24th November 2015, 05:52 PM
I know of no better example of how degenerate our race has become in losing all sense of self-preservation. This cuckold seems to be very strangely unaffected by his wife's murder and completely unaware that his wife was the victim of a one-sided race war.
Exodus 21:12
"Anyone who strikes a person with a fatal blow is to be put to death.
Leviticus 24:17
"'Anyone who takes the life of a human being is to be put to death.
Numbers 35:16
"'If anyone strikes someone a fatal blow with an iron object, that person is a murderer; the murderer is to be put to death.
Numbers 35:31
"'Do not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer, who deserves to die. They are to be put to death.
Deuteronomy 27:24
"Cursed is anyone who kills their neighbor secretly." Then all the people shall say, "Amen!"
Exodus 21:12
"Anyone who strikes a person with a fatal blow is to be put to death.
Leviticus 24:17
"'Anyone who takes the life of a human being is to be put to death.
Numbers 35:16
"'If anyone strikes someone a fatal blow with an iron object, that person is a murderer; the murderer is to be put to death.
Numbers 35:31
"'Do not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer, who deserves to die. They are to be put to death.
Deuteronomy 27:24
"Cursed is anyone who kills their neighbor secretly." Then all the people shall say, "Amen!"