View Full Version : Head of Trump SuperPAC accidentally admits the Donald’s rallies are only for white p

23rd November 2015, 05:06 PM
Topics: CNN (http://www.salon.com/topic/cnn), Carol Costello (http://www.salon.com/topic/carol_costello), robert kiger (http://www.salon.com/topic/robert_kiger), Elections 2016 (http://www.salon.com/topic/elections_2016), Donald Trump (http://www.salon.com/topic/donald_trump), Racism (http://www.salon.com/topic/racism), Elections News (http://www.salon.com/category/elections/), News (http://www.salon.com/category/news/), Politics News (http://www.salon.com/category/politics/)
http://media.salon.com/2015/11/robert-kiger-cnn-614x412.jpg (http://media.salon.com/2015/11/robert-kiger-cnn.jpg)
Robert Kiger, the head of the Donald Trump-supporting SuperPAC Citizens for Restoring USA (http://www.restoringusa.org/), told CNN’s Carol Costello on Monday that members of the #BlackLivesMatter movement “don’t really” have a right to protest at Donald Trump rallies for the same reason that “I wouldn’t go into a black church and start screaming “white lives matter!'”

The pair were speaking about the unfortunate incident at a Trump rally in Birmingham, Alabama over the weekend in which a #BlackLivesMatter protester was set upon by attendees (http://www.salon.com/2015/11/23/donald_trumps_white_fascist_brigade_his_rallies_ar e_now_a_safe_space_for_racism/). The logic behind Kiger’s remark is as telling as it is repulsive — namely, that just as Donald Trump rallies are for white people and the #BlackLivesMatter movement isn’t welcome, black churches are for black people and those who would scream “white lives matter!” aren’t welcome.


Kiger kept on trying to say that “people are trying to elect a president,” but Costello kept pressing him for the reason why he wouldn’t yell “white lives matter” in a black church. “Are you afraid people would beat you up?” she asked.

“Yes, I know I’d get beat up,” he replied.

“Really? In a black church?” she asked, suggesting that he has a low estimation of the behavior of black churchgoers.
“If I came in and started interrupting the sermon, yes, I’m afraid I’d at least get thrown out and roughed up,” he said.

Kiger added that unlike the hypothetical, violent black parishioners who populate his head, Donald Trump has “gone out of his way to be polite” to those who protest his events, but “enough is enough. We’re trying to elect the next president of the United States here. [The #BlackLivesMatter protesters] don’t really have a cause they’re trying to bring to the forefront.”

“Being in Birmingham, Alabama, going in and disrupting that thing, that’s no place for #BlackLivesMatter to try to bring their issues to the forefront” — because as everyone knows, there’s no historical precedent for protesting against racial injustice affiliated with Birmingham, Alabama (https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html).
Watch the entire interview via Mediaite (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/trump-super-pac-head-im-sick-and-tired-of-the-black-lives-matter-thing/).

23rd November 2015, 05:07 PM
Thought Trump didn"t have a super pac?

midnight rambler
23rd November 2015, 05:09 PM
Thought Trump didn"t have a super pac?

Anyone can form a super pac.

midnight rambler
23rd November 2015, 05:10 PM
Head of Trump SuperPAC accidentally admits the Donald’s rallies are only for white people

Also confessed he thinks he'd get beat up at a black church, so black people should expect same at Trump rallies

Robert Kiger, the head of the Donald Trump-supporting SuperPAC Citizens for Restoring USA, told CNN’s Carol Costello on Monday that members of the #BlackLivesMatter movement “don’t really” have a right to protest at Donald Trump rallies for the same reason that “I wouldn’t go into a black church and start screaming “white lives matter!'”

The pair were speaking about the unfortunate incident at a Trump rally in Birmingham, Alabama over the weekend in which a #BlackLivesMatter protester was set upon by attendees. The logic behind Kiger’s remark is as telling as it is repulsive — namely, that just as Donald Trump rallies are for white people and the #BlackLivesMatter movement isn’t welcome, black churches are for black people and those who would scream “white lives matter!” aren’t welcome.

Source? Who came up with this nonsense?

mick silver
23rd November 2015, 05:12 PM
Is this any thing like cutting your own neck with a knife . why would he do that are is this made up

23rd November 2015, 05:13 PM
Source? Who came up with this nonsense?

No shit I need to put links, sometimes they are automatic and sometimes not.

http://www.salon.com/2015/11/23/head_of_trump_superpac_accidentally_admits_the_don alds_rallies_are_only_for_white_people/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

midnight rambler
23rd November 2015, 05:20 PM
Hate spun by the lovers of the Wicked Witch of the West, who we all know are fucking psychotic.

mick silver
23rd November 2015, 05:28 PM
After all, the Statue of Liberty says "Give us your tired, your poor, your mostly Christians..."