View Full Version : French Authorities Raid Mosques, Find 300+ stash of AK-47s and ISIS training videos

8th December 2015, 01:12 AM
>France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos

>A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders

>At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest.

>“In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express

Link to pic related:




8th December 2015, 01:12 AM

8th December 2015, 01:12 AM

8th December 2015, 02:10 AM
quite vague articles aren't they? Sensational headlines. When it comes to specifics on the weapons, there isn't any detail and you might draw the conclusion there were actual kalashnikovs found, but the articles don't mention this or how many. Who did they get the weapns from and what is war grade? They do say a massive stash of Ak47 bullets. Granted any is a problem but how many is massive? Hoping they can follow it up with a nice stash photo shoot. Like they do in asia with the big drug busts.

8th December 2015, 02:23 AM
But when Trump says he wants to monitor mosques, wants travel bans and a moratorium on refugees coming into the US...everyone in the GOP and liberal media says "Trump has come unhinged!"

8th December 2015, 03:51 AM
liberal media says "Trump has come unhinged!"

That was a quote from Jeb Bush.

8th December 2015, 04:50 AM
That was a quote from Jeb Bush.

That's because Bush is a cuckservative. He hasn't polled higher than 5% for months now. Stick a fork in him, he's done.

8th December 2015, 06:16 AM
When shotgun Dick is against what trump said, you know Trump is right.
Also, what's misleading, Islam is not just a religion, it is a political ideology.

Dick Cheney Criticizes Donald Trump, Forgets About the Existence of Native Americans All in One Breath
Melissa Cronin
Filed to: DICK12/08/15 12:00am

When even Dick Cheney, a man who has both been accused of war crimes and shot his friend in the face, deserts you, it can’t be a good sign.

The former Vice President called Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from the U.S. un-American on Monday, evening during an interview conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.

“Well I think this whole notion that somehow we need to say no more Muslims and just ban a whole religion goes against everything we stand for and believe in. I mean religious freedom’s been a very important part of our, our history.”
And for one glorious, fleeting moment, we thought ol’ Dick had our backs; we thought he was, at last, seeing reason.

And then, of course, he added this:

“A lot of people, my ancestors got here, because they were Puritans. There wasn’t anybody here then when they came, but it’s a mistaken notion. It’s a serious problem, this refugee problem is. It’s a serious problem to make certain that the people coming in don’t represent ISIS.
In fact, there were people in the landmass now known as America before the Puritans got here. There were in fact a lot of people. So many so that, you might say, that they claimed ownership to the land, and allowed settlers like the Puritans to build their homes on it, anyway.

You thought you had us, didn’t you, ol’ iron-ass?

mick silver
8th December 2015, 06:26 AM
Dick Cheney=bush family

8th December 2015, 07:09 AM
On the Kelly deFile last night, Kelly Megyn said Trump has united Hillary and Cheney...and her head was going to explode.

Last few minutes of video


8th December 2015, 06:46 PM
still nothing on the wires about this. The media should be blowing this up everyones backside and there is nothing.

Apparently a conservative christian.

as I suspected.