont like the treatment do you?
You started the name throwing...not me. I dont start that until you cast the first stone....now you're bitching about being called names.
Heres some advice for you clown......dont jump in a post you're not a part of and start casting stones.
If you never would have called me a name first place I wouldn't have treated you the same...................clown!
Lies! I don't do name calling! You do it all the time! This quoted post is evidence...

16th November 2015, 05:40 PM
Tell me asshole how does thermodynamics incorporate into fluctuating magnetic fields?
It doesnt dip stick. And the coils in the induction circuit dont produce the heat...the magnetic field does douche bag.
Dont you ever think about what your saying before you say it?.......apparently not!
Just a toad arent you.

You're like Palani.....only think inside the box your taught.
Go eat your hotdog...you deserve it!

You're not as intelligent as you think or portray yourself to be....just an idiot trying to stir the pot.

Mellow out on the language or you will be banned, Seriously. Discussion, not fighting.

16th November 2015, 05:54 PM
You mean banning him? No I can't do that.... But Madfranks should!

But he can't do that either? I do think I found 1 or 2 statements 7th said to be true and or interesting, the other 4804 are not. Kind of like a dirty cup blowing around a street in a ghetto, not worth thinking about.

7th trump
16th November 2015, 07:42 PM
Lies! I don't do name calling! You do it all the time! This quoted post is evidence...

Seriously you never called me a name...not once?
Yeah right!

16th November 2015, 11:43 PM
Mellow out on the language or you will be banned, Seriously. Discussion, not fighting.
He should be banned!

16th November 2015, 11:44 PM
Seriously you never called me a name...not once?
Yeah right!
I don't think I did!

17th November 2015, 07:29 AM
sometimes i get hot with gravity, though may just be i feel it sometimes.

17th November 2015, 11:45 AM
sometimes i get hot with gravity, though may just be i feel it sometimes.
It is a very unpredictable thing this gravity...

17th November 2015, 01:34 PM
It is a very unpredictable thing this gravity...

there's a spacial relation to time, that's all I know or can feel in my gut getting larger...