View Full Version : Turkey Blockades Russian Shipping, Black Sea Fleet Completely Cut off

6th December 2015, 09:57 PM
Turkey has begun a defacto blockade of Russian naval vessels, preventing transit through the Dardanelles and the Strait of Bosphorus, between the Black Sea and Mediterranean.

According to the AIS tracking system for the movement of maritime vessels, only Turkish vessels are moving along the Bosphorus, and in the Dardanelles there is no movement of any shipping at all.

At the same time, both from the Black Sea, and from the Mediterranean Sea, there is a small cluster of ships under the Russian flag, just sitting and waiting.

"More here"........... inforwars.com

6th December 2015, 10:04 PM
I heard they held up 4 or 8 boats over paper work and that only one was still waiting the go ahead from Turkey. Lots of safety violations and so on, even though some of the boats if not all, were "all cleared" earlier. I'm being vague because I can't remember where I read this, that they had already been given clean bills of health, maybe before sailing.

7th December 2015, 02:51 AM
Here is more about it:

These ships were detained in Samsun, which is far away from the Bosphorus, they were cargo ships, not war ships, and they used the same tactic they used earlier to contain regime critical domestic media. Find an obscure rule, no one knows about, and enforce it selectively. Essentially the ruling AK-party consists of petty criminals with huge ambitions...

Twisted Titan
7th December 2015, 05:14 AM
Turkey is. Going to get devoured by the russian bear ...and thst eagle that it relies on for help..is gonna get eaten too

7th December 2015, 08:16 AM
If it deepens into a siege type sanctions situation, Russia will end up having trouble funding much if anything come next year.