View Full Version : Google, Facebook, Twitter will delete online hate speech at pressure from Germany

mick silver
15th December 2015, 10:31 AM
Google, Facebook, Twitter will delete online hate speech at pressure from Germany Published time: 15 Dec, 2015 17:55
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© Dado Ruvic / Reuters


Google, Facebook, and Twitter have agreed to delete hate speech deemed illegal in Germany within 24 hours, following pressure from German authorities who have become concerned about an increasing number of racist comments being posted on social media.
The companies committed on Tuesday to removing “illegal content promptly, that is, within 24 hours,” Justice Minister Heiko Maas said, as quoted by AFP.
"Complaints will be examined by specialist teams. And the benchmark to be applied will be German law and no longer just the terms of use of each network," Maas added.
The three internet giants and the Justice Ministry said in a joint statement on Tuesday that the social networking sites will also make it easier for users and anti-racism groups to flag hate speech posted online. Maas added that a monitoring mechanism will be put in place to review whether the system is working.
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https://cdn.rt.com/files/2015.12/thumbnail/566af152c361889a0e8b45b6.jpgTurkey fines Twitter $51,000 for ‘terrorist propaganda’ – reports (https://www.rt.com/news/325644-turkey-fines-twitter-propaganda/)
The justice minister stressed that the measures are not intended to curtail free speech, but rather to ensure German law is applied online.
The move follows pressure put on the US companies in Germany to take action after the number of xenophobic and racist comments has surged online. Concern escalated after the far-right began to take aim at the record number of refugees arriving in Germany this year, with Maas stating that social networks must not “become a funfair for the far-right.”
However, critics have slammed Maas, claiming he has failed to achieve what he set out to do when he announced the creation of a joint “taskforce” to fight hate speech.

"Maas has buckled in the face of Facebook and Co.," Green party leader in the Bundestag (German parliament) Katrin Göring-Eckhardt told Spiegel Online. "[He] called far-right crimes shameful, but it's almost exactly as shameful that his ministry is doing nothing against online hate."
The justice minister had initially demanded that a German-speaking team be put together at Facebook, though there is no sign that the request will be met.
In addition, Facebook will not publish data on the numbers of messages it removes or the proportion of messages reported as abusive which were ultimately taken down – another of Maas' original demands.
Instead, the three social network sites will only be required to ensure "transparency by reporting to the public how it implements its terms of use with relation to removing reported content," according to the terms of the agreement with Maas.
Germany has strict laws against the expression of racial hatred, a reaction to the country's Nazi past.

15th December 2015, 12:02 PM
Germany is so PC fucked.

15th December 2015, 12:58 PM
And of the state of Israel..........while we say the truth.


15th December 2015, 01:21 PM
I wonder if one puts in a disclaimer at the end of each post. That "the above post is not to be intended to be construed as questioning the 6 million dead Jews in the Nazi holocaust according to German law". You'ld get a free pass to post anything that questions the holohoax?

15th December 2015, 01:24 PM
Germany is so PC fucked.
From now on that applies to the whole World, in the name of the freedom of speech!

24th November 2021, 05:46 PM
WaPo: Facebook’s race-blind practices around hate speech came at the expense of Black users, new documents show (https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/11/21/facebook-algorithm-biased-race/)

November 21, 2021
The [Facebook] researchers urged executives to adopt an aggressive overhaul of its software system that would primarily remove only those hateful posts before any Facebook users could see them...

Yet racist posts against minorities weren’t what Facebook’s own hate speech detection algorithms were most commonly finding. The software, which the company introduced in 2015, was supposed to detect and automatically delete hate speech before users saw it. Publicly, the company said in 2019 that its algorithms proactively caught more than 80 percent of hate speech.

But this statistic hid a serious problem that was obvious to researchers: The algorithm was aggressively detecting comments denigrating White people more than attacks on every other group, according to several of the documents. One April 2020 document said roughly 90 percent of “hate speech” subject to content takedowns were statements of contempt, inferiority and disgust directed at White people and men, though the time frame is unclear. And it consistently failed to remove the most derogatory, racist content. The Post previously reported on a portion of the project.

Researchers also found in 2019 that the hate speech algorithms were out of step with actual reports of harmful speech on the platform. In that year, the researchers discovered that 55 percent of the content users reported to Facebook as most harmful was directed at just four minority groups: Blacks, Muslims, the LGBTQ community and Jews, according to the documents.

One of the reasons for these errors, the researchers discovered, was that Facebook’s “race-blind” rules of conduct on the platform didn’t distinguish among the targets of hate speech...

In December 2019, researchers on the “worst of the worst,” which came to be known as Project WoW, were ready to deliver their findings from two years of work to key company leaders, including Kaplan and head of global policy management Monika Bickert.

They were proposing a major overhaul of the hate speech algorithm. From now on, the algorithm would be narrowly tailored to automatically remove hate speech against only five groups of people — those who are Black, Jewish, LGBTQ, Muslim or of multiple races — that users rated as most severe and harmful...

Facebook users could still report any post they felt was harmful, and the company’s content moderators would take a second look at it...

But Kaplan and the other executives did give the green light to a version of the project that would remove the least harmful speech, according to Facebook’s own study: programming the algorithms to stop automatically taking down content directed at White people, Americans and men.
But what about the headline?

This year, Facebook conducted a consumer product study on “racial justice” that found Black users were leaving Facebook. It found that younger Black users in particular were drawn to TikTok.r

16th December 2021, 09:37 AM
yahoo.com (reuters): Politician says Germany should ban Telegram unless it tackles extremist content (https://ca.news.yahoo.com/politician-says-germany-ban-telegram-182425224.html)

December 14, 202113
Germany should order the messaging programme Telegram removed from Apple's and Google's app stores if it continues to ignore requests to help track down extremist content, a senior German official said on Tuesday.

Telegram has been blamed in Germany for fueling an increasingly virulent subculture of anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists who exchange news about supposed dangers and arrange protests that have spilled over into violence...

Boris Pistorius, regional interior minister of Lower Saxony, told Der Spiegel.

"We must urgently talk to them and persuade them to stop distributing Telegram," he added.

But Telegram, which according to its own website was founded in St. Petersburg and is now based in Dubai, has not responded to requests for assistance from Germany's justice ministry for help in tracking authors of extremist content.

thegatewaypundit.com: “What is Being Discussed Is Disgusting, Indecent and Criminal” – German Justice Minister [Marco Bushman] Wants to Control COVID Discussion on Telegram (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/discussed-disgusting-indecent-criminal-german-justice-minister-wants-control-covid-discussion-telegram-video/)
December 14, 2021

rferl.org: Russia's RT Says German YouTube Channel Blocked Right After Launch (https://www.rferl.org/a/rt-german-youtube-deleted/31612364.html)

December 16, 2021
Russia's state-owned media company RT says YouTube has blocked its newly launched RT DE channel, less than three months after the U.S. video-sharing platform deleted two German-language RT channels it accused of breaching its COVID-19 misinformation policy.

YouTube deleted the RT auf Sendung (RT On the Air) channel "after only five hours of broadcasting," without sending advance notice or warning, RT said on December 16.

Russian news agencies quoted the press service of Google in Russia as confirming the move, saying the channel was removed for evading the restrictions that were placed on RT DE in late September.

"If a channel is removed, its owner cannot use, own, or create any other YouTube channels," it said, according to TASS and Interfax.

At the time, U.S. tech giant Google, which owns YouTube, said RT DE and Der Fehlende Part (The Missing Part) were deleted because the YouTube channels had published what it called "misinformation" about COVID-19 and vaccines.

Bloomberg.com: Facebook Removes Accounts Tied to German Anti-Lockdown Group (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-16/facebook-removes-accounts-tied-to-german-anti-lockdown-group)
September 16, 2021
dw.com: Facebook deletes accounts of German anti-lockdown group (https://www.dw.com/en/facebook-deletes-accounts-of-german-anti-lockdown-group/a-59206831)

news.gab.com: Germany Wants To Force Gab To Censor, It’s Not Happening (https://news.gab.com/2021/09/20/germany-wants-to-force-gab-to-censor-its-not-happening/)
By Andrew Torba September 20, 2021
Because of Gab’s unwillingness to participate in State-mandated censorship of free speech, the German government is now coming after our bootstrapped tech startup with heavy fines and other legal action.

1st October 2022, 10:07 AM
An end to non-Corporate/Communist German online politics could happen with German public servants censoring posts made by German public servants.

rmx.news: Germany using mass surveillance and censorship to crush political opposition (https://rmx.news/commentary/germany-using-mass-surveillance-and-censorship-to-crush-political-opposition/)
March 02, 2022
gettotext.com: The Office for the Protection of the Constitution spies on extremists with fake accounts (https://gettotext.com/the-office-for-the-protection-of-the-constitution-spies-on-extremists-with-fake-accounts/)

22 September 2022
In order to track down extremists on the Internet, the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution operates hundreds of fake accounts. Employees of the Federal Office and the state offices slip into false identities, put on wigs, feign normal life on Instagram with staged photos in order to be as credible as possible. They even commit crimes. The purpose: to gain the trust of extremists and enemies of the state in order to be admitted to their chat rooms and thus be able to observe what they are doing.

That this is happening is no secret, but to what extent it is. The authority does not confirm numbers. The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” recently spoke to such a virtual agent and reported on her (https://www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artikel/politik/verfassungsschutz-rechtsextreme-social-media-telegram-virtuelle-agenten-reichsbuerger-coronaleugner-rassismus-antisemitismus-verschwoerungsideologie-e222942/?reduced=true) everyday life. When asked, the domestic secret service confirmed the contents of the report, but at the same time emphasized that the interlocutor was an agent of one of the 16 German state offices for the protection of the constitution, not the federal office...

Social Democratic Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, when she presented the report for the protection of the Constitution in June. She had created a new observation category, the “constitutional delegitimization of the state”, which primarily included the activities of opponents of vaccination and corona measures skeptics. Faeser said it was right for the state to take a differentiated look at such a new scene and not clumsily assign it to an existing category such as right or left. But she didn’t seem to have any qualms about observing the “lateral thinkers” at all...

The “undercover employees” may collect information and collect data, and within certain limits also commit crimes, but there must be no “controlling influence”.
but there must be no “controlling influence”

That would compete with existing state control of corporate news and journalism.

rmx.news: German domestic intelligence is running hundreds of fake right-wing extremist social media accounts (https://rmx.news/germany/german-domestic-intelligence-agents-are-running-hundreds-of-fake-right-wing-extremist-social-media-accounts/)

September 20, 2022
Hundreds of the radical Nazis and right-wing extremists online are actually German domestic intelligence agents, and many of them may be responsible for “inciting hatred” and even violence. These agents, who once needed to drink and directly socialize with members of the extreme right to gain information on their targets, are now running right-wing extremist accounts online in Germany.

Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) argues that these accounts are needed to effectively monitor the extreme right, but critics say that they may also be promoting and actively encouraging radicalism, according to a report from German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

“This is the future of information gathering,” an unnamed head of a relevant state office told Süddeutsche Zeitung.

According to research by the newspaper, the authority has invested heavily in “virtual agents” since 2019, which it finances with taxpayers’ money. Both the federal office and the federal states employ spies, who besides right-wing extremists, are also tasked with keeping an eye on left-wing extremists, Islamists, and the “conspiracy-ideological” scene.

However, the activities of the BfV running hundreds of right-wing extremist accounts have come to light at the same time that Germany’s left-wing government has labeled right-wing extremism the biggest threat to the country, despite data showing that left-wing extremists and radical Islam pose bigger threats (https://rmx.news/article/german-left-wing-governments-crusade-against-the-right-complicated-by-data-showing-the-left-is-more-violent/). The country’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, has launched a 10-point plan (https://rmx.news/article/conservatives-beware-germanys-left-wing-interior-minister-has-10-point-plan-to-fight-right-wing-extremism/) to fight “right-wing extremism,” and much like the Biden administration in the United States, has turned the domestic security state against political opponents as well as labeling them terrorism threats and a danger to democracy. In Germany’s case, the opposition conservative Alternative for Germany party (AfD) is actively surveilled in certain federal states (https://rmx.news/article/germany-entire-afd-party-ruled-suspected-threat-to-democracy-opening-door-to-mass-surveillance-of-opposition-party/), with membership in the party the only prerequisite for agents being able to read emails and listen in on telephone calls of these private citizens.

With the BfV operating hundreds of right-wing extremist accounts, the agency argues that it is about “playing a little right-wing radical yourself” in order to gain the trust of other users. The employees of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are likely to conduct “propaganda” for this and sometimes also commit crimes such as “incitement to hatred.”

However, what exactly these extremist accounts are posting that involve “incitement to hatred” is unclear, as there is little to no public oversight regarding these activities.

“In order to be really credible, it is not enough to share or like what others say, you also have to make statements yourself. That means that the agents also bully and agitate,” says the report of an agent who claims to have joined the agency to “do something against right-wing extremists.” This involves actively encouraging people in their worldview, but she says it is her job to “feed” the scene.

In fact, there are now so many accounts operated by different German authorities that a nationwide agreement has become necessary. Otherwise, these different agents would be targeting each other with surveillance and monitoring.

Germany’s new government has taken an aggressive stance against anonymity on the web (https://rmx.news/article/censorship-regime-german-interior-ministers-call-for-end-of-anonymity-on-web-more-surveillance-and-new-laws-against-hate-speech/) and free speech, and has targeted apps like Telegram (https://rmx.news/article/germanys-liberal-establishment-wants-telegram-blocked-in-eu-despite-supporting-app-during-belarus-protests/), which is one of the few tech companies openly supporting free speech. Under a new regime, the German government is expected to open thousands of hate speech cases (https://rmx.news/commentary/germany-using-mass-surveillance-and-censorship-to-crush-political-opposition/) against the public every year.