View Full Version : ‘Chemtrail Flu’ — Is It For Real ???

4th December 2015, 02:36 AM
dont know if it it is my 85-90% organic rawfood diet but I feel fine

‘Chemtrail Flu’ — Is It For Real?
4th December 2015


‘Is there such an unhealthy and debilitating condition as “chemtrail flu”? Not certain there is, I decided to do some exploration to find out what’s out there about it. However, I am positive that there is such a malady medically documented and called “multiple chemical sensitivity” [7] (MCS), which often produces flu-like symptoms in most people who are affected by it, especially during its acute stage(s).

Allopathic medicine has a love affair with chemicals because their ‘quiver’ of medicines are made from toxic, man-made chemicals (prescription-pharmaceutical drugs) so, apparently and universally, physicians and researchers, who deal with pharmaceuticals, cannot and will not, declare chemicals are the cause of health problems.

Chemtrails, being laden with super-toxic chemicals and heavy metals [1], plus other ‘ingredients’ like mycotoxins, mold spores, mycoplasma, human white blood cells-A, desiccated human red blood cells, etc. [1], probably can mimic MCS symptoms, especially since everyone has to breathe chemtrail-laden air particles, all while the human immune system is being assaulted BIG time by those horrendous toxins.’

What follows is a fairly exhaustive list of symptoms associated with chemtrail spraying. Each symptom has been identified by various individuals who have clocked their occurrence with the onset of chemtrails being laid down over their homes or businesses. This list has been organized in a descending order, with the most commonly experienced symptoms at the top.

Brain fog
Low energy
Compromised immunity
Difficulty paying attention and concentrating
Skin discomfort/irritation
Joint pain
Muscle pain
Asthmatic (Breathing difficulties)
Memory loss
Eye problems (blurred or fuzzy vision)
Liver problems
Gallbladder dysfunction
Tinnitus (distant ringing in ears or high pitched sound after spraying)
Neck pain
Scratchy throat
Allergy symptoms
Hay fever out of season
Flu-like symptoms [CJF emphasis added]
Susceptibility to colds
General weakness
Lightheaded or faint
Shortness of breath
Anger/Rage/Frustration issues

The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn’t quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it’s a “mystery” flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it. [2]

Talking about one of the chemtrail ingredients, mycoplasma, Gardner and Dr. Len Horowitz tell what it apparently does in the body.

Micoplasma [sic] is not really a fungus, it’s not really a bacteria, it’s not really a virus. It has no cell wall. It goes deep into the cell nuclei thereby making it very difficult to mount an immune response against it. It’s a man-made biological weapon. The patent report explains how it causes chronic upper respiratory infections that are virtually identical to what’s going on right now. CHEMTRAILS DESTROY YOUR IMMUNE FUNCTION [2] [CJF emphasis added]


mick silver
4th December 2015, 05:02 AM
were all test rats at this point

4th December 2015, 10:46 AM
My son got rained on 3 times last year, and sick right after all 3 times. One of those he was with a friend and they both got sick the day after. I stay out of the rain like it's the plague.