View Full Version : Dec 12 False Flag Islamophobia Conference: Video from Paris

13th December 2015, 11:16 AM
This event has completed, and it's now in the 4 hour video below. It was live-streamed, well, live. :) I plan to mouseover the youtube playbar looking for speakers I'm interested in, and skip through this video that way.

December 12, 2015

False Flag Islamophobia Conference: Live Stream from Paris (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/12/12/false-flag-islamophobia-conference-live-stream-from-paris-on-dec-12th/) 10 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/12/12/false-flag-islamophobia-conference-live-stream-from-paris-on-dec-12th/#comments)

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NoLiesRadio (http://noliesradio.org)

Saturday, December 12th…To Be Live Streamed
from Paris, France. (this is a 4 Hour live Broadcast)



La Conférence des Refusés!
Exposing the Friday the 13th Black Op in the City of Light. Usher in a New Siècle des Lumières by Illuminating the Lies and Crimes of the Friday the 13th ISIS Deception.

WARNING TO OUR FRENCH AUDIENCE: France has started blocking websites like they do in China so it may be difficult for you to watch our live stream unless you sign up for a VPN service. Click here for a link to several free and paid VPN services.

Are false flag attacks – attributed to Muslims, actually committed by the enemies of Muslims – a major factor behind the spread of Islamophobia?

Is “Islamic State” a real Muslim group – or a false-flag group created, armed and deployed AGAINST Muslims by the enemies of Islam?

Who was really behind the recent terror attacks in Paris? (Check the links at the bottom of this article for clues.)

These are among the questions to be considered at the False Flag Islamophobia Conference to be held in Paris, France, 6 to 10 pm Paris time on December 12th, 2015, the eve of the one-month anniversary of the Friday the 13th attacks.

This conference, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Sifting and Winnowing Club and False Flag Weekly News, is a response to censorship by the Islamophobia and Eroding Civil Society Conference committee, which has retroactively rejected Dr. Kevin Barrett’s previously-accepted paper proposal on purely political grounds.

The False Flag Islamophobia conference will be hosted by Professor Tony Hall and Dr. Kevin Barrett, and will feature contributors to the two books questioning both 2015 Paris attacks: We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11 and the forthcoming ANOTHER French False Flag? Free Thinkers Question the 11/13 Paris Attacks.

False Flag Islamophobia Conference schedule (deleted post event, it's all in the 4 hour video now)

About the Participants

Prof. Tony Hall is the author of many publications including the two volume Bowl with One Spoon. Volume One (The American Empire and the Fourth World) won the Alberta book award in 2004 as the best non-fiction text by an Alberta author. Volume 2 (Earth into Property) was selected by The Independent in the UK as one of the best English-language history books in the world published in 2010.

Kevin Barrett is a former university teacher of Arabic, Islamic Studies, Literature, and Humanities. He is an author, talk radio host, nonprofit organizer, and Editor at Veterans Today, and is a pundit on a number of international channels. He is the editor of We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11 and the forthcoming ANOTHER French False Flag? Free Thinkers Question the 11/13 Paris Attacks.

James Tracy is a ———- of Communication at an American ———-. He runs the popular Memory Hole Blog.

Catherine Shakdam is a political analyst, writer and commentator for the Middle East with a special focus on radical movements and Yemen. Her writings are featured on RT, MintPress, Epic Times, Mehr News, The Foreign Policy Journal, The Age Of Reflection and many others. She hosts a weekly podcast: Breaking Point at Epic Times. The Director of Programs at the Shafaqna Institute for Middle Eastern Studies, Catherine is also the co-founder and director of Veritas Consulting, and the author of Arabia’s Rising – Under The Banner Of The First Imam.

Patrick Henningsen of is a writer, investigative journalist, and filmmaker and founder of the news website 21st Century Wire. He appears frequently on RT news and has also written for the Guardian.co.uk, GlobalResearch.ca, and Infowars.com.

Imran Hosein is one of the world’s most influential Islamic scholars, and is widely considered the most prominent Muslim eschatologist. He has held posts including Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York, and led the weekly Juma’ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously. He is the author of many books on topics related to Islam and current events.

Robert David Steele is a former CIA Clandestine Services Officer. He ran for President in the Reform Party in 2012, and is currently seeking the Libertarian nomination for President in the 2016 elections. One of the world’s leading advocates of open source intelligence, Steele is the pro bono Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering (OSEE).

Scott Bennett is a former US Army Intelligence Officer and counter-terrorism specialist.
He has developed and managed psychological warfare theories, products, and operations for U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies. He served in the G.W. Bush Administration from 2003 to 2008, and was a Social Science Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. Since 2010 Scott has filed numerous military-government whistle-blowing reports with Congressional Committees, including: the Intelligence, the Armed Services, the Government Oversight and Reform, the Homeland Security, the Judiciary, the Foreign Affairs, the Banking, and the Terrorism Committees.

Brandon Martinez is an independent writer and journalist from Canada who specializes in foreign policy issues, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. His articles and analysis have appeared on Press TV, Veterans News Now, Media With Conscience News, Whatsupic, Intifada Palestine, Information Clearing House, What Really Happened, and other alternative media outlets. He is the co-founder of Non-Aligned Media and the author of the 2014 book Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue in the 20th and 21st Centuries and the new The ISIS Conspiracy: How Israel and the West Manipulate Our Minds Through Fear.

13th December 2015, 11:47 AM
That's right. Muslims aren't the enemy. It's those fucking skin-head Neo-Nazis and Donald Trump!

13th December 2015, 11:48 AM
Meanwhile, in France... (http://whitegenocideproject.com/rape-right-wing-females-to-create-multicolored-descendants-says-french-doctor/)

Lecoquierre is the one on the left.

In the blog section of French media outlet, Nouve L’obs (https://www.stormfront.org/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Ftranslate.google.com%2Ftra nslate%3Fhl%3Den%26sl%3Dfr%26u%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww. jeune-nation.com%2F%26prev%3Dsearch), a doctor wrote that any woman who votes for Front National (French anti-mass immigration party) has a “reptilian brain” and should be raped and impregnated to produce “multicolored descendants.”

Thierry Lecoquierre, a Medical Doctor from Le Havre in Upper Normandy, has been reported to the Council of Doctors for his article (https://www.stormfront.org/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Ftranslate.google.com%2Ftra nslate%3Fsl%3Dfr%26tl%3Den%26js%3Dy%26prev%3D_t%26 hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF-8%26u%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.fdesouche.com%252F6 78995-maitrisons-sexuellement-les-petites-frontistes-decerebrees-engrossons-les-lobs-supprime-une-tribune%2523%26edit-text%3D), which has now been deleted from the website.

His article titled “Impregnate the female of the National Front” says this:

“Right wing women do not appear less mammal than other women, even if they have a bigger than average reptilian brain . As any woman, it is subject to hormonal moods. With a feature that ethnology confirms to us : she gets especially wet for rough men.”

“These female FN sympathizers certainly offer us means to beat them. As each right-wing female appreciates the military and the macho, loathes feminist ideas, let’s play her game: Let’s take her at her own game, let’s take her and **** her.”

“Since they give us the recipes for crossbreeding their pale race, use it against her side. Let’s sexually overcome these stupid right wing females, for the survival of a smiling humanity. Because they are stupid and easily tricked, like game going to the hunter, things should be easier. Let’s create a curly descent (not German mind you!) let’s curlify this “other-hating”, frightened France.”

“Refusing the advances of family planning, every pregnancy will result in a little half-breed or a mongrel, an artist that tomorrow she will eventually like.”

“Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends, in solidarity: bring up your hard dicks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered (unfortunately sometimes pretty!) Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.”

“With one goal: kill right-wing poison in the egg.”

As of yet, there has been no reaction from French authorities to this shockingly anti-White article.

While most anti-Whites prefer to take a more subtle approach using code words like “diversity”, Lecoquierre is very blatant in saying what he wants: White genocide (https://www.stormfront.org/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwhitegenocideproject.com%2F about-white-genocide%2F) in France


13th December 2015, 11:51 AM
PatColo, did you mention that Kevin Barrett has been a Muslim since 1963?

Listen closely to this. He's a die hard Muslim and thinks being a race traitor is the way to beat the Jews.


13th December 2015, 09:21 PM

So anyway, last week KBarrett was interviewed (or, interrogated as he jokes...) by some mealy mouth neocon radio host-- that, or the host is a willfully blind sheeple who's drunk on the JooSpew Media (JSM) kool-aid. It's lively & funny! :D Must listen via the player console at http://noliesradio.org/archives/107593 where you see "It is now archived here — Use Player".

“Daniel from Illinois” grills Kevin Barrett on just about everything _ on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio (http://noliesradio.org/archives/107593)


I get a lot of interview requests. A “busy interview day” might include interviews with Radio Islam from South Africa, Radio Algeria, Al-Alam TV, some fairly well-known person’s podcast (such as John Friend of American Free Press) and/or a one-hour drive to the studio for a Press TV Debate. That’s on top of doing my own shows.

So when “Daniel from Illinois” emailed me requesting an interview about “your story, your work, France, Paris Attack, Islam, European migrant crisis, Syria, Israel, BDS, and much much more” I asked for details. His laconic response was “for a podcast I’m starting.” My curiosity was aroused, and I accepted.

His interview style sometimes verged on weirdly adversarial, almost like some kind of debriefing. And it just went on and on for almost three hours. If he’d shined a bright light in my eyes I would have broken down and told him everything I know. Wait a second – I already did that – no need to break me down!

So who is this guy? Will Daniel from Illinois someday become a famous marathon podcaster? (I can’t find any trace of him through Google.) Or is his interview/debriefing headed for some intel agency’s archives, where it will be fed into a supercomputer and used to build a model of Kevin Barrett’s Brain for use in pre-empting “truth terrorism” ?

Here is a one hour segment from the interview. Listen and see what you think.

13th December 2015, 09:42 PM
Also last week, KBarrett was interviewed by Super WN-ist, anti-joosh-supremacist John Friend. It was an amicable exchange throughout. :)

The Realist Report – Dr. Kevin Barrett (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-barrett/)

December 10, 2015 (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-barrett/) 8 comments (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-barrett/#comments)

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’ll be joined by Dr. Kevin Barrett of TruthJihad.com (http://www.truthjihad.com/). Dr. Barrett is a leading 9/11 Truth activist and scholar, prominent radio host, and regular contributor to Veterans Today (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/barrett/).

Subscribe to The Realist Report today, and support pro-White independent media!

(http://therealistreport.com/membership-account/membership-levels/)Download MP3 (http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-128766/TS-1035985.mp3)

17th January 2016, 11:34 PM
embedded player console inside link; 1 hr:

Makia Freeman on Islamophobic “alternative” media _ on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio (http://noliesradio.org/archives/108767)

This is NOT Makia Freeman

Makia Freeman, editor of The Freedom Articles (http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/), writes in “The propaganda of Islamophobia and the agenda of painting all Muslims as crazy and evil”:

“I am not Muslim, Christian or part of any organized religion (in fact I consider all religion to be a form of hijacked spirituality and mind control); I understand why people are becoming afraid of Islam when they are bombarded with Islamic terrorism propaganda…”

BUT that’s no excuse for the alternative media – which knows 9/11 was a propaganda stunt by the enemies of Muslims, designed to incite lasting hatred and mass murder of millions of Muslims – falling for the propaganda.

In this interview, Makia discusses Zionism and the New World Order, contemporary geopolitics, religion and spirituality, and even alternative energy.
