View Full Version : HattyBov - Russian investigator of the universe

16th December 2015, 01:14 AM
I have just come across a discussion about this HattyBov character. Supposedly a Russian scientist. According to reports, a geologist working for some company or government branch in Russia. Not much is actually known about the guy (or girl) other than they produced a huge amount of work of which only bits and pieces can be found today out in the open. Apparently more stuff has emerged over time but there are parts missing or not released.

I actually remember looking at this guys material a couple of years back. It mioght have been posted on one if the GIM's which is why I post it here.

The guys work highlights a number of other ideas, concepts, beliefs, ancient stories, ancient history, biblical, science fiction ideas. All sorts of things are bundled up here.

The moon and its construction, its behaviour and it's influence on earth and earthlings. Trees, why herbs are best picked on a full moon (new agers do this as to witches) reason is the intensity is increased due to water flows into the plant beign hihger in full moon. Why trees are best felled on a waning moon because moisture content it lower. Why women ovulate during the stage of the moon they were born under -?? Really. By that I mean, an egg arrives.

Initially his work is scientific, building a sound mathematical base for earths measurements, orbits etc. Same for the moon, sun etc.

He raises the subject of the helix or spiral movement of the earth through space as it chases the sun. How the moon is at a point above our orbital plane, mainly because it too is chasing the sun while orbiting earth. So it is slightly ahead of earth in this race to the Sun.

A google translation of some of his foundation work. Hoping others will have seen this before.

A guy who is trying to compile what ever information he can about this person.

The translated link is from the Original Literature on line link on the blog.

A youtube readio show interviewing the above Blogger and also Crrow777 who films the Luna waves.


It gets a bit silly in a few places when they talk about these spider people. Not sure if that is what the Russian scientist guy thought or if that is just some stuff other people threw out to pin on the Russian guy. Not clear. But is not a serious detriment to the discussion. It is mentioned in passing.

Talk about the Argons and how they may have been real. Talk about the giants and other races gone now, who may have been wiped out when who ever set up earth/moon system decided the experiment was not working.

They talk about these multi armed humanoids who may have been a domninat species. It brings to mind the image of Shiva, the multi armed great destroyer. Perhaps this is what is mean by spider people. Not actual arachnids but people with multiple arms. I think Shiva has 6 arms. Meh. A lot of people think arachnids are insects.

Chemtrailing as Geoengineering which may be part of the conversion of the planet for a new or different main species.

interesting stuff. Not so much the interview. It is interesting for curiosity but the main thing is this guys material.

Earths gravitational centre should not be in its centre, because the earth is chasing the sun, the gravitational centre should be further back in the sphere than the centre. Same for the moon. I think that is interesting/important but not sure why just yet.

Anyone else come across this particular stuff before?

16th December 2015, 06:56 PM
I spent a bit of time reading the translated document of this guys work. There isn't much to go on and looks bits and pieces here and there. Much appears missing.

I'm interested due to the mention of harmonics and the mathematics of the orbits, planetary masses etc. I think I would need to get a few visual aids so that I can get miy head around the orbit of earth, moon sun etc.

If what the blogger is posting by way of commentary, by themselves and others is what this guy wrote then it decends into the realm of bat shit crazy.

So difficult to know given it's being translated by others. I'm still intrigued by the harmonics aspect. Not so much by spider hybrid brain genetic blending or what ever the heck it is they are talking about.

26th April 2016, 11:06 PM
Ok, time for some more BSC from the internet.

In the Luna Wave thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?85294-Lunar-Wave-(Hologram-)-Events&highlight=luna+wave) I mentioned a striking interview Crros777 did with someone who is looking into the Hattybov material. It's makes for strange reading but interesting none the less.

Here is the 1st hour of their discussion. 2nd hour is pay for. I'm not a subscriber.


The persons Blog is here: http://sagesigmaunbound.com/

In the next 2 posts I'll post a point form summary of the material this person has posted on their blog and some comments of my own.

26th April 2016, 11:07 PM
I've done my best to summarise in point form the notes and articles prepared by this person, who has been attempting to interpret the available Hattybov material from Russian. He does not present a direct translation, rather a summary and interpretation. He does this over what I think is about a dozen blog posts so far. I'm attempting to put all of that in to point form for brevity. If any one has further interest they can browse his material (http://sagesigmaunbound.com/).

The Sol system - the one we are in.
Sol was not originally part of this system but everyone knows what Sol-ar system is so I'll use it.
This system has chaged significantly since 16,000+ BC
Originally Saturn was the primary Sun
There were 3 additional Planets
1 called Patheon and 2 other unknown or forgotten planets.
There was no Earth moon and none or very few other planetary satellites
173 moons currently exist in the Sol system
Most have a syncrhonous orbit with their planet like our moon Lunar does.
Some moons are very small. Just miles in diameter like around Mars.
That means they rotate and orbit in such a fashion that the same side is always facing it's planet.
Most or all planets in Sol system had life including human
At the 16000+ BC time several/many bodies entered in the Sol system
One of those bodies was Sol.
Patheon was a planet that was destroyed by collision with these bodies.
Patheon is now the asteroid belt in the Sol system
All life on all other planets in Sol System were destroyed
These new bodies came from Megrav system
They bought life forms described as arachnid

Octaves - Frequencies (I also read this as Harmonics - see here)
There are 8 key Octaves.
The confluence of Octaves generates matter or the perception of matter.
Creatures or life forms operate on specific Octaves
Creatures or life forms cannot detect all Octaves
Creatures or life forms are usually limited to their own Octaves but not always firm rule.

Humans operate within the 50Khz octave - I can't recall exact number. Maybe 51.5. Check.
Arachnids in the 31Khz. Again maybe 31.5Khz.
Arachnids are looking to hybridise into human
Human is described as a meat shirt
- I take this as a translation from Russian.
- Common venacular we use might be: Meat puppet. Meat Popsicle. Meat sack. Meat Cloak.
Arachnids either have enternal life or a seeking it.
Humans do not which means Hybridisation is not achieving goals

A new hybrid human variation was developed using new variation in frequency.
Again different genotypes occur each time within each trial.
The idea is that variations in genotypes is a variation in frequency
Different frequencies results in different levels of autonomy
This provides several tiers of human hybrid with different capablilities
Capabilities like thought, problem solving, technical manipulation.
Some are super capable - elite
Some are very capable - technician, maker, controller, organizer, motivator (my labels applied here)
Some are not very capable - do-er, mover, cleaner, assembler
Some are barely capable - gardener, waste collector, laborer, drone.
Genotypes are scaled from 100+, 100, down to 2 at the lowest level.
The Genotype is also like a program. You are one of the above and you are running that program

To enhance progress - I'm supposing
Re-incarnation is possible but conditional on adherence to your genotype program
Humans that deviate and do not re-align on reset do not re-incarnate
Re-incarnation is itterative process.
On death human program (lets say soul) is collected to Luna
From luna it recieves adaptive program adjustments and is re-incarnated to a new meat shirt on earth
Re-incarnation occours into the next itteration of the Genotype design.
The Genotype is what is being evolved to what the Arachnids require.
Genotype program is adjusted every sleep period.
Program is downloaded, reviewed and adjusted before reload for next wake period
Knowledge, advancement in skills is provided by Karma. - I'd suggest lable De Ja Vu as well.
Those human units that do not re-align with the program are terminated - destructve behaviours, drug and disease until termination. Deviation.
In the year 2006 imortality was achieved in the human hybrid elite genotype.
Re-incarnation of human hybrid has been ceased
Hatybov goes into some detail of the hierarchy of the Human Hybrid
He presents a pyramid showing the stratas
Elite Million - at the top
Golden Billion - The very capable. Those that rate 100% alignment with the program
Other stratas based on the descriptors in the above Genotypes section down to the base #2 genotype - no think worker drones.

26th April 2016, 11:09 PM
Earth Evolution
The earth was much smaller in diameter in the begining.
Since 16000+ BC many attemtps made to develop suitable hybridisation
Humans modified and grouped so different genotypes operate in slightly different Octaves (frequencies)
Trial and error
At each trial and error the test beings were exterminated.
The surface of the earth was built up by many thousands of meters each time.
- like concreting over the mistakes.
In early stages an energy grid was installed around the planet.
It now lies thousands of meters below current surface
- See my thread on harmonics (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65285-Harmonics-animal-magnetism-and-messmerism&highlight=harmonics) and this image of antenna taken on sea bed (http://media.treehugger.com/assets/images/2011/10/eltanin-antenna.jpg) thousands of meters below sea level, beyond mans ability to install.

Many pyramid installations exist around the globe
Obvious ones are well known
Some less obvious ones exist
In some cases they appear to be just Mountains. There maybe something deeper down which was covered over during earlier hybrid human erradication.
- I google mapped a few of the suggested locations and I think there some interesting aspects to these sites.
- This material was written some time ago, the author died in 2011. It would be interesting to know if they looked at these locations and chose them because of the deatured or if these interesting

aspects do hint to something else. I'll expand on a couple sites and why I think they are interesting.
The pyradmids transmit the program control commands to specific areas of the Earth.
- In many cases the area they influence is around them. In other cases they are influencing areas some distance away.
The control commands are things like:
- adjustment in the frequency driving, guiding, controlling the human hybrid.
- commands to the nature for triggering a new stage in the program - spring is the re-start of the program

Verrnal Equinox - Spring Equinox
This event sees the reset/restart of the program for the comming cycle.
The Earth is reset. Commands are issued for the new growth - animal and vegetable.
The commands are received from the Lunar moon
The lunar moon forms part of a larger communications and data storage system.
The other moon bodies in the Sol system perform various functions includeing
- data storage of past cycles
- the program and it's iterations, adjustments to the program etc
- the transmission of the program and of the adjustments to the program
- receipt and storage of the human hybrid (soul) and it's re-incarnation

Interstella Communication Window - Vernal Equinox
Hatybov claims that a 3 month(?) window opens on the Vernal Equinox
This enables communication with home system
Communication utilises the 8 Octaves
The comminication system appears to be described as a kind of 3D arangement of the 8 Octaves
Using this method significant information can be transmitted within realtively small message segments
- I'd call those packets perhaps in keeping with Computer Network communication methods. Which use 8bits BTW.

Luna Wave - Vernal Equinox
This is "kind of" mentioned in the material
It is described as the Reset signal for the program.
To date the Luna Wave has only been detected on the major Equinoxes. AFAIK
There is a Northern hemisphere one at the time of Easter
There is a Southern Hemispehere one in the last quarter of the calendar year but is considered less important
The Luna Wave event consists of 2 waves in close proximity, perhaps 1 second apart.
During this time, adjustments in orbital postion of the Lunar body and of the celestial bodies occours.
- It sounds like an adustment in the matrix occours.
- The Glitch as described in the movie of that name.

The Black Cube - Octaves - Harmonics.
There are 8 Octaves
The frequencies of these octaves manifest the universe that we percieve
From the microverse to the macroverse
There are 8 points of a Cube
An octave is transmitted inward from each of the 8 points
The universe is coalesced from the confluence of the octaves.
The octaves mingle, mix, interact, harmonize, interfere
The result is the universe and us in it.
The Octaves, the Universe and everything in it is not a creation of the Arachnid
There are other entities within this Universe and again, no indication that they created it.
This could be what the black cube is that is worshipped by several religions.

Gnostic Material
The person who has been trying to translate the Russian material has had suggestions that some of the material mirrors gnostic teachings
I don't know much about gnostic teachings but a few things stood out to me.
The interpreter started looking at some gnostic material and sees the correlations.
Hindu also mirrors some aspects of the gnostic material. May be a chicken or egg question.
The earth is flat
The earth has a dome over it
The dome is some times called a firmament
The earthy is supported by either 3, 7 or 1 pillar depending on gnostic, hindu or greek mythology
3 pillars are ?? (I don't remember, an animal of some sort)
7 pillars are elephants
1 pillar is Atlas
The earth rumbles are the movements of the pillars
Under the pillars maybe another entity, Hindu describes as a Turtle or Tortoise. Not sure.
The gnostic/Hindu material is interesting. I will refer to a strange source but please bear with me.
I find a lot of popular programming contains what is on the face of it, weird ideas.
Then I read about this kind of material and I know where the idea comes from.
A TV cartoon series - accepting that cartoons are not only for children. It's a programme.
The cartoon series is called Futurama. It has contained some very interesting material in it's time.
There was a show about the robot being a god, flating in space with two cultures growing up on either side.
One culture had a spokesman called Malachi. You would need to know the bible to know the reference.
There have also been episodes on reincarnation and satanic rituals - summonsings etc.
There was a 3 part series of episodes revolving around "The Dark One"
In the final episode there was revealed a Encyclopod.
This was a sting ray type creature that carried a domed habitat on it's back.
It looks remarkably like the Gnostic and Hindu description of this thing that carries the Earth, domed with a firmament and held up but 3, 7 or 1 pillars.
No pillars are apparent with the Encyclopod. It collects and contains all known life form genetics
Curious place to find such a reference but as noted shows like this have a lot of those references in them.

Some Notes from Me
The translator says that some of the material appears to have been tampered with or added to
It changes in tone or cadence and may be done to induce ridicule etc. The material is pretty weird already though.
I think Saturn is the source of the all seeing eye symbology. Its shape would look like an eye, gazing down on Earth.
It is clear some legend has it that Earth was bound more closely to Saturn in times past
Mythology holds that Satan resides on Saturn.
Hatybov goes into a lot of detail on the Octaves and frequencies
Arachnids operate on a lower octave (frequency)
Below our natural perception. We cannot detect them.
The movie "They Live" anyone?
They are working to move up in the Octave (frequency) range
Different celestial bodies - galaxies etc operate on different octaves (frequencies)
Hatybov uses Khz but doesn't denote Khz on every notation of freqency.
Bruce Cathi and others work on Hz. Decimal points come into play here.
Hatybov states that Rainbows are a visual indicator of emissions from the energy Grid
The distance between the ends of the rainbow arch is 7.5kms
The ends, bases or touch down points of the rainbow most likely location of energy grid emitter or grid intersection point.
A pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?
There are some pictures of some interesting metal orbs that have rod or some such running through the centre of them.
The metal orbs appear to be woven metal, type of metal I don't know.
The Rod appears to the the mounting point.
The orb would be able to rotate on this rod or the rod turns rotating the orb.
Suggestion is the orb is an energy emitter, possibly a solar emitter or what we see as a star
Recall the Studio light that fell from the sky in the Truman show.
I have read a sci fi novel that occurs in post appocalyse
It revolves around a non descript box that can create an impenetrable sphere
I think the spheres were projected outward from the box in this story
The spheres were all encompassing, through air and earth
The spheres were projected over troublesome peoples to enclose them
Time within the sphere passed at a miniscule fraction of the rate outside the sphere. Almost frozen time.
The spheres decayed over time until they collapsed or disolved or disappeared.
The size of the sphere affected the duration of the decay. Bigger took longer.
Decay time was measured in aeons or multiples of aeons for big spheres.