View Full Version : German Researcher Links AI, Geoengineering, Smart Dust & Morgellons to ET’s

17th December 2015, 03:02 AM
yes, it is an invasion by another kind... the evidence that man can alter nature profoundly since he has dominion over her. The idea that humans themselves have been engineered definitely has leg since our nefarious scientists now do exactly the same by rewriting the genetic code in so many fashions. Maybe there is a reason why autism is skyrocketing since autistic have different mental capacities which seem to match with hyper-rational AI.

This scientist rocks, IMHO, connecting ALL dots is vital at this stage... not diverting attention, trust me. First time I hear of him but this weekend I am going to watch as many videos of his as possible. He exposes transhumanism for what it truly is... a non terrestrial invasion that wants to kick out the soul out of the human body. A metaphysical (demonic or archonic) invasion

This vid below is a must listen


Researcher Links AI, Geoengineering, Smart Dust & Morgellons to ET’s
17th December 2015

‘German researcher Harald Kautz-Vella is one of those rare beings who can weave together both the spiritual-metaphysical and the scientific. He started to look at the topics of AI, chemtrails, Morgellons, Smart Dust, and nano-technologies while looking at environmental protection analysis and, “came across a number of substances that shouldn’t have been in nature because they are 100% artificial, and they are high-tech, and there is no other reason to have them in the environment apart from intent — and not the best one, let’s put it this way.”’

Off-Planet AI

The unknowns involved in artificial intelligence loom over humanity. Harald Kautz-Vella says, “Most of the people in the world are wrong when they think that AI is something that we [meaning humans on earth] have developed. True to some extent. But there is a second type of AI that is much older and not of terrestrial origin that we are facing. Hard to prove, but it’s looks like the AI we are working on is seeded by these original extraterrestrial AI.”

This astonishing and mind-blowing recent body of knowledge from Harald Kautz-Vella encompasses the chemical composition of chemtrails, demonic foundations, Morgellons disease, and sentient oil, otherwise known as ‘black goo.’ These are topics that are indeed frightening, however, he also has an experiential understanding of higher metaphysics, the cycles of time, and an obvious connection with Creation.

Smart Dust: Self-Assembling Within the Human Body

Harald Kautz-Vella describes Morgellon’s as fungi that are “able to assimilate higher DNA, multiply it and build up a DNA cluster that creates a morphogenic field…The fungus is using a multilayered hexagonal structure to protect and cover the spore. These hexagons…are part of synthetic biology research, called self-assembling large area photonic plasmonic crystals. …within the human body are hollow fibers that accumulate nanodyes within the fiber and those hexagonal self-assembling large area photonic-plasmonic crystals…both are self-assembling nano-bots. They [the intelligence community] spray them in components, separated into bioform and nano-dye, call this mixture smart-dust, and expect the smart dust to bio-accumulate and self-assemble itself into working units in the body.”

I know this is not easy to grasp at first. I have to read it over and over. To continue, “the fibers and crystals form a read/write unit. The fibers collect DNA light communication, i.e. the bi-directional single photon emissions interchanged by any DNA cluster, and turn it into radio signals.” I feel that Harald Kautz-Vella is describing the nightmare scenario of AI science implementing a ‘mechanical’ black-magic technology, meaning melding the darkside occult that exists in the astral planes into a technology that utilizes, assimilates and lives within our human body: AI as a high-tech parasite and the ultimate solidification of black magic into matter.

Harald Kautz-Vella says that by extracting light from our DNA, Morgellon’s lowers the scalar potential of the DNA. In my words, this off-planet AI is intended to rob us of our God-given ability to access higher consciousness in the realms that are now invisible to the five senses, and to prevent our return home and enlightenment.

“They are flattening us down, lowering ‘our vibration’, extracting energy. Sucking out what one could call the life force. …This could be one aspect of the aluminum-connection to Alzheimer and dementia. …This is far beyond any known concept of mind control.”

But as he also says, this form of energy extraction is very much in line with the ancient traditions of the Archons, black magic, and mind parasites. Is this what Ray Kurzweil had in mind when he predicted that by 2099............

Humility is Our Greatest Sword

If the story from Harald Kautz-Vella was only one of fear, I would not write about it — but along with the science, he also understands that we are now entering the final stages of this cycle of time, the Kali Yuga. He notes that as beings involve in a spiritual war we each have the responsibility of rescuing ourselves


OffPlanet TV Harald Kautz Vella Silent Assimilation A I Black Goo, Control of the Human System


17th December 2015, 06:04 AM
Another megalomaniac lunatic fringe bullshit artist extraordinaire.

17th December 2015, 04:11 PM
Another megalomaniac lunatic fringe bullshit artist extraordinaire.

neuro, you have no idea about what transhumanism is really up to, because if you did, it would make a lot more sense to you... go, spend 2 or 3 years investigating it seriously, then you will ask yourself "who" is the real lunatic fringe: this german scientist or kurzweil, DARPA and co?

this is scifi out there. but not a good one.

at least, the gnostics, 2000 years ago, warned us about them.

removing video for now as I am listening

mick silver
17th December 2015, 04:18 PM
if for a second I thought any of this was true I would hide in a cave and never come out

17th December 2015, 10:01 PM
neuro, you have no idea about what transhumanism is really up to, because if you did, it would make a lot more sense to you... go, spend 2 or 3 years investigating it seriously, then you will ask yourself "who" is the real lunatic fringe: this german scientist or kurzweil, DARPA and co?

this is scifi out there. but not a good one.

at least, the gnostics, 2000 years ago, warned us about them.

removing video for now as I am listening
He is not a scientist. He hasn't done anything for science. Mental masturbation with lunatic fringe theories is not science, even if you prefer to present it as such.

18th December 2015, 12:06 AM
if for a second I thought any of this was true I would hide in a cave and never come outTrue, suicide would be a good idea too, because if it is true we don't have any chance. Fortunately it isn't true!

18th December 2015, 02:27 AM
you said this because you NEVER investigated transhumanism... you are not aware of its metaphysical dimension. again, go, spend 2 or 3 years investigating it seriously, then you will ask yourself "who" are the real lunatics: this german scientist or kurzweil, DARPA and co?

(indeed go hide in a cave, Mick)
you do not know that mind uploading into mega computers will remove the soul from the body, the final destination of transhumanism, that is why this mean is parasitic, because to get there one needs a body first... so who where is the fringe now?

unbelievable yes but so, when one is aware of the gnostic cosmology and metaphysical interpretation (listen to John Lash) and the real agenda of AI, the connection becomes crystal clear, all dots are connected. Belief is supported by HARD evidence. Forget about terminating AI/transhumanism if this is not grasped.

What do you make of big pharma altering our DNA on a daily basis? yes it causes illness and death, but some will successfully mutate into god knows which creatures/monsters/slaves they want us to become. Yet you call them "scientists" and attack this german who can see the big picture, unlike you.

John Lash The Archon Solution


You cannot debate it because you choose to ignore the data out there. You cannot see beyond your narrow darwinism...but good thats the programming for humanity and hundreds of millions will die as a result.

20 years ago, I thought transhumanism was brilliant, and I made a complete Uturn 6 or so years ago as I began to probe the meaning of power and ultimately its parasitic very ancient and metaphysical origins. That is the end of the rabbit hole, the only conclusion out there, which took me 5 years of investigation.

Additionally all religions warn about this evil that could lead to some Judgment Day, but since they tend to remain very vague or use allegories most people cannot really understand, they have just done "nothing" to address it. Transhumanism is RIGHT in our faces as a result now.

Max Igan in conversation with John Lash

He is not a scientist. He hasn't done anything for science. Mental masturbation with lunatic fringe theories is not science, even if you prefer to present it as such.

18th December 2015, 04:02 AM
You cannot debate it because you choose to ignore the data out there.
There is no data to debate, you only post videos of madmen spouting insane theories. Where is the data? Post it and I will debate it. Put up or shut up!

18th December 2015, 04:22 AM
transhumanism is the HARD evidence, deal with it. stretch it if you want to SAVE your skin and prevent them from funding AI.

everything is energy, thus mental and metaphysical. Psychic parasites (satanism) exist therefore.

gnostics warned about jews/hebrews archonic infection, but it goes back to abraham... so we have a "monster" issue here. @30mins more or less. Gnotiscism is a pre-christian teaching and one has to wonder why the early rome-vatican declared it an heresy and hunted gnostics down.


mick silver
18th December 2015, 04:30 AM
more harm being done here then anywere . if you want to fight something start here we know this to be true

18th December 2015, 04:48 AM
more harm being done here then anywere . if you want to fight something start here we know this to be true

one cannot fight a problem without understanding the agenda at its core... You only can efficiently stop something when looking into both ends, the means and the end result magnified by transhumanism.

AI is only 10 years ahead... tick, tick, tick

18th December 2015, 09:55 AM
What do you make of big pharma altering our DNA on a daily basis? yes it causes illness and death, but some will successfully mutate into god knows which creatures/monsters/slaves they want us to become. Yet you call them "scientists" and attack this german who can see the big picture, unlike you.
What the fuck! When the hell have I ever supported the so called scientists of big pharma? You are clearly deranged Goldie, possibly more deranged than this German madman!

18th December 2015, 10:13 AM
Wow, the guy in the OP looks like he's been tripping some mad balls. I bet that's where he comes up with these theories, while he's tripping on 10 hits of acid.

18th December 2015, 11:28 AM
John Lash sure offers some truly brilliant and challenging ideas.