View Full Version : Russia's Newest Doomsday Command Plane

1st December 2015, 07:55 AM

New generation ‘doomsday’ airborne command post to enter service in Russia
Russia’s defense industry has completed tests of a new flying command center capable of maintaining full control over the country’s armed forces in the event of a global disaster or nuclear war. Russia and the US are the only two nations to possess a command center of this kind.

The airborne strategic command center aboard an Ilyushin Il-80 aircraft, a modification of the Il-86 wide-body jet airliner, has successfully completed testing and will be ready for operations by the end of 2015, Russia’s United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation (UIMC) said.
The operational deployment of the airborne center is indispensable in situations when there is an absence of ground infrastructure, and in conditions where communications from ground facilities have been disrupted.

The new generation airborne command post has improved survivability, functionality and reliability, and the electronics on board have reduced mass-dimensional characteristics and power consumption, its producer claims. The first generation of Russian airborne strategic command centers was also based on Ilyushin Il-80 aircraft. Altogether, 4 command posts were manufactured - all of which are still in service.

The Il-80 carries on board senior generals, an operational team of staff officers, and a crew of technicians who maintain the aircraft’s special equipment.


http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/18/18/2AA2F83D00000578-3166498-Obama_and_daughter_Sasha_R_along_with_two_of_Sasha _s_friends_boa-a-94_1437239509641.jpg

