View Full Version : Gloria Steinem Says US is Ready for Female Commander in Chief

mick silver
13th December 2015, 04:17 PM
Gloria Steinem Says US is Ready for Female Commander in Chief by ABC News Videos 4:00 mins ABC News' Cokie Roberts interviews the writer and activist on "This Week." https://news.yahoo.com/video/gloria-steinem-says-us-ready-163421058.html comment When a qualified one runs ...I will vote for her. Hillary isn't the one....Hillary Clinton says Black Lives Matter. She lied again: Hillary Clinton Has Been Accused of Stealing Billions From Haiti: Why should Black America Support Her? As secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton was in charge of the United States Emergency relief response and plans for recovery. Haitian activists claim the Clintons squandered away billions of dollars which was intended to be used to rebuild Haiti after the horrific earthquake in the small country back in January of 2010. Hillary’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, acted as the United Nations special envoy to Haiti while Haiti was undergoing reconstruction. Tony Rodham, Hillary’s brother, is a member of a gold mine in Haiti. An article in the Washington Post suggests that Rodham’s involvement with the mine is a source of great controversy in Haiti. five years since the earthquake, Haiti “remains a poster child for waste, fraud, and corruption in the handing of aide.”This project was spear headed by Mrs. Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.. Human Rights Watch outlined Haiti’s lack of progress in the 2015 World Report