View Full Version : College students are the new extortionists

21st November 2015, 07:11 AM
competition deep bottom line = when everybody begins to extort everybody...

College students are the new extortionists: Yale students demand $8 million from university… or else
20th November 2015

‘An unaffiliated army of anti-free speech fanatics is circling the drain of diseased Western civilization with a new to the scene nationwide movement of anti-white hatred that recently homed in on and terrorized the campus of the formerly prestigious Yale University.

Once again playing the tired race card in obedience to the mainstream media’s aggressive race-baiting efforts in recent months, angry students of color from a group calling itself “Next Yale” have issued a set of demands backed by threats to Yale president Peter Salovey, whom they are accusing of contributing to “intolerable racism” on the Yale Campus.’..................

The Daily Caller reports that Next Yale stormed the front doorstep of Salovey's home around midnight on Friday the 13th of November to deliver its demands, which include an attempted extortion of $8 million from Yale that the group wants to be handed over to its favorite on-campus extremist groups.

If Salovey doesn't comply with Next Yale's demands by November 18, the terrorist group has threatened to retaliate. Next Yale is also demanding that Yale increase the budget for four on-campus "cultural centers," which include those for Asians, blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans. Next Yale has made no such demands for on-campus cultural centers for Caucasian or European groups, which don't actually exist.

How long will whites capitulate to anti-white racism from cultural left?
Such lunacy falls on the heels of the Mizzou uproar, which again was fueled by anti-white hatred. Campus groups obsessed with race went nuts over a mass delusion involving imaginary Ku Klux Klan members terrorizing students of color at the University of Missouri, a claim that was later debunked as a completely fabricated event, possibly of a false-flag nature.

The mainstream media ran with it, though, and the rest is history – whites everywhere are now supposed to feel incredible guilt over fake racism that doesn't actually exist, except the racist, anti-white groups that, ironically, are making race-based demands and trying to extort university presidents into giving them free money.

It's an absolute joke – all of it – and civilized Americans need to take an immediate and unified stand against this blatant anti-white hatred and extortion ring sweeping our once-great nation. If Yale and other politically correct universities capitulate to this type of madness, it will only escalate, potentially to the point of violence against all people with fairer skin than those perpetrating these anti-free-speech crimes.

"The barbarians are inside the gate," wrote owrote one insightful commenter at the Yale Daily News.

"Yale brought this on itself, by sorely weaking its admission standards, exalting 'diversity' over intelligence, ethnic bean-counting, and allowing its curricula to disintegrate into a useless mess of juvenile programs, degrees, and resources dedicated to racial, ethnic, and gender identity."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/052035_Yale_University_college_students_racist_ext ortion.html#ixzz3s8g6eR9k

21st November 2015, 07:23 AM
Very White Supreeeeeeeemist of you singular_me. Well done.


21st November 2015, 07:23 AM
as predicted here first.....nyc/dc has begun a concerted effort to bring the revolution to the kolligis

discriminatory admissions and financial aid put them in place

21st November 2015, 07:27 AM

21st November 2015, 07:50 AM
Very White Supreeeeeeeemist of you singular_me. Well done.

Why bring in archpope Ratzinger in this discussion?


mick silver
21st November 2015, 08:29 AM
White people reject claims of white privilege, study finds (http://nypost.com/2015/09/30/white-people-reject-claims-of-white-privilege-study-finds/)By

21st November 2015, 08:49 AM
^ ^ ^ Nice "research" there, dickheads. Do ya often begin your "research" with the conclusion rather than a hypothesis, or did you decide to switch it up a little for this particular project?

21st November 2015, 09:00 AM
Website with all the demands located in one central spot. Do not read after consuming food.


I demand that the asshats be required to attend classes 40 hours a week so that they have little energy to "demand" at the end of the week.

21st November 2015, 10:16 AM
I am a human supremacist... thats why I am getting many on my back ;D

Very White Supreeeeeeeemist of you singular_me. Well done.

mick silver
21st November 2015, 10:20 AM
I demand those that have time doing nothing to pick up trash clean streets do something to help the world beside being a bitch ............. I demand that I get free ride and other pay my way

21st November 2015, 10:26 AM
Very White Supreeeeeeeemist of you singular_me. Well done.

Lead us to Whitey victory Goldissima!


21st November 2015, 10:26 AM
Website with all the demands located in one central spot. Do not read after consuming food.


I demand that the asshats be required to attend classes 40 hours a week so that they have little energy to "demand" at the end of the week.
Really this is the long term result of racist quotas for admission. People who are incapable of absorbing a higher education, are failing, thus demands are created to lower standards, or excuse those who are not white. Result= No one leaves university with a higher education, but as political crybabies with "Demands" based on cultural Marxist ideology... Idiocracy!

mick silver
21st November 2015, 10:28 AM
hey singular can a white man get some of that house setting money so he a take a trip around the world . I didn't know house setting paid that well if it does I will stop growing stuff to eat

21st November 2015, 10:37 AM
hey singular can a white man get some of that house setting money so he a take a trip around the world . I didn't know house setting paid that well if it does I will stop growing stuff to eat

I am not paid for house sitting... just a trade... depending on the property, some chores may be involved... but in Feb I will be starting to pay a small rent for a strawbale house because the owner and I have become good friends and she needs some financial support. She is an herbalist and has traveled to peru many times among other things. Paying a rent in this case is more empathic oriented.

21st November 2015, 10:43 AM
hey singular can a white man get some of that house setting money so he a take a trip around the world . I didn't know house setting paid that well if it does I will stop growing stuff to eat
You only have to sit in the house the bankers repossessed from a white middle class man, and post disinformation on Internet forums re archons, Jesuits, Vatican, Royal bloodlines ruling the world. The Jews really isn't the issue, at all...

The work doesn't pay that well, but occasionally for good performers there are promotional trips...

How about it Mick? Stop your pointless competition with weeds and worms and other parasites to toil that land for a pittance. Start working with the parasites instead!

Twisted Titan
21st November 2015, 10:43 AM
The chickens are coming home to roost.

Colleges do nothing but turn out liberal crackpots on the world

Now the parazite is finally starting to consume the host.

Good this is very good indeed

mick silver
21st November 2015, 10:47 AM
a rich man like yourself needs someone like me to watch over your homes around the world as you travel . I will work on the cheap for food an weed
You only have to sit in the house the bankers repossessed from a white middle class man, and post disinformation on Internet forums re archons, Jesuits, Vatican, Royal bloodlines ruling the world. The Jews really isn't the issue, at all...

The work doesn't pay that well, but occasionally for good performers there are promotional trips...

How about it Mick? Stop your pointless competition with weeds and worms and other parasites to toil that land for a pittance. Start working with the parasites instead!

midnight rambler
21st November 2015, 10:53 AM
Many people pay to sit their houses.

Apparently many of you live in a fantasy protected bubble and are unfamiliar with the way things are outside the states.

In most of Latin American you MUST have someone house-sitting (of one's property outside the towns/cities) in your absence OR ELSE you WILL suffer the consequences. Not only is that sort of circumstance here now in the states (with respect to remote property) expect it to get much, much worse.

21st November 2015, 11:01 AM
I am not paid for house sitting... just a trade... depending on the property, some chores may be involved...


Not a very original relationship Goldi.


21st November 2015, 11:04 AM
a rich man like yourself needs someone like me to watch over your homes around the world as you travel . I will work on the cheap for food an weed
I am sorry Mick I am not a banker... You are always welcome though! :)

midnight rambler
21st November 2015, 11:21 AM
Soros furnishes the crack, they smoke it


The list of demands, edited for brevity, include (our favorites in bold):
A mandatory class for everyone, including staff and administrators, about the “historical racial violence of this University and town …”
The immediate firing of UNC President Margaret Spellings because she allegedly referenced “LGBTQIA+” lifestyles as “those lifestyles.”
Abolishment of all standardized testing and its use in college admissions.
Complete dismantling of “athletics industrial complex” and “exploitation of Black men,” effectively ending the men’s basketball and football programs
That “University cafeterias, gym memberships, libraries, and class registration be free to all residents of North Carolina regardless of admittance into the institution.”
Housing and bathrooms that are not segregated by gender.
Collectively-owned housing projects.
Allowing bums to sleep in the school’s public places.
The abolishment of police, both on campus and off, and the implementation of “transformative justice practices.”
The elimination of all tuition and fees, as well as full financial aid for illegal immigrants.
A $25 an hour minimum wage for all Chapel Hill workers, and full benefits for full, part-time, and contracted employees, and similar wages for UNC administrators.
A $25 per hour salary, with benefits, for student athletes.
Free parking and “Go Passes” for everyone.
“Language justice for all workers,” which means “verbal instructions and communication should be made available in addition to written materials for all workers,” according to the document.
A mandate to hire convicted felons whenever possible.
“Equitable funding” for African American, female, and gender studies programs.
Publishing graduation and dropout rates, as well as admissions data – “disaggregated” by gender, race and class – on UNC’s website.
Investigating why black or other minority students leave UNC.
Unlimited free mental health counseling sessions
Divestment of the UNC Management Company from “private jails, prisons and detention centers; Israeli Apartheid; Coal.”
Cancellation of UNC’s contract with Aramark, the food service provider, because the company is allegedly “deeply invested in the expansion of the prison industrial complex” that’s “criminalizing and caging working class Black people.”
A ban on privatizing student stores.
The cancellation of UNC’s contract with Nike and VF Corporation over “deeply exploitative and abusive track records toward workers.”
A mandate to hire black counselors.
The removal of surveillance cameras on the campus’ “white supremacist monuments.”
Removal of the campus’ “Silent Sam” monument and all other “confederate monuments.”
Restricted space on campus for black students to meet.
A plaque denigrating William Saunders, a UNC alum and KKK member honored for his work on the university’s board of trustees.
“Aggressive recruitment of black faculty and faculty of color.”

21st November 2015, 11:58 AM
Soros furnishes the crack, they smoke it


The list of demands, edited for brevity, include (our favorites in bold):
A mandatory class for everyone, including staff and administrators, about the “historical racial violence of this University and town …”
The immediate firing of UNC President Margaret Spellings because she allegedly referenced “LGBTQIA+” lifestyles as “those lifestyles.”
Abolishment of all standardized testing and its use in college admissions.
Complete dismantling of “athletics industrial complex” and “exploitation of Black men,” effectively ending the men’s basketball and football programs
That “University cafeterias, gym memberships, libraries, and class registration be free to all residents of North Carolina regardless of admittance into the institution.”
Housing and bathrooms that are not segregated by gender.
Collectively-owned housing projects.
Allowing bums to sleep in the school’s public places.
The abolishment of police, both on campus and off, and the implementation of “transformative justice practices.”
The elimination of all tuition and fees, as well as full financial aid for illegal immigrants.
A $25 an hour minimum wage for all Chapel Hill workers, and full benefits for full, part-time, and contracted employees, and similar wages for UNC administrators.
A $25 per hour salary, with benefits, for student athletes.
Free parking and “Go Passes” for everyone.
“Language justice for all workers,” which means “verbal instructions and communication should be made available in addition to written materials for all workers,” according to the document.
A mandate to hire convicted felons whenever possible.
“Equitable funding” for African American, female, and gender studies programs.
Publishing graduation and dropout rates, as well as admissions data – “disaggregated” by gender, race and class – on UNC’s website.
Investigating why black or other minority students leave UNC.
Unlimited free mental health counseling sessions
Divestment of the UNC Management Company from “private jails, prisons and detention centers; Israeli Apartheid; Coal.”
Cancellation of UNC’s contract with Aramark, the food service provider, because the company is allegedly “deeply invested in the expansion of the prison industrial complex” that’s “criminalizing and caging working class Black people.”
A ban on privatizing student stores.
The cancellation of UNC’s contract with Nike and VF Corporation over “deeply exploitative and abusive track records toward workers.”
A mandate to hire black counselors.
The removal of surveillance cameras on the campus’ “white supremacist monuments.”
Removal of the campus’ “Silent Sam” monument and all other “confederate monuments.”
Restricted space on campus for black students to meet.
A plaque denigrating William Saunders, a UNC alum and KKK member honored for his work on the university’s board of trustees.
“Aggressive recruitment of black faculty and faculty of color.”
Since when do "progressives" use the term "bums" for homeless people?

Not sure I'm buying this as wholly legitimate. Or is that what they mean by "edited for brevity"... I.E. rewritten with buzzwords aimed at a particular audience?

21st November 2015, 12:05 PM
Colleges do nothing but turn out liberal crackpots on the world

Colleges are too far gone now to save. Even the college I graduated from years ago. They had an all black graduation ceremony, no white students were allowed. Here's the kicker, more blacks graduated than whites.

All that does, is scream to the world that colleges do not want equality. Imagine if Yale decided to have an all white graduation...lol. Heck, colleges don't seem to want to be a melting pot, they want to separate the races.

21st November 2015, 12:10 PM
Restricted space on campus for black students to meet.

Do the rest a favor, give them a restricted space. So, all the blacks go to meet in their "restricted space" and are happy. When they do that, the rest of the school will be come more white, and whites will have their own space too.

Like the inner cities, keep it contained so the rest of the city is safer.

21st November 2015, 12:13 PM
you and neuro are just waste of time... MR saying something realistic about house sitting and you slam me with your DNA/race cynicism. I have seen who you both are a long time ago... two sneaky one banding together. Nice team. And Mick trying to emulate you...

Vonlutary is what it is, regardless of the race

You have NO honor... you have something to learn from shami, even if he and I are polar opposites.

Not a very original relationship Goldi.


21st November 2015, 12:26 PM
Neuro, taking care of animals and often life stock when owner are gone, is extremely satisfying... no parasites in the picture, trust me.

parasitism is cause by the aggression principle pervading in societies.. I found a way to limit its impact in my life WHILE still helping others. keep call it parasitism because you dont get it.

You only have to sit in the house the bankers repossessed from a white middle class man, and post disinformation on Internet forums re archons, Jesuits, Vatican, Royal bloodlines ruling the world. The Jews really isn't the issue, at all...

The work doesn't pay that well, but occasionally for good performers there are promotional trips...

How about it Mick? Stop your pointless competition with weeds and worms and other parasites to toil that land for a pittance. Start working with the parasites instead!

21st November 2015, 12:41 PM
Neuro, taking care of animals and often life stock when owner are gone, is extremely satisfying... no parasites in the picture, trust me.

parasitism is cause by the aggression principle pervading in societies.. I found a way to limit its impact in my life WHILE still helping others. keep call it parasitism because you dont get it.
I asked you before if you were house-sitting bank owned properties... You never answered. And yes I call the bankers parasites. I am glad you don't house sit for them though...

21st November 2015, 01:54 PM
parasitism is cause by the aggression principle pervading in societies.. Nope parasitism is caused by parasites. You see it in nature since beginning of time, it is not caused by any 'aggression principle'. In human societies it is caused by people who don't consider they should do honest work to support themselves, but think it is better to take the fruits of others labor to live a grand life.

21st November 2015, 03:05 PM
Nope parasitism is caused by parasites. You see it in nature since beginning of time, it is not caused by any 'aggression principle'. In human societies it is caused by people who don't consider they should do honest work to support themselves, but think it is better to take the fruits of others labor to live a grand life.

man is not an insect nor an animal.... you do not get it
in human societies, parasitism is the result of fallacies, such as the aggression principle. I could prove it but I cannot spend 2h writing about it. People are programmed to overly focus on their survival, they are non stop in aggression mode, and would use any loopholes left there by the system on purpose. They are made parasites to start with... and also have little understanding about Reality

21st November 2015, 03:14 PM
if you think that with my mindset and world views, Id house sit for a bankster... amazing

I asked you before if you were house-sitting bank owned properties... You never answered. And yes I call the bankers parasites. I am glad you don't house sit for them though...

21st November 2015, 03:56 PM
hey singular can a white man get some of that house setting money so he a take a trip around the world . I didn't know house setting paid that well if it does I will stop growing stuff to eat

Mick, no a white man can't do that. Keep growing food and feeding people. If you don't, monsanto will take over and we'll all be eating GM crap. They may have already, but you are working the earth in God's chosen way. I'll catch you some fish, we can barter.

21st November 2015, 04:04 PM
man is not an insect nor an animal.... you do not get it
in human societies, parasitism is the result of fallacies, such as the aggression principle. I could prove it but I cannot spend 2h writing about it. People are programmed to overly focus on their survival, they are non stop in aggression mode, and would use any loopholes left there by the system on purpose. They are made parasites to start with... and also have little understanding about Reality
Your argument is devoid of reality. There has always been people who on purpose has taken more from society than they have contributed. Man is certainly an animal, belonging to the mammalian group. Where do you get your nonsense from?

22nd November 2015, 11:58 PM

midnight rambler
23rd November 2015, 01:55 AM

Whomever pulled the above out of their ass could probably stand to have the living shit beaten out of 'em for GP so they 'get it'. Then see what they say about being hurt by words vs. actual physical wounds. And I wouldn't mind administering the beating myself.

23rd November 2015, 03:17 AM
if you think that with my mindset and world views, Id house sit for a bankster... amazing
It's almost as if you have set your mind on keeping the Jewishness of the NWO out of discussion...

23rd November 2015, 03:25 PM
It's almost as if you have set your mind on keeping the Jewishness of the NWO out of discussion...

It's the Archons, goyim.