View Full Version : French police report shootout and explosion in Paris
20th December 2015, 06:37 PM
Not unless you call raiding all the Mosques (but no synagogues) and chipping any remaining "innocent" towel heads moving about, controversial.
ah, yeah that's pretty The-Donald-ey! Maybe he misspoke similar to this rabbi, but then failed to correct himself the way the rabbi did? ???
20th December 2015, 08:20 PM
Jesus Christ, that's funny how everyone cheered!
31st December 2015, 02:09 PM
Kbarrett, 1 hr, listen at
Ole Dammegard: The same “traveling terror troupe” did Paris, San Bernadino, and other false flags (
This show broadcasts on December 30, 2015.
It is now archived here — Use Player
Ole Dammegard says “all the world’s a stage – for false flag terror.” ( He argues that the same traveling terror troupe of bad actors staged the Paris and San Bernadino shootings, as well as many of the biggest “war on terror” PR stunts—including the Charlie Hebdo and Copenhagen attacks last winter.
In this interview, Ole discusses the overwhelming evidence of foreknowledge preceding the Paris event–not just the Rothschild-owned Economist magazine’s prediction of two big Paris false flags in 2015 with the biggest one on 11/13/15, ( but also social media and Wikipedia postings clearly done by the perps themselves – a group that includes French President Hollande and/or his handlers and scriptwriters. For example, here is a tweet from two days before the attacks, along with an al-Jazeera “debunking.” ( (Note that the ISIS-funding Emir of Qatar is the biggest owner of Lagardiére, the “media spectacle staging company” that bought the Bataclan from ultra-Zionist Jews on September 11th, 2015.)
If you believe this “debunking,” I have a random-headline-merging bot to sell you
Ole also argues that a detailed Wikipedia entry was apparently posted prematurely by the event’s scriptwriters – just as the report of the “collapse” of World Trade Center 7 was reported early.
Did Wikipedia post details of the attacks too quickly – including reporting Hollande’s speech 40 minutes before it happened?
It’s time to round up these “bad actors” whose staged PR stunts have led to the murder of millions…a crime wave that will continue as long as they keep getting away with it.
18th January 2016, 12:10 AM
from Jan 13; embedded player console inside to hear the 1 hour show:
Nick Kollerstrom: “Paris Again Hit by Fictional Terror!” _ on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio ( Kollerstrom turned himself in for “nonviolent extremism”
( Nick Kollerstrom, a History of Science Ph.D. and author of Terror on the Tube: The London 7/7 Bombings, joins us to discuss his contribution to Another French False Flag? Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino. ( Nick’s chapter details the evidence that the 11/13 Paris events were not just a false flag, but an obvious, in-your-face hoax that the perpetrators barely even tried to disguise.
Also check out the video he made with former MI-5 agent David Shayler: More Fake Terror Hits Paris?
More Fake Terror Hits Paris? Shayler + Kollerstrom (
20th January 2016, 04:08 AM
Paris attacks: IS claims two attackers were Iraqi nationals (
The English-language magazine featured nine men in military fatigues whom it said were responsible for the attack, under the headline "Just Terror".
A black and white photograph of Paris white was used as a background image.
The two men, thought to have been involved in the State de France bombings, are identified by the nicknames Ukashah al-Iraqi and Ali al-Iraqi.
Their full names were not given and no other information has been published.
The men used Syrian passports to travel into Europe but officials believe the documents were fake.
The names given for the other men suggested that four were French and three were Belgian.
At the centre of the picture is Abdelhamid Abaaoud (, identified by his nom de guerre Abu Umar al-Baljiki, or Abu Umar the Belgian.
French investigators have named him as the mastermind of the attacks, which left 130 people dead.
The police are still searching for two suspects of involvement in the attacks - Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old French national born in Brussels, and 29-year-old Mohamed Abrini.
2nd March 2016, 01:35 AM
James Tracy interviews Kevin Barrett, 1 hour; must listen at -- scroll down until you see the player console, below the show description.
EDIT: despite all indications @ KB's radio blog ( & the noliesradio page above; this interview is over a month old now-- first published Jan 25 at JT's radio blog! :( I feel a little deceived by KB for this, coz he even had this show behind his members/protected pay-wall for 1-2 days after it's not so "new" Feb 29 date which the description suggests!
EXCLUSIVE BROADCAST: James Tracy and Kevin Barrett discuss false flags, academic freedom (
In this interview, recorded for James Tracy’s ( radio show, we discuss false flags in general and the Paris and San Bernardino examples in particular. We also discuss academic freedom – but unfortunately James Tracy is not at liberty to discuss his situation at Florida Atlantic University, where he has received the same kind of treatment from the witch hunters and Orwellian thought police that I got while teaching at the University of Wisconsin in 2006.
See the article by David Mathison at James Tracy’s Memory Hole Blog:
Prof. James Tracy’s Termination in Light of Orwell’s 1984: If all records told the same tale
After you read it, you may wish to contribute to James Tracy’s Legal Defense Fund:
James Tracy is a contributor to ANOTHER French False Flag (
This show was broadcast on February 29, 2016.
9th March 2016, 09:30 AM
EDIT: despite all indications @ KB's radio blog ( & the noliesradio page above; this interview is over a month old now-- first published Jan 25 at JT's radio blog! :( I feel a little deceived by KB for this, coz he even had this show behind his members/protected pay-wall for 1-2 days after it's not so "new" Feb 29 date which the description suggests!
Barrett's doing the above ^ again with this (not) "new" Bonnie Faulkner interview!
Bonnie Faulkner interviews Kevin Barrett on Guns and Butter (
took place ~3 weeks ago, free at ever since; yet KB is presenting it as "new" and keeping it behind his members' pay-wall for a few extra days, to entice (deceive...:( ) listeners to join his special members club! I actually submitted a comment at his JTracy interview blogspot ( saying roughly the same as in the text quoted above; but you guessed it; comment was rejected. I only cut him slack coz I know (or he claims) he's living with wife & 2 (IIRC) kids below the poverty level; home schooling the 2 kids; and I broadly respect his work.
Anyways this is telling re dajooz' scary-moozlem-ISIS-patsies-dis-directed Paris 11/13/15 FF:
French journalist arrested for exposing Israeli connection to 11/13/15 false flag (
By Kevin Barrett ( on March 1, 2016 11/13 (, another french false flag (, bataclan (, France (, hicham hamza (, paris (, Terrorism ( Of Interest (, Paris Attacks 2015
( m%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F03%2Fhatz.jpg&q=90&w=795&h=470&zc=1
The Israeli extremists who first published the shocking Bataclan massacre photo were never even reprimanded – but the investigative reporter who exposed them has been arrested. more @ link (
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