View Full Version : Los Angeles school terror threat
15th December 2015, 08:28 AM
Just heard it on the radio driving to a meeting.
15th December 2015, 08:30 AM
All Los Angeles area schools closed today. This is amazing. That is a lot of schools.
15th December 2015, 08:38 AM
15th December 2015, 09:53 AM
Shocker! They had a drill three weeks ago. Also New York schools got a similar threatening, but it is not considered credible.
15th December 2015, 10:07 AM
Last IP address traces to Frankfurt Germany. Turkish origin. A message from Ergodan.
15th December 2015, 10:15 AM (
mick silver
15th December 2015, 10:33 AM
ant this something , back in the day you never heard of shit like this . across the river from me there going to let teachers pack heat the governor sign a bill last year to carry
15th December 2015, 10:34 AM
It is time "We the People" replace our current government with one that answers to us and is not owned by the the corporations. There is precious little time left. Once the financial colapse occurs it will be total chaos.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
15th December 2015, 10:41 AM
So shutting down a whole school system is alright, but shutting down Muslim immigration (temporarily) is crazy, racist and only something a bigot would do.
This was a great photo to instill fear. I think they picked it for that reason
15th December 2015, 05:52 PM
Bicoastal School Bomb Threats Were Sent From an 8Chan-Linked "Cockmail" Service (
Though neither email has been made public, it appears both school systems received similar—if not identical—emails, threatening a multi-pronged, jihadi attack on multiple schools, using bombs and nerve gas. But there were plenty of details to indicate the threat was a hoax. Among them:
Both emails were sent by Cockmail—an email host affiliated with the gutter image board 8chan that boasts decidedly non-halal domains like “,” “,” and “,” as well as multiplevariations on the phrase, “” (The NYPD has since subpoenaed (“ Email Hosting,” and California state Rep. Brad Sherman confirms ( the LA email came from a “pornographic” address.)
Both emails spelled the word “Allah” with a lowercase “a”
The author of the Los Angeles email, at least, claimed to be a victim of bullying.
“There was nothing credible about the threat. It was so outlandish,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Tuesday.
“It is very easy in hindsight to criticize a decision based on results the decider could never have known,” LA Police Chief Charlie Beck said ( at a different news conference Tuesday.
The L.A. chief was just looking out for his guys. Think of all of the overtime to help pay for the Christmas gifts.
15th December 2015, 06:24 PM
So shutting down a whole school system is alright, but shutting down Muslim immigration (temporarily) is crazy, racist and only something a bigot would do.
This is a great point. People with common sense understand it. Unfortunately, we live in a world/country where common sense is lacking.
15th December 2015, 10:15 PM
I guess it was hoax Tuesday in California. I was driving home past Chapman University, and saw a helicopter flying around shining a spotlight in that area. He turned off the light and flew off. Two minutes later there was a news flash saying the the Orange County Sheriffs ended the search and determined the threat was not credible. Incredible.
mick silver
16th December 2015, 07:14 AM
we all seen this coming
I guess it was hoax Tuesday in California. I was driving home past Chapman University, and saw a helicopter flying around shining a spotlight in that area. He turned off the light and flew off. Two minutes later there was a news flash saying the the Orange County Sheriffs ended the search and determined the threat was not credible. Incredible.
18th December 2015, 01:15 PM
Full text of threatening email sent to LAUSD (
I am emailing you to inform you of the happenings on Tuesday, 12/15/15.
Something big is going down. Something very big. It will make national headlines. Perhaps, even international ones. You see, my last 4 years here at one of the district high schools has been absolute hell. Pure, unmitigated, agony. The bullying, the loneliness, the rejection... it is never-ending. And for what? Just because I'm 'different'?
No. No more. I am a devout Muslim, and was once against violence, but I have teamed up with a local jihadist cell as it is the only way I'll be able to accomplish my massacre the correct way. I would not be able to do it alone. Me, and my 32 comrades, will die tomorrow in the name of Allah. Every school in the L.A. Unified district is being targeted. We have bombs hidden in lockers already at several schools. They are strategically placed and are meant to crumble the foundations of the very buildings that monger so much hate and discrimination. They are pressure cooker bombs, hidden in backpacks around the schools. They are loaded with 20 lbs. of gunpowder, for maximum damage. They will be detonated via Cell Phone. Not only are there bombs, but there are nerve gas agents set to go off at a specific time: during lunch hour. To top it off, my brothers in Allah and I have Kalashnikov rifles, Glock 18 Machine pistols, and multiple handheld grenades. The students at every school in the L.A. Unified district will be massacred, mercilessly. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.
If you do end up trying to, by perhaps, beefing up security, or canceling classes for the day, it won't matter. Your security will not be able to stop us. We are an army of Allah. If you cancel classes, the bombings will take place regardless, and we will bring our guns to the streets and offices of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Bakersfield, and San Diego.
I wish you the best luck. It is time to pray to allah, as this may be your last day.
18th December 2015, 01:18 PM
NY email similar (
ABC News obtained a copy of the email that was sent to New York City school officials. The message says in part, "I am a devout Muslim, and was once against violence, but I have teamed up with a local jihadist cell as it is the only way I'll be able to accomplish my massacre the correct way."
"Something big is going down. Something very big. It will make national headlines. Perhaps, even international ones," the message reads. The writer claims he was bullied and rejected at "one of the district high schools," but does not say which.
"Every school in the New York City district is being targeted. We have bombs hidden in lockers already at several schools," the email says. In addition to explosives, the email says "nerve gas" would also be a part of the attack.
18th December 2015, 01:46 PM
This is a great point. People with common sense understand it. Unfortunately, we live in a world/country where common sense is lacking.
Unfortunately shutting down Muslim immigration does nothing to prevent a homegrown Muslim terrorist (as supposedly noted)
There's no common sense in that.
The common sense solution that will be provided soon is muslim extermination and extremist monitoring of social website/forum email comments.
mick silver
18th December 2015, 02:26 PM
Soros Plays Both
18th December 2015, 03:29 PM
Unfortunately shutting down Muslim immigration does nothing to prevent a homegrown Muslim terrorist (as supposedly noted)
There's 1.6 Billion Muslims worldwide. It is estimated that 15-25% are extremists. Shutting down immigration completely to them is the first step. Then raid Mosques and catch the ones here. I feel bad for the peaceful ones, but they aren't helping us locate and identify the violent ones. They seem to be on the sidelines watching "quiet supporters" if you will. They have declared war on us. The longer it takes us to realize that, more innocent people will be murdered.
mick silver
18th December 2015, 03:52 PM Look we got another one, just like the other ones
Another bad ass, another troublemaker
I'm scared, ain't you boys scared?
I wonder if he's gonna show us what bad is?
Boys, we got a man with a dog collar on
You think we oughta throw ol' Spike a bone?
Well, here's another misfit, another Jimmy Dean
I bet he's got a motorbike, what do y'all think?
Bet if we be good we'll get a ride on it if he ain't too mad about the future
Maybe we oughta help him see the future ain't what it used to be
Hey Spike, what do you like?
Say Spike, what do you like?
Hey Spike, what do you like?
Hey Spike, you're scaring my wife
Please Spike, tell me 'bout life
Well, can you tell me 'bout life, Spike?
Boy, I wanna know
I might need me a dog collar, too, boy
I might like it, it might feel good
I might see the world a whole new way
I might be a brand new man
I might be one bad motherfucker
I might say, I might say bow wow
I might say bow, I might say bow wow
Or I might say, I might say
Might say, might say fuck it
Hey Spike, what do you like?
Say Spike, you're scaring my wife
Say Spike, tell us 'bout life
Well, it got real quiet in that bar
And I remember seeing Spike sliding down easy off of that bar stool
Walked straight to the door and threw it open
The sun came in like a searchlight
And Spike walked straight to the side of Interstate 75
And he stuck out his thumb and said
Doo doo, dee dee, dee dee
Doo doo, dee dee, dee dee
Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo
Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo
Read more: Tom Petty - Spike Lyrics | MetroLyrics (
18th December 2015, 05:14 PM
There's 1.6 Billion Muslims worldwide. It is estimated that 15-25% are extremists. Shutting down immigration completely to them is the first step. Then raid Mosques and catch the ones here. I feel bad for the peaceful ones, but they aren't helping us locate and identify the violent ones. They seem to be on the sidelines watching "quiet supporters" if you will. They have declared war on us. The longer it takes us to realize that, more innocent people will be murdered.
You'd make a good candidate for one of those cloned stormtroopers on Star Wars.
What direction should the Empire take after 1.6 billion are eliminated from the face of the planet, construction of a death star?
18th December 2015, 05:31 PM
You'd make a good candidate for one of those cloned stormtroopers on Star Wars.
What direction should the Empire take after 1.6 billion are eliminated from the face of the planet, construction of a death star?
I'm not suggesting eliminating anyone. I am saying, we need to take steps before they eliminate us. For religions to peacefully have freedom, it goes both ways. We give freedom of religion, they must as well. Well, big surprise Horn, they don't believe in freedom of Religion.
I like to look at facts first. When Muslims gain the majority in any community, they crush all the rights of others. That is a fact. Another fact, according to the Quran, Allah allows raping of prisoner women. Yes, infidels are viewed as prisoners when in captive.
What would Jesus do? We can ask ourselves, forgive, turn the other cheek, etc.
What would Mohammed do? Kill, rape women, have sex slaves.
Do you see the difference in thinking and morals between these belief systems? I'm all for freedoms, religion, culture, etc. But when one set of beliefs is determined to crush another, that's not freedom anymore. That is Islam.
18th December 2015, 06:06 PM
Whether you realize it or not, Hitch Your post could be reversed with slight nuance and name changing then posted by your mirror opposite and muslim stormtrooper in Islam.
If you then want to destroy all of those in opposition to religious freedoms China would be next for utter destruction on your death star hit list.
18th December 2015, 06:21 PM
Whether you realize it or not, Hitch Your post could be reversed with slight nuance and name changing then posted by your mirror opposite and muslim stormtrooper in Islam.
Oh Bullshit. Name any recent terrorist attacks by Christians. Can you? No, you can't. Christians are not out beheading others, blowing shit up, or attacking innocent people.
That is fact. Islam IS. They are the aggressors.
Christians are not even allowed in Islam countries. They have no freedom of religion. We should share their same thought, not allow Islam in our country. They might actually respect that.
Bottom line, if you attack innocent people. You try to scare my rights away. I've got a problem with you. To Hell with Allah and his followers.
mick silver
18th December 2015, 06:27 PM
think about that hitch are we not all over the world bombing countrys
Oh Bullshit. Name any recent terrorist attacks by Christians. Can you? No, you can't. Christians are not out beheading others, blowing shit up, or attacking innocent people.
That is fact. Islam IS. They are the aggressors.
Christians are not even allowed in Islam countries. They have no freedom of religion. We should share their same thought, not allow Islam in our country. They might actually respect that.
Bottom line, if you attack innocent people. You try to scare my rights away. I've got a problem with you. To Hell with Allah and his followers.
18th December 2015, 06:32 PM
think about that hitch are we not all over the world bombing countrys
That's the big difference. We are bombing the world, but Christians are not. Our PTB don't claim religion, just power. Islamic nations do claim religion.
It's OK to kill innocent people for Jihad, or rape women, based upon their bible Quran and their beliefs. Allah says two thumbs up.
True Christians, based upon our bible, Jesus, don't agree with anything TPTB are doing either. If anything, Muslims and Christians should be on the same team.
But, Muslims don't believe in freedom of Religion, like we do. Anything not Muslim, is the enemy. We accept them. They hate us. That's really what it comes down to.
18th December 2015, 07:17 PM
In Hitch's world freedom of religion is removing entire religions from the face of the planet.
Radical Islam recognizes it too.
18th December 2015, 07:23 PM
In Hitch's world freedom of religion is removing entire religions from the face of the planet.
Radical Islam recognizes it too.
You are trolling me. I believe in freedom of Religion. I will say that again, I believe in freedom of Religion.
Islam does not. The only way to make them happy, and us, is to keep us all separate. When Islam welcomes freedom of Christianity, then maybe we can exist together in the same country.
Until they stop oppressing others, I say let them have their own lands. Keep them out of ours. I don't want our women raped, like they are currently being, in Europe.
18th December 2015, 07:25 PM
In Hitch's world freedom of religion is removing entire religions from the face of the planet.
Radical Islam recognizes it too.
Posts of this low quality do not become you my brother...
18th December 2015, 07:35 PM
You are trolling me. I believe in freedom of Religion. I will say that again, I believe in freedom of Religion.
Islam does not. The only way to make them happy, and us, is to keep us all separate. When Islam welcomes freedom of Christianity, then maybe we can exist together in the same country. .
I'm not trolling you, you are trolling yourself with a post like that.
Keep us all seperate yet welcome us with open arms, what exactly is that supposed to mean?
I've made it perfectly clear that you are the radicalized jihadist, is all. And you refuse to accept it.
18th December 2015, 07:45 PM
Keep us all seperate yet welcome us with open arms, what exactly is that supposed to mean?
You don't get it. Who said anything about welcoming them with open arms? When they welcome us, and freedom of religion, then maybe we can peacefully exist together.
God willing, I can not welcome anyone who wants to kill me. I just can't do it. Call me a radical, fine. (I still think you are trolling). To call me a Jihadist you are suggesting I intentionally go out to harm others, with the reason for supporting a religious war.
I want to stop any religious war. The only way to do that, is to separate the enemies, them and us. Stop them from coming into our country. Let them have theirs.
It would be nice if you stopped assuming things, Horn. Maybe we could actually have an intelligent discussion on this subject.
18th December 2015, 09:45 PM
It would be nice if you stopped assuming things, Horn. Maybe we could actually have an intelligent discussion on this subject.
Sure Anikin, that part about raiding the Mosques and sympathy for any innocent collateral damage to your jihad is completely unassuming.
18th December 2015, 10:19 PM
Sure Anikin, that part about raiding the Mosques and sympathy for any innocent collateral damage to your jihad is completely unassuming.
Hmm...this smell is familiar. I smell an Agenda!
You are obviously Muslim. Please don't take this personal. If you try to blow me up, I consider that an attack, and I will use my weapons/guns to stop you. Just a heads up.
18th December 2015, 11:25 PM
There's 1.6 Billion Muslims worldwide. It is estimated that 15-25% are extremists. Shutting down immigration completely to them is the first step. Then raid Mosques and catch the ones here. I feel bad for the peaceful ones, but they aren't helping us locate and identify the violent ones. They seem to be on the sidelines watching "quiet supporters" if you will. They have declared war on us. The longer it takes us to realize that, more innocent people will be murdered.
I'm just trying to prevent anymore peaceful victims of your jihadi agenda.
If you can call defense of innocent individuals an agenda.
Anakin slaughters the sand people.
18th December 2015, 11:40 PM
I'm just trying to prevent anymore peaceful victims of your jihadi agenda.
If you can call defense of innocent individuals an agenda.
Anakin slaughters the sand people.
Horn, again, you confuse us all. We all agreed I was Gilligan, not Anakin.
You are rewriting the script. Go ahead, just make things up as you go....we are watching you.
19th December 2015, 12:12 AM
You are rewriting the script. Go ahead, just make things up as you go....we are watching you.
Its easy to spot a made paranoid then radicalized jihadi, or those who have purchased the paid for propaganda and are willing to sacrifice their freedom towards a religion of security under Zion's Engineered Utopian Society of Surveillance.
mick silver
19th December 2015, 07:22 AM
hitch I know many guys that are in the army and they are Christians
That's the big difference. We are bombing the world, but Christians are not. Our PTB don't claim religion, just power. Islamic nations do claim religion.
It's OK to kill innocent people for Jihad, or rape women, based upon their bible Quran and their beliefs. Allah says two thumbs up.
True Christians, based upon our bible, Jesus, don't agree with anything TPTB are doing either. If anything, Muslims and Christians should be on the same team.
But, Muslims don't believe in freedom of Religion, like we do. Anything not Muslim, is the enemy. We accept them. They hate us. That's really what it comes down to.
19th December 2015, 08:32 AM
Costa Rica and Nicaragua claim themselves Catholic nations, though they ain't to powerful maybe Syria can ban them.
There do exist Christians within those nations, is why you hear of them being slaughtered with each caliphate.
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