View Full Version : Bergdahl may face life sentence in court-martial over desertion

14th December 2015, 04:46 PM
U.S. soldier Bergdahl may face life sentence in court-martial over desertion

U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who walked away from his post in Afghanistan and became a Taliban prisoner for five years, will face court-martial with a potential life sentence, the Army said on Monday.

Bergdahl, 29, was charged earlier this year with desertion and endangering U.S. troops and could face the life sentence if convicted of the latter, more serious offense.

In ordering the court martial on Monday, Army General Robert Abrams did not follow the recommendation of a preliminary hearing which, according to Bergdahl's lawyer, called for Bergdahl to face a proceeding that could impose a potential maximum penalty of a year in confinement.

Bergdahl's lawyer, Eugene Fidell, said the defense team "had hoped the case would not go in this direction." He also urged Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has called Bergdahl a "dirty, rotten traitor," to "cease his prejudicial months-long campaign of defamation against our client."

Bergdahl disappeared on foot on June 30, 2009, from Combat Outpost Mest-Malak in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, and was subsequently captured by the Taliban.

He left his post to draw attention to "leadership failure" in his unit, Bergdahl said last week on the popular podcast Serial, which is focusing a season on his case.

The Idaho native suffered torture, abuse and neglect at the hands of Taliban forces, including months of beatings and being confined for 3-1/2 years to a metal cage barely big enough to stand in, a military expert testified previously.

The head of the Army team that investigated Bergdahl has said he does not believe he should face jail time.

The official search for Bergdahl lasted 45 days, but the United States spent years trying to determine his whereabouts and bring him home.

He was freed in a prisoner swap in May 2014 that sent five Taliban leaders held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay to Qatar, where they had to remain for a year. The deal drew heavy criticism from Republicans.

Major General Kenneth Dahl, who led the military's investigation of Bergdahl's case, testified at a military probable cause hearing in September that Bergdahl was not a Taliban sympathizer and no soldiers directly involved in the search for him were killed.

Jeff Addicott, an Army officer in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps for 20 years and a law professor at St. Mary's University, said Bergdahl, who has been stationed at a base in San Antonio, Texas, may now be confined to his base.

"He is going to be watched very closely now because he has left his place of duty before in a combat zone and he may try to do it again," he said.

Bergdahl may also seek to have his case heard by a judge instead of a panel of military personnel, which would likely include members who were deployed in Afghanistan, he said.

The date of Bergdahl's arraignment hearing at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, will be announced later, the Army said. U.S. military prosecutors did not comment on Monday's decision.



14th December 2015, 05:16 PM
So we trade 5 taliban prisoners for a guy that we would put in an american prison for life ?
Sounds like we're trying to set a precedent - desertion = life in prison - fight or rot in prison - your choice... Should come in handy after the mandatory draft

Camp Bassfish
15th December 2015, 04:22 AM
Just put him back where you found him.......

15th December 2015, 05:31 AM
Better to use him to make a point - no one will care.

It's like creating a law because of child molestors, then apply it to a wide variety of crimes.
Also like a patriot act being created to fight international terrorists, then applying it to all sorts of domestic "criminal activity"

Walter Mitty
15th December 2015, 06:10 AM
He volunteered for the Military. With regards to his lack of leadership charge, every Soldier in every war feels that way. The term SNAFU came about in WWII.
He left His post and put the lives of the Men who were counting on Him at risk.
He deserves the Courts Marshal.

mick silver
15th December 2015, 10:25 AM
the mandatory draft is coming but who know when ... there a need to thin the herd . what he did was wrong his team didn't need to be running up and down hills going for him

15th December 2015, 10:33 AM
I live close to Bergdahl's home town. A couple years ago there roadsigns begging people to ask the government to rescue him. When he was freed he was a local hero, and there was going to be a large parade for him.

Once the narrative changed where he is now a Mussie deserted people flipped and hate him, acting like he doesn't come from here or anything.

Parade cancelled.

"Oh he was an asshole, we never liked him."


15th December 2015, 10:34 AM
Put the Commander-in-Chief in prison for life. He violated his oath and committed treason.