View Full Version : French Government Doing Its Best To Protect Jews Rather Than French

19th November 2015, 02:40 AM
Jewish Leader: French Government Doing Its Best To Protect Jews Rather Than French
November 18, 2015

In the wake of the alleged coordinated terrorist attack in Paris, ostensibly carried out by ISIS and radical Islamic terrorists, the French government is “doing its utmost to protect Jews,” according to a recent article published in The Times of Israel.

Apparently, the French government has been providing the Jewish community residing in France with special military and police protection ever since the so-called Charlie Hebdo attacks, which included an alleged assault on a kosher market in Paris.

The French government, like all Western governments – especially the United States federal government – is more concerned about the interests and well-being of Jews rather than the interests and well-being of their own ethnic population.

Tell me again why it is that Jews get special protection and privileges? Oh yeah, the “Holocaust” and “oppression” and “anti-Semitism.”

Take a look at this incredibly revealing article:

With some 10,000 police and soldiers guarding France’s Jewish community since the murderous January 2015 terrorist attack on Paris’s kosher Hyper Cacher market, the head of a French Jewish organization says the government is protecting French Jewry as fully as possible.

Speaking with The Times of Israel on Tuesday, in the aftermath of the deadly attacks in central Paris, the head of the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France (CRIF) Roger Cukierman said the Jewish community “cannot ask for more than what the government is already doing.”

Cukierman, who along with other French Jewish leaders is accompanied by bodyguards and rides in an armored vehicle, said the Jewish community has been on high alert since January. […]

Founded in 1944, CRIF is an umbrella organization of French Jewish groups, and a member of the World Jewish Congress.

It has a close historical connection to the French authorities, particularly in combating anti-Semitism in France.

Cukierman clarified that the community had not received any specific warning ahead of Friday’s attacks, stressing that Jewish leaders do not receive regular security briefings from the government.

CRIF and the Jewish community’s security wing, the Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), work in close contact with the French security officials in cases in which the French intelligence is tipped off with threats perceived as specific for the Jewish community.

However, with the planned incoming visit of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani this week, the Jewish community was already on edge this weekend, with private individuals warning each other on social media to be alert.

Now residing in Netanya, retired Paris-area police commissioner Sammy Ghozlan told The Times of Israel on Monday that “The intelligence services told us [the Jewish community] that there will be attacks. But again we don’t know where or when.”

Ghozlan, whose personal car was torched outside of his home in 2011, established a liaison organization between French police and the Jewish community 15 years ago called the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism.

The BNVCA was established to alert both French authorities and the Jewish communities of attacks and threats against Jews. Its purview includes sending updates about anti-Semitic attacks to reporters, the police, and its large mailing list. […]

Dispelling rumors that the Jewish community was alerted ahead of Friday’s attack, he said, “The government is unfortunately not informed enough on these matters [to warn the Jewish community]. If they were, they would have prevented the attacks.”

“It is nonsense to believe that there was any specific information that was delivered this weekend” to the Jewish community. He emphasized that this kind of rumor “harms everybody and gives credit to conspiracy theories which are absolutely counter to the truth.”

White man, are you starting understand just how thoroughly cuckolded and traitorous your government is? These Jews have got to go – immediately.

Meanwhile, here in America, following the Paris terrorist attacks we have a leftist author arguing that White Protestant males – rather than radical, hostile non-White terrorists, criminals, and parasites – are the ones that need to be deported in order to address the “real problems facing America.”

Additionally, we have Deborah Lipstadt, the lying, filthy “Holocaust scholar,” telling White people that the best way to stop Islamic terrorism is actually to reach out to Muslims, invite even more into the West, and do our best to “understand” them and their backwards, savage culture.

Never mind shutting down the border, putting a moratorium on all immigration, and deporting non-White alien invaders (particularly illegal Mestizo aliens and Middle Easterners)! We need to “reach out” to the Muslim invaders and “understand” their “grievances” and “struggle.”

19th November 2015, 04:29 AM
Same in this country.

Terror attack = Cha-Ching.

Money goes from Goyim to Chosen ones for "protection".