View Full Version : Tom Horn on Transhumanism, Grin Tech and the Future of Man and Beast

mick silver
14th December 2015, 01:25 PM
Tom Horn on Transhumanism, Grin Tech and the Future of Man and Beast 8:00AM EDT 9/29/2015 Thomas Horn (http://www.charismanews.com/component/search/?searchword=Thomas%20Horn&ordering=newest&searchphrase=exact&areas[0]=authors)



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http://cdn.charismanews.com/images/stories/2015/featured-news/Flickr-RFID-Chip.jpg Advocates call transhumanism 'self-directed evolution', an exact repeat of a slogan used by early 20th-century eugenicists. (Flickr/Creative Commons) "Some see it as a way to fulfill or even transcend our potential; others see it as a darker path towards becoming Frankenstein's monster." –Dr. Patrick Lin, "Ethics of Human Enhancement"
In 2011, Nita and I released a book called Forbidden Gates, which outlined the future of humanity in light of a dangerous collection of scientific disciplines we call GRIN technology.
The acronym refers to Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology, a quartet of scientific imperatives that seek to reshape what it is to be human. Yet even though the book was a best-seller, most Christians I meet are still unaware of the shifting genetic sands beneath our collective feet. But ignorance is no excuse. Every believer should know what their children and grandchildren are about to face, and we have a duty to stand against it.
In his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul explains the church's responsibility as the agent of God's wisdom, concluding this was by divine intention.
"His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms" (Eph. 3:10). Making known the "righteous" and manifold wisdom of God must include human-affirming virtues of Christian morality that are intrinsic to His divine order and the Great Commission.
Christian leaders must be actively engaged in ideological warfare for the mind of a generation especially in an age where people are seeking reasons to believe, despite everything they are being told, that the church remains relevant.
To fail this responsibility would be to abdicate to a frightening transhuman vision of the future such as was predicted by theologian and Christian apologist C. S. Lewis in The Abolition of Man. Lewis foresaw the day when transhumanist and scientific reasoning would win out, permanently undoing mankind through altering the species, ultimately reducing Homo sapiens to utilitarian products. Here is part of what he said:
"The last men, far from being the heirs of power, will be of all men most subject to the dead hand of the great planners and conditioners and will themselves exercise least power upon the future. ... The final stage [will have] come when Man by eugenics, by pre-natal conditioning, and by an education and propaganda based on a perfect applied psychology ... shall have 'taken the thread of life out of the hand of Clotho' [one of the Three Fates] and be henceforth free to make our species whatever we wish it to be. The battle will indeed be won. But who, precisely, will have won it? [emphasis added]"
Lewis foresaw the progressive abandonment of what we would call "moral law" based on Judeo-Christian values. His reference to the "great planners and conditioners" corresponds perfectly with today's transhumanists who have proposed a blueprint for the future of the human species in a 50-page U.S. National Science Foundation report titled "Ethics of Human Enhancement: 25 Questions & Answers." Some of the topics covered include:

Policy implications of human enhancement.
Moral and legal significance of 'natural' vs 'enhanced' persons.
Social and communication issues caused by enhancement disparities.
Is enhancement a right, a requirement?
Military aspects of 'enhancement'.
Copyright and patent issues regarding ownership of enhanced DNA and persons.

On July 8, 2015, Congressman Bill Foster updated the public on the disturbing possibility of enhancement technology in a feature article for thehill.com (http://thehill.com/) titled "Last scientist in Congress has human genetic engineering warning." An excerpt from the article by Foster reads:
"As the last scientist with a Ph.D. remaining in Congress, I feel a responsibility to transmit those concerns to my colleagues and to the public. The breakthrough in question relates to human genetic engineering. This has long been a theoretical possibility assumed to be decades away from practicality. In the last several years this has changed significantly due to recent breakthroughs that allow inexpensive and precise editing of chromosomal DNA. Yet what really makes this revolutionary is if genetic modifications are made to "germline" cells—sperm, eggs and embryos—these modifications will also be carried forward to future generations. ... We are on the verge of a technological breakthrough that could change the future of humankind... [underline and emphasis added]"

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mick silver
14th December 2015, 01:26 PM
Advocates call transhumanism 'self-directed evolution', an exact repeat of a slogan used by early 20th-century eugenicists. (Flickr/Creative Commons) Clearly, the issues of GRIN technology are complex and terrifying, which is why SkyWatch TV has spent three years interviewing leading scientists and researchers to produce a new three-hour documentary titled Inhuman, but you can think of it as Transhumanism 101, covering these key issues.
Transhuman Eugenics
Advocates call transhumanism 'self-directed evolution', an exact repeat of a slogan used by early 20th-century eugenicists. This new eugenics combines biotechnology, nanotechnology, neural interfaces and related sciences to design a superior man and thus a new form of social Darwinism—the enhanced and the unenhanced.
Synthetic Biology
Synthetic biology is a cutting edge discipline that builds new forms of life and biological functions not found in nature. Rather than building on "natural" nucleic acids, synthetic biology imagines an entirely new form of DNA.
Human Cloning
So-called "therapeutic cloning" is practiced every day in genetics engineering labs worldwide, where human and human-animal embryos are created for stem-cell harvesting. (The stem cells, in turn, are used to generate virtually any type of specialized cell in the human body.) A second form of human cloning is called "reproductive cloning" and is the technology that could be used to create a person who is genetically identical with a current or previously existing human.
Nanotechnology and Cybernetics
This technology merges human brains with machines, and it is progressing at a fantastic rate. Nanotechnology—the science of engineering materials or devices on an atomic and molecular scale between 1 to 100 nanometers (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter)—will provide the matrix for brain-machine interfaces.
Germ-Line Genetic Engineering
In 2015, the world became aware of a powerful new genome editing system called CRISPR-Cas9, which is used in biology labs around the world. CRISPR is a precise way of editing DNA and is already hailed as the engine of a new era of genetics including the possibility of permanently modifying the human race.
The Legal Battle and Patenting New Life-Forms
Even now, debate rages over the "patenting" of transgenic seeds, animals, plants and synthetic life-forms by large corporations. The rush to patent human genes will escalate these issues. Genomes will be altered, watermarked and uploaded—creating a nightmare database shared by governments, scientists, medical professionals, insurers and employers; while providing a pretty lure for hackers and blackmailers. Who is to say what legal protections will be assumed in an age where human biology is altered and personhood theory challenges what bioethicists like Wesley J. Smith (also featured in INHUMAN) champion as "human exceptionalism" (the idea that human beings carry special moral status in nature and special rights, such as the right to life, plus unique responsibilities, such as stewardship of the environment)?
The 3-hour documentary titled Inhuman, featuring Dr. James J. Hughes, Dr. William B. Hurlbut, Dr. Hugo de Garis, Dr. Natasha Vita-More, Wesley J. Smith, Dr. Chuck Missler and numerous other experts in fields of science, technology, bioethics, sociology, philosophy and theology to produce the documentary that will be made available to the public in October 2015. http://cdn.charismanews.com/plugins/content/cm_endofarticlemessages/torch1.png
This article is excerpted from Dr. Thomas R. Horn's open letter to pastors and Christian leaders

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mick silver
14th December 2015, 01:28 PM
Dr. Richard Land Warns of a Transhumanism 'Frankenstein' Future 11:00AM EST 12/14/2015 Troy Anderson (http://www.charismanews.com/component/search/?searchword=Troy%20Anderson%20&ordering=newest&searchphrase=exact&areas[0]=authors)



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http://cdn.charismanews.com/images/stories/2015/featured-news/Flickr-God-Fingers.jpg Dr. Richard Land warns of a transhumanism 'Frankenstein' future. (Flickr) Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com (http://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/?utm_source=charismanews.com&utm_medium=article%20beginning&utm_campaign=article).
Thousands of years ago, the biblical prophet Daniel predicted that knowledge would increase in the end of days.
While only God knows the timing of prophetic events, there is no doubt that the modern world has experienced an explosion in knowledge and information.
Amid all the scientific advances in recent years none is as curious as "Transhumanism"—a growing movement devoted to promoting the research and development of human-enhancement technologies that could augment or increase human senses, cognitive capacity, as well as improve health and extend life spans.
"Despite its growing popularity, many people around the world still don't know what 'transhuman' means," wrote Zoltan Istvan in his article (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/zoltan-istvan/a-new-generation-of-trans_b_4921319.html) in The Huffington Post titled, "A New Generation of Transhumanists is Emerging."
"Transhuman literally means beyond human. Transhumanists consist of life extensionists, techno-optimists, Singularitarians, biohackers, roboticists, AI (Artifical Intelligence) proponents, and futurists who embrace radical science and technology to improve the human condition. The most important aim for many transhumanists is to overcome human mortality, a goal some believe is achievable by 2045."
Now, Dr. Richard Land, president of the Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, says (http://www.onenewsnow.com/culture/2015/12/10/land-warns-of-embracing-a-frankenstein-future) he has serious concerns about a movement that seeks to artificially enhance human beings.
"The fact that we're trying to do this is, to me, really high-tech eugenics," says Land, who was recently named (http://www.drrichardland.com/press/entry/dr-land-named-top-100-most-influential-evangelicals) among the top 100 most influential Christian leaders in America.
One of the most troubling aspects of the movement involves predictions that within the next few decades that nanobots—or tiny robots—would be placed in the brains of people to enhance their intelligence.
Land says this is suggestive of an effort to "artificially evolve" humans into a higher state.
"And we're flawed human beings," Land says, "so we have no infallibility like God does as to what's a good trait and what's a bad trait."
Land likens the movement to what occurred at the Tower of Babel in the book of Genesis.
"When we start permanently altering the genetics of the people involved that's going to have catastrophic consequences," Land says. "You can see where that goes, it leads to Frankenstein monsters."
Land has addressed the Transhumanism movement in some recent articles.
"If, as Christians assume, man is the special creation of God with a soul and a spirit, bearing the image of God, no matter how flawed and warped it may be by sin, then human beings cannot be reconstructed by other humans as mere machines—virtual or otherwise. There is indeed a divine spark in human beings that no man-created machine or technology can reproduce."
In an open letter to pastors and Christian leaders, Dr. Tom Horn, the chief executive officer of SkyWatch TV and a bestselling author and publisher, wrote Christian leaders must be actively engaged in "ideological warfare for the mind of a generation especially in an age where people are seeking reasons to believe, despite everything they are being told, that the church remains relevant."
"To fail this responsibility would be to abdicate to a frightening transhuman vision of the future such as was predicted by theologian and Christian apologist C. S. Lewis in The Abolition of Man," Horn wrote. (http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/52307-tom-horn-on-transhumanism-grin-tech-and-the-future-of-man-and-beast) "Lewis foresaw the day when transhumanist and scientific reasoning would win out, permanently undoing mankind through altering the species, ultimately reducing Homo sapiens to utilitarian products."http://cdn.charismanews.com/plugins/content/cm_endofarticlemessages/torch1.png http://www.charismanews.com/world/53809-dr-richard-land-warns-of-a-transhumanism-frankenstein-future

3rd July 2021, 08:48 AM
“People who are legally identified as 'transhuman' do not have access to human rights or rights granted by the state. This is because they are not classified as 100% biological or human.”
Legally, the vaccinated are no longer human

In a 2013 court case Pathology v Myriad Genetics, inc, in the US, the Supreme Court ruled that human DNA could not be patented, because it was "a product of nature". But at the end of the decision, the Supreme Court ruled that if a human genome is modified by mRNA vaccines (which are currently in use), then the genome can be patented.

This means that everyone who has received the vaccine is now technically "patented" and something that is patented is "proprietary" and will be included in the definition of "transhumans".

People who are legally identified as 'transhuman' do not have access to human rights or rights granted by the state. This is because they are not classified as 100% biological or human.

Therefore, technically, anyone with this vaccine would no longer have access to human rights.

3rd July 2021, 12:33 PM
"anyone with this vaccine would no longer have access to human rights"

There are no courts that recognize human rights anyway so what's the dif?

Courts pander to corporations.