View Full Version : Black activist punched at Donald Trump rally in Birmingham

mick silver
22nd November 2015, 05:14 AM
Black activist punched at Donald Trump rally in Birmingham

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By Jenna Johnson (http://www.washingtonpost.com/people/jenna-johnson) and Mary Jordan (http://www.washingtonpost.com/people/mary-jordan) November 22 at 2:41 AM

A protester is removed by security at a Donald Trump rally on Saturday in Birmingham, Ala. (AP Photo/Eric Schultz)
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- A white man punched and attempted to choke a black protester who was thrown on the ground at a Donald Trump rally in Birmingham on Saturday morning, as an onlooker yelled, "Don't choke him! Don't choke him!"
The protester, identified by local media (http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2015/11/black_protester_attacked_at_do.html) as well-known activist Mercutio Southall Jr., started shouting during Trump's speech and could be heard yelling, "Black lives matter!" A fight broke out around him, prompting Trump to briefly halt the rally and demand removal of Southall.
"Get him the hell out of here, will you please?" Trump said.
The crowd alternated between cheering and booing as security officers pushed their way through the crowd of several thousand. Southall fell to the ground and was surrounded by several white men who appeared to be kicking and punching him, according to video captured by CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/21/politics/trump-muslims-surveillance/index.html). A Washington Post reporter in the crowd watched as one of the men put his hands on Southall's neck, and heard a female onlooker repeatedly shout: "Don't choke him!"
Southall has had many run-ins with the police and has even been arrested as he fights against what he says is unfair treatment of blacks.
Several bystanders were alarmed that Southall would be severely hurt, and the security officers quickly moved to get him off the ground and walk him out of the building. Meanwhile, Trump recounted how Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recently responded to Black Lives Matter activists who came onto the stage of one of his events.
"You see, he was politically correct," Trump said. "Two young women came up to the podium. They took over his microphone. I promise you, that's not going to happen with me. I promise you. Never going to happen. Not going to happen. Can't let that stuff happen."
The racially charged altercation happened in Birmingham, famous in the 1960s as a center of the civil rights’ struggle, and led some to note that Trump’s supporters attending the rally were nearly all white in a city with a majority of black people. Trump critics and rivals have said that he is stoking racial tension. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush said some of Trump's anti-Islam comments are "manipulating people's angst and their fears."

Sanders, in an address at Georgetown University last week, said of Trump: "People should not be using the political process to inject racism into the debate."
[Conservative suspicions of refugees grow in wake of Paris attacks (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/conservative-suspicions-of-refugees-grow-in-wake-of-paris-attacks/2015/11/15/ed553664-8baa-11e5-acff-673ae92ddd2b_story.html)]
Before the fight broke out, Trump had already warned the audience that Islamic State fighters might recruit their children online and called for an impenetrable wall along the southern border, prompting the crowd to chant: Build a wall! Build a wall! Build a wall! In his nearly hour-long speech, Trump listed graphic details of murders committed by people who had entered the country illegally, promised to bar Syrian refugees from living in the United States because they might be terrorists and called for heavy surveillance of "certain mosques."
[Donald Trump calls for heavy surveillance of "certain mosques" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/11/21/donald-trump-says-he-absolutely-wants-a-database-of-syrian-refugees/)]
"I want surveillance of these people that are coming in, the Trojan horse. I want to know who the hell they are," Trump said. “I don't want the people from Syria coming in, because we don't know who they are. We don't know who they are. And I don't want them coming in."
Trump also said he watched as "thousands and thousands of people" cheered the fall of the World Trade Center on 9/11, which gave the impression that he was talking about Muslims being happy that so many Americans died. Officials have repeatedly debunked rumors that Muslims in New Jersey were celebrating the attacks at that time.
Up until this week, when protests erupted at Trump rallies reporters were free to venture into the crowd to witness and document what was happening. But starting on Wednesday, Trump's campaign manager began to forcefully block reporters from leaving a designated media area during Trump's speeches, restrictions that reporters have challenged. CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond attempted to watch the whole speech from the audience, allowing him to record the fight that broke out. But soon after, Trump's staff spotted him and forced him back into the media area they call "the pen." A Washington Post reporter in the crowd also witnessed part of the altercation.

From the media area, reporters strained to see what was happening but could only see commotion in the sea of people, followed by at least two protesters being escorted out of the rally. As Diamond's video circulated on social media on Saturday night, some of Trump's most vocal supporters took to Twitter to call the protesters "thugs," "Dem plants" and a variety of obscene names. Several wrote that the protesters opened themselves up to the possibility the violence by attending the rally and accused Southall of starting the altercation. They also cast these protesters as violent extremists and pointed to media reports (http://www.masslive.com/news/worcester/index.ssf/2015/11/protester_arrested_at_donald_t.html) that one of the hecklers arrested at a Trump rally in Massachusetts a few days earlier had once been convicted of trying to bomb a Marine recruiting center.
[Nine things that happened during Donald Trump's rally in Worcester (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/11/18/nine-things-that-happened-during-donald-trumps-visit-to-worcester/)]
Southall told the AL.com news site (http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2015/11/black_protester_attacked_at_do.html) that the commotion started as he started recording himself and other protesters, and saying he wanted "Donald Trump to know he's not welcome here." Southall said someone knocked the phone out of his hand and called him a racial slur. Then there was pushing and punches started flying, Southall told the news site.
On stage, Trump had been bragging about his high poll numbers, noting that rival Ben Carson is "dropping like a rock" in early polls and announcing that he's "winning big" in Alabama. Trump grew agitated as the commotion took up more and more of his rally time and reporters shifted their focus.
"You know, you have one guy over there shouting," Trump said. "We have thousands of people -- and you'll read about him tomorrow. They'll say: 'Oh, the room had a picket.' Get him the hell out of here, will you please?"

mick silver
22nd November 2015, 05:16 AM
There that poor man was, minding his own business, and those whites just lost their minds.

22nd November 2015, 05:19 AM
LOL Choke him? You'ld need a hand the size of a toilet seat for that...

22nd November 2015, 05:22 AM
on nyc/dc payroll

mick silver
22nd November 2015, 07:03 AM
Black Power Racist Crashes TRUMP Rally… What Happened Next Had Crowd CHEERING (http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2015/11/21/black-power-racist-crashes-trump-rally-what-happened-next-had-crowd-cheering/)

22nd November 2015, 10:53 AM
He could have handled things differently...



mick silver
22nd November 2015, 01:10 PM
Mercutio Southall: 'I got punched in the face, I got punched in the neck, I got kicked in the chest' Author: By Jeremy Diamond CNN

Published: Nov 22 2015 10:22:15 AM CST Updated On: Nov 22 2015 12:43:00 PM CST

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Protester describes violent confrontation at Trump event
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BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (CNN) - Donald Trump suggested Sunday the half-dozen white attendees at his campaign rally on Saturday may have reacted appropriately when they shoved, tackled, punched and kicked a black protester who disrupted his speech.
"Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing," Trump said Sunday morning on Fox News, less than 24 hours after his campaign said it "does not condone" the physical altercation.
Trump was not asked by the Fox News hosts about the comments made by his campaign.
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The protester, 31-year-old Black Lives Matter activist Mercutio Southall, said the attendees who attacked him also called him and two fellow protestors "monkeys" and the N-word. He told CNN he was "swarmed" by attendees at the Trump event after he and the others began chanting "Dump the Trump" and "Black Lives Matter" during the Republican front-runner's speech to several thousand supporters.
The slurs cannot be heard on the video CNN recorded of the incident, and the network was unable to independently confirm them.
Trump had warned in August after Black Lives Matter activists disrupted a Bernie Sanders campaign event that if the movement's activists protested one of his events, they would have a fight on their hands.
"That will never happen with me," Trump said after Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, let Black Lives Matter activists take over one of his events.
"I don't know if I'll do the fighting myself, or if other people will," Trump said then.
As Southall took blows on Saturday, Trump tried to press on with his stump speech, but paused to remark at the apparent disruption and said, "Get 'em the hell out of here."
Southall, who said his grandparents crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge in the historic march from Selma to Montgomery, compared the experience to facing a "lynch mob."
"I got punched in the face, I got punched in the neck. I got kicked in the chest. Kicked in the stomach. Somebody stepped on my hand," Southall said, describing his injuries in a phone call with CNN late Saturday.
Southall said the man in a blue-checkered shirt who appears to take a fighting stance in CNN's video of the altercation also choked him while he was on the ground. Southall said the choking only stopped when he punched the man in the groin.
A woman in the video can be heard shouting, "Don't choke him, don't choke him, don't choke him."
Southall and two other activists, including Carlos Havers of the National Action Network, entered the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex with tickets to Trump's rally after police outside the event moved their planned protest with a dozen other activists away from the entrance to the campaign event.
The plan, Southall and Havers said, was to protest the rhetoric Trump engages in on the campaign trail -- rhetoric that the two believe incited the violence they faced on Saturday.
"When you have a candidate going around spewing hatred and racism, that's to be expected," Havers said of the physical altercation. "He was really inciting the entire thing."
Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks told CNN on Saturday that "the campaign does not condone this behavior."
She declined to elaborate on Trump's reaction to the confrontation.
It is unlikely Trump could see the confrontation unfold from his vantage point on the stage, but was reacting to the apparent presence of protesters.
Still, Southall and Havers said they hold Trump responsible for how they were treated at the campaign event.
"He does condone it because he was the one saying, 'Yeah, get them out of here.' He was the one telling the supporters to do what they needed to to get them out of here," Havers said. "We want an apology from Donald Trump himself. We want him to sit down with us and explain why he did what he did and why's he's going around the country spewing hatred and racism."
Southall said he intends to press charges against those who assaulted him at the event, and said the police officers who escorted him out of the event at no point asked him if he wished to do so. He also said they did not offer medical attention.
"They were too busy trying to get me the f--- out of there. They weren't trying to be nothing but just getting me the f--- out of there. That was their whole concern," Southall said of the police officers who escorted him out of the event several minutes into the altercation between Southall and the half-dozen attendees.
Birmingham Police Lt. Sean Edwards, the department's public information officer, told CNN on Saturday that Southall did not require medical attention and did not ask to press charges.
Edwards said the department tried to contact him later Saturday at several numbers but could not reach him.
Edwards said his officers "didn't see" the violent confrontation take place, but said Southall is welcome to file a police report and press charges.
"I would be a little cautious with Mercutio Southall," Edwards added. "He has been an agitator from day one. Mercutio is always the agitator."
Speaking on the campaign trail, Trump has repeatedly touted his strong relationship with minorities, from Hispanics to African-Americans -- noting that he is assured victory in the general election if he can win the African-American vote.
But Trump's controversial comments about racial and religious minorities -- from Hispanics to, more recently, Muslims -- have strained his relationship with people of color.
Trump kicked off his campaign by calling Mexican immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally "criminals" and "rapists" and lately has said he would either shut down or launch surveillance operations targeting mosques, and has appeared open to establishing a database for all Muslims in the U.S.
Southall, a father to three sons, said he was disheartened by the experience and said he hoped publicity around the incident could help serve as a wake-up call in a country that he said has ignored racial divides for far too long.
"This is the ugly truth of America. It was there like literally and figuratively in black and white. We saw it. We see it daily," Southall said. "It shows what kind of America we live in now and what kind of America it will be with Trump at the helm."

Copyright 2015 by CNN NewSource (http://www.cnn.com/). All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

22nd November 2015, 01:45 PM
What- they couldn't find a river for the big fella to take a swim?

If I had to deal with an unruly massive beast like that, he would be suffering from alot more than alleged chokes.

22nd November 2015, 02:00 PM
What- they couldn't find a river for the big fella to take a swim?

If I had to deal with an unruly massive beast like that, he would be suffering from alot more than alleged chokes.

About 60 years ago there was a joke going around about a nigger somewhere in one of the southern states who raped a white girl. He was found wrapped in chain and drowned in the river. The local sheriff declared it was suicide. "That boy stole more chain than he could swim with." Perhaps it was true.

22nd November 2015, 02:18 PM
Mercutio Southall: 'I got punched in the face, I got punched in the neck, I got kicked in the chest'

All legal in Knock Out Game TM when playing Alabama rules.

22nd November 2015, 10:09 PM
All legal in Knock Out Game TM when playing Alabama rules.

then why no kicks to the head? thought that was mandatory :confused:

22nd November 2015, 10:52 PM
Working class Whites are fast tiring of incessant whining from Shitskins:
