View Full Version : Turkey Now Risking All-Out War with Russia to Protect ISIS

8th December 2015, 04:58 AM
Escalation is Here

In the roughly 9 weeks that Russia has been pulverizing ISIS/Daesh/Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra into tiny bits, so much good has been accomplished already. Russian air support has done such a thorough job of smashing ISIS’s supply lines, IED factories, munitions depots, & infrastructure…that Assad’s Syrian Army(plus Hezbollah) had made significant territorial gains in just weeks. In fact they’re now threatening to retake Aleppo itself! Let’s be clear: when Assad takes back Aleppo, the country will be, for all intents and purposes, firmly under his control again.

For Putin, that wasn’t enough though. He and the Kremlin had known for years who really controlled ISIS, and more importantly how they were funding that organization, and he decided the time was finally right to strike at the heart of their operations in Syria, once and for all.


Putin hits ISIS where it hurts: Russia hits more than 200 targets in 24 hours as Moscow aims to cut off jihadists’ income by taking out refinery and oil trucks

Yes, the Russian Air Force finally launched aggressive strikes against enormous convoys of ISIS oil trucks, as well as several oil refineries used to convert the raw crude into usable product. They launched the attacks without warning, and often, in the middle of the night. Even the drivers were all cooked inside the trucks they drove.

Putin and Russia understand the ruthless nature of ISIS and those who aid them, and have decided there will be no quarter for anyone helping or fighting for their terrorist enclave.

Now, brothers, in case you were wondering:

“If hitting ISIS oil operations and their war chest was so easy….why the hell didn’t the US Air Force do this at the very beginning?”

Why, indeed!

Well, let me help you there. Barack’s lapdog told those listening, when asked the same question, that the reason the US never went after ISIS oil refineries was due to environmental concerns! Truly, he said these utterly moronic words!

DC actually expects us to sit with a straight face, and believe them when they say:

“We really wanted to strike ISIS oil revenues, honest, but ‘muh environment’!”

Traitors, every one of them. Knowingly funding and aiding ISIS, and refusing to do the one thing they knew which would easily end them….is an act of wanton treason.

Russia’s attacks were deadly effective, and the first crucial step in making sure that ISIS will no longer have the capability to fight back, or regain lost territory.

These attacks were the beginning of the end for ISIS in Syria.

Ah, and therein lies the problem for their bankster allies: Russia has now threatened to end ISIS so quickly, that it forced the hand of some hidden ISIS allies to finally show their true colors to the entire world.

The globalist friends of ISIS were running out of time, they had to do something fast…So they did.

Stab in the Back

On November 24th, Turkey as you know, crossed the Rubicon, and ordered the downing of a Russian military jet. This was an act of war. Turkey claims that while bombing terrorist positions, that the Russian Su24 had crossed briefly into Turkish airspace. Now, Moscow has provided its own detailed flight-plan of the doomed jet, demonstrating that the plane did not venture into Turkish airspace, but that is secondary, it doesn’t matter….

The reality is that Turkey had crossed into Greek airspace over 2,200 times in 2014, without Greeks ever firing a shot at Turkish jets. Russia has the moral high ground & imperative to help stabilize Syria and wreck ISIS, so why on earth would Turkey intervene on behalf of ISIS?

Thankfully, a furious Putin(having already fired 90,000 Turks working in Russian corporations, moved S400 missile systems into Latakia, moved a destroyer just off the Syrian coast, and armed Russian jets with air-to-air missiles)…decided to throw down the information gauntlet, and reveal to the whole world what Turkey had truly been up to….

The Turkic/ISIS Bromance

This man below, it’s been discovered is neck-deep in smuggling & buying ISIS oil, and shipping it in tankers to other parts of the world(including countries in far east Asia). The problem is…


He’s the Turkish President’s own son!


By the way, if you think this has been done without his father’s knowledge or consent, you have another thing coming…

I mean, can you imagine, if Putin had revealed to the world that the mastermind behind ISIS’ oil operations smuggling……had been Barack Obama’s 17 year-old daughter, Malia?

What ghost-of-a-chance, do you think she’d have of pulling off that operation without literally everyone in the US regime knowing about it(and actively helping her)?


Putin, by the way, didn’t just accuse the Turkish President’s family, he provided detailed evidence: including maps, satellite imaging, and freaking videos of ISIS oil trucks breezing through Turkish border checks without even being asked to stop!

This video below is footage of ISIS oil trucks moving freely between ISIS-held territory, and Turkey.


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAgp5gkV-K4

There are dozens more videos like this one, revealing the pinpointed routes the drivers like to take, how Turkish armed forces are nearby(yet do nothing), etc…

Here’s the entire route, mapped out, in how ISIS gets its oil through Turkey and out to Mediterranean tankers(owned and operated by Bilal Erdogan & his partners).


Now the whole world knows the truth about ISIS: this is a criminal terrorist ring which goes all the way to top of the heads of state in most Middle Eastern oil powers(and the UK, the US, and Israel as well).

I’ve warned that Russia wouldn’t simply be fighting ISIS in Syria, but its creators, ultimately as well.

I warned you all that Turkey/Qatar/US/Israel had helped arm, train, and fund ISIS to overturn Assad.

I warned that Russian involvement would out the real bad guys behind ISIS(since ISIS could never survive on its own)…

And I warned that ISIS was a US creation, and that Russia was now forcing DC to kill in its infancy…

Now we see that those warnings were 100% accurate: ISIS has only survived this long by directly trading crude oil with its sponsors, which include Turkey.

As if that wasn’t enough…now the war is threatening to jump the shark, and graduate from a proxy war between Russia and Turkey to something much more deadly…

Turkey Invades Iraq

Turkey, having already been called out for its firing upon Russian jets…having already been revealed by Putin as the regional ring-leader of ISIS, and having already lost billions in oil trade due to Russia’s destroying their truck convoys…has decided that since the game’s afoot, they might as well go “all in”…

For it is now reported that Turkey has sent armed forces across the Iraqi border, in what is perhaps a desperate bid to defend what few, safe oil-smuggling routes are left! Think about it, with the northern Syrian border now under a very heavy bombardment of Russia, and under their watchful gaze…the only key remaining ISIS oil routes are through Iraq, as this graphic shows:


Now, in times past, Turkish forces have crossed the Iraqi border, on several occasions to pursue militants. However, this statement from the Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi(via zerohedge), seems to indicate that on this incursion, the Turkish government has not gotten Iraqi permission to be there:

“It has been confirmed to us that Turkish troops numbering around one regiment armoured with tanks and artillery entered the Iraqi territory, and specifically the province of Nineveh claim that they are training Iraqi groups without the request or authorization from the Iraqi federal authorities and this is considered a serious breach of Iraqi sovereignty and does not conform with the good neighbourly relations between Iraq and Turkey.

The Iraqi authorities call on Turkey to respect good neighbourly relations and to withdraw immediately from the Iraqi territory.”

Uh oh. This border crossing of 150 Turkish troops, and 25 tanks, could be nothing…or it could be a catalyst which will lead to further escalation between Turkey and Russia, leading this full-on proxy war to an actual war.

Iraq, by the way, is now actively looking to Russia for assistance in taking care of this Turkish incursion into its lands. Iraqi’s Parliament head, Hakim al-Zamili, has now declared that Iraq’s government:

“May soon ask Russia for direct military intervention in response to the Turkish invasion and the violation of Iraqi sovereignty.”

Remember: Russia has built an alliance between itself, Syria, Iraq, and Iran in the Middle East, in dealing with ISIS. Iraq’s government, having already been raped by the US empire for the last 30 years…is done with the US government, and now prefers Russia’s partnership within its lands.

If ISIS’s oil revenues are truly on the ropes, then ISIS itself is almost spent, and Turkey’s great gamble is about to go up in flames.

This could very well lead to Turkey’s deliberate invasion of Iraq to secure future oil-smuggling shipments.

Which would lead to Russia’s response, on behalf of Iraq, to stop the flow of ISIS funds…

Which would lead to NATO’s & DC’s response(ironically to defend ISIS)…

Do you see where this is going?


Turkey’s President and 1st family are a literal mafia. They pull off bombings to blame the PKK Kurds. They actively protect, fund, and trade with the Islamic State. They shoot down the planes of those who are attempting to cleanse the world of ISIS, and now…in the last, great hypocritical act…

The same country which killed a Russian pilot for “border violations”, is now violating Iraq’s border with dozens of tanks and hundreds of troops!

The icing on the cake is that…

This is the country that Brussels wants to immediately bring in as an EU member state!

This is a highly dangerous situation, and though Putin knows precisely how far he’s been able to go in the past, without giving his enemies a casus belli, he may be forced to respond to Turkish aggression if Turkey does not back down.

The real question though, which no one is asking is how this new Turkish/Russian flare-up affect Turkey’s application for membership into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)?

Remember? Turkey has applied for membership, and is currently in the first stage of vetting, known as “Dialogue Partner” status. How much do you wanna bet both the Kremlin and Beijing will tell Erdogan & Turkey to take a flying leap after these criminal acts?

I’d say, barring an instant repudiation of ISIS support & official apology from Ankara…Turkey’s great hope of joining the SCO is toast!

Furthermore, unless Turkey does a complete 180 right now, Turkey’s game-changing partnership with Russia, the “Turk-Stream” pipeline is now on the ropes as well. Sad. The Turk-Stream LNG pipeline would’ve bankrolled Turkey’s coffers(and made them the key swing state between East and West) for decades.

Turkey would be wise to cut their(sizeable) losses and run. There are bigger fish to fry here. They know that the US is the past…and that Eurasia is the future. There’s no reason to die on a tiny alter to a bygone power structure…

Besides, Turkey should recall how the last 5 wars against Russia went for them(Hint: not good!)…



8th December 2015, 05:44 AM
I recommend a review of the 1960's movie THE MOUSE THAT ROARED. You see that is what bankrupt nations do to get out from under... they pick a larger and more successful opponent and go to war. They then fold and the creditors are left to deal with the winner.

8th December 2015, 06:59 AM
Uh oh. This border crossing of 150 Turkish troops, and 25 tanks, could be nothing…or it could be a catalyst which will lead to further escalation between Turkey and Russia, leading this full-on proxy war to an actual war.

Iraq, by the way, is now actively looking to Russia for assistance in taking care of this Turkish incursion into its lands. Iraqi’s Parliament head, Hakim al-Zamili, has now declared that Iraq’s government:

“May soon ask Russia for direct military intervention in response to the Turkish invasion and the violation of Iraqi sovereignty.”

Remember: Russia has built an alliance between itself, Syria, Iraq, and Iran in the Middle East, in dealing with ISIS. Iraq’s government, having already been raped by the US empire for the last 30 years…is done with the US government, and now prefers Russia’s partnership within its lands.

If ISIS’s oil revenues are truly on the ropes, then ISIS itself is almost spent, and Turkey’s great gamble is about to go up in flames.

This could very well lead to Turkey’s deliberate invasion of Iraq to secure future oil-smuggling shipments.

Which would lead to Russia’s response, on behalf of Iraq, to stop the flow of ISIS funds…

Which would lead to NATO’s & DC’s response(ironically to defend ISIS)…

Do you see where this is going?

Our jew-controlled Congress will soon force Putin to start lobbing tactical nukes.

midnight rambler
8th December 2015, 07:05 AM
Our jew-controlled Congress will soon force Putin to start lobbing tactical nukes.

Fuel/air explosives work just as well as tactical nukes.

8th December 2015, 09:17 AM
Midnight rambler says:

"Fuel/air explosives work just as well as tactical nukes."

Yes, Midnight Rambler, but they are very very heavy (20-30 thousand pounds), and, you sure don't want to risk losing such a large airplane (needed for the drop) and such a monstrous bomb in enemy territory - you'd have to have absolute air control/superiority that, not only would ALL enemy jets need to be totally destroyed, but, also, even ground-air missile sites are destroyed first. You got to have absolute clear flying all the way to where you plan to make your drop - such a heavy plane and heavy bomb would be a sitting duck were there to be even one enemy jet lurking in the shadows. If they really needed to make a BIG BANG somewhere, a fast jet/bomber could zip in and drop a tactical nuke and zip out before even being picked up on radar. Just a tactical maneuver with very fast, high-flying, planes built just for that.

8th December 2015, 11:55 AM
Midnight rambler says:

"Fuel/air explosives work just as well as tactical nukes."

Yes, Midnight Rambler, but they are very very heavy (20-30 thousand pounds), and, you sure don't want to risk losing such a large airplane (needed for the drop) and such a monstrous bomb in enemy territory - you'd have to have absolute air control/superiority that, not only would ALL enemy jets need to be totally destroyed, but, also, even ground-air missile sites are destroyed first. You got to have absolute clear flying all the way to where you plan to make your drop - such a heavy plane and heavy bomb would be a sitting duck were there to be even one enemy jet lurking in the shadows. If they really needed to make a BIG BANG somewhere, a fast jet/bomber could zip in and drop a tactical nuke and zip out before even being picked up on radar. Just a tactical maneuver with very fast, high-flying, planes built just for that.

Better yet Putin can use their tactical nuke cruise missiles from afar. One small tactical nuke in northern Syria will solve that pesky "Turkman" infestation near the border. Will also be the payback message for them shooting and murdering that parachuting Russian pilot.


18th December 2015, 06:35 AM
This article is from Dec. 9. It links Rothchilds to the Erdogan oil scandal.

Oil Tests May Prove One Test Too Many for Erdoganhttp://journal-neo.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/1421151998_btc-pipeline-300x200.jpg (http://journal-neo.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/1421151998_btc-pipeline.jpg)Before oil is sold, it is tested. Oil test labs know exactly where the oil they test comes from and where it goes. We knew this even before the Las Vegas Sun (http://lasvegassun.com/news/2015/dec/02/russia-turkish-president-benefits-from-isis-oil-tr/)broke a story about it.

But even though this story provided confirmation that there is no mystery about the oil sales funding ISIS, or the mechanism behind them, it hasn’t prevented these sales and transports continuing. This is because the logistics behind them are so sophisticated, and overseen at such a high level, that it is very difficult to isolate and expose the weak links in the chain.

When Bob Woodward of Watergate fame investigated drug use in Hollywood for a biography he found it more difficult to get to the truth than he had with Watergate, because the film industry closed ranks. Imagine how hard it is to expose what world governments are doing to support terrorism, when they try so hard to pretend they are doing the opposite. But maybe, just maybe, enough fingers are pointing in one direction to make it easier for other players to find an alternative, and sacrifice an ally along the way.

Would-be emperor with no clothes

We don’t know all the players involved in the transport and sale of ISIS oil. Inevitably, many are actually reputable oil testing and transport companies who go through the same procedures every day without them being called into question. But a few names which keep cropping up are a bit less than reputable, largely due to the concerns over their existing connections and how they maintain the bottom line.

One of these is Genel Energy Plc. This is one of the Rothschild companies, which should start alarm bells ringing in itself. Giving it the benefit of the doubt, we can say that it has made vast investments in Syria and Northern Iraq and it would make more business sense if it could deal with one compliant government in these countries rather than two unreliable ones. Taking a less charitable line, we can suggest, as some pundits have, that there has long been a Rothschild plan to create a Kurdish state for this purpose, and it was in the works even before the 9/11 attacks. (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-11-13/genel-agrees-to-develop-kurdish-gas-fields-for-export-to-turkey)

However, no one is going to sacrifice the Rothschilds, who can buy and sell any country on earth, and through investing in military actions. So if one of the players has to be cut out for being an embarrassment, it would have to be one the West already has plenty against. This is where, once again, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan comes in. He and his clan have made a lot of money by abusing their authority to become major components in this business. But if anyone has to take a fall to keep the operation running, they are the prime targets, and they know it.

Divorce of convenience

Turkey is a US ally because of where it is. It may be under constant disapproval for being everything the West claims to oppose, but as long as it is useful that doesn’t matter, unless, of course, you have the misfortune to live there.

One of Turkey’s most useful features is its ports – or rather, certain ports not actually in Turkey. Under the Treaty of Kars, signed in 1921, the area now known as the Adjarian Autonomous Region was ceded by the transitional Turkish state to the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic. However, one clause of that agreement states that Turkey has the right to transport goods in and out of the port of Batumi without paying any duties and can use the port whenever it wants without paying any duties. In effect, this means it retains control of Batumi’s port facilities, and can classify them as a “strategic interest”.

This arrangement has several useful aspects. Firstly, the Georgian authorities cannot police the port. Turkey can do whatever it wants there, transporting goods which would be too risky to move elsewhere, and Georgia’s best bet is to claim a piece of the inevitable action. Secondly, as the port is a “strategic interest” any threat to it can be met with a military response, under another clause of the Kars treaty. Get too close, Turkey sends troops in, you risk World War Three over some dodgy goods.

Thirdly, the port was once in the Soviet Union and is now very close to Russia. People, as well as goods, can be smuggled through it, and this has created the smoke-and-mirrors world Batumi presents today, in which no one knows who really controls what. It has long been known as a can of worms best steered clear of, and this is the advice routinely given to reporters, diplomats, businessmen and even Black Sea holidaymakers who get too close to something they aren’t even aware of.

The nature of this port operation was confirmed in 2007. In that year Georgia embarked on an investigation into alleged Russian spies in its Ministry of Defence, including links to Saybolt Georgia. This was conducted with the help of Turkish and Israeli intelligence, but focused not of the Georgian MoD itself but on Batumi, where a thorough investigation was done into everything no one else is allowed to get near. It goes deeper than that … but let’s start with pipeline wars and all kinds of intrigue for the record (http://gold-silver.us/forum/safari-reader://journal-neo.org/2015/12/09/oil-tests-may-prove-one-test-too-many-for-erdogan/%20http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/12/07/syria-ultimate-pipelineistan-war.html).

It was later alleged that Russia had set up a spying facility in Batumi, disguised as an oil testing laboratory. But that would have nothing to do with the Ministry of Defence. The ministry’s name had been used to justify bringing in outside intelligence services for another purpose, Georgia having its own intelligence service, which calls in the CIA, not Turkey and Israel, when it wants extra help. So several of the managers of Saybolt Georgia, Armen Gevorkian, director and Ruben Shikoian, his deputy were arrested based on trumped up spy charges. The purpose was to secure actual control of oil exports from Georgia, and this was done in collaboration with Turkish intelligence—as now there would be no oversight.

When the long-preplanned Georgia-Russia war came the following year some regional analysts wondered why Georgia’s largest seaport was not being bombed by Russian planes. Israel is, of course, always seeking friendly terms with Russia as well as being a US ally, and secures a regular supply of oil through Batumi. They also asked why the war only lasted eight days, despite the Western protestations of support for Georgia. Turkey’s behind-the-scenes reminders of its right to intervene to protect its interests, and the disruption this would cause to global oil supplies, go a long way to explaining this.

So it is hardly surprising, given this background, that influential people in the Turkish state use the port for their own purposes. These include the son of President Erdogan. Bilal Erdogan (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-30/are-these-tankers-bilal-erdogan-uses-transport-isis-oil) owns the BMZ group, a marine transport company. Of all the companies he might own, this is the one he considers the most useful and unimpeachable.

Both Russia and Syria have openly accused the Erdogan family of transporting undocumented crude oil deriving from ISIS. Russia has also stated that the shooting down of its plane was retaliation for Russia bombing truckloads of oil supplies near the Syrian border.

Obviously the Erdogans deny all this. But Turkey is known to have smuggled Kurdish crude oil through another port, Ceyhan, for years. That port is state-owned. It is also Turkish state policy to support the Syrian opposition through oil sales, alongside the Western powers who arm, fund and train them, and therefore a state-controlled oil smuggling mechanism must exist and be part of a wider Western oil supply operation.

Turkey is serving a purpose, in exchange for the usual payoffs. But maybe the gravy train is about to come to an end. It is possible for test labs to tell exactly where the oil came from. Exactly!

Proof of the pudding

All the information now being released in the Western media conveniently smears Turkey. It is not the only country involved of course. But it is the one which will suffer most when the West tries to continue its game by investigating the allegations which are now being made.

When oil tankers arrive at their destinations the oil they carry can be retested. If results are falsified in Batumi or elsewhere, this will be picked up later on. At the moment the BTC oil pipeline, which passes through Batumi and Ceyhan (the ‘B’ and ‘C’ of its name) does not keep backup samples after testing, which suggests that some of the oil going through it is not what it is purported to be. But this must have been exposed elsewhere, by end users who may now be being given the signal that to maintain their existing supplies, it is in their interests to say what they know.

After all, this process has been gone through before. One of the oil testing labs in Batumi was once run in collaboration with a company called Saybolt Georgia. It parent company, based in The Netherlands, has a sordid history, having been implicated in Food for Oil deals with Iraq between 1996 and 2003 (http://edition.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/02/15/oil.for.food/).

Saybolt was set up as a scapegoat by US testing company Intertek Caleb Brett, working with US and Turkish intelligence. These parties raised no objection when it hired the son of Alex Bakradze, the former Head of State Security for former Adjarian ruler Aslan Abashidze. When the time came, Caleb Brett dropped the word and it was reported that Saybolt wasn’t all it presented itself as. Saying it was obliged to investigate its own allegations, it discovered that the head of the testing had had no qualifications whatsoever and removed several staff for having failed drug tests, which were of course undertaken in-house.

Thereafter Saybolt’s history revealed, and its connection with Bakradze and the reviled regime his father worked for made public knowledge. Caleb Brett did not pretend this was anything other than a plot: one of its management told one of the dismissed employees, “I can continue to list all non-conformities in QHSE/Compliance, Georgian Branch to explain the departure of one testing employee who was terminated and to share it with the media”.

It is no coincidence that both the BTC pipeline and the smaller Baku-Supsa pipeline are often down for repairs. The oil is merely abstracted from the point at which the repairs are being made, usually before it arrives to Georgian pumping station number 2, and sold on to third parties who use other routes controlled by the same logistics mechanism, off the books. Employing incompetents appears, on the surface, to give a very good reason for undertaking repairs. The repairs themselves also involve filling the pipeline with oil which has not been documented or tested, as theoretically, it isn’t being sent there, until the next political realignment of the logistics arrangements needs to take place (http://www.marsecreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/PAPER-on-CRUDE-OIL-and-ISIS.pdf).

Ignorance is not bliss

Few would shed tears if the Erdogan family were brought down by oil testing as the case study shows in Georgia. Turkey would likewise present itself as cleansed of its rotten apples, with the same vigour the US displays when distancing itself from Richard Nixon, whose many crimes were not only known about but encouraged by many of those who vilify him today. Then it would continue as an ally on new terms, and we would be told that its ISIS-funding past had been forgotten.

The mechanism for doing this is there, as Caleb Brett tests everything which passes through the BTC pipeline and always has. It has enough knowledge to bring Turkey’s leadership down overnight, and the information we are now receiving indicates that it is interested in doing this. It would also implicate itself of course, and its US and Turkish intelligence partners, if the full extent of its institutional knowledge was revealed. But only the discredited Turks will reveal it, while the international logistics mechanism will be subtly rejigged, with different players, and supplies of ISIS oil to the West, which suit both parties, will continue.

Insider sources claim that these same companies, and players, are tied in with the tankers used today in the smuggling of ISIS oil, and that nexus will give us the link with a group of Georgians working out of the Ukrainian port of Odessa, including former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvii. (http://www.dwtship.com/ship-sale-purchase.html)
When Jimmy Carter was US president he made a number of public addresses about energy, including his famous “malaise” speech. He eventually stopped doing it because the American people were no longer listening. You can get away with a lot if people aren’t really interested in what you’re doing. The progressive exposure of the Erdogan family’s oil smuggling for ISIS will bring down an ally which has pushed its luck too far, but that, rather than what they have done, will be the story.
The actual oil smuggling, and devastation it funds and causes, continue because none of us care enough to stop it. But that is no excuse for cynically exploiting the fact to destroy your own allies, simply because you have the power to do so.

Henry Kamens, columnist, expert on Central Asia and Caucasus, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” (http://journal-neo.org/).


midnight rambler
18th December 2015, 06:40 AM
It should be abundantly clear that Erdogan is getting a not just a series of green lights from *someone* on high but encouragement as well.

18th December 2015, 10:08 AM
I imagine everyone but Erdogen wants oil production cut from the area to support a barrel.

Thuroughly hooked by the two pronged Zionist onslaught, Erdogen is another dodging Caribbean banana Republic flopper who fully purchased into East/West split political game. Someone got him hooked on dirty oil in the late stages only to pull the plug on him.