View Full Version : Hillary Clinton would lose to every Republican candidate tested

24th November 2015, 03:14 PM
Hillary Clinton would lose to every Republican candidate tested, according to a new Fox News poll. The Democrat frontrunner loses outright against six possible Republican candidates. Clinton and a seventh possible GOP candidate, businesswoman Carly Fiorina, split the vote with 42 percent each. Clinton trails all other candidates, never receiving more than 43 percent of the vote in the survey, released (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/interactive/2015/11/20/fox-news-poll-2016-matchups-syrian-refugees/) Sunday.

As recently as June, Hillary Clinton polled ahead of all possible GOP challengers. Her poll reversal is likely related to two factors; a significant drop in the voters who think she is honest and a renewed concern over terrorism and strong disagreement in the country with President Obama’s anti-terrorism efforts.

Terrorism tops the economy as the number one concern of voters, no doubt a result of the recent attacks in Paris. Almost two-thirds of Americans believe the U.S. is at “war” with radical Islam and 63 percent of voters say we are doing “badly” in that war.

The public still opposes deploying a “significant” number of American ground troops into the Middle East, but a strong majority, 65 percent, doesn’t think President Obama has been aggressive enough in countering ISIS and radical Islam. Almost 70 percent of voters oppose President Obama’s plan to resettle 10,000 refugees from the Syrian civil war in the United States.

Hillary Clinton’s tenure as President Obama’s first Secretary of State and her support of most of the President’s Middle East policies is a drag on her candidacy, given unsettling developments around the world. At the same time, voters increasingly view her as dishonest.

Almost 60 percent of voters say Clinton isn’t honest, while only 38 percent say she is honest. Those ratings are far worse than any other candidate tested. Donald Trump is the only other candidate who, like Clinton, is upside down on this measurement. Trump’s numbers have improved through the course of the campaign, as the number of voters viewing him as dishonest has dropped. Clinton’s rating on honesty, meanwhile, has dropped through the campaign.

The Republican nomination is settling into a 4-person race among Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Sens. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Trump continues to lead the pack by a wide margin, slightly increasing his support in the past two weeks. Carson has shed some support, with the main beneficiaries being Cruz and Rubio.

Trump has 28 percent support, followed by Ben Carson with 18 percent. Rubio and Cruz are tied for third, with 14 percent support each. All other Republican candidates have 5 percent support or less in the poll.

The first votes in the Republican nomination contest are just 2 months away. Candidates running against the party establishment still command 60 percent support of Republican voters. The top establishment candidate, Marco Rubio, has just 14 percent support.

The Republican party establishment is near panic that a conservative outsider will capture its nomination. Given Hillary Clinton’s standing in the polls, however, it is the Democrat party that should be near panic.