View Full Version : The fix is in for Killary

midnight rambler
13th November 2015, 11:08 AM
Why bother waiting to see how the primaries go?? ???

http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_DEM_2016_CLINTON_EARLY_ADVANTAGE_MOVE_AT_7_AM_E ST_FRIDAY?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-11-13-07-00-56

midnight rambler
13th November 2015, 11:09 AM
This should demonstrate to everyone with a brain how totally FUBARed this system is.

13th November 2015, 02:18 PM
she's got the inside track on winning the republican party nomination

13th November 2015, 04:39 PM
she's got the inside track on winning the republican party nomination

Trump will not hand it to her.

13th November 2015, 05:34 PM
I won't be surprised if she wins the presidency. Remember it's the electoral college votes that count, not yours.

It seems like more then half this country are liberal faggots now. Add to that the neocons that will be more than happy with Hillary (since they won't get Jeb!)...and that leaves only a small percentage of conservatives left.

Either way, Trump, or Hillary will be good for the country. Trump to make it great again and Hillary to kick off the revolution and overthrow.

13th November 2015, 05:38 PM
Either way, Trump, or Hillary will be good for the country. Trump to make it great again and Hillary to kick off the revolution and overthrow.

Don't know if Trump will get to do anything, the jews will donate hard to their supporters (all). hillary well, she's a cunt.

midnight rambler
13th November 2015, 05:47 PM
I won't be surprised if she wins the presidency. Remember it's the electoral college votes that count, not yours.

It seems like more then half this country are liberal faggots now. Add to that the neocons that will be more than happy with Hillary (since they won't get Jeb!)...and that leaves only a small percentage of conservatives left.

Either way, Trump, or Hillary will be good for the country. Trump to make it great again and Hillary to kick off the revolution and overthrow.

And the influx of foreigners coming here for the bennies will lock in the 'progressives' forever and ever.

midnight rambler
13th November 2015, 05:53 PM
And the influx of foreigners coming here for the bennies will lock in the 'progressives' forever and ever.

Orban: migrant influx a plot to import left-wing voters -


14th November 2015, 04:22 AM
Orban: migrant influx a plot to import left-wing voters -


As if the vote mattered.

midnight rambler
14th November 2015, 09:46 AM
As if the vote mattered.

Massive public opinion in the right (i.e. 'left' in this case) direction = a necessary fig leaf.

14th November 2015, 10:19 AM
Either way, Trump, or Hillary will be good for the country. Trump to make it great again and Hillary to kick off the revolution and overthrow.

Re: Hillary, kicking off the revolution is what they said about Obama when he got in, and what they said about Bush when he got in. If/when Hillary gets in, there will be no revolution, just the continuation of the slow death of this once great free country.

Re: Trump, to date I haven't heard one proposal from him that would give me back any of the freedoms taken away during the last decade and a half, or if he even understands that the government has usurped and removed the family as the legitimate social authority. Don't kid yourself, Trump is no national savior.

14th November 2015, 10:32 AM
Re: Hillary, kicking off the revolution is what they said about Obama when he got in, and what they said about Bush when he got in. If/when Hillary gets in, there will be no revolution, just the continuation of the slow death of this once great free country.

Re: Trump, to date I haven't heard one proposal from him that would give me back any of the freedoms taken away during the last decade and a half, or if he even understands that the government has usurped and removed the family as the legitimate social authority. Don't kid yourself, Trump is no national savior.

No one in the race is a savior that will give you back any freedoms. Unlike any of the others, Trump will make good on the promise to stop illegal immigration, fix the VA and take care of our Vets. I like that he has told the PC crowd to get fucked too. What else can you expect.
As far as Hillary is concerned, she is far worse and hated then the Halfrican usurper. Americans are voicing their opinion now more then ever, by voting Trump in the polls. Mnay have had enough of the right and left wing of the establishment.
No one is going to give anyone shit, the people must take it themselves.
I don't remember anyone talking revolution with Bush and Obama?

14th November 2015, 11:27 AM
My mistake; when you said Trump would make America great again I thought you actually believed it. Stopping illegals, "fixing" the VA and telling the PC crowd to get fucked are all good things, but fall short of truly making America great again.