View Full Version : Trump this

midnight rambler
14th December 2015, 04:08 PM
41% in national polling...those folks in Iowa need to get with the program and move away from Rafael.

http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/14/politics/donald-trump-new-poll-monmouth/index.html (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/poll-trump-new-high-216741)

14th December 2015, 04:13 PM
If Trump doesn't become president it will be impossible to fix things from now on through the electoral process.

midnight rambler
14th December 2015, 04:25 PM
If Trump doesn't become president it will be impossible to fix things from now on through the electoral process.

IMO, three most likely outcomes, not in any particular order:

POTUS Donald
the RNC establishment screws the Donald, along with everyone else who doesn't march in lockstep with the Death Cult
voter fraud gives it to Killary

14th December 2015, 04:30 PM
as long as people live through whatever leader(s), nothing will change because self-responsibility is the only game in town

voting = giving away one's consent

The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval

14th December 2015, 04:39 PM
IMO, three most likely outcomes, not in any particular order:

POTUS Donald
the RNC establishment screws the Donald, along with everyone else who doesn't march in lockstep with the Death Cult
voter fraud gives it to Killary

- Results:

Outright distrust of the entire establishment.
Discontent grows into civil unrest.
civil unrest turns into civil war when Killary enacts legislation that no one likes. Think Obamacare on steroids.

14th December 2015, 07:51 PM
If Trump doesn't become president it will be impossible to fix things from now on through the electoral process.

I think it's already futile to think you can fix things through the electoral process. When Trump nominated himself, it was largely viewed as a joke, even by the establishment. Trump gaining mainstream appeal was something they weren't predicting, so it caught them off guard. But now the threat is real enough that they will stop him. One way or another, Trump won't be allowed to win. My best bet is they allow him to get the nomination, but then rig it all so the democrat wins. This gives them plausible deniability, because they let him get as far as he did.

14th December 2015, 09:45 PM
I think it's already futile to think you can fix things through the electoral process. When Trump nominated himself, it was largely viewed as a joke, even by the establishment. Trump gaining mainstream appeal was something they weren't predicting, so it caught them off guard. But now the threat is real enough that they will stop him. One way or another, Trump won't be allowed to win. My best bet is they allow him to get the nomination, but then rig it all so the democrat wins. This gives them plausible deniability, because they let him get as far as he did.

I don't know... he has the potential to completely destroy Hillary. He's totally relentless when he has an enemy to take down. Sure they may be able to do their media psyop and it might keep it close enough for rigging, but that's not gauranteed. Seems high risk.

The main thing that concerns me with Trump is that he seems to really buy into the whole muslim thing. If they played their cards right, they could provoke him after he becomes president with a well-placed false flag. Trump would of course respond to such a false flag event immediately to attempt to fix the perceived problem. That's what I worry about.

15th December 2015, 12:05 AM
I don't know... he has the potential to completely destroy Hillary. He's totally relentless when he has an enemy to take down. Sure they may be able to do their media psyop and it might keep it close enough for rigging, but that's not gauranteed. Seems high risk.

The main thing that concerns me with Trump is that he seems to really buy into the whole muslim thing. If they played their cards right, they could provoke him after he becomes president with a well-placed false flag. Trump would of course respond to such a false flag event immediately to attempt to fix the perceived problem. That's what I worry about.

No way, he is cool beans. This isn't his first rodeo, perhaps the first telivitzed but not his first. This man can play.

15th December 2015, 12:40 AM
No way, he is cool beans. This isn't his first rodeo, perhaps the first telivitzed but not his first. This man can play.

Maybe you're right. The whole thing about stopping muslims at the border is kind of a brilliant bargaining tool.

midnight rambler
15th December 2015, 04:29 AM
Maybe you're right. The whole thing about stopping muslims at the border is kind of a brilliant bargaining tool.

All the libtards have selective memories, they like to forget that Jimmy Carter threw out all the Iranians.

15th December 2015, 07:00 AM
I don't know... he has the potential to completely destroy Hillary. He's totally relentless when he has an enemy to take down. Sure they may be able to do their media psyop and it might keep it close enough for rigging, but that's not gauranteed. Seems high risk.He can't destroy Hillary if TPTB rig it so she wins. They can orchestrate this to appear any way they want. If they want to make it look like Trump has a chance, they will, because it gives them plausible deniability. Once they count the votes and decide to give Hillary 51% and Donald 49% it won't matter. I don't believe we have an honest voting system here in the USA, I thought most of us here felt the same.

15th December 2015, 07:34 AM
He can't destroy Hillary if TPTB rig it so she wins. They can orchestrate this to appear any way they want. If they want to make it look like Trump has a chance, they will, because it gives them plausible deniability. Once they count the votes and decide to give Hillary 51% and Donald 49% it won't matter. I don't believe we have an honest voting system here in the USA, I thought most of us here felt the same.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here...first they're going to rig the Iowa caucus for Rafael to win. That should deflate Don's ego a bit and hopefully his poll numbers.
The establishment has to start looking like idiots for the constant attacks on Trump. They don't seem to get they are attacking their base too and alienating themselves further.

15th December 2015, 08:05 AM
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here...first they're going to rig the Iowa caucus for Rafael to win. That should deflate Don's ego a bit and hopefully his poll numbers.
The establishment has to start looking like idiots for the constant attacks on Trump. They don't seem to get they are attacking their base too and alienating themselves further.

"They" could care less about alienating the general populace. Their base is corporate America. The will mold and shape public opinion with their corporate media. And they will rig all the caucuses, county conventions and state conventions just as the did with Ron Paul. If they are not able to acheive their goals, or Trump goes third party they may resort to threats like the did with Ross Perot. The fact they are beginning to look like idiots, I think, is a problem they may not be able to overcome with Trump. This is a huge thorn in their side and hurts their credibility but probably will have no affect on their manipulating the electoral process from the caucuses, primaries, county, state and nationional conventions all the way to the diebold vote manipulators.

15th December 2015, 08:52 AM
"They" could care less about alienating the general populace. Their base is corporate America. The will mold and shape public opinion with their corporate media. And they will rig all the caucuses, county conventions and state conventions just as the did with Ron Paul. If they are not able to acheive their goals, or Trump goes third party they may resort to threats like the did with Ross Perot. The fact they are beginning to look like idiots, I think, is a problem they may not be able to overcome with Trump. This is a huge thorn in their side and hurts their credibility but probably will have no affect on their manipulating the electoral process from the caucuses, primaries, county, state and nationional conventions all the way to the diebold vote manipulators.

If Trump goes third party, it's over. That will easily split the republican base enough to guarantee a democrat victory.

15th December 2015, 09:07 AM
If Trump goes third party, it's over. That will easily split the republican base enough to guarantee a democrat victory.

I think so too.

15th December 2015, 09:10 AM
We're not gonna get any real change until we bust up the *kakistocracy of congress.

And this is how it can be done:

"No State, Without Its Consent"
Restoring the Republic.

The 17th amendment supposedly amends Article 1 Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, it does not amend Article 5, which prohibits taking the state's right to equal suffrage in the senate via amendment and without the state's expressed consent. As per Article 5, each individual state, all 50 of them, must consent to the 17th, and if only one state withdraws its consent, the 17th is automatically voided.

" ~ that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."
It doesn't say, unless three fourths of the other states decide otherwise.
"No State, Without Its Consent."

The 17th was unconstitutional from its inception, Alabama; Florida; Georgia (refused to vote on it); Kentucky; Maryland; Mississippi; Rhode Island; South Carolina; Virginia; Utah (explicitly rejected amendment);. Did not consent.

The 17th is basically, a nonbinding agreement that is held in place by the rule of custom and ignorance.

Being unlawful to begin with, the 17th does not need to go through the repeal process, all the states' have to do is withdraw their consent to it, as per Article 5, and seat their selection of Senators.

IF the states' legislators were to do this, it would effectively end the 100+ year rule of progressive (socialist) democracy and restore the Republic. It would also decimate the DNC/RNC national party apparatus and cut the corporate bribery funneled through campaign funding by half, leaving the remaining half ineffectual. It would force people who divide themselves along party lines to seek common ground and common goals to counter state's ambitions in congress. And of course, it would toss the biggest monkey wrench into the gears of the Neoliberal/Neocon's nation destroying, empire building machinations.

Over time, the people would withdraw their attention from the newly established Federal and focus upon the politics of local and state import, and states will regain their individual, independent personalities, establishing laws that work towards their own population's ends independent of other states and of Federal interference. We would, once again, become a nation of states, distinct.

States' reputation of the unconstitutional 17th represents the fulcrum, the point at which the ever expanding centralized fascist police state can be overturned. All that needs to be done is to convince the states' legislators (the lever) that it is in their best interests to do it. They stick that one constitution based step into D.C., and we'll rush them with more constitution based reforms.

If nothing else, we'll find out which side of the totalitarian fence they stand on.

The only thing I would suggest to the states' legislators when they write the enabling law, is that they stipulate that the selectee must be native born to their state and have served for a minimum of six years in elected public service within the state.

* kakistocracy: government by the worst men.

15th December 2015, 12:40 PM
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here...first they're going to rig the Iowa caucus for Rafael to win. That should deflate Don's ego a bit and hopefully his poll numbers.
The establishment has to start looking like idiots for the constant attacks on Trump. They don't seem to get they are attacking their base too and alienating themselves further.
Rafael is that someone new in the race?

15th December 2015, 01:20 PM
Rafael is that someone new in the race?

Ted Cruz legal name.
Ted sounds more like a 'good ol boy'...one of us?


15th December 2015, 01:53 PM
Ted Cruz legal name.
Ted sounds more like a 'good ol boy'...one of us?

Indeed. I wonder why anyone would disrespect their parents, by pretending they have a different name that sounds better in the culture they try to gain power?

15th December 2015, 02:03 PM
Indeed. I wonder why anyone would disrespect their parents, by pretending they have a different name that sounds better in the culture they try to gain power?

Well, his middle name is Edward, which makes his middle name Ted

15th December 2015, 02:07 PM
Mothers name Beaner LOL.

15th December 2015, 03:05 PM
Ted Cruz legal name.
Ted sounds more like a 'good ol boy'...one of us?


He was born in Canada??

15th December 2015, 03:20 PM
He was born in Canada??

Yes, that makes him eligable.

15th December 2015, 03:37 PM
Mothers name Beaner LOL.

I think it says "Eleanor," but Beaner would be way funnier.

15th December 2015, 03:57 PM
I think it says "Eleanor," but Beaner would be way funnier.

Hahaha, I didn't see the serifs on the E.. looked like a B.

15th December 2015, 04:52 PM
- Results:

Outright distrust of the entire establishment.
Discontent grows into civil unrest.
civil unrest turns into civil war when Killary enacts legislation that no one likes. Think Obamacare on steroids.

Don't tease me.

midnight rambler
28th December 2015, 06:08 PM
Trump this all you Gay Old Pervs -
