View Full Version : New Barbie Commercial

16th November 2015, 06:51 PM
See if you can tell something is wrong with it


16th November 2015, 07:39 PM
Boys don't play with Barbies. Except the ones that have been engineered to "identify" as girls.

What do I win?

Edit: if this continues (and it will) confusion about identity in any form will reign and individuals will sitting ducks (they already are) for manipulation.

16th November 2015, 08:11 PM
if at least there was a ken and the boy would really play barbie's lover, I wouldnt see anything wrong... however, I very rarely played with dolls as a kid. Maybe should I blame my numerlogy because all my numbers, name and date of birth, are odd numbers, masculine.

edit: I dont know, 30 years ago before the gender war started, I was already seeing men loving to cook and take care of the household like a woman does without being gay. And knew quite a few independent women like myself choosing adventure and wanting to achieve something intellectual in their lives before even thinking of having kids.... the agenda lies in playing with such aspects... just like marriage and kids is not for everybody.

16th November 2015, 08:35 PM

:rolleyes: pussy role model

17th November 2015, 05:23 AM
Boys don't play with Barbies. Except the ones that have been engineered to "identify" as girls.

What do I win?

You win a Kewpie doll!


17th November 2015, 06:34 AM
You win a Kewpie doll!


I'll name him George!

17th November 2015, 07:18 AM
Look hard enough and you'll find a Jesuit behind this ;)

17th November 2015, 10:34 AM

17th November 2015, 12:07 PM
good find ximmy... no doubt, they control all sides

but I have to say that my special other has dated as many caucasian females as mulatas since a very early age, way before multiculturalism took off.

interbreeding is as old as mankind... and must be a free choice, not the result of an agenda


17th November 2015, 12:23 PM
good find ximmy... no doubt, they control all sides

but I have to say that my special other has dated as many caucasian females as mulatas since a very early age, way before multiculturalism took off.

interbreeding is as old as mankind... and must be a free choice, not the result of an agenda

It makes sense a Black person would support breeding with Whites since your genetic descendants get better DNA than their shit DNA.


(http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)http://s27.postimg.org/ocsagwlqb/1433594955869.png (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

(http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)http://s27.postimg.org/y7jfn4poj/1433589199259.png (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

17th November 2015, 12:51 PM
well my black genetic background is **not negroid** to start with... second, I didnt choose to be born. I didnt send the witheys in africa to colonize africans... did I?

So please continue to try to make me feel guilty for something I didnt commit. It wont work, I am above such lame argument and rhetoric, really.

I feel great with my 130IQ, according to mesa tests I took 20 years ago...

there are many black tribes in africa that are NOT negroid and a lot smarter and whose features are a lot more appealing that the typical negroid cliche you are so fond of and post about ALL the time.

all your cliches do not apply to me, and now what? Yes there some people of color who have the same culture than yours... not their fault. I have german ancestry on top of that, from my father side.

NOT NEGROID/Ethiopia, Hamer girl
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffarm4.static.flickr.com%2F3505%2F3 239637522_682fe2056e_o.jpg&f=1

It makes sense a Black person would support breeding with Whites since your genetic descendants get better DNA than their shit DNA.

midnight rambler
17th November 2015, 01:05 PM
I didnt choose to be born.

Yeah you did, just like every other living soul chose the circumstances into which they popped into existence on this earthly plane via the agency of free will.

Own it.

"The world is like a ride in an amusement park and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are..." --Bill Hicks

17th November 2015, 01:29 PM


http://s2.postimg.org/o29o1uy7t/1438285568736.png (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

17th November 2015, 01:31 PM
yeah, on a soul level, I agree... but have/had little control over it... LOL

Just do the best I can to decipher my life purpose

Yeah you did, just like every other living soul chose the circumstances into which they popped into existence on this earthly plane via the agency of free will.

Own it.

"The world is like a ride in an amusement park and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are..." --Bill Hicks

17th November 2015, 01:34 PM
pro archonic AI transhumanists will resolve that by terminating us all... same mindset


17th November 2015, 01:39 PM
pro archonic AI transhumanists will resolve that by terminating us all... same mindset

Cold hard documentable facts versus Muh Feels.

17th November 2015, 01:46 PM
Cold hard documentable facts versus Muh Feels.

what I am saying is also a hard fact: non-negroid blacks exist

his skull is caucasian-like
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iur/?f=1&image_host=http%3A%2F%2Frastaphotographer.files.wo rdpress.com%2F2012%2F04%2Frastaphoto-com-c-people-of-ethiopia-10.jpg&u=https://rastaphotographer.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/rastaphoto-com-c-people-of-ethiopia-10.jpg

17th November 2015, 01:53 PM
what I am saying is also a hard fact: non-negroid blacks exist

his skull is caucasian-like
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iur/?f=1&image_host=http%3A%2F%2Frastaphotographer.files.wo rdpress.com%2F2012%2F04%2Frastaphoto-com-c-people-of-ethiopia-10.jpg&u=https://rastaphotographer.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/rastaphoto-com-c-people-of-ethiopia-10.jpg



mick silver
17th November 2015, 01:55 PM
what happen to boys playing with this http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81--MGCLcAL._SL1500_.jpg

17th November 2015, 01:55 PM
well my black genetic background is **not negroid** to start with...I feel great with my 130IQ, according to mesa tests I took 20 years ago...there are many black tribes in africa that are NOT negroid and a lot smarter and whose features are a lot more appealing that the typical negroid cliche you are so fond of and post about ALL the time.

all your cliches do not apply to me

Tutsi women carry baskets on their heads in Rwanda

:rolleyes: (http://kids.britannica.com/elementary/art-88066/Tutsi-women-carry-baskets-on-their-heads-in-Rwanda)

17th November 2015, 01:56 PM
Tutsi women carry baskets on their heads in Rwanda

:rolleyes: (http://kids.britannica.com/elementary/art-88066/Tutsi-women-carry-baskets-on-their-heads-in-Rwanda)


17th November 2015, 02:00 PM
Okay back on subject...


17th November 2015, 02:07 PM
shami, Id like to see how withe people will look like in time of extreme survival... lets compare pix after doomsday.

the zionist star is also behind transhumanism which you support


17th November 2015, 04:28 PM
there are plenty of pix about low level IQ withes that I could show.... but I will not abase myself to your level, book.

the whole point is that NON NEGROID blacks do exist. deal with it

maybe, you also can figure out that I may have said tutsi to simply things but my tribe was nilotic... from the nile region... most likely bred with tutsis as they have been there for centuries. However I just spent the 1st year of my life in africa, in a orphanage abandoned by my tribe... thanks to my father who knew his responsibilities. Most of mulatos were killed after the independence by the blacks. Girls were abused and raped to death. The result of colonialism and extortion still going on today....

Cliches are all what matter to you. The way of sigmund freud. Watch the century of the self, an excellent doc, and ask you why so many whites fell for hypermaterialism. One only can blame others to a certain point.

we talk again after the derivative implosion.


17th November 2015, 04:50 PM
Ethiopians from the northern part look like they were interracially mixed with some part of the Roman Empire, maybe Greeks or Arabs or Turks or even a bit of Italian ... tough to tell. What does DNA testing say?

From the southern part, they look more like other Africans.

17th November 2015, 04:57 PM
the whole point is that NON NEGROID blacks do exist. deal with it...I just spent the 1st year of my life in africa, in a orphanage abandoned by my tribe... thanks to my father who knew his responsibilities. Most of mulattoes were killed after the independence by the blacks...


Mulatto = half negroid half Caucasian.

:rolleyes: you mean half negroid blacks exist.

17th November 2015, 05:25 PM
Ethiopians from the northern part look like they were interracially mixed with some part of the Roman Empire, maybe Greeks or Arabs or Turks or even a bit of Italian ... tough to tell. What does DNA testing say?

From the southern part, they look more like other Africans.

I have no answer, havent searched the topic yet... but I could some day because I find it compelling.

17th November 2015, 05:29 PM
Mulatto = half negroid half Caucasian.

:rolleyes: you mean half negroid blacks exist.

in all latin languages, the term refers to black and white interbreeding, regardless of the level of the mix.

Even if one is 1/8 black, one is called as such in america.

blame it on the language.... but wait a minute

noun, plural mulattoes, mulattos.
Anthropology. (not in technical use) the offspring of one white parent and one black parent.
Older Use: Often Offensive. a person who has both black and white ancestors.

french and english agree. No reference to negroid. This perception is in your head or a definition from the slavery era.

17th November 2015, 05:30 PM
Singular-me, are you the lady that moved to a commune and lived in a yurt? I remember that thread from GIM, and was curious if it was you.

mick silver
17th November 2015, 05:32 PM

midnight rambler
17th November 2015, 05:36 PM
Singular-me, are you the lady that moved to a commune and lived in a yurt? I remember that thread from GIM, and was curious if it was you.

Not really a commune. IIRC she was hornswoggled into relocating to an intentional community that failed to advise her they were a bunch of religious nutters (The Urantia Book was their thing) and upon realizing that she'd been misled she disassociated herself in a matter of days after arrival.

17th November 2015, 05:41 PM
Ethiopians from the northern part look like they were interracially mixed with some part of the Roman Empire, maybe Greeks or Arabs or Turks or even a bit of Italian ... tough to tell. What does DNA testing say?

From the southern part, they look more like other Africans.
It goes back earlier than that. Cro Magnon (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) migrated south at the height of Ice age. They have Caucasian genome from that time. Since not much of bone remains could be found from lands ravaged by miles high of ice it is/was assumed that Cro Magnon originated in Ethiopia around 70,000 years ago. Supporting the out of Africa theory. However, the genetic drift in Subsaharan Africa must have been sped up around 20 times (as measured on mitochondrial DNA) of what is the historical average, and Subsaharan Africans must have reverted back to a more Homo Erectus type, for the out of Africa theory to be correct. Furthermore a skull was found in China not too long ago that definitely was more Homo Sapiens than Homo Erectus, and it was dated to be around 200,000 years old, which would disprove the Out of Africa theory completely. Cro Magnon probably evolved in South Eastern Europe/Central Asia/Northern Middle East 150-200 kya, they bred with Homo Erectus in Northeast Africa and India during ice ages. Further they bred with Neanderthals in Middle East mainly where they coexisted for the longest time, but to some extent in Southern Europe too.

I have little doubt that Goldissima is mostly Cro Magnon in features, even though her skin is dark...

17th November 2015, 05:51 PM
wow... you have a good memory but MR summarized it pretty well, after that failed experiment, I wandered from one farm to another for about 2 years just for food and login and learned a lot, then started house sitting and freelancing as a landscaper and on farms. Still doing this now.

I am about to change this pattern and ready to set new adventures into motion... I will be going to Peru next spring for 6 weeks or so.

ideally Id like to land a job as a farm/property manager.

Tnx for inquiring.

Singular-me, are you the lady that moved to a commune and lived in a yurt? I remember that thread from GIM, and was curious if it was you.

17th November 2015, 05:54 PM
Not really a commune. IIRC she was hornswoggled into relocating to an intentional community that failed to advise her they were a bunch of religious nutters (The Urantia Book was their thing) and upon realizing that she'd been misled she disassociated herself in a matter of days after arrival.

Thanks MR. The reason I asked is that she posted pictures of herself and I remembered a darker skin tone, but not noticeably negroid features.

17th November 2015, 05:59 PM
wow... you have a good memory but MR summarized it pretty well, after that failed experiment, I wandered from one farm to another for about 2 years just for food and login and learned a lot, then started house sitting and freelancing as a landscaper and on farms. Still doing this now.

I am about to change this pattern and ready to set new adventures into motion... I will be going to Peru next spring for 6 weeks or so.

ideally Id like to land a job as a farm/property manager.

Tnx for inquiring.

That was a pretty interesting thread. I hadn't realized it turned out that way. I thought it was fascinating how you just picked up and went. Definitely NOT my personality type. Maybe that's why it stuck in my memory.

17th November 2015, 06:05 PM
Neuro, not mostly but fully and some on here can confirm it

My skin is caramel during winter time :)

like many I get tanned during summer and yes my skin can get darker but with some copperish in it. I even started getting blond streaks in my hair when I was in sri lanka where I used to spend hours snorkeling daily. As a baby I was blond til age 2.

I have little doubt that Goldissima is mostly Cro Magnon in features, even though her skin is dark...

But I find your short expose interesting, seems like humans cannot help themselves interbreeding.

midnight rambler
17th November 2015, 07:03 PM
seems like humans cannot help themselves interbreeding.

But it's not natural, and only recently has miscegenation become widely promoted and accepted.

You don't see pigeons and hawks mixing it up, nor redbirds and crows. It's part of the Creator's plan to have things separate like that.

My hero, "God made us different...you're a hater of your people if you don't want to stay who you are..." -


17th November 2015, 09:13 PM
noun, plural mulattoes, mulattos.
Anthropology. (not in technical use) the offspring of one white parent and one black parent.
Older Use: Often Offensive. a person who has both black and white ancestors.

french and english agree. No reference to negroid. This perception is in your head or a definition from the slavery era.

:rolleyes: Goldissima herself referenced negroid with mulatos and now claims it is in my head?

there are plenty of pix about low level IQ withes that I could show.... but I will not abase myself to your level, book.

the whole point is that NON NEGROID blacks do exist. deal with it

maybe, you also can figure out that I may have said tutsi to simply things but my tribe was nilotic... from the nile region... most likely bred with tutsis as they have been there for centuries. However I just spent the 1st year of my life in africa, in a orphanage abandoned by my tribe... thanks to my father who knew his responsibilities. Most of mulatos were killed after the independence by the blacks. Girls were abused and raped to death. The result of colonialism and extortion still going on today....

17th November 2015, 09:27 PM
But I find your short expose interesting, seems like humans cannot help themselves interbreeding.


If jew teevee and jew Hollywood were available then...


17th November 2015, 09:51 PM
If jew teevee and jew Hollywood were available then...


Even the japs are in on it... brainwashed into promoting negro apes and white women in American culture.

Nissan commercial still


17th November 2015, 09:53 PM
It does not matter if Singular Me is part black. She is very enlightened and sympathetic to most of the causes we hold dear You are not going to like hearing this but she is smarter than your average white woman. Support her and let her spread the word to others like her. Its not only a huge tactical mistake to alienate a potential friend or ally its a huge waste of energy that you could use to fight the real enemy.

18th November 2015, 03:55 AM
Book, tell me where mulatto/a refers to negroid? It is linked to slavery and that it why it has a pejorative meaning. modern french and english dictionaries agree. No reference to negroid. As far as I can recall, 'mulatre' in french has always sounded exotic. But EU didnt go through a slavery invasion like the US... so YES, you are marked by your history. Your definition comes from slave owners.

You cannot stand that NON NEGROID blacks exist because it derails your point of view, sorry pal. That some blacks have the same capacity of learning than whites is pissing you off. I can only take so much, every now and than I have to stand up for myself. Hope you understand that.

NON NEGROID blacks will prove themselves as smart as whites when able to access education. I also believe that NEGROID blacks can learn but slower and improve when not dooming themselves with the guilt of being black.

I couldnt care less that you or shami think blacks are stupid and retarded, but you both find always the worse cliche- pictures ever rings the bells. The fact is that many white people are completely unappealing too, do NOT have good looks, but when it comes down to that you always find the most appealing white arian looks. I call this a BIAS.

Maybe does it tell about your self esteem, just as for shami, the picture sword seems to be his - and yours - ace in the hole, but for me it is NOT. we'll see how whites behave when the house of cards comes down. Savagery may well appear colorLESS.

HERE IS HOW TUTSI women can ALSO look like when they are not living in the jungle, struggling for survival and can access education. Every race has its own share of bad and good looking people.
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iur/?f=1&image_host=http%3A%2F%2Fphoenixtreeproductions.fil es.wordpress.com%2F2011%2F03%2Fblog-030811.jpg%3Fw%3D600%26h%3D481&u=https://phoenixtreeproductions.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/blog-030811.jpg?w=600&h=481


:rolleyes: Goldissima herself referenced negroid with mulatos and now claims it is in my head?

18th November 2015, 04:39 AM

If jew teevee and jew Hollywood were available then...


Probably the main reason it is available today...

18th November 2015, 05:06 AM
I think people should understand that interbreeding is generally linked to war/invasion/slavery. In short rape. All races have enslaved/conquered one another. Most interbreeding is the result of extreme darwinism.

I also believe that all races exist to understand the value of cooperation instead of competition. The USA wouldnt be dealing with a black problem if blacks had been left in africa, not been imported... EU and USA wouldnt be facing a muslim invasion if they had left arabs alone. As I wouldnt exist if my european country hadnt colonized africa, coercing african women into seducing whites in order to survive or whites just taking advantage of their superiority.

Thinking one can eliminate interbreeding is not realistic, there are appealing people in all races, and although criteria of appeal may vary, it will continue to happen. Existence is filled with exceptions confirming the rules.

being inter racial is a huge challenge but every day I take it at heart. Living in a no man's land has huge advantages too. .

But it's not natural, and only recently has miscegenation become widely promoted and accepted.

You don't see pigeons and hawks mixing it up, nor redbirds and crows. It's part of the Creator's plan to have things separate like that.

My hero, "God made us different...you're a hater of your people if you don't want to stay who you are..." -


18th November 2015, 05:18 AM
However I just spent the 1st year of my life in africa, in a orphanage abandoned by my tribe... thanks to my father who knew his responsibilities. Most of mulatos were killed after the independence by the blacks.

...I have german ancestry on top of that, from my father side.


You never once ever mentioned the value of being a member of a family or clan or tribe. Quite the opposite.

As if loyalty to one's family and clan and tribe is a bad thing...


18th November 2015, 10:23 AM
Apparently there is the "Hamitic" race, which is a dark-skinned sub-category of Caucasians


Note that anytime you are reading about this stuff, and come across "Ashley Montagu" as a scientist who is discounting someone else's work (especially a White guy named Carleton S. Coon), you should know that Montagu is a Jew by the name of Israel Ehrenberg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Montagu

Basically the Jews in academia have been working hard to cover up and obscure the actual science done by Whites on the subject of race. In the Hamitic article, we see:


In the 19th century, European authors classified the Hamitic race as a sub-group of the Caucasian race, along with the Semitic race – thus grouping the non-Semitic populations native to North Africa and the Horn of Africa, including the Ancient Egyptians. According to the Hamitic theory, this "Hamitic race" was superior to or more advanced than Negroid populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. In its most extreme form, in the writings of C. G. Seligman, this theory asserted that virtually all significant achievements in African history were the work of "Hamites" who migrated into central Africa as pastoralists, bringing new customs, languages, technologies and administrative skills with them. In the early 20th century, theoretical models of Hamitic languages and of Hamitic races were intertwined.

These paradigms gradually fell out of favour between the 1960s and 1980s, in large part due to their perceived association with colonial paternalism. Toward the end of the millennium, Hamitic theory received renewed scholarly interest, following the discovery of ancient skeletons in areas where such old "Hamitic" remains were previously assumed to have been mythical or otherwise non-existent. Excavations of cairns associated with the Savanna Pastoral Neolithic culture yielded the skeletons of tall individuals of "Caucasoid" type, whose physical traits appeared to confirm the traditions of Hamitic migrants entering the area.


Ponce's view that there is a lot of hidden scientific and ancient knowledge that the Jews try to cover up, seems accurate...

18th November 2015, 11:00 AM
when I see all the fights caused by clans and tribes (us vs them) I'd rather be a lone wolf with a few very valuable friends who share the same opinion.

Today I have two friends only (one of which is my partner), lost all my european pals due to my conspiracy facts, am about to create a major crisis with my son refuting the islam takeover, and he doesnt want to talk to me anymore (for now)

When one really wants to stand up for the truth without bias (see all the good and the ugly on all sides), a feeling of aloneness is all what you get. The NWO death cult knows it pretty well, that most people wont go there and do anything to avoid this brutal inner confrontation... they have caged the soul of mankind, using the weaknesses of the ego.

We are in DEEP shyt.

You never once ever mentioned the value of being a member of a family or clan or tribe. Quite the opposite.

As if loyalty to one's family and clan and tribe is a bad thing...


18th November 2015, 11:27 AM
I love your diversion and you are bringing about a big plus to this thread, that is what we should be doing, investigating the origins of races instead of fighting. Thanks

Just throwing that in, have just skimmed through... but will get back to it later

Oromo leader Balcha Aba Nefso. John Hanning Speke believed that central African "barbaric civilizations" had been founded by North African Hamites from the Oromo ethnic group of Ethiopia.

Bisharin man with classic Hamitic physical traits, from Augustus Henry Keane's Man, Past and Present (1899).

ps: I believe that since colonization finding 100% non negroid blood is more difficult, many have interbred after the colonialist era. But here is how a tutsi originally looks like

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fafrica.si.edu%2Fexhibits%2Ffocus%2 Fimages%2F13.4-Central_Africa124a.jpg&f=1

and of course, this nefarous prez is too tutsi
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsundiatapost.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F11%2Frwanda_kagame_jero me_starkey_0-300x200.jpg&f=1

Apparently there is the "Hamitic" race, which is a dark-skinned sub-category of Caucasians


Note that anytime you are reading about this stuff, and come across "Ashley Montagu" as a scientist who is discounting someone else's work (especially a White guy named Carleton S. Coon), you should know that Montagu is a Jew by the name of Israel Ehrenberg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Montagu

Basically the Jews in academia have been working hard to cover up and obscure the actual science done by Whites on the subject of race. In the Hamitic article, we see:


In the 19th century, European authors classified the Hamitic race as a sub-group of the Caucasian race, along with the Semitic race – thus grouping the non-Semitic populations native to North Africa and the Horn of Africa, including the Ancient Egyptians. According to the Hamitic theory, this "Hamitic race" was superior to or more advanced than Negroid populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. In its most extreme form, in the writings of C. G. Seligman, this theory asserted that virtually all significant achievements in African history were the work of "Hamites" who migrated into central Africa as pastoralists, bringing new customs, languages, technologies and administrative skills with them. In the early 20th century, theoretical models of Hamitic languages and of Hamitic races were intertwined.

These paradigms gradually fell out of favour between the 1960s and 1980s, in large part due to their perceived association with colonial paternalism. Toward the end of the millennium, Hamitic theory received renewed scholarly interest, following the discovery of ancient skeletons in areas where such old "Hamitic" remains were previously assumed to have been mythical or otherwise non-existent. Excavations of cairns associated with the Savanna Pastoral Neolithic culture yielded the skeletons of tall individuals of "Caucasoid" type, whose physical traits appeared to confirm the traditions of Hamitic migrants entering the area.


Ponce's view that there is a lot of hidden scientific and ancient knowledge that the Jews try to cover up, seems accurate...

18th November 2015, 01:07 PM
when I see all the fights caused by clans and tribes (us vs them) I'd rather be a lone wolf with a few very valuable friends who share the same opinion.

Today I have two friends only (one of which is my partner), lost all my european pals due to my conspiracy facts, am about to create a major crisis with my son refuting the islam takeover, and he doesnt want to talk to me anymore (for now)...



Half-White Obama joined the "them" category since he had no choice. Half-White is regarded as Non-White in all societies.

:rolleyes: makes no sense that you bash Whitey here at GSUS so much...