View Full Version : The Metamorphosis of Becoming What You Hate

28th November 2015, 07:58 AM
The Metamorphosis of Becoming What You Hate:


28th November 2015, 08:19 AM
U.S. Aid to Israel:


Thanks for posting this video BagelBob. Kinda sad that you are forbidden to post stuff about jew parasites over at your GIM2 forum and must post it here.


28th November 2015, 08:46 AM
Thanks for posting this video BagelBob. Kinda sad that you are forbidden to post stuff about jew parasites over at your GIM2 forum and must post it here.


Oh BooJew, again your flawed testimonies are filled with fallacy & error.

You have, IMO been fully assimulated by the Zionists & their scheme, you have mestastized into one of them. You have, from observation, become what you reportedly hate! In fact, based upon your numerous behaviors, I would not be surprised to learn that your mission is to disrupt any discussions that your masters have deemed to be unacceptable to their plans.

I have observed you constantly attack various members of this August forum when they bring information of substance to the forefront. Info that you and several others immediately attack in guard dog like fashion. And when the info cannot be attacked, you resort to attacking the OP & anyone that begins credible discussion on the subject matter. And when that has little force or effect, the clicke of would be followers join in to drown out both the OP & the subject matter info and/or message.

You and your coven engage in carefully manipulating content on thos site !in such a way that it must follow your narratives & memes. And when it doesnt, you set out to destroy the content and the OP ....

Hmmm, why is that?

When I was invited to join this forum in 2012, there were some very astute posters that provided some very valuable thought provoking commentary. Most of them are no longer active on these boards... Why is that?

mick silver
28th November 2015, 09:22 AM
http://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/shutterstock_1368305511-998x666.jpg (http://thefederalist.com/2015/09/09/expel-people-who-demand-trigger-warnings/)

28th November 2015, 09:27 AM
Hmmm, why is that?

When I was invited to join this forum in 2012, there were some very astute posters that provided some very valuable thought provoking commentary. Most of them are no longer active on these boards... Why is that?

Practically every member here at GSUS was perma-banned at your GIM2 forum. Recently, you perma-banned Hoarder who had been a member at GIM for ten years. You yourself remain an active "GIM Founding Member & Mod" over there and yet here you are at GSUS during the holidays badmouthing our "ignorant white trash parasite" GSUS membership.

Hmmm, Why is that?

:rolleyes: drinking during the holidays again BagelBob?

28th November 2015, 11:27 AM
Practically every member here at GSUS was perma-banned at your GIM2 forum. Recently, you perma-banned Hoarder who had been a member at GIM for ten years. You yourself remain an active "GIM Founding Member & Mod" over there and yet here you are at GSUS during the holidays badmouthing our "ignorant white trash parasite" GSUS membership.

Hmmm, Why is that?

:rolleyes: drinking during the holidays again BagelBob?

You think your clever at Heglian Dialect, but your not... the ONLY contribution you supply to this forum that I can observe is disruption & spreading Zionist filth.... And my reference to "ignorant white trash parasites" was a specfic reference, and not a general reference to the respectable members of this forum.

Once again, you deflect responsibility for your actions, for it was you whom initiated this entire chain of events with your unwarranted & unsolicited accusations, disinformation, misinformation, disruptions & lies ... I was, as I have often done for the previous 3 yrs just dropping in to observe and possibly participate in some interesting discussion.... and BTW, I do visit & participate in several other forums around net...

It is not I whom disrespect the forum & its members, but rather you and your misguided interpretations that manifest in capricious & arbitrary ad hominen attacks.

Your just a sad little lost peon with a bad opinion of yourself!

28th November 2015, 01:49 PM
You think your clever at Heglian Dialect, but your not... the ONLY contribution you supply to this forum that I can observe is spreading Zionist filth.

OMG. I thought you were just lonely drunk during the holidays and trolling. I had no idea you are actually working for the ADL now.


28th November 2015, 02:12 PM
BagelBob is having a wild Turkey thanksgiving...

mick silver
28th November 2015, 02:24 PM
http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/461978343.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=B53F616F4B95E553A5CC434A1E405F1D91E1D81D85630AEA 53032687315FA79D

28th November 2015, 03:02 PM
BagelBob is having a wild Turkey thanksgiving...

Actually, that's pretty funny!;)

28th November 2015, 03:12 PM
BagelBob is having a wild Turkey thanksgiving...


Appears that BagelBob is gonna troll us for longer than just this holiday weekend. Poor lonely bastard is just seeking attention. If he isn't going to regularly go to his AA Meetings let's at least keep him off the streets drunk driving. Let's offer to provide him with his own dedicated GSUS internet call-in program entitled "ASK A DRUNK GIM FOUNDING MEMBER & MOD ANYTHING HOUR". He can yack about gold and silver and the Constitution. Warn goyim about the evil jew problem.

I'm gonna PM our dear leader JQP and see if we can make this happen. Hell, we can have a fund drive to get it going. Should increase our GSUS internet traffic while keeping a drunk off our streets. Win-win for everyone.

:D hope Scorpio and Skyvike sign his contract release form

28th November 2015, 03:18 PM
It is one's absolute right to dislike another group of people and in which case only "live and let live" can address. With hatred comes enslavement... and it is very obvious today in the news.

But even before the jews it was like that, however 2000 ago, there were no jews ruling china, and even in the present time. Or look at the celtic culture at the time of the barbarians, it ALREADY was like that.

ALL PTBs need hatred to sustain their power and as a result we become what they want us to be: beasts of destruction and end up doing the job for them. Any PTB will therefore easily subscribe to central banking.

Power is satanic, period.

28th November 2015, 03:20 PM
It is one's absolute right to dislike another group of people and in which case only "live and let live" can address. With hatred comes enslavement... and it is very obvious today in the news.

But even before the jews it was like that, however 2000 ago, there were no jews in china ruling the country. Or look at the celtic culture at the time of the barbarians, it ALREADY was like that.

ALL PTB need hatred to sustain their power and as a result we become what they want us to be: beasts of destruction and end up doing the job for them.

Power is satanic, period.

The people in power want you to Love, not Hate.

If the plebs Hated, they wouldn't be push overs and easy to Cuck like they are now.

28th November 2015, 03:26 PM
The people in power want you to Love, not Hate.

sure since they claim to do everything for our own good... more cynical than that, hard to find

good cannot be commanded...

28th November 2015, 04:09 PM
Power is satanic, period.

You don't approve of BagelBob perma-banning many of us over at GIM2? His power as a GIM2 Mod to perma-ban is actually "satanic"?


28th November 2015, 04:21 PM
sure since they claim to do everything for our own good... more cynical than that, hard to find

good cannot be commanded...

Establishment Organization called F*CK H8:


http://s7.postimg.org/q02640rsr/1433614894147.jpg (http://postimage.org/)


http://s7.postimg.org/5olq3za2j/1441826527484.png (http://postimage.org/)

Who is telling us Hate is the problem singular_me?
http://s7.postimg.org/k97ecjuez/1441307252164.png (http://postimg.org/image/9z4zdb4jb/full/)

28th November 2015, 05:38 PM
I see what you mean shami... but it is all about dualism

enforcing good = evil
Good has to be motivated by an individual deep comprehension of the problem, and when it does Love wins over. We are far from that. But fueling the fire by increasing the divides is like shooting oneself in the foot.

and if most people cannot see the problem with POWER... the definition of good vs hatred (aggression vs non aggression principle) is illusory and vain to define, and in which case both sides of the spectrum will regard each other as the cause of evil, and will commit evil.

Dualism is the mirror of each other side. Truth LIES in the middle. Good CANNOT be enforced. It is a Natural Law that we cannot bypass or ignore.

People advocating for "non enforcement of good" spread more peace than those initiating the "us vs them"

28th November 2015, 06:02 PM
Truth LIES in the middle.

The truth is the truth. It's wherever it needs to be, whether it paints a pretty picture, a disgusting picture, or it makes absolutely no fucking sense.

Good CANNOT be enforced.

Before Jews won, and After Jews won:


There's a way to deal with Evil.


We just have to actually do it for reals this time.

It is a Natural Law that we cannot bypass or ignore.
The Natural Law is we deal with this parasite, or we die. There is no middle ground there.


People advocating for "non enforcement of good" spread more peace than those initiating the "us vs them"

The non-enforcement of Good:


What you're calling for is the end of Civilization and humanity. You're calling for the complete extinction of our species.

You fight to survive, or you go extinct. That's how nature works.

The Jew views everything as Us Vs. Them. Every other race does this, BUT White people, which is why the White race is going extinct.

It's why you can be an author in White countries, and sell books to White people brainwashed with White Guilt to seek "Love" as the answer.

28th November 2015, 06:14 PM
man is not an animal... and thats where we both beg to differ...

competition for survival leads man to his downfall and that where the NWO is taking us

yes the NON enforcement of evil lies in the middle of both sides of the spectrum

marxism is the enforcement of good for a greater good = genocides

28th November 2015, 06:19 PM
man is not an animal... and thats where we both beg to differ...

competition for survival leads man to his downfall and that where the NWO is taking us

yes the NON enforcement of evil lies in the middle of both sides of the spectrum

marxism is the enforcement of good for a greater good = genocides

Why aren't humans animals?

28th November 2015, 06:29 PM
Why aren't humans animals?

because they/we have the dominion over nature, so when they believe they are animals, they ALTER/DESTROY nature. Animals cannot, are not able to do this. Only Man.

discussing good vs evil without defining what entails being a human being, is vain and futile... completely fruitless.

28th November 2015, 06:29 PM
A lot of non-human animals are much smarter than we give them credit...


Humans are just at the top of the food chain. It's a bit arrogant to think we are so special that we are in our own class though isn't it?

28th November 2015, 09:26 PM
Can we all get get a bong?


29th November 2015, 08:31 AM
Humans are just at the top of the food chain. It's a bit arrogant to think we are so special that we are in our own class though isn't it?

the TV series Vikings was very likely correct about the nordic savagery ... nothing has changed. Savagery has no jewish origins. It is generational and poly cultural: you attack me so I attack you. The NWO is just exploiting this fact to death, literally. The blame game will not help but taking responsibility.

top of food chain = NWO regards it this way too.. and this mindset is which that brought us on the brink. When blacks began to be imported, many whites didnt stand up against this policy because they regarded blacks as inferior and a booming economy was all what mattered... and now look at the situation: we all are treated like cattle regardless of the race and IQ.

there is nothing arrogant in believing we are better than animals, because when we do, we begin to respect nature and use our dominance over her PEACEFULLY. The fear of self destruction (by individual awareness not relying on group think) becomes a positive motion benefiting the Whole. Fear becomes positive under such a circumstance. Collectivist/Group fear is the most dreadful.

Peace will never be the result of dominance but not allowing fear to freeze our minds, peace is the result of using ones brain better, by stretching it. There is a solution in this mess, and which would imply that whites/blacks/whatever group has its own state(s). But people are so dumbed down and kept in such a state of fear that they dont see that self segregation is the best solution.

Self segregation is about live and let live, or LOVE.

Contrary to what most people think Love is not about hugging others continually... but finding resolutions that are the least harmful that respect free will. Anybody grasping the deep implications of a lack of free will (which power destroys) LOVES humanity.

29th November 2015, 03:47 PM
the TV series Vikings was very likely correct about the nordic savagery ...
Yes of course, if you saw it on Jew TV it must be true. These savages sailed half the world 500 years prior to Columbus and Magellan. They colonized Greenland (prior to the Eskimo's), and Iceland, England, Ireland, Shettland and North of France, Russia. They were employed as life guards for the Emperor of Rome in Constantinopel. They beat and dispersed the Khazarian Jews (maybe that is why you are going after them?)

Now I expect you to mention the savagery of the Vikings at least a dozen times, cause you think you have found the key to making me upset, just continue to ignore the evidence against your ignorance. And continue to push our buttons. :)

mick silver
29th November 2015, 03:52 PM
and I wish you would not put down my family ... I am Viking

29th November 2015, 04:16 PM
the TV series Vikings was very likely correct about the nordic savagery

Skyrim is more likely...

Narrated by an actual Viking:


Funny shit

29th November 2015, 04:20 PM
and I wish you would not put down my family ... I am Viking

You are Vi, I am King.

30th November 2015, 05:56 AM
Violence and savagery have been spread by all cultures and this is well documented. All cultures have invaded one another. The "i am holier than thou' holds no water. There is no justification for any mass killing. Thinking that there is one is what perpetuates it, and we become what/who we hate.

violence is not (essentially) a jewish trait. I am not saying that the storyline of the vikings is correct but its barbarian times that were prevailing throughout europe. Even Attila and his hordes have been pictured as very cruel.

Large scale cruelty is an induced human trait as it often the result of following orders. Collectivism.

Viking Invasions of Europe
invasion of england

why do humans so easily follow orders to go kill others? This question is vital to change the world

not surprised that you take it personally... thats a faulty impression benefiting the NWO to draw us into the mother of all wars.

I look at violence from a philosophical POV, not racial nor cultural (because we find it everywhere), the only way to address it. Because we still are barbarians... only the means of destruction, the Art of killing, have changed... and we'd better get that very quickly as time is running out

I am quite well versed in the study of violence and its deep psychic origins which spring from the Fear of Being, not being able to make sense of Man's Life Purpose. And of course the death cult is banking on keeping the whole planet into barbarian mode, using this Fear of Being.

Yes of course, if you saw it on Jew TV it must be true. These savages sailed half the world 500 years prior to Columbus and Magellan. They colonized Greenland (prior to the Eskimo's), and Iceland, England, Ireland, Shettland and North of France, Russia. They were employed as life guards for the Emperor of Rome in Constantinopel. They beat and dispersed the Khazarian Jews (maybe that is why you are going after them?)

Now I expect you to mention the savagery of the Vikings at least a dozen times, cause you think you have found the key to making me upset, just continue to ignore the evidence against your ignorance. And continue to push our buttons. :)

30th November 2015, 06:09 AM
violence has been spread by all cultures and this is well documented. All cultures have invaded one another.

So "violence" as you put it, is a natural human trait then.

Your desire for some non-violent utopian future is nothing but a fantasy.

You fail to graps the concept that humans have an inbuilt desire to survive.

Sometimes they fight, sometimes they take flight and other times they remain imobile in the hope that their attacker will leave them alone. In all cases the will to survive is what matters.

Only in one case, violent action, can you garauntee to rid yourself of your oppresor. Every other action will either render you prone to continued predation (flight) or passively accept your oppresors attacks.

Violence is necessary for survival. Any other opinion is reached at through a complete a lack experience in this situation (you have never had your lifethreatened have you :rolleyes:) or total innability to accept the reality of this situation.

Either way, if you believe non-violence will ever be attainable your views are grossly naive and foolishly myopic. o)(~

30th November 2015, 06:51 AM
sure, agenda 21 is then necessary... me an utopian?

thinking that way is utterly immoral... killing will forever remain wrong

you didnt read me til the end. Violence is not an human trait but induced to benefit whatever elites exploiting the fear of being of populaces.

Foolishly myopic when now weapons can destroy earth in a few minutes? It is like saying kamikaze mode for all ???


leave me with my utopia... your train of thought justifies large scale murders while the means of killing have grown exponentially... time to think about it if one is serious about self survival. More knowledge = more peaceful ways to resolve conflicts will have to be found

So "violence" as you put it, is a natural human trait then.

Your desire for some non-violent utopian future is nothing but a fantasy.

You fail to graps the concept that humans have an inbuilt desire to survive.

Sometimes they fight, sometimes they take flight and other times they remain imobile in the hope that their attacker will leave them alone. In all cases the will to survive is what matters.

Only in one case, violent action, can you garauntee to rid yourself of your oppresor. Every other action will either render you prone to continued predation (flight) or passively accept your oppresors attacks.

Violence is necessary for survival. Any other opinion is reached at through a complete a lack experience in this situation (you have never had your lifethreatened have you :rolleyes:) or total innability to accept the reality of this situation.

Either way, if you believe non-violence will ever be attainable your views are grossly naive and foolishly myopic. o)(~

30th November 2015, 07:03 AM
sure, agenda 21 is then necessary... me an utopian?

thinking that way is utterly immoral... killing will forever remain wrong

you didnt read me til the end. Violence is not an human trait but induced to benefit whatever elites.

Foolishly myopic when now weapons can destroy earth in a few minutes? It is like saying kamikaze mode for all ???

Sorry humans have a sympathetic nervous system, that is there to protect us, fight and/or flight response is hard wired into us. Your responses here suggests you have a very active sympathetic nervous system overwhelming your cortical brain very often.

Probably getting regular chiropractic adjustments could help you calm down mentally...

30th November 2015, 07:12 AM
Sorry humans have a sympathetic nervous system, that is there to protect us, fight and/or flight response is hard wired into us. Your responses here suggests you have a very active sympathetic nervous system overwhelming your cortical brain very often.

there is more than that... man has a Consciousness.. unlike animals which are pure instinct

but I assume that investigating Consciousness is not a field of yours since you discard anything spiritual in your train of thought.

Consciousness was given to Man to OVERCOME his instincts, because if we follow the latter, we'll self exterminate. That is why we have dominion over nature.

But I am not expecting your to grasp this. That man CANNOT follow his instincts because he has the absolute power to destroy his own environment, what animals cannot do.

Consciousness rules over instincts. Man is not an animal. If you think he is, agenda 21 is perfect a way of life ???

Me an utopian... the real utopia is following one's instincts without thinking of the BIG picture, which of Consciousness embedded into the Universe. And that the duty of all sentient beings is to match/mirror this Consciousness. Their purpose of Life.

This is the God's Principle. Anything else is satanic and the mindset of the death cult.

30th November 2015, 07:39 AM
there is more than that... man has a Consciousness.. unlike animals which are pure instinct

but I assume that investigating Consciousness is not a field of yours since you discard anything spiritual in your train of thought.

Consciousness was given to Man to OVERCOME his instincts, because if we follow the latter, we'll self exterminate. That is why we have dominion over nature.

But I am not expecting your to grasp this. That man CANNOT follow his instincts because he has the absolute power to destroy his own environment, what animals cannot do.

Consciousness rules over instincts. Man is not an animal. If you think he is, agenda 21 is perfect a way of life ???

Me an utopian... the real utopia is following one's instincts without thinking of the BIG picture, which of Consciousness embedded into the Universe. And that the duty of all sentient beings is to match/mirror this Consciousness. Their purpose of Life.

This is the God's Principle. Anything else is satanic and the mindset of the death cult.
Why so aggressive Goldissima?

30th November 2015, 07:50 AM
The elite thrive off of division into love/hate, promoting either only reinforces their plans.

When you claim to hate them you're actually engrossed in tongue tying french love kisses with them.

Its pretty sick, but most end up falling in luv to makeout

30th November 2015, 08:24 AM
Why so aggressive Goldissima?

explaining why man is not animal may sound aggressive to many. but there are no other way to put it.

30th November 2015, 08:29 AM
explaining why man is not animal may sound aggressive to many. but there are no other way to put it.
It surely brings out the animal in you! :)

30th November 2015, 10:48 AM
The Vikings were the first traveling salesmen who wouldn't take no for an answer.

30th November 2015, 11:50 AM
This is the God's Principle. Anything else is satanic and the mindset of the death cult.

Now where did I hear that before? Either I follow your theology or I am satanic? Really Goldie? I have to follow your religion or I am of the devil?

30th November 2015, 04:33 PM
kinda amazing that you have read me so much and yet still do not know where I am coming from to say this. You stick to one line but forget about the background I have have been painting over and over. Reminds me of another thread.

sure, as I have been philosophizing since a while about the of cause social upheavals and NWO dominance, I am sorry you take it personally.

Let me assure you, it doesnt matter if one believes in the "God tag" or not, we can call it Principle or Natural Law ... but understanding why man is **not** an animal , hence is gifted with Consciousness and that his creations are unlimited since he has the dominion over nature, all this is as much as essential to resolve the world impasse.

it is the lack of understanding what entails being a Human which causes inner fear... and fear is at the core of the death cult doctrine. And ironically, probing and processing fear makes one realize that the picture is a lot bigger. Something also supernatural in the crisis we are faced with.

This is not 'my' religion and I am no 'guru'... that is just how the Universe works at our or any sentient level.

asking the right questions about fear


Now where did I hear that before? Either I follow your theology or I am satanic? Really Goldie? I have to follow your religion or I am of the devil?

30th November 2015, 07:39 PM
People who don't want to hear the truth often feel like they are suffering agression. What is really happening is the discomfort of the truth is causing anxiety which manifests into fear. Of course in our world the truth is absent from the words of authority fugures which also causes fear, but this fear is accepted because it comes from an authority figure and no authorioty figure would lie. Would they?

30th November 2015, 09:37 PM
kinda amazing that you have read me so much and yet still do not know where I am coming from to say this. You stick to one line but forget about the background I have have been painting over and over. Reminds me of another thread.

sure, as I have been philosophizing since a while about the of cause social upheavals and NWO dominance, I am sorry you take it personally.

Let me assure you, it doesnt matter if one believes in the "God tag" or not, we can call it Principle or Natural Law ... but understanding why man is **not** an animal , hence is gifted with Consciousness and that his creations are unlimited since he has the dominion over nature, all this is as much as essential to resolve the world impasse.

it is the lack of understanding what entails being a Human which causes inner fear... and fear is at the core of the death cult doctrine. And ironically, probing and processing fear makes one realize that the picture is a lot bigger. Something also supernatural in the crisis we are faced with.

This is not 'my' religion and I am no 'guru'... that is just how the Universe works at our or any sentient level.

asking the right questions about fear

Sorry Goldissima, your consciousness is ruled more by your instincts than the other way around. Reading your quote in 'the bigger picture' you're trying to paint doesn't change any thing. It is still 'believe as I do or you are satanic', nothing different than the religious fundamentalists and zealots, only you understand God and only your interpretation is valid.

And humans are an animal, a primate, a mammalian, a vertebrate!

Further we don't have dominion over nature, but you are half right, humans is the only animal who can think they have... Nature will exist after we are gone...

30th November 2015, 10:25 PM
And humans are an animal, a primate, a mammalian, a vertebrate!

Further we don't have dominion over nature, but you are half right, humans is the only animal who can think they have... Nature will exist after we are gone...

Nature is provided to us and it might still be here after we have annihilated ourelves. We shall never know.

And yes, humans are the only physical (embodiment) creatures here who can think evil thoughts. Not only against themselves but against everything.

The scientism belief of human insignificance is dangerous to us, because it opens the door to the doing of evil. The kind of thinking like: What matter is it anyway if we defile ourselves?

30th November 2015, 10:43 PM
Nature is provided to us and it might still be here after we have annihilated ourelves. We shall never know.

And yes, humans are the only physical (embodiment) creatures here who can think evil thoughts. Not only against themselves but against everything.

The scientism belief of human insignificance is dangerous to us, because it opens the door to the doing of evil. The kind of thinking like: What matter is it anyway if we defile ourselves?
I don't think humans are insignificant, we are the most advanced species in the Universe probably, definitely on earth and the solar system anyway, in terms of consciousness. I think it is entirely possible that God created us for the purpose of having someone to talk to, someone who could appreciate the intricacies and beauty of the nature he created. But if God finds us boring company or of flawed design, he could wipe us out and replace us with something better, in just a few hundred million years.

Probably God is offended by Goldie's remark that humans are not animals! "What the hell do you mean, you know you share 99% of the genome of a chimpanzee, and still you have the gall to think you are not an animal!"

30th November 2015, 10:46 PM
I don't think humans are insignificant, we are the most advanced species in the Universe probably, definitely on earth and the solar system anyway, in terms of consciousness. I think it is entirely possible that God created us for the purpose of having someone to talk to, someone who could appreciate the intricacies and beauty of the nature he created. But if God finds us boring company or of flawed design, he could wipe us out and replace us with something better, in just a few hundred million years.

Probably God is offended by Goldie's remark that humans are not animals! "What the hell do you mean, you know you share 99% of the genome of a chimpanzee, and still you have the gall to think you are not an animal!"

but there you go. Again. Man is insignificant. He's an Ape. It's not the genome. Its the mind that sets us apart. That is the part that makes us significant.

Scientism teaches you that you are "decended" from Apes. Sure some people do seem to have decended from Apes. Personally,. like the comedian said, I might have ascended from Apes but I certainly did not descend from Apes.

I think God said his piece on man and animals. According to people who wrote a book of things he said, dominion over the animals is mans gift from God.

1st December 2015, 12:10 AM
but there you go. Again. Man is insignificant. He's an Ape. It's not the genome. Its the mind that sets us apart. That is the part that makes us significant.

Scientism teaches you that you are "decended" from Apes. Sure some people do seem to have decended from Apes. Personally,. like the comedian said, I might have ascended from Apes but I certainly did not descend from Apes.

I think God said his piece on man and animals. According to people who wrote a book of things he said, dominion over the animals is mans gift from God.
Man evolved from apes. All evidence DNA and archeological points in that direction. Use the brain God gave you! He didn't put the bones in the ground to test your faith. Maybe he got that book of things he supposedly said written to test your brain?

1st December 2015, 01:27 AM
WTF is this "scientism" bullshit?

That sort of usage looks like a case of retardedism to me.

You can have your god, I don't really care but when you somehow think that I'm making some grave mistake and this "satan" dude is going to get me well you can just fuck right off!

God/satan is a fiction. Humans are animals that evolved from primates. There is no "secret" knowledge or mystical spiritual or supernatural power.

This Glass character is a dimwitted moron anyhow

None of these superstitions have a leg to stand on as far as substantive proof is concerned and that FACT drives the proponents of these beliefs insane, because they KNOW they can't prove the existance of any of these things. The best they can do is state "You can't disprove their existance" and its a complete cop out.


1st December 2015, 02:14 AM
WTF is this "scientism" bullshit?

That sort of usage looks like a case of retardedism to me.

You can have your god, I don't really care but when you somehow think that I'm making some grave mistake and this "satan" dude is going to get me well you can just fuck right off!

God/satan is a fiction. Humans are animals that evolved from primates. There is no "secret" knowledge or mystical spiritual or supernatural power.

This Glass character is a dimwitted moron anyhow

None of these superstitions have a leg to stand on as far as substantive proof is concerned and that FACT drives the proponents of these beliefs insane, because they KNOW they can't prove the existance of any of these things. The best they can do is state "You can't disprove their existance" and its a complete cop out.

I don't think you go to hell if you don't believe in a creator, at least you are using the brain God gave you ;D, something most religious zealots and fundamentalists, don't seem to be able to do. If God created man in his image with a higher consciousness and all. I am sure he would appreciate us using it too.

These idiots don't seem to realize how difficult it would be to create higher intelligent beings via evolution of lesser beings... It took a hundred million years just to evolve mamalians to apes, and another 15 million years to evolve the apes into humans. Sheesh no appreciation for artistery at all! No, either God just got a piece of mud and blew air into it, or aliens came here and genetically modified monkeys into humans. Could you disrespect the artist any more than that?

1st December 2015, 02:31 AM
I don't think you go to hell if you don't believe in a creator, at least you are using the brain God gave you ;D, something most religious zealots and fundamentalists, don't seem to be able to do. If God created man in his image with a higher consciousness and all. I am sure he would appreciate us using it too.

These idiots don't seem to realize how difficult it would be to create higher intelligent beings via evolution of lesser beings... It took a hundred million years just to evolve mamalians to apes, and another 15 million years to evolve the apes into humans. Sheesh no appreciation for artistery at all! No, either God just got a piece of mud and blew air into it, or aliens came here and genetically modified monkeys into humans. Could you disrespect the artist any more than that?


I will concede that if there was a god, the process of "evolving" animals and life through such a rigorous selective process is pure genius! Its takes a monumental ammount of time and the mechanism involved are so intricate that it has to be considered the very definition of "art".

But no, these dunderheads have to shit on anyting that has a rational basis. If doesn't have anything to do with their cherished god then they'll say whatever they can to ridicule what is now proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

1st December 2015, 04:16 AM
Sorry Goldissima, your consciousness is ruled more by your instincts than the other way around.

And humans are an animal, a primate, a mammalian, a vertebrate!
Further we don't have dominion over nature, but you are half right, humans is the only animal who can think they have... Nature will exist after we are gone...

you outed yourself again as a darwinian-atheist/agnostic and thinking along the lines with NWO... but also you dont get that darwinism for humans **IS** another kind of fundamentalism applied.

yes man has the choice to place his Consciousness before his instincts and when he does his actions respect Nature and fellow humans... when he doesnt not, he becomes a beast of destruction (there lies the satanism I am referring to)

we are here to learn about fear, not to escape from it... humans fight because they do not want to learn from it, and what is where the NWO is lurking and taking advantage of this fear

again, my understanding of the Greater Reality doesnt go by whatever scriptures but Natural Law embedded in the Universe, all proven scientifically. I have a beef with religions because they only explain the latter in allegories that most people do not understand, and thats why they cause more disharmony than anything else, it is also a lot easier to manipulate when people dont understand fully or take it literally. In this sense I dont and cannot support ANY religion but can see where they are correct.

I do not believe in hell but that this fight against evil also takes place in the etheral world, in all dimensions. The choice to commit evil is always there, we cannot get rid of it. This is a free will universe. All we can do it to CONTAIN IT and lower his impact. Accepting that some negative is here to stay is very different from allowing the negative to engulf humanity.

but your darwinian train of thoughts is which of the NWO, so this means that you CANNOT resolve NOR address the issue. You are thus part of the problem.

That is why we have argued and disagreed or years now... this post summarized it all.

1st December 2015, 04:33 AM
You're not qualified to comment on any of this material and you know it. :rolleyes:

You lost EVERY argument that you've ever been in on here.

You can't prove any one of your wacky stupid theories and YOU know it!

Thats what drives you insane and it compels to you to keep parroting the same dull and boring disproven cannards again and again.

Sucks to be you :D

1st December 2015, 04:46 AM
since you cannot argue without insulting, you are systematically losing ALL debates

You must have missed the posting of another member on here "thanking me offering other perspectives" and which got 7 or 8 thanks. So there are people on here who do grasp what I am saying

Darwinisn = NWO mindset = you are part of the problem TOO

how doesnt it come that today the Holographic Universe Theory is being seriously considered by the mainstream then? Start a thread and disprove it instead of stalking and trolling senselessly. But you wont go there because you are too afraid to see your atheism crashing down... you are a fundamentalist.

You're not qualified to comment on any of this material and you know it. :rolleyes:

You lost EVERY argument that you've ever been in on here.

You can't prove any one of your wacky stupid theories and YOU know it!

Thats what drives you insane and it compels to you to keep parroting the same dull and boring disproven cannards again and again.

Sucks to be you :D

1st December 2015, 04:54 AM
since you cannot argue without insulting, you are systematically losing ALL debates

You must have missed the posting of another member on here "thanking me offering other perspectives" and which got 7 or 8 thanks. So there are people on here who do grasp what I am saying

Darwinisn = NWO mindset = you are part of the problem TOO

You idiot. You don't get it do you?

Since when did members "thanks" equate to being right? It doesn't and you know it. I don't care how many people agree with you, because its not about that, its about FATCS!

"Facts" I might add that are extremely thin on the ground in your theories and posts if not for the most part non-existant. Thats the truth and I know that deep down you know it - thats what drives you insane! Hahaha.;)

And because I expect facts, you defame me as a fundamentalist. You're projecting and you know it! You're the fundamentalist, expecting everyone to fawn over your stupid musings and attacking anyone who should have the gall to questions your complete lack of evidence

You can keep going with the same old drivel but you lost the argument a long time ago.

You can post NWO this and NWO that but it won't make a squat of difference, your theories are goofy bullshit with no proof or even the narrowest of evidence to back it up, its all just the same insane ramblings of an itinerant hobo.

As I said, it sucks to be you! :D

1st December 2015, 04:56 AM
Who are the "NWO"?


1st December 2015, 05:02 AM
YOUR ASSIGNMENT (then we talk again)
how doesnt it come that today the Holographic Universe Theory is being seriously considered by the mainstream then? Start a thread and disprove it instead of stalking and trolling senselessly.

if you canT disprove it, you cannot disprove any of what I say. as simple as that

The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality by Michael Talbot,

You idiot. You don't get it do you?

Since when did members "thanks" equate to being right? It doesn't and you know it. I don't care how many people agree with you, because its not about that, its about FATCS!

"Facts" I might add that are extremely thin on the ground in your theories and posts if not for the most part non-existant. Thats the truth and I know that deep down you know it - thats what drives you insane! Hahaha.;)

You can keep going with the same old drivel but you lost the argument a long time ago.

You can post NWO this and NWO that but it won't make a squat of difference, your theories are goofy bullshit with no proof or even the narrowest of evidence to back it up, its all just the same insane ramblings of an itinerant hobo.

As I said, it sucks to be you! :D

1st December 2015, 05:06 AM
your assignment


Your assignment, post one single piece of evidence for any of your bullshit theories.

1st December 2015, 05:11 AM
YOUR ASSIGNMENT (then we talk again)
how doesnt it come that today the Holographic Universe Theory is being seriously considered by the mainstream then? Start a thread and disprove it instead of stalking and trolling senselessly.

if you canT disprove it, you cannot disprove any of what I say. as simple as that

December 14, 2013
"Our Holographic Universe" --Will It Prove to Be the Greatest Theory of the 21st Century


YOU LOST, since you refute any FACTS

1st December 2015, 05:14 AM

Your assignment, post one single piece of evidence for any of your bullshit theories.



1st December 2015, 05:19 AM
I just put up the links of what I believe in, why should I spend hrs paraphrasing all this... but you just wont look into it... so YOU LOST. You refute anything that could stretch your atheistic bubble. Just as you refute the Laws of Electromagnetism because they would tell you that Reality expands beyond your perceptions of what you think reality is.

"Our Holographic Universe" --Will It Prove to Be the Greatest Theory of the 21st Century
Last month, Japanese physicists presented in Nature News as "the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection." The universe existing as a ‘hologram’ is the theory that the three dimensions we perceive are actually just “painted” onto the cosmological horizon - the boundary of the known universe. .... (daily galaxy link)

Your assignment, post one single piece of evidence for any of your bullshit theories

The major flaw of atheism is that it only deals with what is seen and directly observable... but the observable is like the tip of the iceberg...

The unseen part of it is shaped by Consciousness and the Supernatural and what we dont know and cannot know.

Anybody discarding that will always be losing ALL debates

or we can reduce everything to some type of machinery that will exterminate us at some point because the that very machinery will just be reduced to instinctive and darwinian patterns... welcome to transhumanism

Now to be fair, religious fundamentalism has the same issue with Knowledge. Both ends of the spectrum mean same.

1st December 2015, 05:38 AM
I just put up the links of what I believe in, why should I spend hrs paraphrasing all this... but you just wont look into it... so YOU LOST. You refute anything that could stretch your atheistic bubble. Just as you refute the Laws of Electromagnetism because they would tell you that Reality expands beyond your perceptions of what you think reality is.

Last month, Japanese physicists presented in Nature News as "the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection." The universe existing as a ‘hologram’ is the theory that the three dimensions we perceive are actually just “painted” onto the cosmological horizon - the boundary of the known universe. .... (daily galaxy link)

The major flaw of atheism is that it only deals with what is seen and directly observable... but the observable is like the tip of the iceberg...

The unseen part of it is shaped by Consciousness and the Supernatural and what we dont know.

Anybody discarding that will always be losing ALL debates

You've already lost the debate, its happened and you weren't there!



1st December 2015, 05:53 AM
you outed yourself again as a darwinian-atheist/agnostic and thinking along the lines with NWO... but also you dont get that darwinism for humans **IS** another kind of fundamentalism applied.

yes man has the choice to place his Consciousness before his instincts and when he does his actions respect Nature and fellow humans... when he doesnt not, he becomes a beast of destruction (there lies the satanism I am referring to)

we are here to learn about fear, not to escape from it... humans fight because they do not want to learn from it, and what is where the NWO is lurking and taking advantage of this fear

again, my understanding of the Greater Reality doesnt go by whatever scriptures but Natural Law embedded in the Universe, all proven scientifically. I have a beef with religions because they only explain the latter in allegories that most people do not understand, and thats why they cause more disharmony than anything else, it is also a lot easier to manipulate when people dont understand fully or take it literally. In this sense I dont and cannot support ANY religion but can see where they are correct.

I do not believe in hell but that this fight against evil also takes place in the etheral world, in all dimensions. The choice to commit evil is always there, we cannot get rid of it. This is a free will universe. All we can do it to CONTAIN IT and lower his impact. Accepting that some negative is here to stay is very different from allowing the negative to engulf humanity.

but your darwinian train of thoughts is which of the NWO, so this means that you CANNOT resolve NOR address the issue. You are thus part of the problem.

That is why we have argued and disagreed or years now... this post summarized it all.
To summarize your post, it is full of lies about me, lies about scientific evidence, and further evidence you are ruled more by instincts than of conscious thought...

1st December 2015, 06:05 AM
To summarize your post, it is full of lies about me, lies about scientific evidence, and further evidence you are ruled more by instincts than of conscious thought...

not at all, because Consciousness TEACHES that fighting evil causes even more evil... and that finding peaceful solutions (the least harmful), which that espouse free will, IS the only way to prosper and thrive as a society.

Fighting is rooted in fear and fear is how evil ends up being pervasive. Fear is satanic because it leads a downfall, taking it all along with it, it only is a matter of time. All trends are exponential in the Universe. Call it the physics of Fear.

the only choice: LOVE vs FEAR
(the universe is conscious and expects us to match the act of love of the Creation as much as possible. Stop fearing or die/be ruled by a death cult)


1st December 2015, 06:05 AM
To summarize your post, it is full of lies about me, lies about scientific evidence, and further evidence you are ruled more by instincts than of conscious thought...

Hahaha, so true!

Isn't it ironic, this poster behaves more like an animal than a human yet wants to cling to the false ideal that we humans aren't like animals.

So, so funny. ;D

Maybe thats just it!

This is more about the posters psychological issues than it is about the merits of the subject matter. They're constantly trying to escape their inate animalistic nature, somehow the idea is repulsive to them, everytime they look into the mirror, they are disgusted with the true nature of the animal that stares back at them.

Quite revealing really, kudos to you Neuro, I think you've cracked the code! \uu\

1st December 2015, 06:10 AM
...I don't and cannot support ANY religion but can see where they are correct...That is why we have argued and disagreed for years now... this post summarized it all.

There it is folks. The real reason why Atheist Goldissima keeps finding herself being "attacked" and "bullied" for years now.

http://www.thepowderblues.com/forum/images/smilies/shrug.gif keeps posting copy/pasted new age (jew) atheist propaganda and videos over and over again

1st December 2015, 06:10 AM
finding peaceful solutions (the least harmful), which that espouse free will, IS the only way to prosper and thrive as a society

Yet this poster resorts to all sorts of insidious passive agressive distortions of truth and attacks other posters character in the most outrageous and slanderous manner to somehow win arguments they already lost long ago.

Hypocritical, agressive, untruthful and self-rigeous egomaniac wants to tell us that they believe in peace, love and passivity?

What a load of complete and utter bullshit! ???

1st December 2015, 06:20 AM
I cannot support allegories that most people do not understand...
and obviously you do not either grasp them.
I am not atheist, since I believe in Supreme Natual Law embedded into the Universe. Which proves that the Universe is conscious, and that there is indeed a DESIGN... RULING MATTER AND THOUGHT..

again you DID quote me selectively AGAIN because I also said that my awareness helps me see where religions are correct

Amazing that you equate this to atheism.. but anybody who doesnt agree with the bible is a new age or atheist anyway.

This is NOT new

the fight between science and religion is not new either.

You only show your own fundamentalism by saying this.

Sure the bible (and any religious texts as well) is filled with SACRED numbers but you do not want to hear about the theory either.

Remember the fibonacci sequence EMBEDDED into the Revelation 21? Do you want me to come up with more clues, I can do this, you know. No prob. It will surely calm you down.

You are no weight for me, Book...

There it is folks. The real reason why Atheist Goldissima keeps finding herself being "attacked" and "bullied" for years now.
keeps posting copy/pasted new age (jew) atheist propaganda and videos over and over again[/B][/COLOR]

1st December 2015, 06:34 AM
Seriously, what makes you think your beliefs don't display EXACTLY the same dogmatic unsubatantiated beliefs as institutionalised religions?

Why are you're "unfounded beliefs" not completely fundamentalist in nature?

Another example of the massive hypocracies that dwell deep within your psyche. :rolleyes:

1st December 2015, 06:37 AM
I am not atheist, since I believe in Supreme Natural Law embedded in the Universe.

Oh. Today Goldissima is a "Supreme Naturalist". Let's watch a short video clip of Goldissima's supreme natural law and personal morality:

Natural Law

The unwritten body of universal moral principles that underlie the ethical and legal norms by which human conduct is sometimes evaluated and governed. Natural law is often contrasted with positive law, which consists of the written rules and regulations enacted by government. The term natural law is derived from the Roman term jus naturale. Adherents to natural law philosophy are known as naturalists.

Naturalists believe that natural law principles are an inherent part of nature and exist regardless of whether government recognizes or enforces them. Naturalists further believe that governments must incorporate natural law principles into their legal systems before justice can be achieved. There are three schools of natural law theory: divine natural law, secular natural law, and historical natural law.


1st December 2015, 06:43 AM
You are no weight for me, Book...

Singular_me the intelectual lightweight needs to reasure herself that she is intelectually superioir to anyone who dares disgaree with her.

Too funny :p

1st December 2015, 06:46 AM
You are just plain dishonest.. when I have spent several postings explaining why Consciousness has to rule over our instincts, or we'll end up paying the heavy price

But posting this tells a lot about YOU... Book your thinking is as perverted as that of the NWO.

I believe in Supreme Natual Law embedded into the Universe. Which proves that the Universe **IS** conscious, and that there is indeed a DESIGN... RULING MATTER AND THOUGHT.

I am a metaphysical creationist, if this can make sense

have fun talking with yourself

Oh. Today Goldissima is a "Supreme Naturalist". Let's watch a short video clip of Goldissima's supreme natural law and personal morality:

1st December 2015, 06:52 AM
...I have spent several postings explaining why Consciousness has to rule over our instincts...

Oh. Now Goldissima doesn't believe in Supreme Natural Law embedded in the Universe anymore.

That was quick. What are you calling your personal moral system now? Mumble mumble Consciousness something?


1st December 2015, 06:52 AM
I am a metaphysical creationist, if this can make sense

Surely thats a rhetorical question? Nothing you post makes ANY sense. ;D

1st December 2015, 06:55 AM
I believe in Supreme Natual Law embedded into the Universe. Which proves that the Universe is conscious, and that there is indeed a DESIGN... RULING MATTER AND THOUGHT..
Sorry your beliefs doesn't prove anything. Doesn't sound like you believe in God either, which makes you an atheist, something you periodically project onto other posters who doesn't share your insanity, and therefore disqualifies them from a discussion with you, according to yourself! You just did that to myself in this thread and you have probably brought up the issue 40-50 times.

I believe in God, you don't, yet you accuse me of atheism!

Probably makes perfect sense to you! :)

1st December 2015, 06:59 AM
you twist my words again and quote me selectively, how can you ever be right ???

I believe in Supreme Natural Law embedded into the Universe. Which proves that the Universe **IS** conscious, and that there is indeed a DESIGN... RULING MATTER AND THOUGHT.

You will never be able to make sense of the dreadful implications of Fear... which is the NWO's weapon first choice

I stick to what I say - and that doesnt mean that I want to suppress the idea of a physical fight. Saying that without a change in mindset it is USELESS, that the NWO will win or rise up AGAIN.

Oh. Now Goldissima doesn't believe in Supreme Natural Law embedded in the Universe anymore.

That was quick. What are you calling your personal moral system now? Mumble mumble Consciousness something?


1st December 2015, 07:04 AM
I believe in Supreme Natural Law embedded into the Universe.

Goldissima's Supreme Natural Law and Personal Morality


1st December 2015, 07:09 AM
Book your mindset is very narrowed, hence now succumbs to circular thinking because you dont understand Fear. Maybe you just can't. Man is not an animal, never will be.

Anybody not realizing the exponential factor of Fear causes immorality, which ultimately will cause the downfall of mankind

end of dialogue

Goldissima's Supreme Natural Law and Personal Morality


1st December 2015, 07:12 AM
If there's any verification on thread its those that prey towards being a human animal, act like animals.

1st December 2015, 07:25 AM
end of dialogue


Oh. When nature is shown to actually follow Goldissima's Supreme Natural Law she abandons the thread.


I am not atheist, since I believe in Supreme Natural Law embedded in the Universe.

1st December 2015, 07:33 AM
It has nothing to do with your beliefs, singular.

Its just a case of dogs piling on the rabbits, because they can and love a frenzied feast.

Book probably believes something similar as you do.

1st December 2015, 07:48 AM
well you illustrated the fight of science between religion... saying that the universe is Conscious is radical as an idea and **MERGES** both.

No projection, the laws of electromagnetism are REAL and govern everything, you just wont warp your mind around it because YOUR idea that man is an animal ruled by his instincts is what you believe in. Believing that instincts rule man, comes down to the reptilian mindset, archonic thought, that has prevailed over the world for more than 4000 years. Real but fallacious data

so to each his town. You have discarded and trashed metaphysics since day 1, so you go along your own lines. Fine with me

Endorsing the Conscious Universe is everything but atheistic. It is making sense of what entails being a human being, and his connection with the Whole That Is. Atheism? If you call this atheism, it tells a lot about your honesty again. Hence have to resort calling me "insane" because you can't argue with me.

The right fight against the NWO, will imply the full comprehension of the above... or we will NEVER, EVER get rid of it. Physical battle or not.

fighting physically vs change of mindset = 50-50, both concepts MUST merge to be efficient

insanity? I dont think so. Truth is often perceived as radical... and if you look closer, thats why Jesus was killed, like any other mediatic figures arguing for the non aggressive principle.

Fear and the aggressive principle are exponential trends... and explain why we are staring at the abyss today. You cannot disprove this... thanks to the pro darwinian-instinct theory... which you are so fond of.

Sorry your beliefs doesn't prove anything. Doesn't sound like you believe in God either, which makes you an atheist, something you periodically project onto other posters who doesn't share your insanity, and therefore disqualifies them from a discussion with you, according to yourself! You just did that to myself in this thread and you have probably brought up the issue 40-50 times.

I believe in God, you don't, yet you accuse me of atheism!

Probably makes perfect sense to you! :)

1st December 2015, 08:26 AM
Endorsing the Conscious Universe is everything but atheistic. It is making sense of what entails being a human being, and his connection with the Whole That Is. Atheism?
It depends, do you think Universe was created?

1st December 2015, 08:37 AM
It depends, do you think Universe was created?

it is not a created Universe but perpetually creating One. From the moment I accept that there is a Design, I am a theist.

by walter russell (May 19, 1871 – May 19, 1963)
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svpvril.com%2FCosmology%2F27.j pg&f=1

the electric universe all is Mind explained


for anyone who cares

The Secret Of Light, by Walter Russell

1st December 2015, 09:18 AM
it is not a created Universe but perpetually creating One. From the moment I accept that there is a Design, I am a theist.

by walter russell (May 19, 1871 – May 19, 1963)
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svpvril.com%2FCosmology%2F27.j pg&f=1

the electric universe all is Mind explained


for anyone who cares

The Secret Of Light, by Walter Russell

who was Walter Russell and what made him an expert?


I don't remember hearing of this Walter Russell until ThunderTighs posted this topic. So I'm glad he did.

Quite a character this individual! "We should concentrate on causes, not effects". Does this mean we should only investigate what causes tornadoes, and not work on minimize the damage they produce? http://www.trevvy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif

And here is a beautiful piece of lunacy I read about him in Wikipedia:

Walter Russell asserted that neither light nor heat flows from one point of space to another. He stated the same of electricity and magnetism; that neither is a flow varying as the inverse of the square of the distance according to Coulomb's Law, but a reproduction as the inverse of the cube of space. "Light does not travel. The light and heat which appear to come from the star or the sun has never left the star or the sun. That which man sees as light and feels as heat is the reproduced counterpart of the light and of the heat which is its cause."[27]

Hahaha! According to him, electromagnetic radiation (light and heat) does not travel... the heat from the sun I feel is still at the sun, while all I have is "the reproduced counterpart of the heat which is its cause".

Hahaha... I didn't know heat has a "counterpart". All this makes so little sense that it reads like a computer translation from Mandarin to English.

Hahaha! What is "the cube of space"? something to do with cubism? Could it be the space in small places that is sold in cubes? (!)

I think I have known personally several characters similar to this Russell. People with little formal education who suddenly experience a spontaneous burst of creative genesis that breaks with everything previously believed. These people usually have an enormous ego and they think that they are geniuses.

In reality, whatever science we posses is the result of hard labor analyzing nature with experiments and thinking and refining conclusions. Niels Bohr took a very long path of painstaking efforts working diligently with his students and other top scientists to develop a model of atomic structure and to advance quantum mechanics.

Mr. Russell sat down one day and thought really hard, and from this came out a new comprehensive cosmology. Perhaps we all can do this, if we take the correct hallucinogenic drugs. http://www.trevvy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif

But Mr. Russell's theories fit like a glove those people like ThunderThighs who enjoy the mysterious and the occult, like the predictions about the predictions about comet elenin and the eruption of the Gulf of Mexico due to the blown-out Macondo well.. http://www.trevvy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif http://www.trevvy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif

1st December 2015, 09:47 AM
it is not a created Universe but perpetually creating One. From the moment I accept that there is a Design, I am a theist.

I accept there is a design as well. I do like much of the electric universe theories as well, I agree that the Universe is a perpetually creating one, but I think it's "soul" (God) is separate from the actual physical universe, just like I believe our soul is separate from the body it inhabits. I am a theist as well, but I really can't understand why you constantly harps on about me being atheist/agnostic, it seems very immature to me to attack someone whom you disagree with in this manner, especially when this is not under discussion.

DNA, anatomical, physiological and archeological evidence very strongly suggests that we evolved from the Apes, over the last 15 million years. You apparently disagree, and somehow that makes me an atheist. I just think that evolution is a tool of God... How do you propose humans came to be, since you apparently discard the multitudes of evidence that humans essentially is an advanced primate?

1st December 2015, 10:20 AM
Its easy for any internet blogger to brand any contrary following as occult,

its also just as easy for those who want to keep us in the dark.

mick silver
1st December 2015, 11:55 AM
Happy Hanukkah horn

1st December 2015, 12:10 PM
I think I have known personally several characters similar to this Russell. People with little formal education who suddenly experience a spontaneous burst of creative genesis that breaks with everything previously believed. These people usually have an enormous ego and they think that they are geniuses.

While Goldissima still works at a gas station, she tells us that her recently published book is receiving "rave" reviews at the local new age holistic hug center.


1st December 2015, 12:14 PM
It has nothing to do with your beliefs, singular. Its just a case of dogs piling on the rabbits, because they can and love a frenzied feast.

Goldissima's Supreme Natural Law


1st December 2015, 01:18 PM
Its easy for any internet blogger to brand any contrary following as occult,

its also just as easy for those who want to keep us in the dark.

In reality, whatever science we posses is the result of hard labor analyzing nature with experiments and thinking and refining conclusions. Niels Bohr took a very long path of painstaking efforts working diligently with his students and other top scientists to develop a model of atomic structure and to advance quantum mechanics.

Mr. Russell sat down one day and thought really hard, and from this came out a new comprehensive cosmology. Perhaps we all can do this, if we take the correct hallucinogenic drugs.

It is all in the occult

1st December 2015, 01:20 PM
that's maybe why Russell was an 'electric universe theory pioneer' ... :) :D

yes and in his book he explains why photons dont travel but reproduce and why the sun is much colder than we think, which is today endorsed by the electric model.

yep, tesla was deemed to be crazy and completely ignored... and so was russell.

Looks like the NWO is clogging many minds.

WIKI (everything can be doubled checked)
From the debate with scientists came a tag-line for the Russell Cosmogony, the "Two-Way Universe" of gravitation and radiation. "Gravity and radiativity are opposite pressure conditions. They perpetually void themselves by giving to the other."[26] The ideas are further developed in The Secret of Light (1947) and A New Concept of the Universe (1953). Russell's Periodic Chart of the Elements (copyrighted in 1926) revealed the existence of new isotopes and elements (later known as Deuterium, Tritium, Neptunium, and Plutonium) and won him recognition for his contributions to science. The degree of Doctor of Science - not an honorary degree - from the American Academy of Sciences was conferred in 1941.[27] Russell's work was never rejected by bona fide scientists, but essentially was ignored by the scientific community.[28] "This lack of engagement by scientists is the reason for the barely concealed bitterness one can read as a subtext in Walter Russell's later letters."[29] However, Russell was close to Nikola Tesla in the 1930s and apparently influenced Tesla's views on the periodic table and radioactivity.[30] Russell wrote in 1954, "Tesla and I exchanged inspirations for many years."[31]

The Russell Cosmogony is a new concept of the universe, explaining the relationships among matter and energy, electricity and magnetism.[32] It describes the process of Creation, the nature of atomic and stellar systems, the Natural Laws that govern the universe (The Voidance Principle, the Law of Balance, etc.), and man's relation to God and the universe. An engineer who learned of the Russell Cosmogony in 1930 commented, "If Russell's theories are sound, they will be of utmost value, as he shows that there can be but one substance, and that the difference [among the elements] is a dimensional difference and not a difference of substance. In other words, if Russell's theories are right, transmutation can be reduced to a practical reality."[33]

who was Walter Russell and what made him an expert?


1st December 2015, 01:29 PM
Its easy for any internet blogger to brand any contrary following as occult,

its also just as easy for those who want to keep us in the dark.

yes all of a sudden the word "occult" surfaces when people are faced with a mental block, because they have to REthink everything and admit that there is just "something" bigger at stake.

Russell was the pioneer and the father of the electric theory... ;D. He was onto something HUGE, but 80 years or so ago, the academia was even more rigid and fundamentalist that is now...

so bye tesla, bye russell ... we DO NOT need you,

it is even said that Tesla said W. Russell that it might take another 1000 years for his theories to be accepted.

but you see, the forces at play in this thread are the same that silenced Tesla.

Tactic: use the world occult and trash

one thing is certain: Knowledge is being occultED

1st December 2015, 01:37 PM
I accept there is a design as well. I do like much of the electric universe theories as well, I agree that the Universe is a perpetually creating one, but I think it's "soul" (God) is separate from the actual physical universe, just like I believe our soul is separate from the body it inhabits. I am a theist as well, but I really can't understand why you constantly harps on about me being atheist/agnostic, it seems very immature to me to attack someone whom you disagree with in this manner, especially when this is not under discussion.

DNA, anatomical, physiological and archeological evidence very strongly suggests that we evolved from the Apes, over the last 15 million years. You apparently disagree, and somehow that makes me an atheist. I just think that evolution is a tool of God... How do you propose humans came to be, since you apparently discard the multitudes of evidence that humans essentially is an advanced primate?
Bump for Goldie!

1st December 2015, 01:53 PM
Some members onsite could still stand to benefit from taking his courses.

The Man Walter Russell - His Life and His Work
» Biographical Data (http://www.walter-russell.de/en/Biographie.php)
» Photos (http://www.walter-russell.de/en/Fotos.php)

» Publications (http://www.walter-russell.de/en/Bibliographie.php)
» Philosophy (Topics) (http://www.walter-russell.de/en/Themen.php)
» All Images (http://www.walter-russell.de/en/Bilder.php)

Genius Inherent In Everyone!http://www.walter-russell.de/Illustrationen/Fotos/Thumbs/Russell.jpg (http://www.walter-russell.de/en/Fotos.php?_id=280&_edit=)
Walter Russell

This is what Walter Russell (1871-1963) proved convincingly during his lifetime. After leaving school at the age of 9, in order to earn money, he very successfully explored (amongst others) music, literature, architecture, painting, sculpture, natural sciences, new ways towards a healthy economy, philosophy and mysticism as well as figure skating, horse breeding and dressage.
Together with his congenial wife Lao, he founded a private university for distance learning, the University of Science and Philosophy (http://www.philosophy.org/), in Swannanoa, Virgina. It still exists today and their Home Study Course in Cosmic Consciousness helped many people to unfold their consciousness.
A detailed biography of Lao Russell, his second wife and intellectual companion who was born in 1904, was published in 2005. It also contains a lot of information on Walter Russell. Moreover a beautiful description of his life by his friend and companion Glenn Clark was published in 1976 entitled The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe. It contributed to making Russell known in wider circles, but did not deal with exact dates and sources. You can find a summary of Walter Russells life in the section "Biographical Data".

1st December 2015, 02:11 PM
The Periodic Table according to Russell



1st December 2015, 02:17 PM
Bump for Goldie!

tnx for the remainder.. but I still disagree, man is not an animal. And regard anybody thinking that he is as in disagreement/contradiction with the Act of Creation

1st December 2015, 02:20 PM
as he drafted it. Plz note that he links frequencies/music
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reocities.com%2Fcapecanaveral% 2F8989%2Frusstbl.gif&f=1

have no time to defend him.. see for yourself... read the Secret Of Light, and The Universal One. Both are online and free

1st December 2015, 02:21 PM
tnx for the remainder.. but I still disagree, man is not an animal. And regard anybody thinking that he is as in disagreement/contradiction with the Act of Creation
And where does man come from then?

mick silver
1st December 2015, 02:21 PM
Human beings are categorized in the Animalia Kingdom. Father down the scientific classifications humans are in the Mammalia Class. So, we are both animals and mammals!

Scientists mostly divide the world of living things into animals and plants. If something gets its energy from sunlight and doesn’t move around on its own, a scientist will usually call that creature a plant. Grass, moss, pumpkins and apple trees are all examples of plants.

If a creature gets its energy from eating other things and it can move around on its own, then scientists call it an animal. Dogs, cats, frogs, fish, dinosaurs, and humans are all examples of animals.

Mammals (or Mammalia) are members of a class of air-breathing vertebrate animals characterized by the possession of hair/fur, three middle ear bones, warm-blooded and mammary glands functional in mothers feeding their offspring. Most mammals also possess sweat glands and specialized teeth, and give birth to live offspring rather than lay eggs. - We humans have all of these things. Therefore we are mammals.

1st December 2015, 02:25 PM
Human beings are categorized in the Animalia Kingdom. Father down the scientific classifications humans are in the Mammalia Class. So, we are both animals and mammals!

Scientists mostly divide the world of living things into animals and plants. If something gets its energy from sunlight and doesn’t move around on its own, a scientist will usually call that creature a plant. Grass, moss, pumpkins and apple trees are all examples of plants.

If a creature gets its energy from eating other things and it can move around on its own, then scientists call it an animal. Dogs, cats, frogs, fish, dinosaurs, and humans are all examples of animals.

Mammals (or Mammalia) are members of a class of air-breathing vertebrate animals characterized by the possession of hair/fur, three middle ear bones, warm-blooded and mammary glands functional in mothers feeding their offspring. Most mammals also possess sweat glands and specialized teeth, and give birth to live offspring rather than lay eggs. - We humans have all of these things. Therefore we are mammals.
Don't believe it Mick, you become atheist if you do. Goldie says instead we are______ ...?

mick silver
1st December 2015, 02:30 PM
I think I may get me one of those human for a pet

1st December 2015, 02:31 PM
There are no animals who believe in God.

Therefor Man is not an animal.

Wyl E. Coyote - Genius

1st December 2015, 03:13 PM
end of story ;D

Consciousness changes the whole ball game, give us the choice of being humans/aware or remaining animals/reptilians.

There are no animals who believe in God.

Therefor Man is not an animal.

Wyl E. Coyote - Genius

1st December 2015, 03:53 PM
Yeah...Goldi's book says I should stop being scared. Wanna read it?


1st December 2015, 04:06 PM
I think Goldie assumes too much is all, like in Books case when trying to add a filament type element to the bulb,

It makes no difference, When the bulb is made of clay you wont see any light there.

1st December 2015, 05:10 PM
Man evolved from apes. All evidence DNA and archeological points in that direction. Use the brain God gave you! He didn't put the bones in the ground to test your faith. Maybe he got that book of things he supposedly said written to test your brain?

You weren't talking about evolving. You were talking about sharing the majority of a genome.

And how do bones in the ground prove evolution? All we have is similarities between creatures which some how demonstrate one came from the seed of another. And because some of these animals no longer exist in living form, that also some how demonstrates evolution.

It doesn't really does it? It requires a level of faith to fill in for the blanks.

Hence my reference to scientism. I can't help that other people have lived their lives without seeing, experiencing or recognising any spiritual event occouring near them and as a result they cannot accept other aspects of existence.

Science has devolved into a faith now. You simply must take some things on Faith to be able to participate effectively in it. Effective is a relative word. Effective according to the scientific community. They have a large number of unproven theories, but they are all correct and valid because they were proposed by "scientists' who appear to be some magical all knowing race of people.

aeondaze doesn't contribute anything to the forum. The only participation is ridicule and those silly ah ha ha things that immature grown ups sprout. I think we all know the type, the ones that grow up into big people physically but don't progress beyond the level of a child mentally. It's a shame but it's par for the course these days.

Everyone's experiences are different. My experiences have left no doubt that there is much we cannot see and much we are told that is simply not accurate and often times not even true.

1st December 2015, 08:23 PM
You weren't talking about evolving. You were talking about sharing the majority of a genome.

And how do bones in the ground prove evolution? All we have is similarities between creatures which some how demonstrate one came from the seed of another. And because some of these animals no longer exist in living form, that also some how demonstrates evolution.

It doesn't really does it? It requires a level of faith to fill in for the blanks.

Hence my reference to scientism. I can't help that other people have lived their lives without seeing, experiencing or recognising any spiritual event occouring near them and as a result they cannot accept other aspects of existence.

Science has devolved into a faith now. You simply must take some things on Faith to be able to participate effectively in it. Effective is a relative word. Effective according to the scientific community. They have a large number of unproven theories, but they are all correct and valid because they were proposed by "scientists' who appear to be some magical all knowing race of people.

aeondaze doesn't contribute anything to the forum. The only participation is ridicule and those silly ah ha ha things that immature grown ups sprout. I think we all know the type, the ones that grow up into big people physically but don't progress beyond the level of a child mentally. It's a shame but it's par for the course these days.

Everyone's experiences are different. My experiences have left no doubt that there is much we cannot see and much we are told that is simply not accurate and often times not even true.

As per ususal you have everything ass backwards, but what else should we expect from a dimwit. :rolleyes:

You refuse to accept the overwhelming evidence that evolution is the defining mechanism that led to our development as human beings, you call it faith which is an absurdity and ironically, exactly what your beliefs require.

Clearly you suffer from some kind of an inferiority complex because the reactionary attitude you display towards scientists is typical of someone with "little man" syndrome. Scientist don't know everything, if they did science itself wouldn't exist! This is just another insane example of the absurd level of standard which you hold scientist to and of which you completely exempt yourself from through your faith based beliefs, how hypercritical of you.

That you think I don't contribute anything to this forum is completely laughable and something which doesn't bother me in the slightest.

All it proves is just how mean spirited and nasty you are in your attempts to denigrate my contributuions and again ironically, shows your childish attitude, not mine, in failing to understanding the world in an enlightened sense rather than pocking around, mired down in the dark recesses of your own psychologically troubled mind.


1st December 2015, 09:32 PM
You weren't talking about evolving. You were talking about sharing the majority of a genome.

And how do bones in the ground prove evolution? All we have is similarities between creatures which some how demonstrate one came from the seed of another. And because some of these animals no longer exist in living form, that also some how demonstrates evolution.

It doesn't really does it? It requires a level of faith to fill in for the blanks.

Hence my reference to scientism. I can't help that other people have lived their lives without seeing, experiencing or recognising any spiritual event occouring near them and as a result they cannot accept other aspects of existence.

Science has devolved into a faith now. You simply must take some things on Faith to be able to participate effectively in it. Effective is a relative word. Effective according to the scientific community. They have a large number of unproven theories, but they are all correct and valid because they were proposed by "scientists' who appear to be some magical all knowing race of people.

aeondaze doesn't contribute anything to the forum. The only participation is ridicule and those silly ah ha ha things that immature grown ups sprout. I think we all know the type, the ones that grow up into big people physically but don't progress beyond the level of a child mentally. It's a shame but it's par for the course these days.

Everyone's experiences are different. My experiences have left no doubt that there is much we cannot see and much we are told that is simply not accurate and often times not even true.No, it doesn't take much faith to fill in the blanks. It takes a lot of faith mixed with ignorance and stupidity not to appreciate the very strong case for evolution of mankind from apes. Why do you think God gave you a brain to think with? Not using it is an offense to God...

1st December 2015, 09:44 PM
end of story ;D

Consciousness changes the whole ball game, give us the choice of being humans/aware or remaining animals/reptilians.
Ok, use your consciousness and tell us how humans came to be Goldie. You never told us...

1st December 2015, 10:41 PM
No, it doesn't take much faith to fill in the blanks. It takes a lot of faith mixed with ignorance and stupidity not to appreciate the very strong case for evolution of mankind from apes. Why do you think God gave you a brain to think with? Not using it is an offense to God...

you've made clear that spirtuality is not something you have experienced so using it as an argument is faceitious. Theories can be questioned. It's what science is supposed to do, however some things are unquestionable it seems, not because they are resolved 100% but because they are believed by the majority. The majority doesn't decide what is fact just because it has the numbders. I know that socialists want this to be the case but it isn't.

Science is paid for by someone. To assume that scientists who are all paid by someone are also somehow all alturistic is very naive. They do what they are told by the people who hire them. And we can see that it leads to a debasement of those scientific ideals that so many believe cannot be compromised because and only because, they are scientists. Poor reasoning IMO.

edit: I don't know why the title to this post is different to the tread title.

1st December 2015, 11:22 PM
you've made clear that spirtuality is not something you have experienced so using it as an argument is faceitious. Theories can be questioned. It's what science is supposed to do, however some things are unquestionable it seems, not because they are resolved 100% but because they are believed by the majority. The majority doesn't decide what is fact just because it has the numbders. I know that socialists want this to be the case but it isn't.

Science is paid for by someone. To assume that scientists who are all paid by someone are also somehow all alturistic is very naive. They do what they are told by the people who hire them. And we can see that it leads to a debasement of those scientific ideals that so many believe cannot be compromised because and only because, they are scientists. Poor reasoning IMO.

edit: I don't know why the title to this post is different to the tread title.
The title is different because Jewboo changed it in an earlier post. Or maybe it was God who did it? I haven't made it clear to anyone here that I haven't experienced any spirituality? Where is your source? Singular_me? She has been shown to lie about many issues, among them me, don't trust her, she is a liar, and she believes using these lies strengthens her position. I grew up in a non-religious home, but I believe in God. Why do you think that is? In a way the allegory of God creating man out of a piece of clay which he blew the breath of life in is an interesting one. But it started 2 Billion years ago, the clay was used to create the building blocks of life, animated by the spirit of God! God continued to blow his breath of life tweaking the scenario, until he had one-cell organisms, algae, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, until you had sufficient oxygen in the atmosphere to support animal life, nudging evolution towards one cell organisms working together in larger groups, finally uniting, creating more complex animals over eons of time. Creating specialized cells for communication between the cells of increasingly complex organisms, nerve cells, forming into brains, first smaller brains, mainly to maintain life in the animal, avoid threats, mate, find food. Later more complex patterns, nest building, training the offspring in hunting techniques, pack behavior. And the crown of the creation, the thinking man! It took 2 Billion years to change that ball of clay, into what is us... Can you see, if indeed this is what God did, how offensive it would be to him for you to believe something different? 2 Billion years and this asshole comes along and says, nah God didn't create us via evolution! Fully formed Adam was immediately created 6000 years ago out of a block of clay, and then God just simply took a rib from Adam and formed Eve.

Think damn it!

2nd December 2015, 03:38 AM
Ok, use your consciousness and tell us how humans came to be Goldie. You never told us...

I dont believe in the ape theory, the missing link has never really been found/proven... the words "unexplained mutation", makes me smile, fits everywhere. Seeing what they do to us today genetically, I lean toward an external genetic intervention that took place at some point. I see no difference between 2 billion and 6 million.

the entire Creation manifests the Consciousness of the Same One, different levels of Consciousness of course. We are at the level of Sentient Beings. There are higher levels of Consciousness than ours. Ours still can evolve depending on our choices. All sentient beings must respect Creation, all the levels below them (since we cannot be aware of the levels above us), or they will serve a death cult. The death cult is a logical outcome for societies not aware of the big ball game. Nature telling us: if you want to compete like animals (being in reptilian brain mode essentially responding Fear), that is what you get. It becomes interesting when thinking that the so-called bronze age people knew about it already. This slavery is very ancient, goes back to Sumeria.

Infamous mason, francis bacon: to command Nature, you must first obey Her.

The NWO is no coincidence, I am afraid. We are here to learn about Free Will and Fear.

So if there is no critical mass that gets it, fighting back or not ... our fate may be sealed because the real war takes place on a mind, Consciousness, level

2nd December 2015, 04:06 AM
Singular_me? She has been shown to lie about many issues, among them me, don't trust her, she is a liar, and she believes using these lies strengthens her position. I grew up in a non-religious home, but I believe in God.

basically I dont care about you being religious or not, I am reading your train of thoughts sticking to evolution theories that are erroneous because competition for sentient beings is a trap. Instincts served cavemen well, I will not negate that, but due to the evolution of Knowledge, (animals have only the basic skills to survive), man must prefer his Mind over his senses to ensure his own survival.

“When our knowing exceeds our sensing, we will no longer be deceived by the illusions of our senses.” ―Walter Russell

2nd December 2015, 04:24 AM
It took 2 Billion years to change that ball of clay, into what is us...
Think damn it!

here we go again ??? no predeluvian cilivizations then ??

I wont go there again, but thinking that academia is correct when they falsify history every day in front of our very eyes, and then rewrite it in favor of the winner makes no sense.

They have concealed our past as much as the rest.

All cartels are lying but that of anthropology... makes no sense

2nd December 2015, 04:31 AM
here we go again ??? no predeluvian cilivizations then ??

I wont go there again, but thinking that academia is correct when they falsify history every day in front of our very eyes, and then rewrite it in favor of the winner makes no sense.

They have concealed our past as much as the rest.

All cartels are lying but that of anthropology... makes no sense

Yep, here we go again. :rolleyes:

Acadaemia has no motive to falsify ancient history. Modern history departments on the other hand have EVERY reason to distort the recent past for political reasons.

The fact is you have NO proof whatsoever that ancient history has been tampered of falsified, its just another one of your absurd "elements of faith"

Honestly, as I've said you have no credibility or expertise to comment on what makes sense or doesn't. All of your fundamentalist ideaology relies on distortions, misrepresentations, hearsay and supposition.

Everything I say has a basis in FACT.

It drives you completely insane I know, but there it is...:)

2nd December 2015, 04:50 AM
yeah, the whole world is a GIANT lie from A TO Z... but mainstream anthropologists are correct.

LOL the so called bronze age people had a full understanding of earth measurements... do you believe that ??? Or has this knowledge survived a cataclysm ?

starts @20mins if in the hurry but listen to all of it. New stunning pyramid (sacred) measurements.


I stop here with the subject, not ready for a 100p thread

Yep, here we go again. :rolleyes:

Acadaemia has no motive to falsify ancient history. Modern history departments on the other hand have EVERY reason to distort the recent past for political reasons.

The fact is you have NO proof whatsoever that ancient history has been tampered of falsified, its just another one of your absurd "elements of faith"

Honestly, as I've said you have no credibility or expertise to comment on what makes sense or doesn't. All of your fundamentalist ideaology relies on distortions, misrepresentations, hearsay and supposition.

Everything I say has a basis in FACT.

It drives you completely insane I know, but there it is...:)

2nd December 2015, 04:59 AM
yeah, the whole world is a GIANT lie from A TO Z

The whole world isn't a lie. In fact thats the big difference between you and I.

Your world is filled with darkness, morbidity, negativity and doubt.

Mine on the other hand is neatly compartmentalised between the affiars of the natural world and that of humans. While they overlap, the natural world is governed by the laws of the natural world, of evolution, geological time and the physical laws in contrast those of humans are governed by politics and human psychology and all that those forces bring with them.

Mine is simple, elegant, inspiring and enlightening. Yours is morbid, arbritraily complicated, neurotical and mentally harmful.

That I'm happy to leave you with. ;)

2nd December 2015, 05:11 AM
see bold: world isnt a lie... aeon' perception of reality. Thats what he generally says when one threatens the cartels he believes in
, but he calls me a fraud.

have a good day aeon

The whole world isn't a lie. In fact thats the big difference between you and I. Your world is filled with darkness, morbidity, negativity and doubt.

Mine on the other hand is neatly compartmentalised between the affiars of the natural world and that of humans. While they overlap, the natural world is governed by the laws of the natural world, of evolution, geological time and the physical laws in contrast those of humans are governed by politics and human psychology and all that those forces bring with them.

Mine is simple, elegant, inspiring and enlightening. Yours is morbid, arbritraily complicated, neurotical and mentally harmful.

That I'm happy to leave you with. ;)

2nd December 2015, 05:19 AM
What this poster claims I said...

see bold: world isnt a lie... aeon' perception of reality.

What I ACTUALLY said

The whole world isn't a lie. In fact thats the big difference between you and I.

People lie, just like you've done; lying by omission, falsification and misrepresentation. I never claimed otherwise. Thats not to say that EVRYTHING is a lie, that kind of thinking is the result of a sick mind. Maybe you should seek help?

Not very honourable of you is it, what is it that you claim to believe in again? Peace, honesty, love, compassion and all that drivel?

Doesn't actually look like your actions can keep up with your words does it?


2nd December 2015, 05:43 AM
basically I dont care about you being religious or not, I am reading your train of thoughts sticking to evolution theories that are erroneous because competition for sentient beings is a trap. Instincts served cavemen well, I will not negate that, but due to the evolution of Knowledge, (animals have only the basic skills to survive), man must prefer his Mind over his senses to ensure his own survival.

You are stuck Goldissima! There is nothing in Evolution theory that contradicts God, you are stuck in your own deranged fundamentalism.

You haven't answered where humans are coming from yet... :)

2nd December 2015, 05:45 AM
His problemwas the distinctness of living species, used as a majorargument against the idea that species could change. If one could evolve into another, why were they not“blended together by innumerable transitional links” (Darwin1859, p. 234)? His proposed solution was a “process ofextermination” due to natural selection, that removed an“enormous number” of pre-existing “intermediate varieties.”Why, then, were such transitional forms not readily found in“every geological formation and…stratum”? His explanationwas “the extreme imperfection of the geological record.”

When your theory is in doubt, just have faith that you can blame it on imperfections.

2nd December 2015, 05:51 AM
What this poster claims I said...

What I ACTUALLY said

People lie, just like you've done; lying by omission, falsification and misrepresentation. I never claimed otherwise. Thats not to say that EVRYTHING is a lie, that kind of thinking is the result of a sick mind. Maybe you should seek help?

Not very honourable of you is it, what is it that you claim to believe in again? Peace, honesty, love, compassion and all that drivel?

Doesn't actually look like your actions can keep up with your words does it?

It is difficult to imagine anyone having a darker outlook on humanities future than Goldie's. According to her we will annihilate each other unless we get rid of our brain stem, that's the instinct part of the brain, unfortunately you cannot live without a brain stem so we really are doomed!

2nd December 2015, 05:57 AM
listen, the monetary system has been corrupted for so long and is the foundation of mainstream academia which is either partially or totally corrupt. I never read that you were following people standing out of the pack, out the box academic people or lone but highly knowledgeable investigators.

if 80% of what is out there is a lie, we do live in a lie. Dont believe in the number? turn on your tv. This approximate is fair.

I chose out of the box academia and thinkers a long while ago. And no, my world is bright because full awareness is my stance, the ugly and the beautiful are part of my picture 24/7. When one is fully aware, one cannot be deceived. By accepting the ugly (80%), I take self responsibility.

What this poster claims I said...[/B
[B]What I ACTUALLY said
People lie, just like you've done; lying by omission, falsification and misrepresentation. I never claimed otherwise. Thats not to say that EVRYTHING is a lie, that kind of thinking is the result of a sick mind. Maybe you should seek help?

Not very honourable of you is it, what is it that you claim to believe in again? Peace, honesty, love, compassion and all that drivel?

Doesn't actually look like your actions can keep up with your words does it?


2nd December 2015, 06:01 AM
I dont believe in the ape theory, the missing link has never really been found/proven... the words "unexplained mutation", makes me smile, fits everywhere. Seeing what they do to us today genetically, I lean toward an external genetic intervention that took place at some point. I see no difference between 2 billion and 6 million.

Aliens made us? :) God didn't create humanity as the crown of his creation? I thought you were a theist

Replace "unexplained mutation", with "God-directed genetic intervention", it took 2 Billion years to create humans out of mud. God should be appreciated for his work!

2nd December 2015, 06:22 AM
no aliens, nor strange mutation needed...

look at what they are doing today to re-engineer us genetically, something more advanced was in the making before a cataclysm. 2 billion years do not hold any water. believing this is naive. but is good for racial divide.

Listen to the video

ps: the existence of aliens does not negate God, God is still there, his knowledge is embedded in the universe.

Aliens made us? :) God didn't create humanity as the crown of his creation? I thought you were a theist

Replace "unexplained mutation", with "God-directed genetic intervention", it took 2 Billion years to create humans out of mud. God should be appreciated for his work!

2nd December 2015, 06:41 AM
no aliens, nor strange mutation needed...

look at what they are doing today to re-engineer us genetically, something more advanced was in the making before a cataclysm. 2 billion years do not hold any water. believing this is naive. but is good for racial divide.

Listen to the video

There is a racial divide, whether you like it or not. Negroes are more instinctual!

Why is it naive to believe it took God 2 Billion years to create human life on earth from scratch? Why is your 6 million years more believable?

2nd December 2015, 07:25 AM
There is a racial divide, whether you like it or not. Negroes are more instinctual!

Why is it naive to believe it took God 2 Billion years to create human life on earth from scratch? Why is your 6 million years more believable?

6 million... 6 million, where is this number comes from ?

missing link = extraordinary mutation, thats the only explanation out there so far.

but you will never consider advanced pre-catalysmic civilizations. where is the point debating this?

2nd December 2015, 07:54 AM
6 million... 6 million, where is this number comes from ?

missing link = extraordinary mutation, thats the only explanation out there so far.

6 million is what you yourself wrote in post #111, as you claimed it wasn't 2 Billion years, you don't remember? Interesting choice of number though...

What is the missing link according to your beliefs?

2nd December 2015, 08:00 AM
but you will never consider advanced pre-catalysmic civilizations. where is the point debating this?
True there is no point in debating a fantasy, you have no proof whatsoever for.

2nd December 2015, 08:04 AM
believing 2 billion vs 6 million vanishing in germany of course

we just cannot trust any numbers as long as they control the past, hiding the origin of mankind allows them to continue their crimes as it is occurring without our consent... redux after redux... they have done this 1000s years ago... they know when a pole shift or any cataclysmic event will happen.

Scientists Warn That The Human Species Will Be ‘Irrevocably Altered’ by Genetic Editing

if humans can stop this it is because they will unite against them... and will turn racism into an illusion

reality is all about perceptions, everybody is proven wrong in due time if unable to stretch it, just needs the right data to manifest.

but thanks to darwin, archonic competition mindset, low level consciousness, that made this genetic manipulation possible in the first place

NEW RACISM? from the article
In an open letter, scientists said there was ‘no justification’ for genetically modifying humans and claimed it could lead to a world where inequality and discrimination were ‘inscribed onto the human genome.’

6 million is what you yourself wrote in post #111, as you claimed it wasn't 2 Billion years, you don't remember? Interesting choice of number though...

What is the missing link according to your beliefs?

2nd December 2015, 09:45 AM
believing 2 billion vs 6 million vanishing in germany of course

Oy vey! That many?

2nd December 2015, 11:09 AM
leaving this thread.... and this video behind for those who dont know him

he was another victim of the cartel, just like tesla, his best pal... maybe luckier in the sense he had the love and support of a wonderful wife (and personal wealth), which the tormented telsa didnt have .


vortex mechanics application from walter russell, conference excerpt (non destructive technology)
WOWOW, first time I watch this myself and not in two books of his I read


2nd December 2015, 11:22 AM
leaving this thread.... and this video behind for those who dont know him

he was another victim of the cartel, just like tesla, his best pal... maybe luckier in the sense he had the love and support of a wonderful wife, which the tormented telsa didnt have .

If you read his bio you'll see he very often worked with the Cartel... And he died at the tender age of 92. Are you suggesting the cartel murdered him then?

mick silver
2nd December 2015, 11:26 AM
dam neuro don't you get it yet ......................... she seen it on the net and it has to be true .....................

2nd December 2015, 11:34 AM
If you read his bio you'll see he very often worked with the Cartel... And he died at the tender age of 92. Are you suggesting the cartel murdered him then?

he was born rich, so he had access to the cartel... BUT his work was AGAINST it... they doomed all his research, that is how much they loved him. LOL

so for you one needs to be born poor and died crazy or being murdered to sound worthy ??

He was not murdered. But his work trashed on purpose by the academia

Neuro, you will never get it.

I thank him for sharing his knowledge about the Universe and influencing my work.

2nd December 2015, 11:36 AM
dam neuro don't you get it yet ......................... she seen it on the net and it has to be true .....................
Haha! I read his bio on one of her links in a post she wrote about him. I guess she hadn't read it herself, since she thought he was a victim of the cartel! ;D

2nd December 2015, 11:38 AM
dam neuro don't you get it yet ......................... she seen it on the net and it has to be true .....................

and you'd like me not to think that what you post right after me, has to be taken positively?


2nd December 2015, 11:41 AM
Haha! I read his bio on one of her links in a post she wrote about him. I guess she hadn't read it herself, since she thought he was a victim of the cartel! ;D

when I say victim of the cartel, I mean that his work was TRASHED... nothing else, you work your whole life on something worthy that can save the planet and all you get is an academic finger... I call this being a victim

I have known his work for 5 years, and perfectly know he was not murdered.

but of course, trolling and ridiculing is a way of life on your end AGAIN

as if being an INTELLECTUAL VICTIM is impossible :D

watch 2nd video and learn something different when you get a chance.

2nd December 2015, 11:42 AM
Dammit man.... posting in these forums is akin to sleepwalking into a mine field... lol

A days worth of entertainment in 5 minutes.

2nd December 2015, 11:43 AM
he was born rich, so he had access to the cartel... BUT his work was AGAINST it... they doomed all his research, that is how much they loved him. LOL

so for you one needs to be born poor and died crazy or being murdered to sound worthy ??

He was not murdered. But his work trashed on purpose by the academia

Neuro, you will never get it.

I thank him for sharing his knowledge about the Universe and influencing my work.
He was born very poor. He had to stop formal schooling at age 9 to start working!

2nd December 2015, 11:49 AM
He was born very poor. He had to stop formal schooling at age 9 to start working!

he died rich, tesla didnt... easy to make someone lose track of his/her words with ridiculing, trolling.

keep laughing with Mick... or

vortex mechanics application from walter russell, conference excerpt (non destructive technology)


2nd December 2015, 11:50 AM
when I say victim of the cartel, I mean that his work was TRASHED... nothing else, you work your whole life on something worthy that can save the planet and all you get is an academic finger... I call this being a victim

I have known his work for 5 years, and perfectly know he was not murdered.

but of course, trolling and ridiculing is a way of life on your end AGAIN

as if being an INTELLECTUAL VICTIM is impossible :D

watch 2nd video and learn something different when you get a chance.
He wasn't a victim of anything he worked very frequently with the leading industrialists and bankers of the time. Read his bio!

2nd December 2015, 11:52 AM
he died rich, tesla didnt... easy to make someone lose track of his/her words with ridiculing, trolling.

keep laughing with Mick... or

vortex mechanics application from walter russell, conference excerpt (non destructive technology)

Your entire post is centered around the 'fact' he was born rich. It wasn't a typo!

2nd December 2015, 11:57 AM
He wasn't a victim of anything he worked very frequently with the leading industrialists and bankers of the time. Read his bio!
He was a genius and also recognized at some level, but not for his main work on cosmogeny.... which is the most important WHEN one knows his work. He was 100s years ahead of his time and for me that is all what matters.

listen to 2nd video, before introducing his work, they speak about what he stood for...an anti cartel society

mick silver
2nd December 2015, 11:58 AM
she wrote a book and yet cannot read . before you say one thing about me I know I am not a great writer but I am a strong reader . singyourselfasong

mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:02 PM
they speak about what he stood for. some one else telling a story and u just type that

2nd December 2015, 12:02 PM
Your entire post is centered around the 'fact' he was born rich. It wasn't a typo!

I wrote a mistake... my bad. nope I ALSO said that unlike tesla he had personal wealth and wonderful wife.

well at least you learned about him obviously...

2nd December 2015, 12:05 PM
He was a genius and also recognized at some level, but not for his main work on cosmogeny.... which is the most important WHEN one knows his work. He was 100s years ahead of his time and for me that is all what matters.

listen to 2nd video, before introducing his work, they speak about what he stood for...an anti cartel society
He was born in very poor conditions, had to start working at age 9 after 2-3 years of formal schooling (probably comparable to a high school education today..) Later on in life he frequently work together with the absolute elite of the time, and dies a rich man at the age of 92 from natural causes.

Doesn't sound like a victim to me!

mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:07 PM
I am putting the farm up for sale and moving to Israel this is my last post here ... G–d says to Abraham, “For all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed forever.” (Bereshit 13:15)
G–d says to Isaac, “For to you and your offspring will I give these lands.” (Bereshit 26:3)
G–d says to Jacob, “And the land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac, to you will I give it and to your offspring after you…” (Bereshit 35:12) by by see you all in israel

2nd December 2015, 12:08 PM
I wrote a mistake... my bad. nope I ALSO said that unlike tesla he had personal wealth and wonderful wife.

well at least you learned about him obviously...
So did you!

2nd December 2015, 12:10 PM
sure, work your all life on something that can revolutionize the world and get a finger for it... especially when you know so many (academic) people, is a big hit.

focus on the work instead of his personal history... the work is phenomenal.

He was born in very poor conditions, had to start working at age 9 after 2-3 years of formal schooling (probably comparable to a high school education today..) Later on in life he frequently work together with the absolute elite of the time, and dies a rich man at the age of 92 from natural causes.

Doesn't sound like a victim to me!

2nd December 2015, 12:13 PM
leaving this thread.... and this video behind for those who dont know him

he was another victim of the cartel, just like tesla, his best pal... maybe luckier in the sense he had the love and support of a wonderful wife (and personal wealth), which the tormented telsa didnt have

Suppoting evidence please. I am not able to find any

date of nikola tesla and walter russell discussion

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esaruoho (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/user/esaruoho/)

REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79903)Thu 15 Nov, 2007 06:01 am
it is claimed that nikola tesla, and walter russell, spoke, and that walter russell told tesla the cosmogeny.

"Nikola Tesla and Walter Russell did meet and discuss their respective cosmologies. Tesla recognized the wisdom and power of Russells' teaching and urged Russell to lock up his knowledge in a safe for 1,000 years until man was ready for it."

"Nikola Tesla told Walter Russell to hide his cosmogony from the world for a thousand years. "

and then the version with "to await the unfolding of man".

what are the archives of the university of science and philosophy like? do they contain all letters etc transactions, notes, journals, magazines, etc? in what kind of a state are they?

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REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79904)Sat 29 Nov, 2008 02:19 pm

esaruoho wrote:
it is claimed that nikola tesla, and walter russell, spoke, and that walter russell told tesla the cosmogeny.

"Nikola Tesla and Walter Russell did meet and discuss their respective cosmologies. Tesla recognized the wisdom and power of Russells' teaching and urged Russell to lock up his knowledge in a safe for 1,000 years until man was ready for it."

"Nikola Tesla told Walter Russell to hide his cosmogony from the world for a thousand years. "

and then the version with "to await the unfolding of man".

I have also found this claim on the web but no info to verify it. I have found no info so far of Russell mentioning Tesla.

It's interesting though that dr. Russell frequently mentiones Nikola Tesla's "rival", Thomas Edison, calling him a genious.

Tesla stated opinion about Edison himself:

"If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search. ... I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety percent of his labor."

In a Divine Illiad 1 Russell even adresses Marconi (who stole the Radio invention title from Tesla) as a genious. And I don't find Marconi anywhere in the same league as Tesla. Not nearly as popular and he wasn't even American (distance could be bigger factor then).

Not trying to made some conclusions from it but it is interesting. Tesla is also a big person and thinker from that time that I deeply respect and "like should attract like".

Peace phil

REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79905)Sun 30 Nov, 2008 03:56 am

Well, the statement, that Tesla told to wait him for 1000 years and also some othing things is mentioned in the book "Atomic Suicide?".

But what would really be nice, if anyone has the exact date and circumstances according the meeting of Tesla and Dr.

Sure Tesla and Edison were not big friends, but maybe it had to happen like that, so that Tesla first got a chance to work in this business (for Edison) and that he later could brake with Edison so that he could go on and develop his own things...

Maybe it's the same with Marconi, which was a disciple of Tesla. Maybe time was not ripe for Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter, so Marconi got to develop the conventional EM-Radio, which we still use today. As Tesla himself would never have developed this, as in his view his system was far superior.
And therefore the statement that Marconi "stole" Tesla's idea is IMHO also not exactly correct. As Tesla himself, as I said before actually developed another system. The later court case outcome was more politically influenced than really based on the facts, for Marconi was Italian...

IMHO using the mind to judge people how great they are is not useful. Only enlightened people really are able to see how good certain people can manifest the Supreme truth.

Wish you love and peace


REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79906)Sun 30 Nov, 2008 07:56 am
@Peace phil,

Peace wrote:
Well, the statement, that Tesla told to wait him for 1000 years and also some othing things is mentioned in the book "Atomic Suicide?".

Oh, thank you! I don't have this book, could you please elaborate a little on this? Is this Russell's statement or someone else's?

Russell and Tesla both had interests in unifying the principles of the universe, see Tesla's (never published) theory here (http://peswiki.com/index.php/PowerPedia:Tesla%27s_Dynamic_Theory_of_Gravity). I always thought how great it would be if this two guys would have worked together. Tesla being driven from practical science field and Russell from an enlightened "religious" one. I guess the time was not for that to come indeed.

Peace wrote:
And therefore the statement that Marconi "stole" Tesla's idea is IMHO also not exactly correct.

You are right http://cdn2.able2know.org/images/v5/emoticons/icon_smile.gif:
It is a pretty much established fact that Marconi stole his work from Jagadish Chandra Bose from India, whose work was not accepted as India was under British rule at that time.It is known as Italian Navy Coherer Scandal[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guglielmo_Marconi#cite_note-3).

But as far as I understand the essential element in radio as we now call it (and Tesla's own way of wireless transport) is in tuned circuits and Tesla patented that first.

Peace wrote:
The later court case outcome was more politically influenced than really based on the facts...

I agree, the whole field is someway cloudy.


REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79907)Thu 12 Feb, 2009 04:08 am

Can anyone tell me if there is in Atomic suicide description about influence of radioactive elemets usage on global warming and climate changes?


REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79908)Thu 12 Feb, 2009 04:22 am

yes there is. get the book and read it

Peace phil

REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79909)Sat 14 Mar, 2009 01:44 pm

As I again read through "Atomic Suicide?", I shortly marked the corresponding pages, and will now shortly quote them, so that other people don't have to seek them.

All of them are from the Introduction, which was written by Lao:

[...] A list of the great educators and scientists, men who were associated with my husband during the more than forty years of his active work for the betterment of human relations in industry, would fill many pages. However, the list includes such men as [...], Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, [...] and many others. Letters, autographs and other historical documents from many of these celebrities are part of the museum of my husband's work here at Swannanoa. [...]

(Atomic Suicide?, page xvii)

[...] Such great souls are the world-mystics whom the man who does not understand call "crackpots" and dreamers. Practically every world-genius has been a "crackpot" to his neighbors. Poor Leonardo had to bury his inventions in sealed vaults, as Nikola Tesla told my husband he must also do, so that posteriority could take advantage of his "crackpot" ideas and inspirations. [...]

(Atomic Suicide?, page xix)

[...] The harder he tried to give his new knowledge the greater he was suppressed. A number of distinguished scientists of great vision were deeply impressed, and partially convinced, but felt that tradition was too deeply rooted to allow such a great change. These men included Thomas Edison, [...]. Nikola Tesla was, however, fully convinced that my husband's electrical knowledge was true to Nature, but it was so different from the accepted pattern that Tesla told him that he would have to seal it in a sepulchre with instructions that it be opened in a thousand years when human intelligence had unfolded far enough to be ready to accept it. [...]

(Atomic Suicide?, page xxiii)

[...] It is the story of crucifixion, punishment, and torture of such immortals as Socrates, Jesus, Galileo, Leonardo, Spinoza, Shakespeare, Joan of Arc, Baha'u'llah, Robert Paine, Billy Mitchell, Alexander Graham Bell, Nikola Tesla, Charles Goodyear, the Wright Brothers or General Douglas McArthur. [...]

(Atomic Suicide?, page xxiv)

[...] He had, therefore, decided to take Nikola Tesla's advice and seal his knowledge in the Smithsonian Institute until man had sufficiently unfolded, spiritually, to be ready for it. [...]

(Atomic Suicide?, page xxxiv)

It is IMHO especially interesting that Tesla was the only one, of all these famous people, who wholeheartedly accepted Dr's cosmogony.
It is also interesting, that Lao lists Tesla as one of the real big genius' that ever existed, and Edison is not in that list...
This is quite funny, as has been mentioned earlier in all the other work, always Edison is mentioned as one example of a genius but Tesla is not mentioned...

Love and Peace to all the Universe, of the One.


REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79910)Fri 20 Mar, 2009 05:57 am
@Peace phil,

[...] He had, therefore, decided to take Nikola Tesla's advice and seal his knowledge in the Smithsonian Institute until man had sufficiently unfolded, spiritually, to be ready for it. [...]
(Atomic Suicide?, page xxxiv)

So, what does this mean? Did he or did he not seal his knowledge?

Peace phil

REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79911)Fri 20 Mar, 2009 08:01 am


I would have bet my left arm, that someone would ask this. :bigsmile:

How about reading the corresponding text in context?

Well to make it easy for you. Lao convinced Dr, that he should not store everything in a vault, but instead publish it. And this he did, as we all know.

Wish you all a lovely weekend.

Peace phil

REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-79912)Sun 29 Nov, 2009 04:48 am
@Peace phil,

Little Addition. Just to make this thread more complete:

[...] I feel especially indebted to [...] and to the late Thomas Edison for his more than passing interest in my ideas of polarity and the nature of electricity during my months of professional association with him as his sculptural biographer.
Many others to whom I owe my gratitude are Dr. Robert Andrews Millikan, Dr. Harlow Shapley, Dr Willis D. Whitney, the late Doctors Lee de Forest, Nicola Tesla, Michael Pupin, Harvey Rentschler, and A. A. Michaelson, and Charles Kettering, David Sarnoff and Gerard Swope. [...]

(A new Concept of the Universe, page xix)

This is at the beginning of the book, in the "Acknowledgments" section, written by Walter Russell.

Peace and Light to all.

Peace phil

REPLY (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/reply/post-94882)Tue 2 Nov, 2010 03:09 am
Another little addition, this time from the book "The World Crisis" by Dr and Lao. Just to make this thread even more complete:

[...]Gradually he withdrew into two big studios high up in Carnegie Hall, where he lived and worked alone for many years. He intended to end his days there engaged in continuing to give creative expression to the five fine arts of music, painting, sculpture, architecture and literature as well as to give some years to more fully recording his scientific discoveries to leave to posterity, as advised and requested by Nikola Tesla.[...]

(The World Crisis, 2nd ed. p101-102)

[...]A few among these survive, however, for their knowledge comes directly from God and God keeps their Light illumined if they work with Him knowingly. Only because of this inner connection in those of our geniuses, who have survived the inquisition of misunderstanding by conformist teachers, do we have such geniuses as Edison, Marconi, Tesla and others like them, who were either compelled by their teachers to leave school or left themselves because they could not stand it. [...]

(The World Crisis, 2nd ed. p192-193)

Peace and Light to all.

Philosophy Forum (http://groups.able2know.org/philforum/)
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» date of nikola tesla and walter russell discussion

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2nd December 2015, 12:13 PM
So did you!

Here is where I got my knowledge about Natural Laws... from him. To me it is more important than knowing about every penny he made or memorizing all his bio details.

The Russell Cosmogony is a new concept of the universe, explaining the relationships among matter and energy, electricity and magnetism.[32] It describes the process of Creation, the nature of atomic and stellar systems, the Natural Laws that govern the universe (The Voidance Principle, the Law of Balance, etc.), and man's relation to God and the universe. An engineer who learned of the Russell Cosmogony in 1930 commented, "If Russell's theories are sound, they will be of utmost value, as he shows that there can be but one substance, and that the difference [among the elements] is a dimensional difference and not a difference of substance. In other words, if Russell's theories are right, transmutation can be reduced to a practical reality."[33] WIKI

2nd December 2015, 12:15 PM
sure, work your all life on something that can revolutionize the world and get a finger for it... especially when you know so much (academic) people, is a big hit.

focus on the work instead of his personal history... the work is phenomenal.
Yeah the elite of the time payed him handsomely for it!

mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:22 PM
Walter Russell lived in the dark but walked and talked with God in the Light. And what the soul of Creation told his Soul, he told me  and I walked and talked with God in those early days in His wonderlands of Peat Meadow and the huge oaks down in Bachelders wilds where nobody went but me, for no one else in all My World heard what I heard there  nor saw what I saw there  so it was mine alone, all that glory just mine alone.

2nd December 2015, 12:26 PM
Another funny detail he doesn't mention Tesla in any of his writings, but he calls Edison 'a genius' and frequently mentions him. Tesla despised Edison and called him mediocre.

2nd December 2015, 12:27 PM
Suppoting evidence please. I am not able to find any

I dont know that forum but what is said about Tesla and Russell possibly not knowing each other is the first time I read this. My assumptions may be based on the same rumor read elsewhere.

but where is your point exactly, looking for the details in what I write, instead into Russell's genius? A diversion?

2nd December 2015, 12:31 PM
Hallelujah and Happy Hanukkah, Jake Silver


2nd December 2015, 12:32 PM
Yeah the elite of the time payed him handsomely for it!

whatever you think neuro, now you have found your bait. I mentioned him over and over for about MONTHS on here and you NEVER bothered to inquire about him... but now that you are kinda losing the argument, his background becomes the problem.

I look at the man, his work and his intentions... yes, he got rich but started from scratch obviously... then what... he REDEEMED himself fully in my eyes. His work could have helped sciences to make a 500 year leap froward but he got the finger from his entourage.

if you do not agree with my words here, just go fight windmills

lets trash goldie because she admires a rich genius ? is all what it comes down to... while I am sure you will most likely NEVER read about his work. Anyway his work is about the merging of science and spirituality, so you will not like it anyway, so you will NEVER read it. But lets trash Goldie, meanwhile. ;D




2nd December 2015, 01:02 PM
Black Heimdhalls from all corners of the globe will do everything within their power to prevent rebirth of the aether.


2nd December 2015, 01:09 PM
... do NOT bring up the aether PLZ ;D LOL

Black Heimdhalls from all corners of the globe will do everything within their power to prevent rebirth of the aether.


2nd December 2015, 01:14 PM
whatever you think neuro, now you have found your bait. I mentioned him over and over for about MONTHS on here and you NEVER bothered to inquire about him... but now that you are kinda losing the argument, his background becomes the problem.

I look at the man, his work and his intentions... yes, he got rich but started from scratch obviously... then what... he REDEEMED himself fully in my eyes. His work could have helped sciences to make a 500 year leap froward but he got the finger from his entourage.

if you do not agree with my words here, just go fight windmills

lets trash goldie because she admires a rich genius ? is all what it comes down to... while I am sure you will most likely NEVER read about his work. Anyway his work is about the merging of science and spirituality, so you will not like it anyway, so you will NEVER read it. But lets trash Goldie, meanwhile. ;D

God tweaked evolution, to create thinking man in his likeness. There you have the merging of science and spirituality!

2nd December 2015, 01:37 PM
I dont know that forum but what is said about Tesla and Russell possibly not knowing each other is the first time I read this. My assumptions may be based on the same rumor read elsewhere.

but where is your point exactly, looking for the details in what I write, instead into Russell's genius? A diversion?

My point is why post something as factual that you assume to be so based solely on internet rumors.

Russell was obviously a gifted musician, painter and sculptor. His so called science . . Why do you suppose Tesla recommended he seal it and lock it into a vault for 1000 years?

2nd December 2015, 01:44 PM
His so called science . . Why do you suppose Tesla recommended he seal it and lock it into a vault for 1000 years?

the science is very real, Tesla was just warning him of Hypathia's syndrome.

or how his bones would be ground into tiny bits and pieces

2nd December 2015, 01:52 PM
My point is why post something as factual that you assume to be so based solely on internet rumors.

Russell was obviously a gifted musician, painter and sculptor. His so called science . . Why do you suppose Tesla recommended he seal it and lock it into a vault for 1000 years?
;D Tesla was a friend of humanity perhaps?

2nd December 2015, 02:07 PM
Trump thinks everyone's a great guy too.

mick silver
2nd December 2015, 02:09 PM
how about the place your hiding how the leaders there horn

2nd December 2015, 02:35 PM
when I see the mental resistance, the tesla quote, true or not, makes a lot of sense. the world isnt ready to merge spirituality and science just yet because anything that doesnt sound like the bible is immediately tagged as evil new age... And one wonders why people didnt stand up against the inquisition. good job NWO!

But mentalities are changing, which is the upside.

You keep calling his work so-called science based on a few words found on a forum TOO. There is a difference between assuming he was friend with tesla and bashing the work itself.

russell has been a major pioneer of the electric universe theory... if you think paying more attention to a possible untrue rumor, to refute him, so be it.

There are plenty of videos on youtube, even his books can be found in audio format... so go ahead, listen for a few weeks/months then share your impressions.

Three unusual scientists: John Keely, Nikola Tesla, Walter Russell : three one-act plays


wonder why you keep calling him the so called scientist, because he has no degree?

My point is why post something as factual that you assume to be so based solely on internet rumors.

Russell was obviously a gifted musician, painter and sculptor. His so called science . . Why do you suppose Tesla recommended he seal it and lock it into a vault for 1000 years?

2nd December 2015, 02:49 PM
how about the place your hiding how the leaders there horn

You mean the finance minister or the president, I'm not hiding from either of them

I'm reminded of early greek civilization and the citystate, its doable at that scale Especially when you have 0 militants.

2nd December 2015, 02:54 PM
the problem is that in our physical reality, exceptions makes the rules

it works otherwise within the Greater Reality, when dealing with Cosmic Natural Laws, there is no exception. molecules will always behave the same way when interacting, depending on which molecules they come across.

which Reality do you think always wins over ???

It is somehow discombobulating for many people because they have to let go their perception bubble and the Ego stands in the way.

The Greater Reality is merely telling us that our physical reality is an illusion. We are being enslaved by an illusion/perception.

so yes, Russell wrote about real science, the academia just didnt want to hear about those cosmic laws sabotaging their influence .

the science is very real, Tesla was just warning him of Hypathia's syndrome. or how his bones would be ground into tiny bits and pieces

2nd December 2015, 03:03 PM
when I see the mental resistance, the tesla quote, true or not, makes a lot of sense. the world isnt ready to merge spirituality and science just yet because anything that doesnt sound like the bible is immediately tagged as evil new age... And one wonders why people disnt stand up against the inquisition. good job NWO!

People didn't stand up against the inquisition because they supported it. They thought it would take care of the nationwrecking profiteering corrupting Jews, . However the inquisition was high jacked by the Jewish controlled Jesuits, so nothing much came of it. Probably most that were targeted were Jews that truly converted to Christianity, and it wasn't that many!

2nd December 2015, 03:42 PM
European Scientismists are also supporting the new age global warming inquisition and excommunication of Pluto as a planet.


2nd December 2015, 04:56 PM
Very interesting thoughts.